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Sharon, at this point there will be no radiation or anything else. He did say that there was far more scar tissue than he had thought. The example he gave me, he held out his hand and said think of what would happen to the skin with 20 years or so of having acid poured on it. So originally they said he had lost 40% of the lining. Now they said 60%, but that is all repaired.


What will have to be done in 6 months is another scope and a biopsy. After the results they will determine weather any new cells have to be removed or burned out. He did say the possibility is very real that worse cells can return. The key is to keep a close eye on everything.


Well if it was I, I would choose the resort option for tonight. As far as the rest of the weekend, it sounds like you have a full ticket. For me my one daughter is having a party and for the other daughter I agreed to watch only her 2 older boys for a period. But I also told everyone that everything hinges on how Bill is doing. If things are not right with him than all bets are off.


He cannot lift anything heaver than a gallon of milk and cannot climb stairs too often. Of course the restriction of a very soft diet and very small portions for the next 3 to 4 weeks. The longer he is out of the hospital, the better his chances are of recovering and mending and getting better. The more anyone ends in the hospital and the longer the confinement, the less the chances of anyone getting better soon. Also the longer a person is in the hospital. The greater the chances of picking up something else.


Enjoy and have a very nice weekend.




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Sharon, I went on to the Best Buy site and ordered the fitbit. It looks like the same one you said you ordered. It is the FB 102P. I also ordered the 2 year protection plan as well. So I can now see if this helps me at all. I do not know how much success you have been having with yours. It has a lot of functions. It will be interesting to see what the sleep monitor does.


Another nice day today. Later on I will go to my #1 daughter's house for a kids B-Day party. Bill will just stay at home and recover. He has not been out of the house since we returned on Wednesday evening.


Where did you decide to go last night? Was it fun? So the rest of the weekend should be filled with fun things to do. Enjoy and have a good weekend.




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Good to hear that Bill is still recovering, hope it continues and goes smoothly. I have not worn the fitbit to bed yet, funny yesterday I had it on while I cut the grass and it registered 13000 steps. Quite bumpy out there! I also have not put my food in, just have been wearing it. Haven't lost any weight either, guess just wanting to doesn't make it happen.


We went to the tried and true dance place last night, didn't dance much, just visited mainly with our friends. The other couple that usually come have not been there for a while, he had arthroscopic surgery on his knee and shes afraid if they even come to just visit he will want to dance. They are supposed to be able to come back in a couple more weeks.


Today we are going to the Celebration of Life for the guy who did all the carpentry work and our snow plowing. Just 49 years old, heart attack at night while sleeping.


Tonight probably go to the park and listen outside to the music, until it gets too cold, last night it got pretty chilly, a touch of all in the air.


Have fun at the bday party, kids always enjoy their birthdays so much, when you get older its just means adding another year ugh! It is a beautiful day today, but seems to be getting warmer as the hours go by.

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Sharon, that is too bad about that man dying so young. But as most of us will agree, if we got to go, in your sleep is the best. I am tired out with all of that kids that were running around all afternoon. I am just not used to having all of those kids at 1 time.


It is kind of funny , on how hot our summer has been and now that we are in fall like weather we are complaining about it being too cool. Don't you just love the change in the seasons?


Did you see how many steps you had during dancing? As far as mowing the lawn, you are on a riding mower, so the 1300 steps probably does not count. Perhaps that is the breakdown if you were walking. But of course, I am sure you are burning calories with all of the bouncing around. It will be interesting to see how it works for me. I will have to make sure my daughter or my friend does not try to borrow it from me. If my daughter was to borrow it, I would never get it back. Let them get their own, but I know they won't.


After a surgery like that, they do want you to walk around. But not to over due it. So it is good to play it safe and not be tempted to dance. Too much of a risk of twisting the knee or moving it the wrong way.


Enjoy the music tonight and even though I have been saying, stay cool all summer, I'll say now, stay warm tonight.




