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Sharon, we won last night, so that means we are still tied for second place. I just do not know how many are still tied. So that means we only have 1 more game to play, and more than likely we will have a playoff to break the tie.


It never rained here either last night. The construction is right in front of our house now. So much digging and banging around from all of the heavy equipment. Let's not even mention all of the dust and dirt blowing around.




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I guess the only time they can really do any construction is in the summer but its too bad it takes them so long to tie up your street like that.


Congrats on the win, it turned out to be a pretty nice evening, no rain for us either, after that big build-up from the weather man about high winds and hail, all baloney! Today is in the 80's also, so no big change down into the 70's like they said either.


Had a good zumba class this morning, sweated up a storm. I did not do any of the hopping or one foot things though.


Yesterday I had the first pt treatment. She aimed some kind of device at my hip area and moved it around for a while. She said it would warm up the muscle and tendons so she could work on them. I couldn't feel anything warm, cold or otherwise. The she sprayed some biofreeze on me and massaged the whole area. She could feel when she got to the right spot and so could I. Afterwards she said I might have some increased stiffness from working on it, but I didn't. In fact it has felt much better last night and today than it has for quite a while. I don't go back now until next Monday.


Bill's DD that has the assisted living home is having "Elvis" back again to entertain the people tomorrow and invited us to come. Bill wants to go so I guess we will.


Enjoy the day!

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Sharon, we should get a job as predicting the weather. It is the only job where you can make 6 figures and only be right 50%of the time. I came home form lunch and they are now past our house and have put in the sewer pipe. They are filling in the huge hole and then after this I guess they will put in the curbs and then start building a new street. But who knows how long that is going to take.


That should be fun going to the home and seeing Elvis perform. I'll bet the people in the home really get a kick out of it all. So you are only going to PT once a week? I am glad that something is finally giving you some relief and getting you out of discomfort.


Now if we can only bring it on home with another win for our last game of the season, and then we will have to go to a playoff to determine the finial standings. Once again, you have those real competitive folks who really loose sleep if they do not win. They are not even good sports about it at all. But when they are winning, they are acting like big shots making everyone else inferior.




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Sharon, I left for work this morning with much thunder and rain. It is overcast and raining now. Before I left work last night. One of the employees called saying they were rushing her son, who was in a accident to an emergency trauma center. As a truck had hit him and really damaged his left arm.


Well early this morning I got a call from her saying they removed his entire arm as it was damaged so bad. He is only 30 years old with a family. It just shows us all how short the time we have is and precious life is as well.


I am going out to dinner with a few of my friends tonight. One of whom is in visiting from LAS. Tomorrow my # 2 daughter , her son turned 2 yesterday so she is having a little party. Then my # 1 daughter I said I would watch her 2 kids overnight as the 2 of them are going downtown.


How about you and what do you have planned for the weekend?




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Yes I always think that "Elvis" thinks we live at the home too since we are there every time he comes, ha ha


That poor man, losing his arm will be a long road to recovery and learning how to do without it. Maybe he can get fitted for a prosthesis which would help. Like you said, you never know what coming at you next. Thank God for normal every day issues.


Will you see your friend from LAS when you go out there too? Is she related to the other guy who lets you use his car? Dinner should be fun, do you know where you are going yet.


We just had a little sprinkle of rain this morning, not even enough to fill the birdbath and now the sun is shinning.


The next weeks through Sept I will have pt on Mondays and Fridays. I can't believe how much just that one treatment and massage helped. I still don't have the range of motion that I should have with that leg but at least the pain is under control.


Tonight will go to the dance place, the couple we always visit with won't be there, her daughter in Spokane is getting married on Sat so they are flying out to be there. But another one of our friends is having a birthday so I think they will be there and the guy that had his knee operated on should be back, if not this week, soon. On Sunday there is the Corn Fest in Darien, WI and a big parade at 1pm, at 5pm there is a circus right in town that Bill wanted to go to so it looks like a fun and busy weekend. Are you babysitting at your daughters house or is she bringing the kids to your house?


One more thing, DGD has started school!!!! We are all so happy. She was supposed to be in 2nd grade, but when they tested her they put her in 3rd. I don't know how she got so smart I am absolutely sure her mother didn't spend anytime with her when she was "home schooling" her. Only one thing, she put her in a school in a different town so the bus will not pick her up. That means that her mom has to take her and pick her up everyday, not sure how long she'll want to do that.

