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Sharon, with your Bill having some issues, I thought something might have happened. I am glad to hear that everything is OK.


Yesterday afternoon we spent that time at the Hoover Dam. A very interesting place. The water was low but they get all kinds of melting snow in the spring to raise the level. When we arrived on Saturday, our friend got us tickets to see Rich Little doing impersonations of Jimmy Stewart. Tonight he got us tickets to see an Elvis impersonator at the LAS Hotel, formerly the LAS Hilton.


He has been driving us around and after the Dam we went to his house where he had dinner for us. Tomorrow night he is taking us to some huge buffet place. Wednesday he takes us back to the airport.


It has been in the upper 90's everyday and it cools down at night. We also bought a 3 day pass on the tram that takes you all around the strip.


Can you ask to have the same PT person each time you go? It sounds like your family had a good time here. Our friend has been keeping us involved with things.


Did the severe weather ever strike the area?


Have a good day,




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I always have the same gal at pt, but she is on vac this week. Your friend out there sounds really nice. Its great to have someone who knows there way around. You'll have to let me know how you like Elvis and if he looks and sounds like him.

We did our Salsa lesson tonight and another couple, that are friends from dancing came too. They said they liked it and will come back. We did the Salsa, the Merangue the Cumbia and the Marcasesa. It was just us 2couples.


I tried to get reservations on the Vangalder bus to go to the Cranberry Festival in Warrens Wi, but had to get on the wait list as they were sold out. I don't know what are chances are of getting a seat.


I am jealous of you having such a good time, but happy for you too!

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Sharon, the show last night was just OK. He seemed to be just going through the motions and seemed to be tired. He also seemed to be in love with himself. He sounded like Elvis and looked somewhat like a young Elvis, but nothing spectacular. But still a nice evening out for entertainment.


We took the tram to the strip afterwards and wandered around for awhile and then came back for a late night snack. This afternoon we are going to this pawn shop that is hosted on the History Channel to check it out and pawn a few things that we brought with us. On TV it is called Pawn Stars.


Tonight we are getting picked up to go to this huge buffet. Tomorrow we return home in the afternoon. It sounds like you have been doing well with dancing. I agree with the loud music at the other place, it is time to find someplace else to go to.


Have a good day. When I post from here, we are 2 hours behind you. So my computer is set for our time thus the time posted is 2 hours behind you.




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Mmmmm, a huge buffet is always good! Can Bill eat now what he wants or is he still restricted? I am taking my Bill to the dentist today for a checkup, he has been eating pretty good, as long as he chews on the other side.


I finally get to go to my skin dr appmnt, made about 6 months ago. I know I have one place that needs to be zapped, not sure if she will find any others.


Today in zumba we did a variation called Sentao, its using a chair. It was quite a workout. Lots more than you would think. We were all sweating up a storm! I am sure it hit muscles that haven't been used for a while.


After the rain yesterday we have very cool and sunny weather today, kind of nice for a change.

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Sharon, how much rain did you get yesterday? Bill can start to eat more things, but still has to cut up small and chew into small pieces.


How did Bill make out at the dentist? It sounds like you got a good workout at Zumba. How is your hip doing during the exercises? Perhaps you will be sore tomorrow from the extra workout.


We did something different going to the airport in Chicago. Instead of taking a limo or parking in the airport parking. We parked in a garage down the road from the airport and just a fraction of the cost from the other options. The finial conclusions will be seen when we get back tomorrow.


I hope your evening is relaxing.




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Everything looked good for Bill at the dentist. He wanted to make an appmnt to work on other ones but the dentist said to wait for at least two more weeks to let this heal up.


How was the buffet, did you try alot of different things?


Yes I'm thinking I will have some sore muscles but I think the Naproxin I'm taking will help.


We didn't get a lot of rain yesterday, it went through to quick.


We usually stay down by the airport the night before since we are about 70 miles north when we fly anywhere. The off lot will proba ly work good, I think alot of people use those. Welcome home!

