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Lucky you getting the rain, we have not had any. Friday night we went dancing and looked out the window to see rain on the cars, but that was it, not even enough to measure. Your grass should start to green up a little with the rain, ours still looks like straw except for the weeds which are dark green and growing tall. I will have to mow them pretty soon because they look so bad. I have not had any luck with the chipmunks, they are all still here. They don't seem to mind the water baths I am giving them with the hose, in fact I think they like it! I have a trap and will try to start catching them. They are now eating my green tomatoes off the vines, grrrrrrrr!


We took our lawn chairs and went to Lake Lawn resort yesterday around 6pm, they had burgers and brats outside that we ate for dinner, and they had 2 bands, one on each end of the resort. We found a really nice spot to set our chairs and watch the fireworks that were shot off across the lake at the Delavan Community park. It was a beautiful evening to sit outside, the lake fills up with boats, neat to see all the sparkeling lights from them in the water.


Today we will go swimming later after some of the people have left for the day. I saw on Groupon they sold 800 nights to the resort that have to be used by Sept something. They were going for $109, normally $184 a night with a $25 food credit. The new management is really trying to make a go of the resort and seems to be having great luck.


We have 2 other couples that we always dance with and both of the guys are having trouble with their knees. One has a torn miniscus and the other just went to the Dr. on Friday, haven't heard what his diagnosis is. Neither one can dance, at least not very much. I still have the bursitus pain in my hip, the first couple steps are painful but after I walk a bit it is ok. I know I am supposed to rest it, but am too busy doing things.


We have another bright sunny hot day with no rain in sight, it always goes north or south of us it seems.


Enjoy your visit with your aunt, what is Bill going to Las Vegas for? Better try to hang on to that second place you are in!

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Sharon, Bill is leaving Sunday for LAS. He is going for certification for coaching. It is USATF Level 2 certification, and that means he can coach at the collegiate level if he chooses. I lost you, what second place are you talking about?


Well it got real dark here yesterday afternoon and the skies opened up and we got more rain and high winds. I think they said we are expecting more sometime today. Sunny right now. Fortunately the rain stopped and the sun came out yesterday and all of the kids were able to go outside. Everyone had a nice visit with my Aunt. She will go beck later on this morning.


We see more and more people shooting off fireworks. Most will go off on Wednesday. Well since you have that gun, why not just shoot the little pests? Another hot week ahead. A nice break with being off on hump day. The roads will be loaded with travelers coming back from Wisconsin and Indiana.




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The second place I mentioned was about your bocce games, you had said you lost your first place status.


We sure could use some of the rain you have been getting, but glad we did not get those high winds that were shown on tv last night.


Bills son should be coming down from upper WI on Wed or Thurs don't know how much we will see of him, but will probably go out to the mexican restaurant one night with him.


I am going to try and cut some weeds today, meant to get our early, but fooled around too long. They are the only thing growing now. I have watered my tomato and pepper plants and some of the flowers, but a nice all day or night rain would do wonders for them.


Do you only have Wed off for the holiday, I know with it being in the middle of the week it makes it hard for people to get off. I used to add a couple of days of vacation and make it a nice long break.


Is the certification for coaching Bill is getting in regards to the running and marathons? Probably just as hot out there as here.

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Sharon, yes it is for the running endurance part of it. Except now he will be eligible to coach at the collegiate level if he chooses. We are starting to play like other years. We hope to get back to first place but hopefully not fall any further. We have no game this week because of the holiday. Next week I will go over there by myself.


I fear that with the dryness that with all of these fireworks, something may catch on fire. We are planning to water our roof on Wednesday just before dark. I only have the one day off and we are not planning anything. It is just going to be too hot. It will probable be hotter in LAS but he does not have to go outside at all.


I am feeling kind of rundown today. I have no energy at all. Yes, the weeds are growing faster than anything else, doesn't matter they are green and growing. Well it sounds like you have it all planned out if Bill's son gets in to visit.


Stay cool,




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Sharon, another blast furnace today. It will be a good day to stay inside where it is cool. A great day to go to the resort to swim. I don't know about your area, but there are places that have rescheduled fireworks to another month where it may have more moisture. Some places will have theirs tonight and the rest who still have them will have them on Wednesday. Both days are going to be hot and steamy.


How about all of those poor folks that still do not have power.


Stay cool,




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Went to my zumba tone class this morning and there were actually a (very) few rain drops that fell before it moved on, I'd say about 20 or so, ha ha. Then I went swimming at the resort, only a few older people there, I didn't do laps as I had had a pretty good workout already, just floated around on my noodle.