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Nice temps today outside, so far no plans except to go swimming around 6:30 tonight. Last night we went to the concert outside in the park. It was all jazz and blues, not my cup of tea at all. Seems they just played on and on and on until they got tired of it and then ended the song, only to do the same thing to the next song. We did dance to a couple of them that were a little slower as they had a nice dance area for people. Afterwards we went to chilis and had a bowl of the loaded potato soup and I had a strawberry margarita, yum!


With the fitbit I find that I am only averaging around 3ooo steps a day, I need to boost it up but it hurts when I walk because of my hip. I was looking it up today, just put in "pain in buttock" and what came up was periformis syndrome, sounded like what I have, not bursitis. Still need to get to a dr to find out for sure.


I'm sure the 13000 steps don't count as walking steps, only bouncing steps, ha ha. But it probably does burn some calories holding yourself fairly tight while mowing.


Little kids are always so busy, they can wear you out, guess thats why we have them while we are young.

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Sharon, they said the rain was going to come from the North, did you get any this afternoon or this evening? None for us, perhaps late tonight or tomorrow. Nice to have the cooler temps. I just stayed here today doing laundry and working outside. I should be careful with all of the talk about West Nile Virus going around.


It would have been nice if the band could have mixed it up a bit. Most bands will not just do one type of music, but a verity. You started out doing 5000 steps a day. But I can see you are in pain with your hip. I hope you can get into the Dr. to see him soon to get some kind of relief.


Well back to the bump and grind or the treadmill tomorrow.




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Sharon, you are not going to believe what happened last night. At 10 pm we took a trip to the emergency room. Bill had a kidney stone from not hydrating properly. So we had to wait for over 2 hours to get in and the entire experience took 7 hours. We got home at 5 am and I went into work an hour late. So needless to say, I am running on empty today.


They put an IV into him and empties a bag into him and sent him for a CT scan and they could not really see anything. So they sent us home and told him to call his urologist today to follow up. It was raining a little going down but nothing much. It has been thundering here for the past hour and it rained a bit, but nothing too much.


I hope your day is going better than mine.




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What an experience again huh! Did he pass the kidney stone? Our one zumba instructor has them all the time, she says they are very painful and she has spent many night crying trying to pass them. Guess hers is a hereditary thing though not like Bills. He is probably trying not to drink so much so he doesn't have to go, but its only making it worse. I'm sure the urologist will have some helpful information when he can get in to see him. I bet you are really tired, don't know how you even went to work. It has not rained here, yesterday or today. Think it passed us by again. Last night we had some really black clouds go by, but no rain.


We went to the pool last night around 7pm and it was great. Only one other couple was there. They had booked their room through Groupon and were from Oak Park. She had never been in a steam room before she said and she was 63 years old. She seemed to like it because after coming out for a while she went back in again. They left after a little while and I had the pool to myself while Bill had the hot tub to himself.


So far my day has been pretty good, got some of the things done I wanted to do, left the rest for another day. Hope yours was not bad at work, and you can get to bed early tonight to catch up.

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Sharon, yesterday was one of my worst days ever. I do to know how I survived. I crashed around 9 and slept all night through. Bill has an appointment to see the urologist on Friday and he feels he did not pass the stone. But at least he is not in any pain, that is what he told me.


I do not think we are scheduled for more rain until Saturday and Sunday. So this couple book a groupon to stay at the resort? I guess they got a good deal. Then even better, you had the place to yourselves.


He is finally drinking what he should be drinking to stay hydrated. The fitbit I ordered it online. So I got notification that it shipped yesterday. So maybe I'll get it today or tomorrow. I already got the copy of the 2 year warrantee.


Have a good day, I know I will after yesterday.




