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Sharon, I am sorry that they are giving her such a hard time. But if she was to move to Florida, she would have to go to different Dr's. So if she moved in with you, a 2 hour trip to the Dr is not good. So why could she not change Dr's to someone around your area? You will have to weigh what would be better for her. Being at your place and changing Dr's, or being in Florida and changing Dr's.


They keep saying about the dense fog around the area this morning. But around here we had no fog and bright sunshine and another nice day as far as the temps went. But by weeks end the temps will be dropping and it was said that we may have seen the last 70's or 60's until spring.


We went to the club last night for dinner. If your sister does not move in with you, would you ever consider getting an older pet that is already trained?




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Might not have to worry about my sister, she seems content to stay where she is at for right now anyway. So hopefully her son and his wife feel the same way. She told them she was in no hurry to go to Florida. As for Doctors she can still go to her Doctor from where she is at but from here it would be too far, so the best thing right now is to stay put. She saw the surgeon yesterday and he said the spot was really small now and that it could be left alone or if she wanted to still have the lumpectomy. Thank goodness she said to do the lumpectomy because it had originally been diagnosed at aggressive. Why leave it in and let it start to grow again! So her surgery is next Wednesday.


One of the hospitals around here had a dinner presentation on Diabetes tonight. One of the gals I used to do water aerobics had called and asked if I wanted to go. We have went to a couple of other dinner meetings on different topics in the past. This one had a nice dinner, salmon or chicken breast, Caribbean vegetables, rice and for dessert different fresh fruits with yogurt for dipping. It was nice to catch up, haven't seen her for a while. Then went and met the girls for regular Wednesday night.


No I would not consider another dog right now anyway. Still working on trying to take care of myself.


Been a busy day and a very nice weather day, heading for bed now.

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Sharon, I hope that her son's wife does not to continue to suggest that she moves somewhere else. She cannot be alone anymore. So I hope all works out for her.


It was good that you were able to get out with your friend last night and also to meet with the group as well.


Today is supposed to be the last day in the 70's around here. We have not been bothered with the dense fog that they have been talking about. It was said that after today we will not be seeing temps in the 70's or 60's again, until the spring. The good news for you, that with the freeze that will come over the weekend. You should not have to cut the grass after that.


Enjoy it while it lasts.




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So is your time at work at little more tolerable with the jerk gone? Haven't heard you say much about it lately so hoping its been good for you.


I had an appointment with my primary care dr today for pre-opt screening. She did an EKG and gave me an order for blood work. Also when we were talking she asked what I had done to lose weight, I am down 13 pounds since April when I saw her last. I told her about Bill and of course broke down in tears. She suggested I take a mild antidepressant for a while and wrote me a prescription for it. Guess I will try it, maybe it will help.


Got a text from my granddaughter, she is planning on coming when I have the surgery so that will be nice to have someone here for a few days. She just got back from Cancun, a free trip she qualified for and said her youngest son, 2 years old, wouldn't stop hugging her and her older, 4 year old was mad at her for being gone and happy she was back so didn't know quite how to act. I hate for her to have to leave them again. But her mom said she would watch them for her.


It is very windy and rainy now, makes for good sleeping.

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Sharon, yes with the time difference and him being so far away, things have been really peaceful with him being away, and me not talking to him at all.


Well let me know how this new prescription works for you. That is good that you were able to talk to the Dr and that she hopefully will be able to help you out. That is also good that your GD will be able to be with you for a few days as well. But I think it is kind of strange with kids so young that she is leaving them. Most mother's would feel guilty, and I can understand why her kids would be mad at her.


I think that we will be wearing jackets now until next spring. We have had out heat off all week. But perhaps we will have to tun it on tonight or tomorrow morning. Temps will be in the 50's as a high for the next week. As it was said that we will not see anymore 70's or 60's until next year.




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It's nice that you can go to work and not have your boss there. Hope he stays gone for a long time!


One of the gals from exercise invited a bunch of us over for lunch today, I went and was surprised only 5 of us went. She had made a hot dip of artichoke, cheese and clams, I don't like clams but it was very good, didn't taste the clams in it, then had a salad and made homemade chicken soup with brownies for dessert. I was glad I had went since she went to so much trouble and no one hardly came.