Got word that Bill's son is coming today, not sure what his plans are, everyone is busy working. Maybe he'll go over to the resort this afternoon. The gal from line dancing called me and said no class tonight, too many weren't able to make it so we will just wait until next week.


I got the yard all cut, really only the weeds that were growing and it looks better now. I had chipmunks running all over the place, my mower wasn't fast enough to catch them or I would have run over them!!


Quite a few places up here have cancelled their fireworks also, seems only the ones over the lakes are still on. This year the resort is having a big picnic and games, etc for the 4th. They don't do the fireworks but the place across the lake does so you can see them. This new mgmnt company at the resort is really into promoting and to look at the parking lot you know it sure is working.

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Sharon, our pool is closed today, otherwise I would have gone there swimming. I may go to my daughter's house as they have a pool in their yard. However it is just so hot out that it is difficult to breath. Yes, the one's around here that are doing the fireworks are over a lake. But then you have all of the goofballs that are shooting them all over the place and those are the one's that I really worry about.


It sounds like the resort is really doing a good job in keeping everyone involved and active. What are you going to do with Bill's son? How long is he in for? This intense heat will be around for awhile. When it gets so hot like this you never know when a thunder storm will just pop up. We sure need something. Hopefully not so severe that it will knock everything out.


I agree with you and the weeds. Why are they are growing so wild and everything else is not. We have weeds everywhere. Have a safe day today.




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We went to 2 parades yesterday, one in the morning at Sharon, WI and the second one in the afternoon in Delavan, WI. The first one was mostly all tractors, every kind, color, year and shape you could image, after about 80 or so you got kind of tired seeing tractors! The other one had lots of varied entrants so it was a better parade. I agree it is so hot you can hardly breathe, must be the humidity associated with it.


We went over to the resort after the second parade and looked around, they had 2 buffets outside but we decided to get a bite inside the restaurant where it was cooler. I texted Bill's daughter and asked if she had heard anything from Bills son and in a few minutes, he called me back and said they were at the pool at the resort. We told him we were in the restaurant, so they got dressed and came up. He asked us if we wanted to go to dinner with him tonight, so I guess thats what we will do. The resort was the only place having fireworks but they wouldn't start until dark so we just skipped them and came home. We had already seen the one fireworks display last weekend.


I did zumba today, then went swimming. There were 2 young boys, probably around 13 and 11 and there mother, who was on the phone the whole time. They got towels dipped them in the pool and took them back into either the sauna or steam room, they did this several times, mother never saw them do it. Then they came and stood at the edge of the pool and spit in it. Of course mother never saw that either. Right about that time I decided I'd had enough and got out and left.


Going to stay in the house until time for dinner, wherever we go it will be air conditioned so that will be good.


Did you go in the pool at your daughters yesterday? Looks like we have one more day of this extreme heat, says its 102 today.

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Sharon, you went to a town named after you. ha,ha. It was so hot here yesterday we just stayed inside and stayed cool. I did not think it was a good idea to be outside in the sun and the extreme heat. There were fireworks all around us, not too bad. Since Indiana is just across the street and it is legal to shoot off fireworks there, we saw more from that state than ours.


Bill comes home lived telling stories what went on in the pool. People with kids often just let them run wild and they are totally disconnected. God forbid that you say anything to them because they will jump all over you. Adults can be off the wall as well. You are supposed to shower and some do not. Some people think that just because they are paying for a membership that they can do whatever they want.


The jerk has been driving me crazy with making reservation for flights and rent a car and then changing them. Like I got nothing better to do than baby suit for him. His girlfriend does nothing for him at all except spend all of his money.


Staying in today is good and eating out tonight will be cool inside. Enjoy and have a good visit.




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Very hot again today, ugh! Tomorrow is supposed to be better, I thought today was Sat this morning, wondered why Bill was going to work! ha ha


We ate at the Mexican restaurant, they have really good food. I guess everyone had the same idea though because there was a waiting line to get into the place. We had 9 people so it took a while to get seated.


Tonight we are all going for fish, probably be the same ones come tonight. Bills daughter has a boat so his son went waterskiing with his her and her daughter. They said the water was really warm in the lake.


Did you check your computer to make sure it doesn't have that virus? I checked this new one, it didn't have it, but I bet the old one does. I'm not going to connect it to the internet so I don't think I'll go to all the trouble of hooking it back up to check it.


One of the gals from Zumba called and invited me over on Monday to her house. She has a pool, might know it will cool off, but I think it will still be warm enough.


