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Sharon, how far away is Oak Creek WI, from where you are located? This is where that crazy person killed those people yesterday. Can't we just get away from all of this stuff happening.




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Kathy, no storms, Sat got very dark around 4pm, then got windy then a small smattering of rain, less than a tenth. Then in about a half an hour it cleared all up and was gone. We went to the Neighbors Night, they had two bands and lots of people were "dancing", or as Bill calls it jumping around, ha ha. It was funny, usually at those kinds of things there is no alcoholic drinks, but they had all kinds of beer, bottled drinks like Mike's and "fireman's lemonade" made with vodka. We laughed because they had the police all standing around and we said since everyone was drinking all they had to do was wait until they got on the road to leave and get them for dui.


Sunday we went swimming, not too many people so that was nice, but the hot tub was not working, something wrong with the heater.


Today was zumba and then I was going swimming. However, I only had the bottoms of my suit. I had thrown away the other bottom because it was getting frayed too much, and had left the top of my suit hanging in the tub to dry. This morning I threw in clean underwear and the new bottom but forgot about putting in the top.


I also went to Best Buy, was going to buy a fitbit, its like a pedometer but tracks all your movements and tells you how much you are exercising. They didn't have any, they looked and said the store in Rockford had 19 of them, but I wasn't going to drive all the way over there today. WW is going to start using them and I"ve been reading about them, so thought it might give me a little incentive to lose weight, heaven knows I certainly need to.


Seems like all the storms are going south by you lately, hope you have everything back to normal by now.

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Sharon, you are right, all of the storms have hit this area thus far. In the last 2 weeks we have been on generated power for some 15 hours. Lots of trees and limbs down all over the place. When you have the intense heat like we have had and no rain, that is what happens when it finally does rain.


Well not to much you can do without your top for swimming. I will have to keep my eye out for that fitbit thing. That is funny them having all of the police around and you are right what they could have done. How far away are you from that Oak Creek WI, where all of the shooting was?


Warmed up here today and tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 70's so maybe we can give the air a rest and bring in fresh air, if there is such a thing.




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Sharon, bocce is canceled for today as it is raining here now and will be most of the evening. Last night was the final class for the photo shooting. We took lots of pictures that had some kind of light in it such as the moon reflecting off the lake.


She is going to put together something for fall or winter. How is your day going?




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We are probably about an hour or more away from Oak Creek, WI. I don't know where it is, just that it is a suburb of Milwaukee.


I was cutting the grass and it started to sprinkle just a little, I cut for about an hour and by then the grass was getting wet so had to stop. I got about 1/2 of it done.


I wish I could pull up your pictures, but I have tried several different browsers including chrome and windows explorer, have copied the line and typed the line in both, and still cannot seem to get it. Bet they are nice though.


We are going dancing tonight, last night I was the only "regular" that went to line dance lessons. Two other couples were there but they only come occasionally so they didn't know the new dances that she had taught.

Tonight Bill usually just visits and I line dance with the girls, sometimes if they play Blue Roses or Neon Moon, he will get up and dance with me as they are couples dances.


It is raining a little harder here now too, maybe it will rain all night, would be nice, but would have been nice if I had gotten all the grass cut.


Tomorrow there is no zumba class, all the instructors went to Florida for some convention so there was no one left to teach a class. There is yoga but I'm going to skip it too, no sense driving there for only the one class. So if we get home a little later, won't matter, I can sleep later tomorrow morning.

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Sharon, I am usually the one who can't post pictures and when I try it, it comes up for me. So I am sorry that you cannot pull them up. It is supposed to rain all day today. How was dancing last night? This is a good day for you to relax and rest.


It may be a few days before you can finish the grass. Too bad you could not finish it yesterday.




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Sharon, I will have to look for one of those for myself. Let me know how you like it. It rained all night here and it is raining now this morning with much lower temps. We sure do need the moisture after all of the dryness. What are your plans for this weekend?






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The sun is out today and it is quite breezy so after noon I'll try and get the rest of the mowing done. Hopefully it will be dried up enough that it doesn't just gather up under the mower deck. It rained all day pretty much yesterday, too bad we didn't get it in July when it would have done some good.


I love the temperature yesterday and today, but still very humid. Went out to the mailbox and filled the bird feeders and when I came back in my hair had puffed up 2X's as when I had first went out.


I got the Fitbit charged up, software downloaded and registered so put in on now, will be interesting to see what all it does tell me. I had first heard about them from one of the gals that went to Chicago with me last Monday. Hers was from WW, I think it cost around $40, but you had to pay a $5 a month fee, I think it was to get the info from the computer. It was little, and pulled apart and you plugged it into a port on your computer. Mine is one piece and as long as you are within 15 feet of the computer it will read the information. You can also pay $49 for the year and intereact with others who have them, but for now I'm just going to see how it goes.


