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Sharon, we never got even close to what they were calling for. Yesterday we only got 3" and today only about 2" but a crust of ice underneath the snow. Then later on this week we are headed into very cold weather. We went to our 2nd Christmas Party yesterday afternoon at the club. Once it started snowing hard we left and came back home.


Wow, that was lucky that you had someone else to drive you yesterday. But it sure sounded like the driving conditions were real bad. Lucky nothing happened to anyone going or coming back.


We had to put down salt this morning as the walkway was all ice and the front porch as well.


Be safe and stay warm,




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Wasn't the club going to close or was bought by someone? Seems something was going on with that a while back. I went with a couple of gals today for our little Christmas party. Actually just went to a new Mexican restaurant, had margaritas, ate and exchanged gifts.


My guy came and plowed my driveway last night about midnight, I saw his lights going back and forth. I will pay him the next time he comes which might not be too far away. Otherwise I'll just mail it to him.


I sent some fruit boxes to my grandchildren, free shipping, but probably figured into the total price anyway. Then I'll send them some money in a Christmas card. So have no one left to buy for, all done.



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Sharon, yes the club has been sold and originally it was going to be all over by the end of December. But there are EPA issues and the date has been extended to 2017. There is no one who knows for sure of the actual closing date now.


So we just got a real light dusting of snow last night. Now it will be getting real cold out for the rest of the week. I see all of these pile up accidents all over the country where trucks and cars are all over the pace and shutting down miles of highway.


Good that you have all of your Christmas shopping all complete.


Stay warm,




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I know I saw those pile ups too, terrible. Too close together, too big a hurry and then something happens they all are in trouble.


Well you have another year then to enjoy the club!


Yes, its really cold and going to get a little colder tomorrow. Saw also more snow predicted for Friday.


I've got appointments on Wed and Thurs but nothing on Friday so that's a good thng. I'll stay in the house.


I saw the deer are already coming up to the front and eating the bird seed. Tracks of rabbits and deer all over the place!



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Sharon, we do not have a year only a few months. It could be all wrapped up in March or who knows just yet. But it will not be a year.


When road conditions are bad like that. It is just best to stay put. I always worry about the other drivers and not as much as myself.


So yes, it is getting bitter cold. Bill seems to be dressed for it. So as he says, as long as you are dressed to be outside, then it is not all that bad.


Keep warm,




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Got to my appointment today on time, luckily I had to go on an east/west road. It's the north/south roads that are bad, blowing and drifting and icing over because of the blowing snow. So tonight to go meet the girls it would have been a north/south road so stayed home. Could deal with the cold but not the roads.


Last night my Dirctv wouldn't work, had an error message 771 So I called and they said it was probably snow on the dish. They would give me credit for as long as it is out. I said it's going to be cold for a long time, but they said they can't do anything, just call them back when it starts working again. The dish is on the roof so no way am I going up there. Seems pretty bad customer service to me. That tv is HD, but the one in the bedroom is just regular so I can watch tv in there. So that is what I did last night and will do again tonight, go to bed early and watch in the bedroom.


Tomorrow have an eye dr appointment, but again it is a north/south road so hoping I can get up there without any trouble. Wish the wind would stop!


Good Bill dresses for the weather, I know sometimes I see little kids uptown after school and some don't look like they are dressed warm enough.


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Sharon, yes Bill sees the kids complaining about the cold. Yet they are not dressed properly for those type of conditions.


I agree that yesterday the wind was really blowing very hard. You could feel the wind pushing the car around with the high gusts. It was extremely cold this morning. Snow forecast for this weekend.


If you do not really have to go out anywhere then best to just stay inside. That is not right about your TV. I do see some mounted on the ground on a pole rather than the roof. If you had it mounted that way, then at least you could go out and clear it off.


I need to get up to the pharmacy to get my flu shot soon.


Stay warm,




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I haven't gotten a flu shot yet either, trying to decide if I want to get one this year or not. Pretty soon it will be too late ssnce it takes several weeks to get effective.


My tv still is not working right, can't get the chanels above 200. They better give me credit!


When we had the dish installed we told them not on the roof but the guy said that was the only way he could do it. Should have held off and they probably would have done it the way we wanted.


Got to my eye dr apppnt, roads were good, snow banks along the sides already 2 levels in places. No changes in my eyes so don't need new glasses.


Hope we don't get all the snow they are ag as in predicting for Friday.


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Sharon,they have the winter advisory today starting at noon. It looks like it will start around here around 4 or 5.


You are the customer, as long as the dish is faced to the southwest and you have a clear path. It should be up to you where you want it. I would think that over a period of time it could damage your roof.


We have another party to attend on Sunday with the group from the first play Bill was in 1 year ago when they started rehearsals. Otherwise with the weather forecast, I think I will be staying put inside where it is safe and not being out on the roads.




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That is exactly why we didn't want it on the roof. But he insisted it was the only way to put it up. Still not working by the way. Some lower channels but not everything.


It started snowing here at 1:30, and has been ever since, so I guess the dish will get another layer of snow on it.


It's good everyone in the plays keeps in touch and invites you to parties. Then when there is another play Bill's name will be in their mind to play another part.


Got an email from Bill's mean daughter, I had sent Thanksgiving cards to two of the girls and two of the boys, but not her or the other hateful son. She said in the text they enjoyed the cards I sent. A little passive aggressive statement again from her. She said she will be making a partial distribution of the trust, don't know why she just doesn't distribute all of it, a trust is taxes at a higher rate. I would think the other "kids" would be on to her to get it done so they could get their share and not have it eaten up by taxes.


Staying in again this weekend, cold and the roads will not be good.