About the resort pool, it realllllly bothers me when people come in and just get in the pool instead of showering first. You know they are all hot and sweaty, yuk. Some people just drop their kids off and go somewhere else, so they get no supervision at all. You are right though, you can't hardly say anything or they get all defensive. I didn't go to the pool today, just figured it would be packed. There is some music thing up at Alpine Valley this weekend and a lot of people are staying at the resort.

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Sharon, I can remember once we were at a hotel and the sign clearly said no one under 12 in the hot tub. Well we got there and there were little kids running around and jumping into the hot tub and the adults were drinking at a table not paying any attention to them at all. So Bill spoke up and said something to the Dad and he came back to Bill with a real sarcastic reply. So we just left as it was not worth getting into an argument. People just let the kids do whatever they want. Don't forget the adults that do not shower.


Yes, it should start cooling off now. I think most people would eat out in this weather so they do not have to cook. I am planning my week for next week so I have someone to go out with each and every day. On Friday I have all the girls over at my place for bunco. So that will work out great as Bill will not have to leave the house as he will be in LAS.


Enjoy eating out tonight and staying cool. Where you in the twilight zone today thinking it was Saturday. ha,ha




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Sharon, I thought it was supposed to be cooler today. But it is still very hot and humid outside.


How was your evening out last night? Anything else planned for the weekend?




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Yes it is 101 here now and I imagine it will get a little hotter as the day goes on. We had a nice dinner last night with Bills son and 2 of his older granddaughters and we also took Amanda, the 8 year old that has now started talking to us. She really has no social skills at all since she doesn't go to school or isn't around other people all that much. She acts like she is around 5 years old. The one oldest granddaughter works with autistic kids and finally got her to talk to her and play tic tac toe with her. Their mother couldn't come as Bills sister had called her to take her to the emergency room. She had tried to call Bill but he had already left for home. They gave her 2 bags of that fluid and did many tests but decided she was just too hot and dehydrated. She did this a couple of weeks ago so you would have thought she would have made sure she drank enough fluids. She also has an air conditioner in her window so not sure why she was so hot.


Tomorrow we are taking Amanda with swimming, so we'll see how that goes. We heard they had closed the outdoor pool on Friday afternoon, because of chemical imbalances. I think they just had too many hot sweaty people in there and they contaminated it! Hopefully they have it back open so they are not in the indoor pool tomorrow, where we will be.


I'm not cooking either in this weather, I could, the house is nice and cool, but we are just going out and eating. Don't know what the plans are for tonight yet,


Good for you lining up friends to have dinner with while Bill is gone!

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Sharon, I thought you had said that this girl just started talking to you like she has been doing it for a long time? Hopefully you will be able to bond with her now. Taking her to the pool should help to develop her as well. It is so sad that they are treating her that way. The mother sounds like a lost cause.


I know in this weather you really have to stay hydrated. I am sure many people are going to the ER for the same condition. I have a friend that lost her husband a year ago and she offered for me to come to stay with her one night if I was uncomfortable. I also offered for her to come over and use the tot tub one night. She has lost her husband for good, I am only loosing mine for one week. I started thinking how rough she has had it.


I was not prepared for this heat today. I thought they said yesterday that it was cooling off today. Certainly not the case at all. I am driving Bill to the airport tomorrow and picking him up the following Sunday. I am not used going to O'Hare. But that is the only place United flies out of. His friend who lives in LAS called yesterday telling him he will not be able to pick him up as he is going out of town for a few days. So Bill will have to take a cab now. UNLV is only 2.5 miles form the airport, so that is not too bad. Since everything is on the campus Bill decided it would be best to just stay in the dorm. The price he paid is for 3 meals a day and the room, a private room. Otherwise he would have had to share a room with someone else.


It all finishes on Next Saturday afternoon and then he will stay at a hotel for Saturday night and return home next Sunday afternoon. He goes each day starting at 7:30 running until 9:30 in the evening. Only stopping for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They are even starting tomorrow night with a session running from 6:30 until 9. Not much time to do anything else.


I can assure you based on what you have said about hygiene in the pool that you are right about the levels getting out of control. Factor in the high temps and kids are most likely going in the pool instead of the washroom, that these are major factors. Hopefully all will be back to having it opened so they can stay outside and not crowd the inside pool.


Well whatever you decide to eat out tonight enjoy and stay cool. We are going out tonight as well later on.