Still working on one of my puzzles, coming to the end now and having to try almost every piece to find a place it fits. Seems the ones left are all the same color so hard to find the right place.


You are right, it is getting to be coat season, I saw the highway department putting up the snow fences todays, brrrr its coming!

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Sharon, the jerk will be in Europe for 1 month, and then when he gets back I am hoping that he will go to FLA for his 6 months. This way he can declare FLA as his main residence so he does not have to pay any taxes.


That is good that 5 of you showed up to have a nice get together. How many are in the group total just now? As I know that some have left for warmer claimants . So I would think that 5 of you still was a good number.


So once you have completed a puzzle, do you leave it all put together, or do you take it all apart and put it back in the box?


We had our heat off all week and just turned it back on last evening. I do not think we will be turning it off now until the spring of next year. Nor do I think we will be shedding our jackets either.


Have a good weekend.




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There are still about 45 women that come to the exercise class. Only a couple more weeks of class then off until January. Hope by then I will feel ok to go.


Once I get a puzzle done I leave it for about a week then put it back in the box. I will not put it together again though. That would be like watching a movie over again. I don't like to do thst. Once is enough for puzzles and movies.


That will really give you a nice break if he goes straight to Florida. Bet your stress level has been down lately.


My heat has been on, if it gets warm enough it doesn't kick on but hear it running some tonight.


This weather is not too bad for November and the sun helps too.

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Sharon, that is a lot of women. I never realized that the group was so large. I think if everyone showed up it would have been way too crowded. Five was a good size number to talk with.


So if you only put together a puzzle once, then after awhile you will have a lot of puzzles. Now Bill will watch old movies over and over. When I ask him how many times have you watched this, he says once, ha,ha.


With temps in a high of only in the 50's, it does get cold at night. I heard that some places could get a frost late during the night. Like you have said, it is nice to have the sun when we wake up, but not nice it being dark so early at night.


As far as the jerk goes, it is great not having him around and with the distance and time zone, I do not have to deal with him now. When he goes to FLA, a different story. But at least he is gone from the workplace.




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Went to 8am church again this morning. I like to go to the early service but then I have the whole long day ahead of me to fill up. Finished the puzzle today, yes I am getting a collection of puzzles. Maybe I will donate them or give them to Goodwill.Didn't do much of anything else today.


There was a frost this morning, my car is in the garage but saw others with frost on the windshield. Nice and sunny though this afternoon.


Been watching the Hallmark channel on TV. They are running Christmas movies, just kind of fun cute stories with happy endings.

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Sharon, Bill likes to watch the Christmas movies as well. He starts watching them in July and then now when they bring them back.


I had thought if you waited a few months you could try to put a puzzle together again to see if you could do it faster than the first time?


Yesterday afternoon I went to watch my last GK's football game. Even though they will be playing 1 more game. I am not going due to how cold it gets later on in the afternoon. I nearly froze and left before the end of the game as it was just too cold. Then I went to my friends house and had a glass of wine before returning home. But yes, once the sun goes down it gets real cold.


On Saturday another GK had a B-Day party at a local bowling alley. So that is how I spent my Saturday afternoon.


I guess most of this week temps in the 50's. But I thought I saw Wednesday in the 60's and much rain. We may go back to the Brat Stop once again next Sunday, as Bill said the Packer game is not showing around here. So he figured we could go there and watch it and bring back some more precooked brats.




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It's nice your grandchildren are close enough you can be part of their lives. Bbt they are happy to see you at their games and parties.


Got a text from my granddaughter in Texas, she said she didn't think she was going to be able to get off work to come for my surgery. Now that I have told everyone I don't need a ride. The thing is its not just a ride, it csn be up to the 23 hrs so how can you ask a friend to commit to that. The hospital does have van service if it comes to that.


No by the time I get done with the puzzle I am tired of it and do not want to put it together again.


Was supposed to go to lunch today for a friends birthday but her dog got sick and she had to take him to the vet. He is a big dog and old too. So we are going tomorrow.