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Sharon, he got this buffet for free. A football game he was at last week for UNLV had this stunt at half time where a member from the crowd had a chance to kick a field goal from a certain distance. Well the person made it and everyone who was at the game got a free buffet. So he got a few extra tickets and that is how we got a free buffet. The real cost of the buffet was $17 pp.


I did try many different things and the price was just right. I am glad, that Bill did well at the dentists today. Also a good idea to wait before he gets anything else. The nice thing about this off airport remote parking is that it is inside parking for just a fraction of the cost from the other options.


It was nice getting away, but I will be glad to get back home tomorrow. It felt good to have some heat after the cooler temps that we have had. Our flight leaves here at 2:30 and we get back to O'Hare at 8:30 so that means we should arrive home around close to 10. You are 70 miles north and we are about 60 miles south.


Have a good day tomorrow.




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Hope you brought a sweater or jacket to wear when you land, its pretty windy and cold today. What is the name of the parking garage you used, I haven't heard of any that have inside parking.


I have my skin dr appmnt today, I have a spot I have been concerned about for awhile so it will be good to finally go and get it checked out. Then this afternoon I have that new zumba class I am taking with 3 of the gals from the Tues/Thurs class. I bought a 10 class punch card so I would make sure I kept going. Two of the gals probably won't make the 10 seesions as they leave for the winter. One goes to Venice, Florida and the other to Gulf Shores, Alabama. I hope our winter isn't too bad this year, with the strange weather we've had this summer I don't know what we will get.


Tonight we have the visiting and dancing at the End Zone, so that should be fun. We missed last week, Bill didn't feel like going and I was worried to leave him alone with all the meds he had taken. The gals told me they were able to do all the dances that I had taught them, which is good because some times I forget how to do them!

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Sharon, we got home around 10:30 last night. So I am a bit tired today. I thought it was kind of funny one week I am wearing short pants and short sleeves and now I am wearing socks and long sleeves. Yesterday when we left it was 99 degrees and it was in the high 90 the entire time we were there.


The name of the company for the parking garage is called The Parking Spot and they have a web site you can pull up, as they have locations all over the country. The name of the garage at O'Hare is called AviStar Airport Parking. They also have an outside parking.


For the airport City parking overnight at the garage it costs $51. Outside daily parking is $31, and valet parking is $46. For this place where we parked the regular rate is $16.95 daily for inside. But they have coupons and redeem one of those and the same parking is $8.40. Outside parking is normal $11.95 and with a coupon it is $6.40. They have a pickup and drop off shuttles and it worked out just fine.


We have a frequent user card now and with every 7 days of parking over any period of time you get 1 day free, as you can build up the days of parking over a period of time.


I tell you more later.




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That does sound like a good deal, if we ever just want to drive and fly I'll write that down so we can use it. I'm still trying to decide what to do for our anniversary on 10/11, it will be our 10th so wanted to do something a little special, but the time keeps moving along so fast haven't decided on anything yet.


Had a good zumba class this morning, quite a few people there today. At the skin dr yesterday she found 3 places to zap. So I have like a burn spot on my forehead, my chest right under the collar bone and on the top of my hand. They will look ugly for about a week then start to heal and the scab will fall off leaving just nice skin underneath.


Glad to be staying home tonight, we like to watch the tv show Person of Interest.

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Sharon, it is good to keep up with skin issues as you never know what they can turn into. The parking that we did at O'Hare is far better than using the City airport parking and so much cheaper. Especially for inside parking. That is one reason we have taken a limo so our car is not parked outside. In the future we will use coupons and register this card they gave us for future free parking.


It is always good to have enough people when doing the Zumba class. I know it is nice to get away, but also good to be back home again. So you both are going to just stay in tonight and relax and watch TV, this will be good. I was able to do payroll yesterday before we left with no problems at all and that is why I took my lap top. It is kind of a pain going through security with it all. But going through security is a big pain anyway.

Enjoy the rest of the day.


