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Sharon, yes we both were watching the 60 minute segment. That girl is a hometown Boston girl who is now living in Portland. It was a good story and since no American has won it in 30 years, everyone will be pulling for her I am sure. That would be great if she could pull it off.


We leave on Friday and return on Tuesday, the day after the marathon. We are going to the Boston Red Sox game on Friday night. Then just getting all organized and going through the security measures in place. We will be leaving early on Friday. Boston is 1 hour ahead of us here.


We woke up to 70's on Sunday. Around noon the temps started to really drop. Around 5 the temps were in the 40's and that is when the rain hit here. It rained most of the night. I did see all of that hail on the TV, as it looked like snow, and also saw broke windows on cars as well.


We went to the club yesterday for a Spring Fling, where all leagues have sign ups, like bocce and the golf leagues as well. They had food as well. Winter is not finished with us just yet.




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We had snow here yesterday, enough to cover the ground. But today it is mostly gone, but still very cold. I went to swimming today and I think I will go again on Thursday instead of zumba. Several of us were talking about how the instructor just doesn't put much into it anymore and keeps a conversation going almost the whole hour with a couple of her pals instead of really paying attention to the rest of the class. The swimming class the instructor is all business and actually has a plan she follows, very nice.


So did you sign up for the bocce tournaments again? You never mentioned golf do either you or Bill play golf? My Bill used to play golf all the time but hasn't for a very long time now. He says it hurts his neck to swing the club. He has not been doing too good. On Sunday we were going to go to the pool but he got started coughing and had a real hard time quitting. He has a lot of phlegm and it almost chokes him. By the time he got it quieted down, he was too give out to go to the pool. Last night when he laid down to sleep he had to lay on his side or the phlegm got to be too much again. He said if it didn't get better he would call the dr but hadn't around noon, so maybe he's going to wait another day. He did say though that tonight he wants to figure out how to use the inhaler and the oxygen, so I think he's getting pretty concerned as am I.


Hope it warms up a little tomorrow!

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Sharon, along with you, we go snow last night as well. However it is all gone today. It was very cold today and I do not think it got above 33 here. I saw that on Monday in Boston the high is 58 and the low 43.


I totally agree, what is up with that Zumba instructor. She sounds like she does not care anymore. You want an instructor like the water aerobics instructor. You are getting a very good workout with her, and much better for your body with non weight on your body.


So I have to get it into gear and start getting things organized as far as me packing. We are getting up very early on Friday. I think the flight is at 10, but we may go for an earlier one, depending on how the passenger loads are looking.


We did sign up for bocce, and all of our team is back. Bill used to golf as well. But he has not golfed in many years as well. So we just go there for the socializing and the bocce and other events throughout the year. Most of the other's are golfers.


If your Bill is coughing and has the fluid build up, then perhaps the oxygen will help him. Propping up his head, if he can tolerate that, having his head propped up may help him to sleep better as well. I know when my Bill had problems with coughing and breathing, he had to be inclined something like 30%. For some, that could be uncomfortable, as it was for him.


Stay warm,




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Well I don't believe it but Bill did use the inhaler last night and again this morning. He is not coughing as much and both of us slept better last night.


Are you flying standby? Hope you both get on the flight together and the one you want. Maybe you are beating the rush to get out there leaving on Friday morning. They said it should be the safest place on the earth on Monday with all the security they have going on, I hope so!


We will go to visit and dance tonight, at least I think we will. A couple of times Bill has stayed home and I've went. It's so cold and it really bothers him, he has a hard time staying warm, and its not good for him to breath the cold air. Wish it would warm up. Some of my tulips that had gotten pretty big and almost ready to burst into bloom, are almost laying down on the ground. I think they might have froze and not sure they will recover enough to bloom.


I only have one more exercise class this week, that will be tomorrow, the water aerobics. Not going to the zumba for a while I have decided. The other gals are going to tough it out and still go, one that went on Tuesday said the instructor actually had 2 new routines. No class on Friday because they are expecting a overflow at the church where the class is and are going to set up extra seating in the gym where we do the exercise.


Have you got everything packed yet? Shouldn't need too much, hopefully you can get it all in a carryon, or one big suitcase that both of you use.

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Sharon, yes Bill is retired from UAL, so going there we are flying standby and returning on Jet Blue with purchased tickets. So we are changing from a 10 am flight to a 6:30 flight now, based on the flight loads. He keeps track of the flights and takes us to the best possible option for flying. With how it looks we will be both flying together. So with us leaving so early now to catch a 6:30 am flight, we will really have to leave our house very early as well.