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We did not get to take Amanda to the pool with us yesterday, her dad called and said she was sick. We went anyway and there were too many kids in the pool to enjoy it very much. One of them had a noodle that he kept banging on top of the water, it made a terrible loud noise, which is why he liked doing it I guess. His father was in the pool also and never told him to stop it. Then they were out of towels so I waited until we were ready to get out and I called the front desk. In a few minutes a guy came in and brought a stack of towels. I got out of the pool and a little girls around 10 almost raced me to the towels. I got one for each of us and she grabbed 4 of them. From now on we will take our own towels and let the rest of them, whoever is in the pool worry about a towels. Before we went to the pool there was a couple singing in the park called KC and the Ranger. They sang all really old cowboy and country songs. They also told about the history of the songs and the year when they came out. For instance they sang a song from one of Roy Rodgers films, and a couple from Patsy Montana. They did a lot of yodeling with them which I think is really neat, you never hear that anymore.


Going to a gals house I met a zumba. She has been going as long as I have. Its supposed to be a pool party with one other gal going also, but right now its kinda cool outside. I'm sure it will warm up though.


Bill had one of his renters shoot and kill himself on Friday night, not at the apartment he rents from him though. He was only 26 yrs old, but found out his girlfriend was cheating on him. Too bad he didn't talk to someone and get some help.


Ok, have a nice day,

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Sharon, funny last week we were complaining about how hot is was and look at now. What a difference a week makes. Bill said it is 110 in LAS.


I went to my daughter's house yesterday afternoon and visited and went into their pool. Bill drove too the airport yesterday morning and we brought the GPS with us and I used that to get back home after I dropped him off.


When in crowds like in the pool people are so inconsiderate of others. The outside pool must have been closed, is that why the inside pool was so crowded? Such a sad story about Bill's renter shooting himself. Such a waist. Like you said, if only someone was around to talk to him.


I was hearing all kind of sounds last night. I am not used to being at home all alone. I am such a baby. Well have fun today at your friends house swimming this afternoon.




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Had a good time at zumba friends house Monday, got lost 2 times only because she forgot one stoplight and then told me she was 2 house from the end, but didn't say which end of the street. I was very surprised she had a really small house. She always goes on vacations and has a new car she said she paid cash for, so I was thinking she would have a nice house. The house is nice but very very small. She made chicken enchillades, spanish rice, and beans. For dessert was a huge bowl of all different kinds of fruits. We had skinny girl margaritas to drink. We went into the pool, it was above ground, about 3 foot deep and I forgot how big she said it was around.


Yesterday I went to zumba in the morning and line dance lessons in the evening, I'm glad it cooled off a little bit, at least not so humid.


When I lived alone I used to keep my car keys on the dresser in the bedroom when I went to bed so that if someone broke in I could run out the front door and get in my car and leave! You are right you notice all kinds of noises that you don't pay any attention to when your DH is there.


Today I was running some credit checks for Bill for an apartment rental. Boy he better not rent to these people: everything from drugs to DUI's to evictions. Good thing I checked, he thought they were good candidates.


Bill and I go to other place to dance tonight and then tomorrow Zumba again for me and the pool.

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Sharon, it sounds like you have been enjoying yourself, with the activities you have been doing. Last night I started my first photo class at our club. They run every Tuesday during July. About 12 people in the class and you should see some of the equipment they have. My little camera does not even come close to what they have. I did learn a lot and it should be very interesting.


With today's society you have to be very careful of people. Usually they are not what they come off as. I can't remember the name of this one movie. But a young couple bought a house and fixed it up and had 2 renters. The one family was great. But then this one guy rented the other apartment and totally destroyed it. Never made payment and they had a very hard time getting him removed.


Even though I am locking the outside storm door, I am still putting a chair in front of the main door. Bill said I do not have to do it. But it gives me piece of mind.


Have fun dancing tonight.




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Funny, I saw that movie too, he did do a job on the apartment didn't he!


I just have a Kodak Easy Share camera and the Kodak program on my computer so that I can print them myself. I was using an HP printer, but it got so that it didn't print the pictures right so I bought a Kodak all in one printer and that makes really good pictures. I like pictures with people in them instead of just landscapes, although I do like pictures of flowers.


I did the zumba again today and afterwards the yoga class. My right hip just will not let me bend my leg in like I would like to. Doesn't seem to be a problem for anyone else in the class, even older gals can do it. I think I have arthritis in it along with the bursitus.


Heard on the news that we now have an extreme drought in the county. The paper also said that this pattern might persist up until Sept. Its hard to keep the tomato and peppers and flowers watered enough. Then too you don't want your well to go dry. So we just water the bare minimum.


As long as putting the chair under the door knob gives you piece of mind, then by all means keep doing it.


Got kind of nice outside tonight, a nice breeze and the temps dropped a little. Guess the next round of heat will start on Monday, ugh!

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Sharon, we won bocce on Wednesday . Yesterday my daughter came over and helped me bake cookies as I have bunco tonight. Now yesterday my battery died. So I had to get my daughter to drive me to get a new one. All is OK now, but yesterday was a heck of a day, needless to say.