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Glad you got a good nights sleep, its always easier to handle things if you are rested. That's good he got an appmnt so quick with the urologist. I made an appmnt with the skin Dr back in Feb for Sept 19th. Well we got a travel thing from the bank saying they are going on a Mystery Trip on Sept 19th. I called the skin Dr office and asked if I cancelled my appmnt how soon could I get another one, the answer was they are booking for NOVEMBER. So I guess we won't go on the trip, it was only a one day deal anyway. I still need to make an appmnt for my hip, when I walked into zumba this morning the instructor asked me why I was limping, I didn't even know I was. After zumba I checked my fitbit and it said 5,340 steps already.


We took a private Salsa dance lesson last night, it was fun, I could move my hips and do the steps better than Bill, but I told them it was because I do the zumba all the time and that's what it is....latin dancing. We plan to go back again next Monday night.


Tonight is line dance lesson for me, Bill gets to rest at home. Have a nice rest of the day!

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Sharon, yes it is a beautiful day here before the heat returns in a couple of days. Bill is doing much better now and hopefully the urologist can do him even better. But now that he is once again taking in the fluids, he will continue to have no more problems.


I supposed you made the right decision in keeping you appointment. The bank is always having bus trips that you can do later on. They seem to do a good job in selecting fun things to do. Now if you can only get some kind of relief with you hip.


I am surprised you do not have problems with zumba of doing the salsa dancing. But the good thing it is exercise, and exercise is much better than sitting around and doing nothing at all. Just think how you might be doing if you did not exercise. When you have a good day with steps, it seems like 5000 is where you are and above, good job.


Enjoy the beautiful weather.




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Another nice day today, got some sheets hanging on the line outside and have a couple more loads of laundry to do.


Went to the line dance lessons last night, was ready for them to be over, got tired of hopping around so much. Tonight we don't dance near as much, its more visiting and eating and then a little dancing.


I think I might call the gal that I found to see about permanent eyebrows. I would at least like to go and talk with her first, but here credentials looked pretty good. My DGD in Texas got eyeliner done a couple of weeks ago, she said it wasn't too bad in the way of hurting, but was to the itching stage when I talked to her about 3 days after it was done. Kinda scary being "permanent", but seems like they turn out pretty good.


Glad Bill is doing good again, easier on you too then.

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Sharon, yes, today is the last of the good day for a bit. Tomorrow it goes back to the 90's. Enjoy eating and socializing tonight and dancing. Tonight I am going to bocce as our team won last week and we are still in second place. Every team has to take a turn in hosting the evening, and tonight is our team's turn. So I have to be there at 5:15 and stay until the end around 9.


Bill is doing much better and less stress on me as well. I was going to cancel bunco on Friday, but he said to go as he will be going to bed early and sleeping anyway. Let me know what you find out about that treatment, and if you do it, I might be interested as well. Depending on how you like it and how you are able to handle it all.


They said the fitbit is supposed to be delivered on Monday, but it might come tomorrow or Friday. It seems like a long time for delivery from USPS.


Have fun tonight and enjoy this beautiful day.




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Sharon, warming up today for the first time in over a week. I think we have a lot more high temp days before the much cooler weather hits us. However I do not think we will be seeing the real hot, hot temps that we saw during the height of summer.


How was dancing last night? Next weekend we are going to Saugatuck for the labor day weekend, and the unofficial end of summer. That is if Bill continues to progress and we have no more laps.


When I was outside last weekend doing guarding, I got all of these little bites all over me. I am also concerned with the news of the West Nile Virus spreading around this area. The Mayor of the town we used to live in was struck with it. We heard that on the news earlier this week.


We lost in bocce last night, and we are still in second place. With only 3 more games until the end.


Enjoy the day.




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Sharon, I am so happy as my fitbit arrived at the P.O. With the construction we are having on our street. They took everybody's P.O. Box and banked them all down the start at a remote location. So we went to the P.O. and got a P.O. Box for 6 months so we would not have to go down the street.


I can't wait for this evening to go home and try it out. I don't know how long it is going to take me to program all of my info into it, but we shall see. If I can't do it tonight then tomorrow I will get it going.