We have tickets to see Rodney Atkins at the Boone Co fair on Sat, also the town of Delavan, WI has their book sale and sidewalk sales this weekend.


What have you got in the works for this weekend?

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Sharon, I am just going to stay around here and do some yard work. Try to get things straighten up. Since I will be off of work all day on Tuesday. It was kind of strange last night. Around 9:30 we got this brisk knock on our door as well as the door bell ringing. Well the jerk was on his way home from the airport and he sent the girlfriend to knock as well he had her driving.


Well he wanted to get into the office and did not have any keys. So he came and got mine and one of his daughter's brought them back this morning. So needless to say we were a bit shaken having someone come at that hour.


I hope you can get the rest of the lawn finished without it being too wet. After you get that thing working, let me know what it does and how you like it. It sounds like you got a real nice one. So I will have to prepare myself to drive home alone on Tuesday. We will not know what time to be down there until Monday as that is when the hospital will call with the information. He will have to leave his ring and watch at home as well as any money as they always say they are not responsible for anything lost.


I know what you mean with the high humidly. We may have to turn the air back on just to get rid of it. Don't work too hard cutting the grass, stay cool.




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Sharon, another beautiful day today. We have had our air off the past few days, after running non stop all summer. How was dancing last night? So you are going to the county fair tonight. Have fun as it sounds exciting.


I am going to be sore tomorrow as I have been outside all morning thus far working on the front and back.


Enjoy the weekend,




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The fitbit actually sets itself up, all you do once the software loads is to put in your height and weight and thats it. It sent me an email the first day telling me I had reached 5000 steps, today I got another email saying I had reached 10,000 steps. Not sure if it added together or how to start it over, will have to check that out.


We went to the fair and walked around looked at everything, then went to the grandstand and sat down. Two couples sat in front of us, probably in mid to late 40's. When the concert started the gal in front of us and her husband(?) kept standing up after everyone else had sat down. I tapped her on the shoulder and asked if she would sit down so we could see. She said no she wouldn't it was the first song and she was going to stand up. So I left it at that and we tried to look around her. All during the concert she was bouncing around and fist pumping to the beat, ok, could deal with that. Nothing more was said or done. When the last song came on she again stood up for the whole song. I did not say anything, again we just tried to look around her. As soon as the song was done, she turned around and started yelling and swearing at me, the music was still so loud all I could make out was the F word every other word. First I succumbed to her level and yelled back, we paid for our seats just like you did, but then I thought better of it and just told her to shut up, she just kept swearing and yelling so I again told her to shut up and tried to get Bill to get out of our row and get going, I actually thought she might hit me. He being hard of hearing didn't hear any of what was going on. I finally got him going and we left. I have no idea what in the world was her problem or why she was so mad. She was the one blocking our view, not the other way around???? Anyway we have decided we will probably not go to anymore of those kind of concerts, they pack you into the bleachers like sardines and then you get next to someone like that. We do have tickets for the Walworth Co fair shows but that will be the last ones.


Yes I bet that time of night you were even wondering if you should go to the door, you never know who will be there. Were you weeding the other day bending over? I know when I do that my legs always feel it the next day. It was a beautiful day to be outside yesterday.


We will go to the pool later today, there is an Arts & Craft show up in Lake Geneva but don't think we go there, its always so crowded and no place to park.


Finally the day is coming for Bill, so glad he's going to get it over with, my prayers will be with him all day.

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Sharon, wow what an experience. Once you asked her very politely and she said no and then continued to do that. It was an indication what was ahead. I'll even bet there was alcohol involved. If not then she was just a crude and loud person who is only concerned about herself and absolutely nothing or nobody else. It is unfortunate that when out in public there are people like that.


Like you said, best way to avoid those situations are not to go. In today's society, there are so many nuts out there, it is best to just walk away. As you never know what they will do. Some may even go to extremes and follow you as well. In a case like that, best to just find some kind of law enforcement and let them handle it. Just tell them you are being harassed and feel threatened. Let the nut continue yelling and shouting and she will sink her own ship


Anyway I am so sorry you had such a bad experience. I am willing to bet that the fitbit is adding. I doubt that the next day you doubled your steps. There must be a way of stopping that from happening. Otherwise after a while you are not going to be able to keep track of your daily steps.


Yesterday I spent all day outside working in the front and back yard. I put down 12 bags of mulch as after a while the old mulch doesn't look as good. So I was doing a lot of bending and kneeling and yes, I am tired and sore today. It will be a good day to use the hot tub.