Yesterday, with all of the ceremonies there. Did you hear about the nut who put 2 bags on the course with pressure cooking devices, and they caught him. Yes, it should be the safest place, but what happened yesterday, just goes to show, there are nuts every where.


That is good, that Bill has used the oxygen. If is really helping him out, then that is what he will have to continue to do. It is good that he and the both of you are sleeping better.


Bill does not shear his luggage with me. I am getting there but not yet. I plan to have a checked bag that I can roll around. As when we get there, we have to take 2 trains to get to the hotel. Bill takes public transportation, rather than a cab. A cab would cost us big bucks and the train will cost us both about $5. So we have to get on 1 train just outside the airport, and transfer to another train to get us there. On Monday, the temp is supposed to be 58 H 43 L.


I can understand about your Bill being sensitive to the cold. I did not know you went to the dance place alone sometimes. Yes, it has been cold and I agree with you about the flowers. From our temps going from 80's 1 day to freezing another, no wonder.


Hopefully your Zumba class will pick up with the instructor. It sounds like the water aerobics is much more organized and better exercise for you.


Stay warm,




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Oh that will be early if you take the 6:30, how do you know how to take the trains to get to the right place? Hope you can get your room at the hotel that early. If not maybe you can at least leave your luggage there until time.


I did see that giy, guess his mom said he is bypolar, why then wasn't someone taking care of him I wonder. Like you said, another nut!


I did go by myself tonight, we just talked because the pool league started, guess they will play every other week on Wednesdays. Bill wanted to stay home and rest so that was okay.

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Sharon, yes, it is going to be a real challenge getting up soo... very early tomorrow morning. But this is what we have to do flying stand-by. Once we arrive there, and they are 1 hour ahead. We get there around 10 something. So by the time we claim our luggage and make our way to the subway and go to the hotel it will be close to noon.


Once we are in the subway, we just ask what train to catch, and they tell us how many stops or what stop to get off at, or to transfer at. I am totally lost, and I get real mad if Bill goes too far ahead of me. I always get stuck in the turn styles. So I heavily rely on him.


I was thinking, that it is too bad, that there is always someone who will, or has to spoil everything. Just think of the one's who lost their lives. Then consider all of the one's who were hurt seriously, and even lost their limbs. Why does this stuff has to exists in our world. Then you have what played our yesterday in Boston, come on.


So it was good that you were able to get out last night. Now you say pool, are people playing pool? So they have pool tables and they have competitions?


Depending on how things are there, I will try to post while away. But if not, then I will be back sometime on Tuesday. Have a good weekend, and I do hope that all goes well for us while there. The time will pass very quickly I am sure.




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They have one pool table so there aren't many that play, but enough to stop us from dancing because it is a very little dance floor and right next to the pool table so they can't reach the pool cue back without it being on the dance floor. Also, they play different music so we wouldn't dance to it anyway. It will only be every other week so thats ok, seems we always have a lot to talk about.


Have a wonderful, safe time!

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Sharon, have a wonderful Easter for you and Bill. I heard it is supposed to be up around 70 on Sunday.


We are leaving super early in the morning, like before 4 am. It might have just been better to stay at a hotel there, but we never considered it before now. So it is what it is.


Only not being able to dance every other week is not bad, if the guys respect that for you who dance. I could see why those guys would be bothered, by having your group disrupt their pool games.


I am so glad to have a break from the work place. Lately, there has been nothing but a bunch of cry babies. Of course, any time spent away from that place is a much welcome break.


Once again, enjoy and have a great Easter.




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Hope you both got on the flight you wanted and by now are comfortably situated in your hotel room, or maybe at the baseball game. We have had a great day weather wise, hope you are having a great day too.


It should really start to hum there this weekend, with everyone coming from all over the world to run the marathon. I saw Chicago had a 1/2 marathon on Friday, looked like a great turnout there too for the people who can't do the whole marathon.


We bought the mower that I wanted to get, its a 23 hrp engine, 46 inch cut, zero turn riding mower. They are delivering it free on the 30 of April so hope the grass doesn't grow too fast, thats a little over a week away. We got it at Lowes, had looked and checked prices quite a few places and that was the best deal.