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Sharon, we will decide when we are all together tonight where to go to eat. This is a high school friend of mine and when we have been in LAS before she is always making excuses why we cannot get together. So when we are there I will not even bother trying to get in touch with her. This other friend that lets us use his car is a friend of Bill's, and he is a real good friend of both of us now. He used to live in Chicago and then moved to LAS.


I will pick up the kids to stay overnight at our own house. Then I will bring them back on Sunday or she will come to pick them up. Well it sounds like you have a fun filled weekend planned. Once you start the 2 day a week PT I am sure you will start to see more results and hopefully will last long term.


The sun is shining here now as well. I guess that perhaps we may get more showers later on this evening. As far as temps go it is real nice out there now.


Have a good day and enjoy the weekend.




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Yes very nice out today, almost cool until the sun peeks out. We know 3 people that were having a wedding today so looks like they lucked out for the weather. Our pet sitters daughter got married today and they are having the reception at their farm. They have a huge barn that they have been working on all summer to get it ready for the party. When we drove past today saw they also had 1 large white tent, a red/white striped tent and a blue/white striped tent up also. They had parking at their farm along with parking across the road at their neighbors house. They were bringing guests across the road on a large hay wagon fitted out with benches pulled by a tractor. These people do it up right! The father in law sold his farm to Motorola and got millions of dollars about 10 years or so ago. Now the plant has been empty for at least 7 years.


We are both feeling pretty good, was fun with Elvis yesterday and then dancing with those friends who hadn't been there for a while due to his arthroscopic knee surgery. I think he might have over did it though as he said it was starting to hurt when they left.


Not sure what the plan is tonight for us, but sounds like you will have fun.

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Well the kids were crazy at the party. The 2 kids that stayed overnight were good and well behaved. My other daughter who had the party tried to push off one of her 3 boys onto us but that never happened. She is always trying to do things like that, because she has a hard time handling them all and they are not behaved well at all.


I dropped off the kids early this morning as they had games to play this AM. Otherwise I am just going to straighten things up around here and try to relax and get ready for another week with the jerk who really upset me last week.


You have fun today and enjoy the nice weather.




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Sharon, another nice day today with lots of sunshine. Bill gets a little upset when the grand kids come over and go into the hot tub as the kids are not clean and thus they leave a line of dirt along the rim of the tub and it takes him using chemicals and running filters to get everything all cleaned up.


I supposed this is my fault as I allow it all to happen. Even though these kids a well behaved compaired to the other daughter's kids who are out of control. The results are still the same.


After I dropped them off we just stayed at home and rested. I was able to download all of my info into my fitbit so I can start using it.




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We just stayed home Sat night and rested, how was your dinner with the girls and where did you end up going? Yesterday I went to church then came home got Bill and the lawn chairs and went up to the Darien Corn Fest parade. It lasted about an hour, then we got in line for the free corn, what a mob of people! Seems like it get to be more every year. The U of W band was there and played all kinds of fun songs and did marching and dancing along with it so it was fun to watch them. Then we came home and went to the circus at 5pm, that lasted until 7, we came home got our suits and headed for the pool. Only 3 people in the pool and one in the hot tub so it was good. After that we hit Chilis for a bowl of baked potato soup and came home to crash in bed. Quite a busy day!


Today I went to pt and got another treatment with the light and a massage over my hip and down my leg. Made the mistake of stopping at Kohl's and of course found a couple of things on sale and then you could take another 25% off the lowest price and I had a 15% coupon also.


Tonight is salsa lesson uptown for an hour.


Sounds like your Bill is not all that fond of kids, does he have any grandchildren? Seems like there are so many kids around now, everywhere we go there are kids. While we were at the circus Bill had a small boy maybe around 4 that kept putting his hands on him to balance and I had a girl behind me that kept putting her foot on my bench and kicking me. UGH!


See wasn't that easy to get the fitbit set up!

Hope your boss is better to you this week.

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Sharon, Bill has a grandson who is 9, and yes, he does not tolerate kids running and causing havoc. He is just not a kid person. I spent the evening trying to download the fitbit info into my computer and I have had a hard time doing it. However I was able to see that I had 5600 steps for yesterday.