I am sure you will have something good planned for your 10th. You are not that far ahead of us. As ours will be 7 not too far off either.





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Sharon, rain in the forecast for today. Since I have been back all I have had is people coming to me to say, well you finally back. I was only gone for 3 days, come on.


What are your plans for the weekend? We may go to the club tonight for dinner as Bill is starting to come around with eating. He still has to chew into small pieces and eat slow. He still has not had any drinks yet.


Well whatever you do over the weekend have fun and relax.




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Had to get up and get down to the pt again today. I'll be glad when my regular gal is back on Monday. I like her a whole lot better, its kind of uncomfortable having a guy, even a therapist, message your butt cheek and upper leg.


I was looking back trying to see how many employees you said you did payroll for, didn't find that but found a post I had missed where you said jerk boss had apologized. Did he get around to talking to you since you got back? Would make for better working conditions for you if he were nicer.


Tonight will probably go to the dance place and visit and dance a little. Bill is doing much better and can eat pretty much anything as long as he chews on the other side.


I got on the scale this morning, haven't been weighing for a while and was shocked to see that I have gained 5 pounds. I am trying to blame it on the change in the thyroid medicine, but not sure if that's really it or if I'm just eating more and the wrong things. Anyway I seem to be going the wrong way!


Rainy all day here today, just a drizzle and then a little heavier at times. I think the weekend is going to be more of the same. I have a one hour boat ride on Lake Geneva scheduled for Monday afternoon for me and Bill at 3:30 in the afternoon, so I'm hoping it warms up and its sunny. I won it at the beginning of summer and never got around to doing it.


Enjoy your dinner out tonight!

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Sharon, I have 50 employees I have to keep track of here and a few other locations that we have in this area. The jerk has not come in as yet and this is typical for him as he is always coming in at the last minute and then keeps me and messes up my schedule. Or another thing he does is calls me at the last minute. Anyway he has not talked to me face to face yet only on the phone.


I don't remember you telling me about the boat ride. But I hope you do have good weather and that you both enjoy being out on the lake for the hour. Something nice to do in the afternoon on Monday.


I say blame the weight gain on taking the thyroid medication. Taking that stuff will mess up your system. It will be good for you to get your regular person back on Monday for PT. I would be the same way as you, having another man touch me. I would not like that one bit. Also remember to ask him on Monday about the thyroid medication and how it might affect your weight gain.


Have fun tonight dancing and being with your friends. It sounds like you have been getting more rain than us as it has been only raining very light and nothing to do really anything. Enjoy the weekend.




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Sharon, we never went out to dinner last night, as Bill was not feeling too well. So we just stayed in. It did rain somewhat last night, but nothing much. Early this morning it rained some also.


I got up early to go to do my grandmother duty by watching the grand kids at a soccer game this morning. It was very cold and windy. How was the dance place last night?


Today I am just going to get things done around here. On Sunday late in the afternoon I am going to my friends house and from there we are going to this walk for those who lost loved one's. She lost her husband last year and this is just a memorial on his behalf.


In 2 weeks we are staying downtown during the Columbus Day weekend. Saturday to Monday. Bill is working the marathon on Sunday driving a vehicle on the course to help or pick up anyone who cannot make it anymore. Also assisting runners who may need additional hydration or snacks along the way. I will just stay behind and help to work inside the tent.




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Sharon, I forgot to mention earlier, as we were flying home on Wednesday our team was playing the position round for second place. They played the second round of three rounds and lost right there. So we ended in fourth place after either holding first place or second place the entire season.


We were in control of our own destiny and if we would have won last week there would have been no playoff. Oh well, at least we had fun this season and we have done something we have never done before. We ended in the top 5. Every other season the closest we ever got was thirteenth place.


The banquet for the bocce is on Wednesday. An all you can eat buffet and 2 free drinks for everyone in the league. This was covered in the beginning of the season with the entry fee.