We had a nice time last night, danced a few and had some good conversation. One couple doesn't come on Good Friday but the other one does. Bill could only dance part of the dances, starts coughing and gets out of breath. This all started last Sunday, I don't know if its going to be permanent or if he has caught something. He is going to the dr around the end of the month so we'll see then what he thinks. He has also, as of today, started to use the oxygen. His level was down to 80 today and thats way too low.


Anyway have a great time!

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Sharon, we arrived back home at O'Hare yesterday morning and back to our home before noon. It cost us only $41 for the inside parking for the time while we were away. Once we got home we both laid down for awhile as we were very tired from all of the activities over this weekend.


We caught the first flight out on Friday and arrived in Boston early enough to take free trains from the airport to the hotel and even check in the hotel around 11:30, put our luggage in the room and go to pick everything at the expo, that was just across the street.


On Saturday morning, we walked to the finish line area and saw all of the bombing victims walking the last mile to the finish line and stopping to take pictures at the 2 places where the bombs went off. It was very emotional seeing these people live in person, where we have only seen them on TV before this.


There was just too much going on while there for me to get on here to post anything. Getting up so very early on Friday and on Tuesday morning to come back. Even on Monday morning at 3:30 am for Bill to catch the bus to get to the starting area. I was able to track him along the course with his # on my phone alerts from AT&T, when he crossed the areas along the course.


Something like 4,200 participants did not finish out of 36,000 who started. Then another 500 finished after Bill. He just went for the finish and not the time. He did not want to hurt himself or end in the hospital. I was an official volunteer at the finish line to greet him and help him back to the hotel. He got a massage and we got something to eat, went to the room to get cleaned up and went to bed very early.


How is your Bill doing? That is great that you will be getting a great mower to help you cut the grass in a fraction of the time, and make it so much easier for you. Our grass is not really growing too fast either, so you should be OK with these warm temps and then cold temps again.


We went to the game on Friday night and only stayed until the top of the 4th inning. Temps dropped to 36 degrees and Bill did not want to get sick, so we left and got back to the hotel.


Well back to the bump and grind once again. It was great to be away if only for 3 days from work. Boston is a great place and there was so much emotion and excitement over the entire weekend.




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I bet it was emotional seeing those people from last year walk across the finish line, we saw some of it on tv. Good for Bill in even finishing the race, we saw one guy they carried across the finish line because he had nothing left, some of the other racers picked him up and helped him finish. Sounds like you were really busy! Too bad you couldn't stay a few more days and see some "sights", Boston has lots of them.


I got the delivery of the mower moved up to this Sunday, so I guess I will stay home from church or else Bill will have to deal with it. Its supposed to be ready to go except for gas so I will have to learn how to drive it.


I looked up on the internet and found that once in a while people with copd have what they call exacerbate symptoms. Thats when the coughing starts and the phlegm starts getting really bad. That is what he had, since he has been using the inhaler and the oxygen he is better, not really terrific but better. I also read that the less you do the less you will be able to do, so he has got to start to do some walking.


My hyacinths and daffodils are blooming, the cold last night did not seem to hurt them and the tulips are ready to bloom any day now.


I got Tinker some more medicine for her incontinence, they are estrogen pills. She takes one a day for 7 days and then two times a week, in addition to the meds she already takes for it. This is the 3rd day and so far has not helped, hoping it will kick in soon, she is ruining our carpeting.


Well, hope they did not leave too much for you to do now that you are back. What is Bill going to do now to keep busy since he won't be running anymore, or is it just that he won't be running marathons anymore. Maybe after his back surgery he will feel so good he will change his mind.

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Sharon, that is so good that they will be delivering the mower a week early. I did not know they did deliveries on a Sunday? Yes, you will really have to read up on the machine and especially once it is delivered, to get the hang of it all. I would imagine it will move and turn really fast. You will think that you have died and went to heaven with the change in mowers.


If the oxygen is helping Bill, then he will have to continue to use it to benefit him. You also bring up a good point about not doing things, versus doing things. In order to stay mobile, he will have to be mobile.


For Bill, it will be a few days, before he starts to do anything again, I would think. But I am very surprised on how well he is getting around after what he did, covering that entire course. He filled up the tub in Boston with cold water after the race, and sat in it for 20 minutes. Then again last night he did it again in our own tub. Today he was still walking and getting around so well, you would never have guessed he had just completed that marathon.