Bill does not use the pool on the weekends as they have short hours for the summer. They close at 2. From noon until 2 it is open swimming and he does not like being around a lot of kids. He even said that some of the people drop off their kids and come back. So I guess he will go one more time tomorrow and that will be it for a while. Then tomorrow he will find out what time we have to be down there on Tuesday.


I would think that Tuesday will be a long day. The surgery will take between 3 to 5 hours. Then another 1 to 2 hours in recovery. Then wait for a hospital room and getting him to the room and then the floor nurses take over. So all in all a very tiring day I am sure.


Enjoy the rest of the day and the pool this afternoon. Hopefully it will not be too crowded for you once you get there.




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Sharon, it rained all night here and it is still raining a little.


I remember when we went to the Beach Boys Concert. Across the aisle from us were these 2 ladies who were about the age range you were talking about. Well they were dancing in the aisle and the attendant kept coming down and telling them that they can't be in the aisle. So they would leave and as soon as they left, they would go right back in the aisle once again and the attendant would come back and tell them once again.


All they would have done was go 1 row back and the entire row was empty and they could have danced in the row all to themselves. So during intermission the 1 lady came up to Bill and was pointing her finger in his face and telling him that you got to lighten up. So he says, I don't mind you talking to me, but don't be putting your finger in my face.


Then he said back to her, that I am doing exactly what I am doing, I am acting my age. Get it, I am acting my age. So they were a couple of live wires. So at the end we got up and left and did not stick around for the on core as it was about 10:45 and Bill did not want to be walking back to the hotel any later than we had to.


That was the time when they were doing all of that protesting downtown. As it was, the streets were deserted and the 2 of us would have made easy targets. He kept looking around and looking behind us as we were walking. It is interesting on how many older people tried to act like teenagers and it is pitiful.




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It has been raining lightly here all morning, and much cooler. There is a touch of fall in the air it feels like.


My fitbit did start over on its own, must be tied into that automatic clock thing so it knows when a new day starts. I haven't added listing food yet, just haven't had the time. I have been looking up in the criminal court records the people that filled applications to rent from Bill. Think he's going to have to keep looking as all of them have evictions listed.


My granddaughter had the permanent cosmetics done on her eyes last Wednesday. She says it has been a few days now and it is looking better and feeling better. When we were at the fair a gal was there from a place in Rockford that does that. She gave me a coupon for some money off if I wanted to do it. I would really like my eyebrows done because they are so light, it would be nice to have them always looking good. Haven't quite gotten up the nerve yet.


Hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow, as I said you will both be in my prayers. Any idea how long he will be in the hospital?


Yes that woman at the concert was quite something, it worried me for quite a while, I'm not used to having someone yell at me like that, then I decided it was her problem and not mine. I bet the couple she was with didn't think much of her either.

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Sharon, thank you for the prayers. I have everyone at church praying for him as well. He will be staying there over night for sure. If there is any type of complication then they will keep him another night. They are supposed to call him today and let him know what time to be there tomorrow.


Let me know if you do that for your eyebrows. I might be interested in doing the same if all works well for you. It is still raining here and it does feel nice to have the cooler weather.


We have enough nuts in this country to worry about. It is good that you can look up these people before you rent to them. You don't need any problem with anyone once they do get in. As they can cause you all kind of problems that you really do not need.




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Sharon, everything went OK. I am going after work to pick him up and bring him home after the traffic calms down. He is in a lot of pain and they wanted to make sure that he is emptying his bladder properly. Also they want to make sure he is on a soft diet for the next 4 weeks and that he eats slowly and in very small portions.


I was a nervous wreck driving home last night. It started raining very hard about 1/2 way home and right up to the house. I was not happy being along either last night. It has been crazy here today and not much time to do much of anything except my job.


Thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers. It will be a long road to recovery, but at least he will be home and will be in his own surrounding tonight.




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Sharon, we got home around 8:30 last night. He is in a lot of pain and is sleeping most of the time. He went to bed almost as soon as we got home and only got up once during the night. I had to go to the drug store to get 3 prescriptions filled. 1 for pain, 1 to help him empty his bladder, and 1 for bowel.


So now it is time to rest and mend. The pain he is under, some is from where they tie you down during surgery where your body goes through contortions during the surgery. So he has pain in his shoulders and neck area as well as the abdomen area. I picked up some shakes last night and he had one just before he went to bed. Otherwise just small things that are very soft.


So I won't really be cooking for awhile. It is raining very heavy here now. I was all stressed out with the driving downtown. It was better having him with me on the way home. But I am not used to drive alone that distance and with all of the traffic and parking in a crowded garage where you just go around and around going up higher until you can find a parking space.


Have a good day today.