Anything that might help to track the exercise or anything that may help to get the pounds off, I am there.




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Yesterday I finally called my regular dr and asked if I could get an MRI or Xray ordered for my hip/leg. She wouldn't do it without seeing me, but set up the appmnt for today. I went this afternoon, she thinks its probably siatica but the symptions don't fit completely. I went over to the hospital and had 2 xrays taken and set up the 6 physical therapy sessions she wanted me to do. This took all afternoon and I just got home a little after 5pm. Of course I had to stop on the way home at WalMart for some dog food and Walgreens for the prescription she called in. The prescription sounds pretty dangerous, its Naproxen but 550 mgs while the Aleve you can buy over the counter is only 220. I might try taking just a half of one to see how it works. Some of the side affects could be heart attach or stroke, bleeding in the stomach or seizures. Thats why I'm only going to take a 1/2 of one! My first pt evaluation is on 8/31, but I should get the results of the xray at least by Monday.


We had a good time last night dancing, but one of the gals had talked to my previous friend, that I haven't talked to in a year, (yes that one). She said they might go to the Walworth Co fair on Thursday together, but she hadn't gotten a "for sure" commitment from her to go. I don't know if she would decide to come dancing on Wed nights if we would continue to go or not. She kinda takes over and wants to be the queen bee always. Hoping she is still not into dancing!!!


I had forgotten about all the road construction in front of your house, a po box makes more sense and easier to get to. Too bad you lost at bocce but still in second place is not bad.


I'm sure you will be able to get the fitbit working, its so very easy, even I did it! I had around 5000 steps yesterday again, seems like that is kind of the normal for me. We are looking forward to staying home tonight, seems like we have been go, go, going all week.

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Sharon, it looks like you had a very busy day yesterday. I hope thorough the tests or PT something can be done to help you out. Thus far it sounds like the physician is taking kind of a general attitude about your condition. It might take you staying on her to get what you actually need.


After that lady being away from not being in contact with you. That would really be very forward of her if she was just going to join the dance group. I'll bet she still wants to be center stage and be the queen bee. Some people just never change.


Yesterday my regular girl who does my hair just came back from vacation and I could not get an appointment until 8:30 last night. So I got home rather late and did not get enough time to really check out the fitbit. I should have time over the weekend to get everything working the way I need it working for me. I am excited to get it running.


So what is on the agenda for this weekend? It is going to be hot once again. I would think the resort is one thing you will be doing. Whatever you do, enjoy and relax.




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Probably will go dancing tonight, which lately has been more visiting than anything. The guy from the other couple that we always talk with has knee problems also, his significant other is the one that takes line dance lessons with me on Tuesday nights. We figured if the men can't dance we still can, ha ha.


I took a half of the prescription pill at dinner last night and the other half before I went to bed. I slept good and I actually have a little less pain today. I took another 1/2 pill this morning. The pills are supposed to reduce the inflammation and by doing that reduce the pain.


I haven't been doing much to my hair with all the hot weather, just putting in a french braid to keep it off my neck. When the weather cools off I'll get a trim and work on it a little more.


Today should be the last of the 90 degree days again for awhile thank goodness, I like it more in the low 80's. At least then you can do something outside.


Yesterday when I was at the hospital, the pink fire engine that is going all over the United States, for breast cancer awareness, was in the parking lot. They were serving pink lemonade and cookies and you could use a sharpie pen to write on the fire engine. It is already covered with things people have wrote. I wrote on it "15 year survivor, Sharon". I hadn't actually counted up how long it has been for a while since my bout with cancer and was surprised to see that it has been that long. I am one of the lucky ones.


Hope your weekend goes good too and Bill keeps on getting better. As I remember he is supposed to see the doctor today.