At the airport yesterday, every runner that I had seen was limping around, except Bill. So I guess the cold water did some good. It was not good getting into the water, but the results spoke for themselves. So he said he was going to continue swimming up until the surgery in a few weeks. Then after that, he will have to see what kind of restrictions they will be putting on him. He said no longer distances, but maybe 5K's with me.


While in Boston I did not think my fitbit was working nor my WW device. I was not able to download anything there. But once home, everything came up and showed all of the steps and distances that I had done. I am going to try at some point this week to get to WW to see just where I am.


Yes, I can see some flowers starting to pop up. But with these warm and then cold temps, things are moving slowly. But once we get into regular weather, things will really take off.


I hope, Tinker will respond to the med's and she will have things work for her the way they are supposed to. Also that your Bill will be able to get some good news when he sees the Dr later on this month.


It was good to get away, and once again no lunch today. Everything picked up just where I left off. It is like I was never gone. At the airport our pre checked TSA went great. There were no lines, no taking off shoes or belts and you could even leave on a light jacket.


Enjoy and have a great rest of the week,




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I had never heard of getting into a tub of cold water, but it sure sounds like it did the trick! Must do something to the muscles, but the hard part I'm sure is getting into the cold water. I guess you could pretend you were going swimming, or maybe if you had access to a pool that would do just as good.


I went to the dentist yesterday, I had a tooth fixed in January and it never got over being sensitive to cold. It kept getting worse in fact so I went yesterday and had him look at it again. After taking an xray, he said I would either need to get a root canal or have it pulled. This is the last tooth on the bottom, in fact a wisdom tooth. However the top tooth does not hardly hit it since it is a little out of line. So he recommended I have it pulled, didn't think I would miss it and besides, a root canal would be around $1200 and pulling it would be around $300. So I am going tomorrow afternoon to have it taken out, little nervous about it too.


Today I went and got the sticker for the license plate for my truck, then to Menards, Farm & Fleet and finally to Walmart. As I was standing in line to pay at Walmart I looked down at my hand and noticed my diamond was gone from my wedding ring. I was shocked and then really upset that it was gone, I have no idea where or when I lost it. I showed Bill when he got home and he said we would get another one put in, but still disappointed that I lost that one. It shouldn't have come out!


Well, got to get some dinner started, both hungry, although Bill told me that he did have that bottle of Boost, that I gave him quite a while ago, this afternoon and thought it was pretty good.

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Sharon, even though it has been a very long tie for him. Filling the tub up with cold water and getting into it has helped his mussels. In Boston the tap water was so cold he did not put any ice in it. When we got home on Tuesday, in the evening he did it again and put ice in it this time. With all that we were doing, we never ever got to any pools to even check them out, much less to just get in them.


Pain means inflammation someplace. Heat feels good, but only promotes the swelling. Cold will help the inflammation and take the swelling down. As hard as it was, it really helped him to the point, he was not limping around and in no pain.


Wow, good luck today. I am with you. I would not be looking forward to this at all. I do not know if I could even do it. You did bring up very good points, and as far as the price goes, it sounds like a good choice. But once you have it done, it is done forever. But if you feel you can live without the tooth and it not cause you any further problems, then good luck.


Tonight I have bunco with the gals in a suburb near to here. There will be not time for me to get to WW this week. It will all have to wait until Monday now to see if I was able to loose anything with all of the steps I had taken. Once I arrived home, all information from both devices were able to download into my computer. They said I had taken a record number of steps.


It was extremely windy yesterday. We got some rain last night, but nothing like what they were predicting. Just damp and overcast today. But I guess it will be warming up over the weekend somewhat. It still feels somewhat cool around here.


Enjoy and have a good day today. Good luck at the dentists. Will you feel like going out tonight?




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We did not go dancing, I am in quite a bit of pain, my jaw is very swollen and I can barely open my mouth. They put me to sleep which I hadn't planned on but was glad they did. My blood pressue was 163 over103 before so they thought it would be better for me. They also numbed it quite alot. It did not start to "thaw out" until after we got home and then thats when the pain started. We got a prescription for hydrocodone/adecetaminison, it is very strong and knocked me out for several hours. Will take another one soon and go to bed. I probably shouldn't go on the 5k tomorrow but I am going to see how I feel in the morning and go if I am able to. I was the one that got the other 3 gals to do it wirh me so would hate to not make it. I was glad Bill came with me today because he had to drive us home.