It does sound like you had a very full weekend. The dinner with the girls was nice. We went to a place like Chilis and it is called The Charlie Horse. Anytime someone is giving away stuff free, you will always have huge lines. I would rather avoid that and just walk on by. I would not stand in line for free stuff. It is just not my cup of tea.


How was the dancing last night and how does your hip feel now? The jerk has been such a jerk the past few days. He upset me so much I almost told him where he can stuff it. I mean he is really one big jerk, more times than not.


We leave late Saturday morning and we are planning to see the Hoover Dam on Sunday and going to that Pawn Stars Shop that is on TV on Monday. I saw where Kohl's is having the Goodwill Sale once again this week. So I am going to take advantage of those discounts as well. You really cannot beat it at all.




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No dancing last night just the zumba this morning and it still feels pretty good. The pt therapist put some blue tape along the side of my thing, said that the Olympic athletes used it to help support the muscle. Can't really tell any difference but will stay on for about 3 days even with showering.


Good you are going away for a few days again, get away from the jerk! Bet he wouldn't want to lose you, you could probably run the whole store and office without him. But it would shake him up a little if you told him how you felt.


Just checking some more rent applications, one of the gals that want to rent was arrested for prostitution! Another one had an eviction in their history. Don't know how he's going to find anyone descent anymore. Wish he would sell the darn things!


Line dancing tonight, if there is a class, last week was cancelled due to no one coming. Oh yes last night was cancelled too, there was a note on the door when we got there and we had friends that came to try it out also. Luckily its only uptown so not too bad to go back home.

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Sharon, I hope your dancing is not canceled tonight. You have to check these people very closely otherwise you will get burned, and you do not need that kind of problem. There is someone out there who is the right one. You just have to wait to find that one person.


I am glad that your hip is finally coming around. Hopefully it will continue to improve. If all goes well I can't wait to get away. I will just have to bring my laptop so I can to the payroll there before We come back.


Another nice day today. It is supposed to warm up the next few days. I really had a time trying to download the fitbit into my computer last night. I will try more this evening. It is a nice small size to fit along my waist.


Have fun tonight,




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Sharon, do you think it will get to 90 today? If we do then we tie a record of most 90 degree days since 1988. They are back in front of our house today with more construction whatever they are doing. It is a real mess.


We are now only tied for second place with one other team. But we have to win tonight in order for that to stand. If the team we are tied with looses then we will be in second all alone. But the key is we have to win our last game of the season. This is the second game that was rained out earlier in the season that we are making up tonight.


So our flight leaves at noon on Saturday and gets back at 8:15 in the evening on Wednesday. So I will have enough time to get the payroll in on Wednesday before we leave since there is a 2 hour time difference.


How was dancing last night? Stay cool today.




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With the dance classes, Salsa and Line, its very informal and you only pay when you go so no problem. There was only 3 people plus the instructor, there last night so we just did whatever anyone requested, more just dancing than lessons.


Good luck with your game, I heard its not supposed to rain until Thursday evening so you should be able to get your game in. What do you win if you end up in second place? Any chance of getting into 1st place?


I knew that my DGD in TX was going to LAS but didn't realize she is going to be there the same time as you. Not sure where they are staying but she said on FB this morning that she had to take their 14 mo son to the kiddie dentist this morning. He has been teething but don't know what the dentist is all about. This is the first time they are leaving him home and going by them selves. Speaking of dentists, Bill told me this morning he had such a bad tooth ache again last night that he had gotten up and taken 15 Advil over the course of the night! I told him he could have a toxic reaction to taking that much, but he said he couldn't stand the pain. This morning he called the dentist, and the one we saw a couple of weeks ago wasn't in today, but he did get an appmnt at 2:10 this afternoon with another one. I will pick him up from work (yes he hadto go to work) at 1:15 and it will take about 20 min to get there. Maybe if we get there early they can see him earlier. Hope they can decide this time which one it is, this dealing with toothache pain is getting pretty old.


I am wondering why you are having problems getting the downloads from your fitbit. Do you know that all you have to do is have the base/charger plugged into your computer and get within 15 feet of it and it will download by itself. Then if you go into the "dashboard" area it will give you a graph of all the times during the day and how much you moved.


