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Sharon, we had the opposite here with it only in the 50's and very over cast. Still another day of temps in the 50's. It was also misting in the morning around here.


Yes, it was a day filled with eating and shopping. I bought a few things for the house. All in all with the temps being so cold it was a prefect day for being inside.


I hope all goes well today with taking Bill to the Dr. Hopefully the Dr will be able to help him and make him much more comfortable.


I also bought flowers over the weekend. I will have to find some time this week to get them all planted.


Good luck today,




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The dr had Bill give a urine sample and ordered alot of blood tests. The nurse had to use a pediatric blood pressure cuff to take his bp because his arms are so thin she coukdn't get a reading with the regular one. When we got home there was a call from the nurse saying they had checked the urine abd were calling in an antibiotic. The dr had mentioned sometimes an infection can cause disorientation in older people so I guess that may have been the problem. We will see how all the other blood tests turn out. We were actually glad there was something and not a general decline.


I stopped and bought a few tomato plants, a zucchini plant and a yellow squash plant. I got them at Walmart on sale for $2.94 each. Then I checked Lowes and there plants, same brand were all $3.98 each. Glad I got them at Walmart.


Sounds lije a nice way to spend the day with your friends.

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Sharon, I have heard of infections doing that to people. So hopefully with the medication and the results of the blood work he will do better. I have to go and get a checkup as I have been having problems with memory. I was told that BP Medication can do that, so I need to have that checked up on. This coming Monday I am going for another colonoscopy. So I am not looking forward to that.


So you are planting a veggie garden this year. When do you plan on planting them, or have you already done that? Lucky you bought them where you did. You saved a dollar.


Us in the bunco group do that shopping and lunch trip every year. We also decided that since we all have a lot going on this month we are moving the next date into July, and that is when I am hosting the event at my house.


I hope you get the results form the blood work back today.




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Saw the blood test results on my email this morning. Saw several tests that had higher or lower, was going to call the dr but they called here first. The dr called in another prescription for lasic because he has too much fluid. This should help him breathe easier and make his feet and ankles go down. He is supposed to go back Friday morning to the dr.


I have a walk tomorrow morning with the group Get Moving Wisconsin. We are going to walk in Lake Geneva. Not around the lake but through one of the parks. The lake walks will be divided into 5 walks with the last one being 7 miles.


I have not planted anything yet, maybe get to it this weekend if I'm lucky.



You are getting the colonoscopy again and I have yet to get mine. I just don't have anyone to get me home afterwards. Thats my problem, even asked my sister if she would come up the night before, stsy the night and go with me. But she says she has rehab for her heart 3 days a week so it wouldnt work.


Hope everything turns out really good with no sign if anything. What do you have to take to clean out?


Looks like a good evening for your game tomorrow night but the BH are playing. I heard seats by the net were selling for $7000 each. Don't know why people want to be there, you can see better watching TV.


Have a good day tomorrow

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Sharon, that is good that you got the results from the blood work and that he has more RX's to help him out. It is also good that the Dr is keeping up with things and seeing him again on Friday.


I remember last year when you were telling me about your walk around the lake. You stated that some of the group were very competitive and race walking, rather than a nice comfortable walk.


The temps are warming up around here. However once the sun goes down it really cools off. So our game tonight is 8. I expect only minim players as we have real die hard BH fans and they will be watching the game. I agree that ticket prices are crazy. Why would anyone want to pay that kind of money when you can watch the game much better on TV for free.


You are starting to get back to your normal exercise routine once again with a regular schedule.


Well depending on how far away you would have to go for your test. If it was not that far away you could take a cab. Our maybe someone from the group that you meet with at that bar could come and drive you home. They would not have to stay with you only drive you home.




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I went to see the girls tonight, the place was crowded because of the blackhawks. The game was on all the tv's. The owner Tom brought out two big platters of hot dogs in buns and gave them to aanyone thst wanted one. I was not hungry and besides I onky eat a hot dog if it is grilled and almost black. I left at 9 and the hawks were behind 0 to 1. I was surprised to hear they had won.