There is a bunco party next Tuesday night but I didn't sign up to go. I should have then I would know what you are talking about when you go. Have fun

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Sharon, I am sorry you are in so much pain. That prescription is good for the pain, but it does knock you out. Perhaps sleep is the best for you for a few days, until the swelling, and pain goes away.


I got home around 1 am. I did not know you had a bunco group in your area. So what is this 5K today? Is it a walk that you and some other gals are going to do, if you are not in too much pain?


I am babysitting tonight at my daughter's house for awhile. Then later on today I am going to watch the kids for some of their ball games. The sun is shining but it seems kind of cool around here. I hope your weekend is not a total bust for you, if you are in too much pain and discomfort. I hope you will feel better soon.




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I had a good nights sleep and my mouth felt better, although it is still swollen., so I decided to go for the walk. There were 4 of us from the zumba/forever fit class plus one of the gals husband. It was a 5k for the Agape House for girls. I did fine, it was a beautiful day, weatherwise. Then they gave us a box lunch at the end.


The bunco is a one night fund raiser for the lioness of Williams Bay. I'm not going because I think the one gal that tried to scam me with that shrink wrap thing is going to be there.


Was surprised how cold it got later today, especially after it was so nice earlier.


Tomorrow we get the mower, yes I had no idea that they would deliver on Sundays.


Sounds like ouy had a full, fun day today.

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Sharon, I am glad that you are feeling better. I guess after what you had done, it is only expected to have pain and swelling right after something like that.


So good that you felt good enough to go for a 5K walk. Is that the first one you have done, or have you done them before? I would like to continue to do those over the summer. Last year I would walk and Bill would run. I do not know if he will be able to do anything like that after his back surgery in a few weeks? It all depends what the Dr's say he can do and not do.


Yes, I have had a full weekend not just yesterday. I started to not feel good so I skipped a couple of the games, and it was so cold to be sitting outside anyway. Friday night I got home at 1 am from bunco. Last night I got home around midnight from watching the kids while they went to a wedding. So yes, a lot more than I usually do.


Now it is sunny here and I guess for tonight, heavy rain, and for the next few days. So I never heard of a one day bunco tournament. But since I do remember you were telling me about getting scammed on that stuff awhile ago, I think good not to go for only 1 time. Also I am sure you are not feeling 100% yet either.


Well good that you are getting you new mower today. You will be very excited to test it out and get all ready to use it for the summer. You had to pay so much for the other one to get fixed the times you had to send it in. This will make a world of difference for you now.




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You have had a couple of late nights! Hope you don't get sick. Sometimes when you fly you can catch a bug. Seems like the swelling is not going down on my haw, still taking a generic excedrin. Just cannot tolerate the hydrocodone. Hope ut will start to go down soon and its not getting worse.


We did get the mower delivered early this morning. They did not have a manual with it, or any paperwork. I called Lowes right away and they said they would order one and we would have it in a couple of weeks. I told them that would not work, I needed it right away because I needed to cut the grass and I didn't know how to run it. So they said they would print one off the internet and we could come and pick it up. W went up and they had to get a warrant card and an oil change tube from another similar mower. We were not happy but took the stuff and came home. We went outside with our paperwork and followed each step of the instructions, nothing happened. It wouldn't even turnover. So we repeated the steps, still nothing. So I came in the house, called Lowes and told them to come and pick it up, didn't want it, wouldn't work. So the came about 4pm and loaded it back up and took it back. We wasted abiut 2 1/2 hours trying to figure it out and that was enough. Bill had asked them when we bought it what we would have to do or put in it when it was delivered and they said it would be all ready to go except for gas, not true! So back to sqare one after we get the money back. We'll go somewhere else and try to find one. Very disappointing.

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Sharon, wow what an ordeal. I would be very upset as well. Everything should have worked perfect. Now you have to start all over again, and do not have the time you had before. Especially wasting all day waiting for that to be delivered and not to have it work properly. Hopefully you will be able to find another one soon.


Yes, you have to be very careful that your do not get that area infected. The gum and jaw area is real easy to get full blown infections in your system. I hope all goes well for you this week and that you will heal just fine.


Now rain for the next several days. We do need it. But now your grass will be really growing and you have nothing to take care of it now. I know ours has not really started to grow yet with the changing temps and weather. I thought It would be raining now, but the sun is shining. I rained overnight.


I slept all afternoon yesterday. I was just worn out. You are right about catching something on an airplane or traveling at the airports. Perfect places to pick up something.


Have a good week.