Ya think, who was the genius that said we are in a drought. I hope that it does not boil down to a bad winter. That will be the next thing they will throw at us to sell more snow equipment.


It is almost over as Bill will be coming home on Sunday. I do not like this one bit, as I am always hearing noises. Besides, it is way too quiet around here. It might be best to error on the side of caution and go to a doctor. That way he can get to the root of the pain and if nothing else, prescribe something.


What are your plans for the weekend? How was dancing the other night? Go figure, next week we will be back into the heat. I guess that means, Bill brought it back with him.




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Was that the battery in your car that died? Isn't it always something when you are trying to manage on your own! Glad he will be back tomorrow, then you can rest easy again. I'm sure he will be glad to know how much you missed him.


There is a large, really large milk cattle operation south of Janesville, Wi. We were taking to the guy who owns the dance place last night and he said that when the farmers cut down the corn, since its not going to produce anything anyway, they can take it up to the cattle operation. They need all they can get to feed the cattle. He also farms and has planted corn so this seems to be a way to get some money out of it. We were the only ones of our dance group that went last night. One other guy came that we were friends with for ages so we spend most of the night talking to him, there was no shortage of karoke singers however!


Today we went to the grocery stores 90th anniversary, they had samples in all dept's. Then to the church's annual event, which included games for kids, a silent auction, and a live auction, beer tent (where the live auction was held) and I'm sure that helped up the bidding. There were a couple of things we would have bid on, but they always started at $100 and went up from there. They also had a book sale, so I bought a bag full of paperbacks and a food tent but we didn't get anything to eat there. Instead we went to Chilis and had the loaded baked potato soup, it's really good. So tonight we are staying in, but its so nice outside would be a good night to go to something being held outside, but nothing like that going on around here so just going to watch some tv and go to bed early.


Are you still in second place in the bocce games?

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Also, forgot to mention, I have thought about going to the Dr about my hip. I'm supposed to go back in for another blood test to see how my thyroid is doing on the lower dose medicine anyway so maybe I'll see what she has to say then.


What kind of cookies did you make, sounds good no matter what kind!

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Sharon, Bill usually checks the standings when we are there, so I will not know until later on when the person in charge e-mails the standings. The very least we are in second place. But if the team that is in 1st place lost, then we would be tied for 1st place. As there is only 1 game that separates us now.


OK, what happens if no one bids on an item. Do they reduce the bid? I have been to auctions before and that is what they do if no one bids on something. They keep lowering until someone bids on it.


Yes, he will be back home tomorrow. yea So what he has me doing, as he feels that I will not be able to handle parking in front of the terminal as they shag you away if someone is not right there. He also does not think I will be able to find the cell phone lot either where people go to wait for someone to arrive.


So what he has me doing is going to the airport Hilton and pulling to the start of the driveway. He said if anyone comes up to the car, I am to tell them my husband had a late check out and I am here to pick him up. That way he only has to walk under ground and go to the hotel and come to where I am.


Yes, it was the battery in my car that died. Go figure, whenever you are down and out, something always happens. Did you get any rain yesterday? I saw the Cubs game was delayed because of rain. We got nothing.


Yes, I did see if the farmers did not get rain in the next week that they would loose the crop. So that is good that they will not have a total loss. Our grass is a testament to the lack if rain. Bill usually takes care of that so it does not turn to straw.


I baked chocolate chip cookies. Everyone had a great time. They stayed longer as Bill is usually across the street waiting for the all clear to come. So I think they enjoyed staying without the presser to leave, so Bill can come home. Also to gab and to keep me company.


I hope you do go to the Dr. so you can get some kind of relief so you are not in such discomfort.


I was at my number 1 daughter's house today and I only returned a short time. I went in the pool with the kids and had a nice day. Well have a nice Sunday. Bill's flight comes in at 5 pm. So I will pray for the best.




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We were just talking about going to the pool. Guess we deciced to go and if its really crowded, not stay.


Good luck picking up Bill, I bet it will go smoothly.


No we didn't get any rain. Someone told us that there was a very brief shower at around 4am, of course we didn't see it and everything was dry when we got up.

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Sharon, I got there early and parked at the airport Hilton and had no problem waiting for him to get there. We got home about 6:45 and there was a lot of traffic and of course construction on 294. Bill drove home so no pressure on me. It is good to have him home once again


Now I heard that is going to get hot once again this coming week. I cooked steaks on the grill as that seems to be our usual Sunday thing. So was the pool crowed or not? Another week of bump and grind. Enjoy the rest of this day,




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