I used to do payroll too, that was before the laptops, so I could never be gone for 2 weeks at a time, everyone else could but not me. Thats why I don't like doing payroll, really ties you to the job. Hopefully you don't have too many employees so you can get it done quickly and not disrupt your vacation.

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Sharon, 15 pills during the night is way too many. If nothing else it can be very bad for your kidneys. He needs this to get it taken care of before another emergency happens again. I hope the dentist can help out this afternoon.


We have some 50 employees as I am the only one who they always turn to for getting things done. There is no one else who does anything as they all always come to me. However, I am totally fed up with the way he has been treating me and when he gets back we are going to sit down and get some things straightened out, once and for all. I have been there for some 29 years, as I started with his father when he was throwing up from all of the drinking he was doing while his Father was the brains behind the business. The only reason he is in such a good position today is because of his Dad, and his Dad was a decent person who knew how to treat people with respect and he also had a very good way about him.


I am going to have to try to see what I am doing wrong with the fitbit. I will do what you just suggested and see if I can do better. One of my biggest problems, when I get home from work and when I have had days like I have had with that jerk, I am so wound up, it takes a long time to get calmed down.


There is no chance for first place. First place has a 11-3 record and we are tied with one other team at 9-5. There are 4 other teams with an 8-6 record. So we either win or go home. The prize money is for first place and second and last place only. Also money for the team with the most bocce's. The prize money comes form the money we all paid at the beginning of the year. Most of the money goes to the banquet and that is on the 26th. A buffet style food serving and 2 free drinks, and I think we all paid $40 pp, and there are some 100 people in the league.


We are staying at the Embassy Suites Convention Center for Saturday and Sunday. Then we are staying at the Hilton Grand Vacation Club on the LAS strip the rest of the time.





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Got into the dentist today, and Bill had 2 teeth pulled. He is sitting and sleeping right now, exhausted no doubt from not sleeping last night and all that Aleve in his system. He has stitches in his gum also, the root of one tooth was really hard to get out. They have told him not to smoke since it is so close to his sinus cavity, so we'll see how long that lasts! They said 5 days and I told him if he went without smoking for 5 days he could quit completely. Again, I don't know if he can do it or not.


My DGD put on FB that they had landed in Vegas and were ready to have fun. Some of their friends put on there they should work on another baby, but I don't know if they are having more than one or not.


Not sure if I'm going to go dancing without Bill, I think I should probably stay home and make sure he is alright and doesn't take too much medicine again. They game him more vicodin and that stuff is pretty strong.


Got part of the grass cut this morning, hope I can get the rest done tomorrow before the rain hits or if the rain hits.


Are you members of the Hilton Grand vacation club or can anyone stay there. Sounds like a good idea to talk to the jerk when you get back. I had that happen too, the owners son was made president of the plant in Ohio and I had to deal with him and his ego. It didn't work and one day when he gave me a scathing review I walked out. I was pretty much in the position as you and no one else could do the payroll or other HR functions so they begged me to come back, gave me a raise and threw the review away. Sure didn't make me friends with the boss's son though, we were mortal enemies until he ran the company into bankruptcy!

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Sharon, I hope Bill will be doing much better after a few days. I know that stuff makes me dizzy after taking it for a few days. Also it makes me constipated and it takes my system a couple of days to return normal function. So were teeth both in bad shape? It was a good idea to stay home last night and make sure he did not do anything crazy. The drug along can do that to you.


We are members of Hilton HHonors as that is how they spell it. We do not know anything about the Hilton Grand Vacation Club and Bill bought a special promotion awhile back so we shall see what it is all about. I am sure anyone can go there if there is availability.


Let's face it. We both know why most people go to LAS. We are going to see the Hoover Dam and other things like maybe a few shows as well and visit our friends there. We are not really into gambling. But that doesn't mean that I may try my luck at something.


It will be interesting if your Bill can quit smoking. I know you have been trying over the years with no success. But like you say, you will just have to wait and see.


We lost last night and the team we were tied with also lost. So I will have to wait and see what the other teams did, as there were 4 teams right behind us. If those teams all lost, and that would never happen, then we would have a playoff with the same team we were tied with. Depending on how those teams would determine you would be in second. If one of those teams won and the rest of them lost, then that team would be in second. If 2 won and 2 lost then there would be those 2 teams would have a playoff. So you should understand how this all works.