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I did not go to the exercise class this morning, my jaw is still swollen up and sore, I'm taking generic Excedrin every 4 hrs and that keeps the pain down. I have a return appmnt on May 1st, to have it looked at and to pay the other half

of the $1,055.00. Ridiculous amt of money to have to pay.


We did charge up the battery on the old lawn mower and it started right up. I mowed just a little to charge the battery a little more while mowing. That was yesterday, today it has rained off and on most of the day. The grass has gotten really long and could stand to all be cut but doesn't look like that will happen this week with the weather.


I ordered some swim suit bottoms, they fit except the legs are really loose, I bought some black elastic and am going to try and fix them so I can wear them. I want them stay down and not crawl up my butt! I'm not a great seamstress but I think I can get it to work.


Good you were able to catch up on a little sleep sometimes you just have to stop and take care of yourself. I did that on Saturday afternoon too.

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Sharon, it rained here early this morning. It has looked like it was going to rain some more, but we have gotten no more rain yet here, just very windy. Maybe later on it will rain again. We were talking about that last night, how it would be raining all day today, but it has not.


We have 2 boxwoods that did not survive the winter in front of our house. So Bill was going to take them out this afternoon and buy 2 new one's to replace. He is going to get as much work done this week, as next Monday he is having the back surgery, and he will not be able to do anything for a long time.


So that is good that you still have you old mower, so you can use that until you are able to get another one. I al surprised that the other place did not treat you and give you much better customer service than they did. What are you going to do now? Are you going to try to find another one someplace else?


I kind of figured that you will not be going to exercise for a while, until the swelling goes down and you are feeling better. Yes, I agree, dentists charge a fair amount of money for what they are doing.


I have WW tonight. It has been more than a few weeks I have weighed in due to being away last week and I never got a chance to get there before today. With all that we did in Boston, I am anxious to see what has happened.


I may have told you this. Friday we are staying downtown as we are going to see the Wizard Of Oz, at the Cadillac Theater. The hotel connects to the theater.




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We had hail last night, around 6pm, lots of hard rain too. I was afraid it would beat my tulips and daffodils all to pieces but they look ok. It has rained off and on all day today here, can't really do anything outside too wet.


I hope you do good at WW tonight, do you weigh at home at all? I usually check every couple of days where I'm at, some days up a couple, some days down a couple. Not where I want to be but at least not getting too far out of line.


I did go to the water aerobics class today, that one you can kind of do as much or as little as you feel like doing. I like to swim so afterwards a couple of us stay and float around and talk. There is a women's banquet coming up on the 6th if May, and this Saturday there is a perennial plant sale 11 to 2, and our local library is also having a book sale on Saturday, with $1 a bag starting at noon. So looks like lots to do this weekend.


Hope Bill's surgery goes well and he gets to feeling much better. Wise of him to get stuff done like that while he still can.


We will have to look somewhere else for the new mower, maybe some will be on sale pretty soon, after the spring rush is over.


I think the Wizard of Oz should be really fun to see and so convenient to stay right there at the hotel!

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Sharon, so far we have not had the rain that they have been saying. You have gotten much more than we have, it sounds like. It did rain heavy last night, but nothing like what you got. Today it rained real early this morning and only high winds and no more rain has fallen here.


That is too bad that the place where you originally bought the mower, did not give you better customer service. I would think that the sales would be going on now with the new mowers. Hopefully you will be able to find another one and that they can offer you much better customer service.


So are you starting to feel any better, and is the swelling going down any? Bill is trying to get as much of the outside work finished now as he will not be able to be doing any lifting for awhile. He ripped out 2 boxwoods that did not survive the winter and planted 2 new one's yesterday.


So at WW last night, and keep in mind I have not been there in 2 weeks. I also do not weigh myself at home either. So I have not gained or lost. They said that sometimes you just plateau. They also said that I need to be drinking a lot more water than I am. I really do not drink much water, and I am going to have to start to make a better effort to do so.


Depending on what time Bill's surgery is on Monday, we may stay downtown on Sunday night as well. Most of the surgeries are very early in the morning. So if that is the case, it might be best to just stay there so we do not have to get up and drive there so early in the morning. We will not know for sure until Friday.


This Sunday is the MS walk. I do this every year at this time. My son has had MS for many years now. He has been doing much better and has been totally dry now for 2 1/2 years. It was much of the life style that he was leading, that was causing many of his problems. It is a day to day process. Each and everyday he is sober, is a good day, and life continues onward.




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