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Kathy I was glad to see your post, was starting to think things weren't going good since it had been a while. Thank goodness thats over and the healing can begin. I would imagine it will be hard to eat anything at all for a time. Good he's home and has some meds to help him over the hump. I parked in one of those stupid garages at the jewelry show, just kept going around and around, if I hadn't had my sister with me I don't think I would have found my way back out of it!


It has been raining here today too. Woke up this morning to thunder and rain and now its mostly just a mist. I wanted to stay in bed this morning, but got up and went to Zumba and then yoga. Found out our old zumba teacher that was promoted in her job and can't teach there anymore has picked up a second job at a place called FLAC, which stands for Four Lakes Athletic Club. She will be teaching Zumba tone, piloxing and cycling. I will see when she is teaching the Zumba tone, but FLAC is not very close to me and I'm sure it will be at night so probably won't go. I already do the line dancing on Tues and Bill and I go on Wed, he just sits and watches tv while us girls dance on Wed.


I found a gal that sounds good to do permanent cosmetic eyebrows, she has places in Madison, Delafield and Lake Geneva. My only concern is because I have so many issues with my sensitive skin, wondering if I would have an allergic reaction to it. I have a dermatologist appmnt in Sept, maybe I'll wait and ask the dr what she thinks. Although now that I found this gal, I'd just like to go and get it done.


Hope Bill has a restful night tonight and you too!

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Sharon, when I went home for lunch today. Bill said that ever since he had his prostrate removed 4 years ago it has been hard getting the fluid out of him. He said he has to push it out. After the surgery this time he was not emptying his bladder at all. Then in the evening they were going to cat him and that meant he would have been in another night. So he started pushing down on his bladder and running water and then finally started emptying his bladder.


He was not releasing enough fluid so he would go back and do the same until he was able to get enough out that was satisfying them. Well now since he has been home he told me that his abnormal area is sore and he cannot push it out anymore. So he has not been emptying his bladder enough to get the proper amount out. He said he can feel the bladder area being full and now his stomach feels bloated as well.


The concern now is he may either be starting a bladder infection or already have one. So we have to wait and see how this plays out. But if something does not happen soon, then I will have to drive him down to the emergency room and they will have to cat him there and more than likely admit him through the emergency.


Just when I though this was going to be a relatively smooth process, is turning into something that can get very serious. Instead of having just one thing wrong, he might have a whole new battery of things wrong now.




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Oh Kathy, I hope you don't have to take him back to the hospital. But then again he just might need to get that bladder emptied. I was telling my Bill about it and he thought as did I that removing the prostate would make emptying the bladder easier.He also has an enlarged prostate, he takes some kind of pill he saw advertised on tv. Anyway will be thinking if you tonight.

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Sharon, we were keeping a close eye on how much he was emptying his bladder last night and especially this morning. He had a better night last night and thus far there is no need to take him back down there. He started putting ice packs around the area yesterday afternoon and into the evening to help get the inside swelling down that may have blocked the flow from his bladder.


It looks like it may have worked as he has been discharging. So we will continue to keep a close eye on this and hope for the best. He seems to be doing better and less in pain and discomfort.


It is good that you are keeping up with the Zumba. But I can see if they are moving further north where that may pose a problem especially if the class is going to be in the evening. If this is that same lady who had her husband leave, then she has done well for herself. Good for her. It is about time someone started getting breaks instead of the other way around.


Before the surgery, Bill was emptying without any problems. But when you have a surgery such as the one he just had, there is much swelling and they were doing a lot of probing and moving things around.


If he continues to improve and we do not have to go back down that's even better as the Air and Water Show is this weekend and there will be a ton of spectators down there.


Enjoy the day, and thank you so very much for showing me your concern in this difficult time.



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Thank goodness he's doing better, probably will continue now that its started working. You can never predict how these things will turn out, you just have to pray for the best outcome. Were they able to remove everything they needed to with the surgery, and does he still have to have some chemo or radiation? Seems like they follow up every cancer procedure with one or the other.


Yes its the same gal, Chris, my original instructor. She has done well for herself, promotion at her new job and new boyfriend also, seems very happy now days. The zumba class I am taking now, is led by a gal named Mandy and it will remain where it is. The one Chris will be starting at the other place would be in addition to the one I am taking now, that's why I don't think I will be able to do it, I'm sure the classes will be in the evening.


Tonight we have a couple of options, the regular dance place or the resort has a country performer, quite a change of pace for them. Tomorrow night there is an outside concert in the Phoenix park uptown by a guy named Glenn Davis and it is also the Venetian Festival up at Lake Geneva. There is a lighted boat parade on Sunday at dusk. We will have to decided what we want to do.


Going to cut the grass today, with the rain it is getting to look pretty good again, only a few spots still need to come back green. Luckily we still don't have too many mosquitoes.

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