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Sharon, hopefully you can go to lunch with your friend today. Taking care of animals is just like taking care of humans.


I think that kids today do way too much as far as parties. They are having parties every year. When we were kids the only parities we had were for 1,5,10 and so on. Now they are having parties for each and every birthday. Spending way too much money as well.


I thought your GD was close to where you live. I did not know she lived in Texas. So this is a major setback for you. But like you said the hospital has a van. So if you had someone else, you could always say that the hospital will call when it is time to pick you up so they do not have to sit and wait that long.


Another day in the 50's. But like you say, this is not too bad for November.




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We did get to go to lunch, a place called A Fork in the Road. It was a nice place, but really crowded. There were the 3 of us and two of us paid for lunch for the third gal. It was pretty pricey, as we all had soup and a salad and the bill before the tip was $51.50. The gals dog turned out to be ok for a while longer.


Yes it was a set back, thinking my gdaughter was coming but it's ok, my friend in town called a little bit ago and said she had cleared her schedule and would take me to the hospital and wait until the surgery was over. I told her then she could go home and I would arrange someone else to come and pick me up. This 23 hour out patient thing is whats hard to get anything arranged. Don't know if I'll be there 5 hrs or 10, if its 10 then it would be in the middle of the night and no one wants to come then. She also asked if I was going to be ok at home afterwards. I'm hoping so because I don't have anyone to come and stay. This is all so hard being by yourself. I will say my friends have all offered alot of help, just hate to ask for help from everyone.


My sister's surgery is tomorrow, she has several people going with her so I decided not to go, it's a long way and it would be in the morning rush hour. I don't think its that serious, so thinking she will be fine. She said she would call me when she got home.


We always celebrated every birthday, had the grandparents over and had cake and coffee, it was nice to see everyone. I think it's nice that you go and help them celebrate.

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Sharon, I would say that was pricey for what you all had. But it must be a very good place if it is so crowded. So it was good that you all went out and enjoyed the afternoon.


It is also good that you have backup to take you to the hospital. I do not think anyone would expect you to go home in the middle of the night. You could have whoever takes you to just go home and wait for a call. If it turns out that they tell you that you will be finished in the middle of the night, I am sure that the first thing in the morning would be acceptable.


Brace yourself as tonight we are supposed to get very high winds for the next several days, and tonight around 7 we are expected heavy thunderstorms. Get all of your running around done today so tonight you can be home safe and sound.


I hope your sister will go through surgery today OK. With her family around her she should do just fine.




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Haven't heard yet from my sister, guess no news is good news. Did get a call from the nurse about my surgery. She said plan on staying all night, pack a small bag with things you will need and have the nurse call who ever is coming for you when you are ready. Also got a call about my blood test results that I did yesterday. Everything is good, in fact much better than before, I don't know how that is possible unless it has to do with the weight loss.


Planning on going to see the girls tonight, hope we don't get that rain and high winds like you were saying.


I thought too that restaurant was too much money for what we ordered, around here you could have gotten it for $5.99 instead of double that up there.


How is Bill doing, everything healing up and getting better?

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Sharon, Bill is going just now to PT for his dizziness. He starts full PT on Monday for his elbow and his foot is doing fine. Shortly he is coming to pick me up and take me downtown as I have been suffering from RA. My hands are swollen and I am in constant pain. So hopefully this Dr will help me out.


But last night and even now with this wind is just unbelievable. It just poured last night and now this wind is blowing everything all around. It might take us extra long driving down. I have seem limbs and branched down all over the place. Just the same, I hope you had a good time last night with the girls.


Now that should make you feel much better knowing that you will be there overnight. Like I had said, no one is going to send you home in the middle of the night.


Don't get blown away,




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Good luck to Bill in the PT, hope it helps him to get better quick! Also sorry to hear you have been having problems with RA, the gal that is going to pick me up and also is one of the Wed night girls, suffers from that. Her doctor put her on steroids and she said she is doing better. But I know she did have a lot of pain all over it seemed. I didn't know that you had it, you never mentioned it before. Is it the weather that is making it worse do you think?