We decided at the walk to only walk as fast as we wanted too. It was a nice day and nice to walk by the lake. I think the walking group that was so bad about walking fast was the church group. They were the ones that finally split into fast groups and slower groups to walk, I don't think they are doing that this year.


You had a really nice night for your game, hope you had enough people to play.


The hospital is too far away for a cab, in fact I don't think there is a cab company in town. You have to think little small town.

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Sharon, it was a very nice night last night and we had 3 of us playing, so we were 1 short but we still played. We lost once again by 1 point. So we are not getting off to a good start.


I heard maybe rain sometime today. Yes, we were glad to hear the Hawks started off with a win. Hope it will continue.


It is good that you were able to get out last night. Also good that you are in a walking group that is more better for you to walk at a relaxed pace.


Crazy day around here. You enjoy and have a good day.




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I got most of the grass cut today, started after lunch because I went to water aerobics this morning. Probably shouldnt call it aerobics its more just jump around, dance and stretch. But there was a few more there today. One of the gals was telling a couple of us that her husband had esophgeal cancer surgery 8 weeks ago. She said they cut from under his arm down his side to go in. It was stage one but they also took part of his stomach and gall bladder (as a prevenitive). I asked her what his symptons were, she said he didn't have any but had an endoscopy because he had Barrets syndrome and that is how they found it. Your Bill didn't have all that did he?


At forever fit class Monday a gal was telling us by her husband was diagnoised with pancreatic cancer. He wanted to go to Cancer Centers of America for treatment but they have Hummana insurance and it wasn't accepted there.


Tomorrow Bill is going back to the dr. We are not sure what he will do, or if he just wants to see if the meds are working.


Hopefully the Hawks won't play on Wed anymore and you can get a reallyl good game in with enough people to play.

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Sharon, that is the hockey schedule until it is finished. Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. Since the NBA started they are shifting around schedules so they do not over lap.


Wow, you are not getting very good news from your groups with people being sick. My Bill had all of the stuff that your friends husband had. Except they did not do anything even close to what they did to him. He only had 3 or 4 poke marks on his stomach, and then they blew up his stomach to have more room to work. They did all of that work and real no evasive surgery. Moving his stomach and putting a mess in his throat.


I hope all goes well today with Bill's return visit to the Dr. Hopefully the new med's will help him out and make him more comfortable.


Much cooler temps today. Originally they were calling for rain today. Even though it is overcast and dreary, they have taken the rain out of the forecast, until Sunday now.


Enjoy and stay warm today.




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Hi Its me again. My sister has Barrets . she is only 51. She lives in SC so no insurance and no affordable health care act. They told her it doesn't look like cancer. But she has to pay 3,000 for them to take it out. She now has the money. Her girlfriend started a Go Fund Me account. Life is scary without health insurance and sometimes scary with.

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Hi oppalopa, its Karen isn't it? That is great your sister's friend started that account for her. Medical procedures are so expensive, hope all goes well. I have heart burn and the dr said take an antacid at night since they last 24 hrs. I have been doing that and it helps but in the back of my mind always wondering about it. Thats why I ask people what their symptoms were or are.

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Yes there are two playoffs going at the same time I didn't know when the games were scheduled.


I know, bad news from the one gal but actually pretty good news from the other now that its all over and he is healing. I was just surprised at the surgery necessary for him.


The dr today gave us the name of a cardiologist and said to make an appmnt. Its all connected to the lungs, making his heart beat harder without enough oxygen. I think we are going to change oxygen companies. The one were are going to change to will provide a portable concentrator big enough to cover Bill's oxygen needs, and bill the insurance company. The one we are with now made us buy our own.


How is your Bill doing with his health and weight. You must still be at or below goal at WW since you haven't mentioned it lately.


Bill's two daughters stopped over again tonight. They stop every Friday for about a couple hours. He likes them to come over it makes him feel good.

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Hi oppalopa, its Karen isn't it? That is great your sister's friend started that account for her. Medical procedures are so expensive, hope all goes well. I have heart burn and the dr said take an antacid at night since they last 24 hrs. I have been doing that and it helps but in the back of my mind always wondering about it. Thats why I ask people what their symptoms were or are.
Do you get the scope test done? She could not hardly even swallow at all. Karen :)
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Karen, no one should in these days and all of the talk about health care, should be refused health treatment. Hopefully through people who are close to her will do the best for her and a good recovery.