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Sharon, I have about 15 minutes before I have to leave for bunco. Yes, you are right. He did see the urologist today and he took the train downtown and back. The Dr took some X-Rays and Bill has to see him once again on 9/12 to see how his kidneys are doing. So far no more pain from the stones.


How cool was that to see the pink fire engine. I am glad you are a survivor and that you were able to sign your name there. Have fun dancing tonight and talking with all of your friends. I am glad that the pills are helping some. Pain means that you have swelling someplace, and if the pills can help that, then that is a good thing.


Have a nice weekend. We are staying around here and maybe I might work outside once again. I think I will spray as we have a fogger and there is a lot of insects around.




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The drs office called yesterday afternoon and said that my xray was normal, I couldn't believe that nothing showed up, but glad. The pills are continuing to work so I think I might only take a 1/2 a day and see if that works. The less the better, but I don't want it to start hurting again.


Haven't done much of anything yet today, went up to the farmers market and then had breakfast at a little hole in the wall cafe we go to. Now Bill is working on finishing up the bathroom downstairs. We bought all the stuff for the shower last Sunday, the plumbing is already in just needs to put the shower head and handles on. He has wanted to restain the deck, but the heat is just too much to work outside that long in the sun. It will have to wait a while longer into fall.


Last night was a good night, but there was a ton of singers, and I use the word loosely. A couple really good and a lot really bad. It was a very warm night, when we came through town around midnight it still said 79 degrees on the display at the bank. No plans yet for tonight.


Stay cool!

Edited by timeormoney
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Sharon, I have found that X-Rays do not always show everything that needs to be shown. Something like a CT Scan can usually produce a clearer image. X-Rays are good for certain things and that is good. But I think a CT Scan is more clearer and produces a higher definition.


I also think that some Dr's will take the road with the least resistance. I think they get caught up in the daily hum drum part of their jobs and do not consider how the patient is feeling and their real issues. With all of the pharmaceutical reps and their jobs are to push as many pills off to the Dr's as possible. Because that is where they make the real money is in prescribing drugs. The longer they can keep us on long term medication the more money is generated for them. I feel if we can get off of the long term stuff and only use the drugs for a not prolonged period the better off we should be.


If a procedure can correct something that would get us out of pain and get into a relaxed comfort zone, then that is where I would rather be. I have been into places where there is a lot of people who think that once they are up in front of a mike that they can sign and sound pretty good. But for the folks who are listening that is not the case. Then like you said there is always a few that are very good to listen to. But they are not the one's who take up the mike, rather the ones that sound the worst are the one's who are taking up the mike.


I heard that tomorrow it is supposed to be at least 10 degrees cooler. The rain that is predicted for tomorrow is supposed to hit Southern Wisconsin first. So if that is true, you should see the rain before we do. I have been staying inside keeping cool, but will eventually go outside and do some work. We bought a fogger for insects last year. It works off a propane small tank that heats up the liquid to form a fog spray. At night there are bugs all over the place.


I agree it was very uncomfortable last night. I got home around 12:30, and it was still up there with the temps. I know you have been working on the bathroom for a bit. So I hope you can finally get it all finished. Working outside, agreed should wait for cooler days, that are ahead.


I have thought abut canceling next weekends trip to Saugatuck, MI, as I was thinking that Bill will not be able to eat the way we usually do when we are there. But he still wants to go so I guess I will leave that up to him. It seems like we were just going for the start of the summer. Now we will be going for the last holiday of the summer. How quickly things change and soon go away. This is the first time since we have been going there that we have stayed 2, 3 day weekends in the same year. Come to think of it, we usually can't even get a reservation during those times as everything is all booked up.


Well whatever you decide to do for the rest of the weekend, enjoy and have a good time.




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Sharon, I was able to go into the hot tub before it started raining. It is raining steady now and it looks like it will be sticking around for awhile. Today I was working in the basement trying to get it straightened. It will take more times before I will be making any kind of dent in it.


How was your day? Have a good week ahead.