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Yes both teeth were bad, I go to the dentist every 6 months, but he doesn't go until he has something wrong. So after this maybe he will listen to me and start going on schedule also. I did stay home with him, he slept most of the time while we were watching tv and then got up and slept the night through. So today he went to work, said he had too much to do to stay home.


Too bad about losing last night but at least the other team lost too! It has really gotten cold out today, couldn't believe it when I walked out to get the paper this morning. I went to a different Zumba class yesterday afternoon and then the regular one today, so that makes 3 in a row with the regular Tuesday one also. Lost a couple of pounds but that was only because I only ate soup last night with Bill, he has to only eat liquids or soft stuff for a few days.


Didn't get the grass finished since I had to take him to the Dentist, so I will do that this afternoon, no rain yet, just very cloudy.

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I am glad, that Bill slept last night and hopefully he will start to do better. I agree that when it comes to your teeth, you have to schedule regular appointments to maintain good healthy teeth. I do the same as you and stick to a regular schedule.


Congrats on loosing a couple of pounds. Who cares how you did it, just you did do it. Now I think I finally got the fitbit working now. I had 6500 steps and it said to me when I input or got the info from the computer, Kathy, you did a good job. I thought that was funny.


I get my nails done after work today, so if everything goes well the rest of the day perhaps I can get into the hot tub this evening. With the cooler temps it will feel good. Guess what happened this morning, the jerk called me and was nothing but apologizing to me for the way he has been treating me. There is no doubt that either his son or brother had said something to him as I told both of them yesterday how fed up I was with the way he has been treating me. He said he would talk to me in person on Monday, and I reminded him I was going to be out-of-town, and he said I forgot so you and your husband get away and really enjoy yourselves. I almost stuck my finger down my throat. Wonders will never cease.


Good job on doing the extra Zumba classes. Do you like the new place that you went to yesterday/




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Sharon, I found out last night that there is a 6 way tie for second place. So what that means, next Wednesday there will be a sudden death playoff with the 6 teams until there is only one team in second. Unfortunately we will not be here as we will be coming home from LAS. So I will have to call our team members later on to let them know what is going on.


We got rain last night but it arrived late. Today is a nice cool sunny day. Have a good day,




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Sharon, I have not heard from you in a few days so I hope everything is OK with you and Bill? We arrived in LAS a few hours ago and are in our hotel.


Our friend got us tickets for the LAS Hotel, this was formerly the LAS Hilton where Elvis used to perform. Tonight's show is with Rich Little and he will be doing Jimmy Stewart impersonators tonight.


Tomorrow we go to the Hoover Dam and then he said he would try to get us some more show tickets.


Once again, I hope all in OK. It is 97 degrees here.




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Sorry, seems the time is just flying by on the weekend. Can't even remember what took up so much time on Sat, I know Sat evening we went to the dance place to try the band Western Sky and see how loud they were, well they were again much too loud, so we will just not go there anymore for bands.


Friday night we stayed home Bill was still recuperating from his tooth.

Yesterday went to church and then down to Woodstock they had a deal going on at the square with vendors and singers in their bandshell. Then went swimming at the resort.


Now just going out the door to PT, different person today, my reg gal is on vac.

Post more later.

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OK got back, the guy therapist is not as good as the gal I usually have, and I will have him again on Friday, but after that she will be back.


I had forgotten about you leaving already for LV, my DGD just got back home on Sat. They saw the Cirque de Solei and loved it also saw the Blue Man Group, didn't saw how they liked that one. They also rode the roller coaster at NY, NY and wanted to go on the zip line at Fremont Street but her DH was too tall. But by Sat they were ready to get back to their little boy, it was the first time they left him with anyone for that long.


Rich Little should have been pretty funny, I always like to watch him when he was on TV, bet he's getting pretty old by now though. The Hoover Dam is really interesting to see the big turbines inside. When we were there the water level was getting pretty low, bet its even more so now. Speaking of water....we have a severe thunderstorm warning this afternoon. All morning it was bright and sunny and around 78 degrees. Now the clouds moved in so looks like we'll get rain tonight if not sooner.


Bill has to go tomorrow to the dentist to have his mouth checked after the extractions. I have a skin dr appmnt on Wed that I made about 4 months ago.


Glad you are having a good time!

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