Sharon, we all certainly hear more and more people with this very same condition. I believe it starts out with that very same feeling that you are getting, and progressively gets worse.


It was very cool and windy yesterday. Today the temps will go into the 60's around here and tomorrow in the 80's with storms in the later part of tomorrow.


I am not looking forward to this weekend. I have to start my prep today and through the weekend, for the test on Monday morning.


Bill has not started back to swimming since we have been back. He has been kind of tired. He got an ear infection before we left. So he will have to watch the wax build up in his ear.


For me I have not gone to weigh-in for a couple of weeks. I have a certain amount of time to do so. So hopefully I am still on goal and doing well. Maybe with cleaning me all out over the weekend, I will drop some more.




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No I have never had the scope test done, kinda scared of it.


I'm still working on the colonoscopy test, just can't seem to get arrangements made. What are you taking for the prep Kathy?


It was so nice outside today, I worked outside digging weeds and planting some annuals. Also got some weeds sprayed in the fence line. They kept hitting me while I cut grass.


One of Bill's daughters and hubby are coming over tomorrow afternoon. It is the same one that came over last night. She usually doesn't say much when her sister comes with, not sure why. When she comes with her hubby does lots of talking.

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Sharon, I started yesterday and I can only eat jello and soup broth. The prep is 2, 8 oz liquid of a prep called Suppep. So by tomorrow morning at 6:30, that is the time of the test, I should be all cleaned out.


Just now it is pouring rain and a lot of thunder. Quite a contrast from yesterday.


So it is good that you have Bill's family coming over to visit him. How is he doing on the med's? Does he have to see the Dr again? You have to find a Dr to check all of his vitals for his heart next, correct?


Well stay dry and I will continue to not have a good rest of today with this prep I am taking. I hope they will tell me I do not have to do this again for 5 years.




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We had a few showers off and on today but in between sunny, hot and humid. I was working outside today and was completely sweatty down to my underwear! A cool shower always feels so good then.


That prep is different than what I took years ago. Sounds better but the result is the same. Hate it when you start to get the stomach cramps. Thats an early appmnt but good to get it over with. Are you going to work afterwards?


Yes I have to make an appmnt with the heart dr for Bill next. I didn't really look at the bussiness card the dr gave me so not sure even where it will be.


This is the last week of exercise class, really glad seems always so much to do and no time. I will continue the zumba and water aerobics though.


Our church has a grade school with it and today was graduation during the church service. There was only 9 students, 3 girls and 6 boys. I bet they got got one terrific eduacation!


Good luck tomorrow, will keep you in my prayers

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Sharon, thank you so much. He did a biopsy and I will find out how everything went in a few days. I am glad everything is all over for now. I was thinking for you. You could always try Uber. That would be much cheaper than a cab, especially if you do not have any cabs anyway. I am not going into work today. Especially what I have gone through over this weekend.


We got over an inch of rain yesterday. I also heard that today we could get some more.


Wow, that was a very small class. I'll bet they cannot afford to run a school with such low enrollment?


I am going to lay down for a nap for awhile.




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Kathy, when do they say they will tell you the results? At leadt its,Monday so you eill get the results soon.


We do not have uber either, I think there is a small van called dial a ride but it only goes to town and we are not in town. I thought I might call the hospital and see if they provide any transportation. I would hate to ask any of my friends they are all busy with their own lives and its always at an ungodly hour of the morning.


When I got up this morning at 7, I thought you probably were already getting the test.


I did the forever fit class this morning but I have several places that hurt and I couldn't do some of the things. There are two more classes but I'm not going to them.


Its raining here so I bet you don't get the game in but you might not be going either.

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Sharon, he said I would get the results in a few days or so. Depending on the results, will depend on the next test. It would be either in 6 months or in 1 year.


We play our games on Wednesday. So all of the rain we got yesterday and through the evening was bad around here. I am hearing we have rain again on Wednesday evening. So depending on when exactly we get the rain will depend on if we play or not.