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I will be so glad when this weekend is over!! Spent most of last night trying to find a hospital that could treat a bad, severe toothache. Bill was in agony. We went first to Centegra Hospital ER and they said there was a 2 hr 45 min wait at least, and they didn't know what they could do for him, so we headed back into town and went to the Mercy Hospital just down the road from us. We were the only ones in the ER so got to see a Dr pretty quick. He had Bill take two pills while we were there, an antibiotic and a vicodin. Then he wrote a prescription for each and said to fill them in the morning. This was at 11:30 pm. Today we picked up the prescriptions and Bill took the dosage it said. Then he was feeling better so we went to Perkins restaurant for breakfast. While seated in the restaurant the pain came roaring back, he got white as a sheet and got drenched in sweat. I thought we would have to call the paramedics, as he looked like he was going to pass out. But we waited a few minutes and it seemed to let up again. He was able to eat a couple of pancakes which was probably good with all the medicine in him. When we got home I looked up emergency dental treatment and found a dentist that told him to up the dosage on the antibiotic and pain meds and if he could wait until morning he would see him at 7:30 am. The increased dosage has seemed to help - thank goodness. This was so preventable, he has been having some pain in the tooth for the last couple of weeks and I have been telling him to call the dentist, of course he let it go. So we will have to get up bright and early tomorrow as the dentist is in Lake Geneva, not quite an hour from here.


Hope your weekend was better. Also it has rained most all day, which is ok since we needed some more anyway.

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Wow Sharon, I am so sorry you had a bad night Saturday night and into Sunday. I hope today that they will be able to do something to get him out of pain. Well it seems like we both have had experiences with the emergency rooms in the past week. You were lucky to get right into the second place without waiting. How did that happen, with the one being so backed up and the second with no one waiting?


I hope he had a good night without being in so much pain and at lest was able to sleep and not get disturbed during the night. Lots of rain. I heard that we got some 3 1/2 inches of rain over the period. Yes, we all needed it and that was sure a lot for us. I saw downtown that there were places on Lake Shore Drive, that were under water.


I hope all goes well for you both today.




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We got into the second hospital, which is right in town, quick because it is not very well staffed and everyone goes to the one in the next town that is much bigger and busier. However it worked out well for us. We went to the "on call dentist" this morning. Even with an x-ray he couldn't tell which one was hurting so bad. Bill thought it was the 3rd one from the back, the dentist thought it was the second, but when he tapped on it, the 4th one had the most reaction. He was almost thinking that Bill had had a heart attack on Sunday, because he said the tooth ache shouldn't cause that reaction. But as we kept talking he inquired when Bill had taken the vicodin and if he had eaten before. Seems that was the problem, the strong medication and no food, which would cause the sweating and shakiness. So he didn't do anything, told us that Bill should keep taking the advil and the penicillin and see how it goes. He didn't want to pull the wrong one. The dentist and his nurse were so very, very nice, I told Bill he should start going there instead of the one he has been going to. The decision on the tooth was to wait, it will either get worse or the nerve will die and it will get better. We were told to call and come back if the pain started again. Right now it seems that the pain has stopped pretty much, don't know about the rest of the day. We stopped at Egg Harbor for breakfast and Bill went to work when we got home.


Going to be hot again for the next several days, hope the rain from Isaac doesn't get up this far and ruin the weekend for the fair, heard something to that effect this morning on the weather.


Was going to tell you, you can also sync your fitbit to My Fittness Pal if you want to. I saw on the other site that Diane had gotten one and did it so I went back into the fitbit program and did it too.


I also was able to sync my Samsong Android tablet to my itunes program on my computer and get all my songs to load into it. I had tried before but because one is an Apple product and one isn't, I couldn't do it. I went into Samsung and found a place that told how to do it. I had to download a program called doubleTwist on both and they somehow got the info from each other and it worked. I'm always amazed when I figure something like that out! Stay cool lets hope our Bill's are on the mend!

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