I went to the Lionesses bunco night tonight. It was a fun night, snacks and sangria were available. There was a silent auction and I won a basket of different kinds of bratwurst. There was fresh, cherry and green pepper ones. It is a nice basket I might give it to one of the gals that is driving me to or from the hospital.


It is terribly wind here still tonight at 10pm, we did not get much rain but the wind is really something else.

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Sharon, we went downtown yesterday and I saw a Dr and she gave me something to hold me for a few weeks until I can actually get in to see a RA Dr. Thai has been bothering me for some 6 weeks. It finally got so bad I had to do something about it. Bill so doing PT a few times a week now. It is not the weather as I have had this when the weather was nice.


Glad you were able to have fun last night and that you won a prize basket. That sounds like a good idea to give it to whoever helps you out driving you to an from your surgery.


Still very windy around here today. But at least the sun is out and I guess over the weekend it will be warming up once again.




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How long before you can get in to see the RA doctor? Hope whatever this dr gave you helps until then. I think you almost have to do PT several times a week for it to do any good. Then later you can continue at home doing the exercises they have showed you. I did that when I had the periforma syndrome. Pain radiating from the sciatic to the calf. It helps me now doing the exercises at the Forever Fit class.


Still windy here too, so glad we don't have any snow for it to blow around!


My sister is doing good and her voice is getting better too. Don't know what they did but it did help.


I gave the basket of bratwurst to the gal that is taking me to the hospital on Tuesday. They were happy to get it, so I am glad.


I have been storing up food in case I don't feel like going anywhere for a while, feel like a squirrel ferreting food away, ha ha.


There is a craft show up at the county fairgrounds tomorrow, might go up and have a look around, otherwise no plans for the weekend, how about you?

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Sharon, I went to a craft fair around here today as well. Always nice going to these fairs this time of year.


I will see this RA Dr on 12/10, the same day Bill is having his Colonospy and Upper Scope. I could only do it this way as no Dr will recommend to a specialists unless you first see them. Remember me telling you that Bill used to say to the nurse when he only had 1 of them done and the nurse would say we usually do both at the same time, and Bill told the nurse that he did not want you to get confused on what end you are working on?


So we are going to drive to the Brat Stop tomorrow as soon as I get home from church. Bill said the Packer game is not being shown in our area tomorrow. Tomorrow is supposed to be a day in the 60's.


I am glad to hear that your sister is doing better. Also good that you won that prize to give to the person who will be driving you. Good that you are storing food as well. A very good idea.


Yes, it has been very windy.




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They said the wind was going to die down but it didn't, very windy today. Had a nice day going to the craft fair, several different locations around town. Lots of Christmas items, I didn't buy anything though.


Started another puzzle, only 750 pieces this time, should go quicker putting it together.


I got gas yesterday for $1.99 a gallon, pretty good deal.


How often does Bill have to have those tests, seems it has not been thst long ago he had them.

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Sharon, I agree that it still was very windy around here yesterday as well. Today should be in the 60's. When I get home from church we are going to Kenosha.


Bill had the last test almost 3 years ago. The Dr wants to check to see how everything is doing since he had that surgery.


I did not buy anything either at the craft fair yesterday. There will be more before the end of the season.


Wow, that was a very good price to pay for gas. We were talking yesterday, trying to decide if we should get gas in WI or gas up here. The last time we were there the gas was more expensive in WI versus here.




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Was surprised to hear his test was 3 years ago, doesn't seem like that long ago because I did remember him making that funny remark.


Gas around here is $2.19, just went down again from $2.24. Good for the pocket book but not for my gas stocks.


Went to early service church today, was really a lot of people. I have been going to the early service for a couple of months now, only thing is then I have to fill up the rest of the day with something.

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Sharon, I did not get home as earlier as I had expected, so we were about 1/2 hour later than I had organically planned. Yesterday was a good day and it was nice getting away for the day.


When we were in Hawaii he had symptoms as he was drinking pineapple juice and he was getting sick like he did before the surgery.


It was a nice day yesterday as far as the weather goes. It was in the 60's and I guess it is supposed to be in the 60's this week as well.




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