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We had cold and windy today but no rain and only off and on sun, guess fall is in the air today. We were going to go to the Spanish Heritage thing up in Delavan but it got too late so we just are home this afternoon. We might go to the resort if they have any good entertainment tonight.


That was nice of you to go to the soccer game, I bet it was cold! My kids never played soccer so I don't know how its played, but I know it has gotten popular.


It should be a good day for the marathon, not too hot for people doing all that running. I saw a funny quote on FB the other day, it said: I don't like jogging so if you see me running you better run too because something must be chasing me. I used to run but now am happy to just be able to walk. My hip is so much better I even forget that it hurt. The pt therapist doesn't know anything about thyroid meds, I would have to talk to my regular physician. The trade off is that I do sleep better than I used to and I don't think I am as crabby as I was. I'm am just going to have to tailor my eating which is darn near impossible it seems.


We saw a young guy, 36 yrs old last night at the dance place that we hadn't seen for quite a while. He always loved to dance and was really good at it. He had a job cutting trees down and one time a branch fell on his neck and paralyzed him. He is in a wheel chair and has braces on both of his arms so he can lift them. He was telling us that he plows snow and goes right past our house to one of his contracts so we told him we had lost the guy who did ours and he said he would be interested in doing it. I don't know how in the world he can drive but he must do it somehow. The only thing is unless he has someone with him he wouldn't be able to do the sidewalk to the front door.

We told him to stop by before it snows so he can see where he needs to plow and give us a quote.


Ok, gotta go, have a nice evening,

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Sharon, that is so sad about that young man. It just goes to show that we can never take anything, as at anytime we can all loose what we have and he is a prime example. But if he can make it work then it will be good for him to plow for you. I would think he would have to have someone come with him as almost everyone would want a sidewalk shoveled.


It rained a bit yesterday morning and it was also cold and windy. So I pulled the car up close so I could see the action as it was just too clod to sit outside. Some of the kids sat inside with me. We went out late yesterday afternoon to get something to eat. We went to a local place like you go to Chilies' for something to eat yesterday.


Later on this afternoon and into the evening I will go with my friend. I don't think I will get back home until around 9. She wants me to meet her at her house at 4.


That is a very funny saying about running. I'll have to pass that one on to Bill as I am sure he will get a laugh from it also. The marathon is kind of funny. It can be cold or hot or somewhere in between. I can remember one year it was rain and snow the night before the marathon. They have had heaters in the tent in the morning and other times like last year they are taking off the sides as it is so warm. We will just have to wait and see.


Shortly I hate to even think about it, but I will have to consider draining the hot tub as it is getting too cold for me to go outside. It feels good when I am in it, but I do not like getting out in the cold.




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Sharon, last night was "Light The Night". However because of the shortage of helium they used balloons just blown up and a small light put inside with a stick for us to hold up while walking around a lake. They also gave us one of those glow light to wear around our necks.


This place was in Crown Point, IN and they had one of those covered bridges that connected the lake. I got home around 8:30. Today it is supposed to be very windy but temps around 70.


After the summer we had, I don't want to think about winter coming. I do not think we are going to see anymore 90 degree days this year. I am a little bombed out. I might have told you a few weeks ago that the granddaughter said to me, Grandma, Grandpa looks younger than you now. He shaved off his mustache a few months ago, so one reason. Another is, he has lost over 35 pounds over the past 2 months. So he is looking slim now.


Here I am feeling over weight and feeling old. I don't think we want our husbands looking younger than we and having more success in loosing weight than we are. He said he is going back to the pool this week and he wants to loose even more. He was as high as 266, the heaviest he has ever been and is now down below 230. I have been using the fitbit almost everyday, yet I do not feel like I am doing anything.




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Boy I am impressed thst Bill lost so much, but then he had the medical issue that probably contributed to it. Although I could still have gained if it were me by drinking shakes and eating ice cream!

You night out sounded quite different, I hadn't heard of something like that before with the lights.

We went swimming last night but I just went into the steam room because of the 3places that are not healed yet from the skin dr. Bill did the steam room and then the hot tub. I played a game on my tablet.