I thought that Uber was an individual thing and that they are all over the place, not just 1 company but individual drivers that use their own auto's.


That test knocked a lot out of me and I had to stay home and rest, and I was told that I could not drive at all yesterday.


Well take it easy as you have hurt something. Maybe being in the pool will help to heal whatever you have hurt.




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Better to go ahead and take it easy, besides having the test done you have to deal with the emotional side as well.


When I got home from zumba this morning Bill was sitting on the couch with his pj's and robe on. I help him get dressed when I get home. But he said he was freezing so I got him a heating pad and he already had a blanket on him.I got him some toast with peanut butter and jelly on it ans some V8 juice so he could take his pills. After he ate and took the pills he said we better go to bed its getting late.I told him it was only 1pm but he wanted to go to bed he was so very tired. I took him to the bathroom and them got him in bed. I called the dr and told him what was doing.. He called in another 5 days of an antibiotic. I told Bill stay in bed I'm going to go get the prescription. I gave him the phone just in case. The place the prescription was called in to was about 1/2 hr away. When I got home I found him laying on the floor next to the bed coveredin poop. I really thought he was dead. But thank goodness he wasn't. He told me he Couldn't get up and I couldn't get him up either, he said he had called his son because he didn't know where I was and had called 911 also. But he hadn't called 911 so I did. About that time his son got here.We ended up with 2 rescue squads and a fire engine here. They had to wrap him in blankets to cover up all the stuff on him. I had tried to wash off some of it before they got here. We spent until 10pm in the emergency good with them doing all kinds of tests.Bills son left around 7pm and after finally getting him in a room around 11pm I came home.Spent about an hour trying to clean the carpet, will have to work on it again tomorrow. He has an infection because his white cell count is high, they think still the urinary track ot pnuemonia. So it has been quite a day.

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Sharon, I am so sorry to hear that Bill is in the hospital. But the best place for him to be until they can get rid of this infection. I know sometimes they will give the medication through an IV. I should say that you had a real day yesterday. I'll bet that this has knocked you out. I was dragging on Tuesday with all that I went through over the weekend and especially on Monday. Still waiting for the results.


I got up early yesterday, and was waiting for the WW place to open. I weighed in and I have lost 1.1. So I am still in range. As you well know, I have a 4 pound window. 2 pounds on either side to keep my status.


It was good that you left the phone for Bill and that he was able to call his son. I will be keeping you both in my prayers. I hope he is getting good care in the hospital and that he will be cleared of the infection and will come home soon.




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Kathy I keep telling you what all our town doesn't have, but we are lucky we do have a hospital. It used to be like a little first aid station but then Mercy bought it and has made it really nice. Everyone has been very good to him and he is getting better I think. Still a little foggy sometimes thinking but should clear up when the infection is gone.


Thanks Karen, it really is an ordeal, and I am always overcome with emotion and cry no matter how hard I try not to. I pray for strength to get through this.


I called my pastor this morning, he came over to see Bill, say a prayer with us and gave us communion. Bill is catholic, but he could meet his priest on the street and neither one would know each other. But my pastor knows him by name and always asks me how he is on Sunday mornings. I am Lutheran.


One of Bill's daughters came to see him this evening along with her daughter and her son who will be one year old in a week. So that was a daughter, a granddaughter and a great grandson. His granddaughter is an emergency room nurse at Mercy Hospital in Janesville, WI.


His son who is a doctor is coming tomorrow to see him. And I'm sure the other two daughters will be there soon too. Nice to have everyone "circle up the wagons" ha ha.

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Sharon, I have heard about that infection affecting your memory. So I agree that once they get the infection he will be doing much better. Those infections are hard to treat and he is in a place where they can do that. I will continue to say prayers that he gets better and will be coming home with you soon. But, the most important thing is that he is getting good care.


This certainly has been an ordeal for you and has put you on a different road for awhile. Make sure to take care of yourself, as this will cause you much stress, and it is important that you care for yourself as well. That is good that your pastor is helping out and is concerned about Bill.


I will continue to pray for you both, and that he will recover as expected with the care and love everyone is showing.




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