Today the boat ride was fun, not to cold since the boat named the Walwoth had windows and they were closed. They gave a nice narrrative of who built the homes and how they made their money, as we cruised along the shoreline. Then we went to the restaurant across the street called Popeyes and had a bowl of cream of broccoli soup and split a grilled tuna sandwich and fries. We got home only an hour before our salsa lesson. We were again the only ones there, from now on we are going to meet an hout earlier at 6pm. That way we can watch dancing with the stars too too.

Just watching the Packer football game now.

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Sharon, the boat ride yesterday sounded very interesting to learn about the area and who made it the way it is today. Yes, the main reason Bill lost the amount of weight he did was from the surgery. But it still does not make me feel good. I am glad his surgery went well. I just wish I could do something that would kick start my weight loss.


Yesterday the jerk never came in so he talked to me for over an hour on the phone. The main thing he is going to do starting 1/1/13, is drop our pension. Like so many companies out there today, business is stopping the funding on pensions and concerning themselves with their bottom line. So he tried to make me feel good by saying he will put the money else where. I know different with him.


His son who has only been working there for 3 years has more money in his pension because of his father putting so much into it. I could not put the money he has put into his son's account because I did not have such funds, and I have been working there for 28 years. Just wait until the rest of the employees hear what is coming. This jerk is really wearing on me.


Anyway I am glad you had a good day yesterday. I had a bad day and I hope today will be better. I think with the events that have happened with the salsa dancing. It is a very good plan not to go too early and do your own thing.




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We changed the time for the salsa class to an hour earlier because he used to have a yoga class that met at that time and no one has came for 2 weeks now. He said he will just move the yoga class to Wednesday and make up new flyers. We are happy to be going an hour earlier and so is he so all is well.


Isn't there a law about the percentage of money that can be allocated to the employer and employees? Seems to me I remember something along those lines, hope he checks with a lawyer before he changes everything for you all. If he stops the pension would you still get one with the money already contributed into it? Wow he is a jerk and a half!!


We did that new zumba sentao again today, very challenging, but uses muscles not ordinarily used in the regular routines. I like it though, it's different.


Beautiful day today, hope yours is better than yesterday,

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Sharon, when it comes to pensions an employer can stop funding them at anytime. Bill, where he used to work, that company dumped all of the pensions when the company filed for bankruptcy. He lost over $300,000. Now his pension is being paid by the Pension Guarantee Fund through the government. For me, the money that I have set up in my own IRA will stay and he cannot do anything with that. After 1/1, I will have to make sure I do most of the funding as he will be out of it.


Since our company is 50 employees or less they are not bound by a lot of the laws that are out there. Both of them are sneaky and are not to be fully trusted. They do not have any loyalties except for themselves. So even though the jerk says he will always take care of me. I do not believe him for one single second.


Well it is good that all is worked out for the best for everyone involved with the salsa. I am glad that your new Zumba is also working well for you. How has your hip been doing?


A very nice day outside today. Too bad I am stuck inside. Enjoy the day,




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Sharon, we have our bocce banquet tonight. So Bill said he will go to see how everything goes down for him while eating. It was foggy here this morning with the cold and warm temps mixing. This is good weather having cool nights and warm days.


Have a good day, enjoy.




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What place did you end up in for the bocce competition? If you are having the banquet it must be ended now. I was surprised there were so man people in it, you have a lot of participation from the members there.


Another beautiful day here, I already took Tinker for a walk and will need to take my car up for an oil change this afternoon. I also have to make an appmnt for Tinker at the vet, got a note from them saying they hadn't seen her since 2010 and couldn't keep dispensing meds until they saw her again by law. I didn't realize it had been that long. I always get the 3 year rabies shot so I guess that was the last time she was in.


I skipped the line dance lesson last night, was tired and didn't feel like going. Today I have zumba at the school at 4pm and then tonight we will go to the End Zone and have a drink and dance and visit with friends.


Hope your day is going well,

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