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Sharon, it started snowing very light around 4, and continued through the evening. It looks like not much maybe an 1". But then again starting round 2 this afternoon and continuing until Sunday morning. Then bitter cold. So once again like the last storm it looks like your area will be getting more snow than us. We all will get the bitter cold.


Well at least you have the law on your side now and she nor any of them can be cutting you out of anything.


Bill's first play was a real tight group and this is the group we will be gathering with tomorrow afternoon. Then we have another party to attend on Tuesday at a members house from the club. So it being on Tuesday, we will not stay too long.


So since it has stopped snowing around here I am going out with that lady friend of mine for a short time and then I need to go shopping with my # 1 daughter.


Just listening to your story about that dish makes me mad. I drive around and see places being mounted on a pole instead of on the roof. There would have been no one who would have told us anything contrary to what we wanted. If a guy would have been insisted like the 1 you had, we would have thrown him out.


Stay warm,




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When we had dish they put the dish on the tv tower we have. Thst is where we wanted directv to put it.


We got about 6 more inches and now it is snowing again. My guy asked around noon if I wanted him to come and plow but I told him to just wait till it stops. Getting really tired of this snow already!


Good thing I have all my cards mailed.

Nothing else new just stsying inside.


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Sharon, that sounds like the best place to be, just staying inside. We ended up with only 3" this morning. Bill went out yesterday morning and cleared away 1" of crusted snow. So Bill went out this morning and cleared it all away before it get real cold tonight.


We are going to another Christmas Party late this afternoon with the group from Bill's first play last year. Then on Tuesday we will go to another party at a friends house from the club.


Stay warm and safe,




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Lots of fun for you and Bill with all the parties! Enjoy soon they will be all done and January will be for hibernating.


I got the driveway plowed this morning, must have been a good 8 to 10 inches of snow again. The banks where he pushes it are getting really high and the deck that I shovel can no longer be pushed over the edge. The snow is up to the top of the deck. Have to lift it over the railing. Feeling kind of sore and ache from doing it yesterday. Today only did the front sidewalk leading from the house to the driveway. When it warms up a little will try and get the deck.


The road was closed in front of the house last night for several hours. There was a two car accident and 7 people were taken to different hospitals. Weather of course is thought to be the cause. It was really snowing when it happened.


Tired of being a hermit, going to go to zumba tomorrow and just take it easy, want to talk to people.


Enjoy your parties,


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Sharon, once again you got way more snow than we did. It was temp at -1 this morning and it has warmed up into the 20's this afternoon. The same tomorrow and above freezing on Wednesday.


Maybe doing zumba today will help you to feel better. You have to take it real easy when dealing with the cold and snow.


There were 3 couples that were the first to leave last night including us. All of us couples had the furthest to drive. We have another party at a member from the clubs house. So it being on a week night we will not be staying too long there either.


When I am out diving I see people driving way too fast. So anyone can blame accidents on the weather, but I blame drivers not driving according to the conditions. I have seen way too many accidents.




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Do you have to take something for the parties, like a dish to pass or your own drinks? The Wed night place with the girls will be having something but we are all going to bring something too. I bought a 1/2 circle of med size shrimp to take.


I could really tell that I haven't been exercising lately at the class this morning. I was just going easy but I got tired. The leader is so gung ho she threw in 2 more routines after time was up.


A friend of mines mother died on Sunday, they posted the obit on facebook today. I know I should go but I honestly don't think I can do it. Too hard to face another death. I will try and let them know and hope they understand.


Yes people drive was too fast and stupid. I saw a guy driving today with a little place scraped open on his windshield that looked like a saucer. He was trying to drive looking out that little bitty hole!



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Sharon, I usually bring a bottle of wine that I am drinking. Last year we gave them a bottle of wine and later on the year they re gifted it to us. I do not think they even realized that they did that.


I forgot to tell you that on Friday Bill went with me to CVS and I got my flu shot. They said it takes 1 week for it to go into effect.


It was very cold this morning and it will be tomorrow. But then we will be in a warm up. I heard that Christmas Day we could be getting rain.


Stay warm,




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Thats funny about the wine, hope it was the kind you liked.


I guess I won't get the flu shot, unless the dr insists when I see her in January. Talked to my sister, she is still fighting bronchitis, seems the meds she has been taking for last 2 weeks hasn't help and gave her thrush in her mouth and throat. So now taking different antibiotic for next 10 days. Hope she gets well by the time I go see her.


Finally the tv started working so called Direct to tell them. Surprise they said there was no record of me calling in on the 13th and being told I would get credit. I hung up and called back got someone new. Still told me no record but would give me credit. A whole $16 for 6 days of no tv! Not happy with that.


Got Sharri's Berries and choc covered cheesecake bites delivered from my granddaughter today, really yummy.


Just heard CVS is closing around 70 stores, has something to dc o with them not being a preferred pharmacy for Blue Cross Blue Shield anymore. Too bad I have some of their stock.


Yes warming up a little feels better but roads are still bad in places because of the blowing snow.


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Sharon, I did not hear that about CVS. That is who we use just now. But in March we are going back to Walgreens as that is what our new policy is taking us to.


Yes, a warm up in effect now. Should make it into the mid 30's today. Then by Christmas Day it will be in the 40's with rain.


I was not aware that you were going to FL to see your sister. When are you leaving and will you be staying at a hotel?


We went to that party last night. We of course were the first to leave as we both had to get up this morning. Today is the last day of work for Bill and he will be off until 1/9.




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I think most of the schools had the last day today also and won't be back until after New Years.


Yes, I am going with a friend, each paying our own way. She was going to Florida for her mom's birthday on Jan 25 and said why don't you go too? She is one of the Wed night group. So I said well why don't I. So we made plans, going out of Rockford since free parking, but that is about all that is free. Now even have to pay for the overhead bin. And Alligiant charges for seats if you want to pick one out. We paid I think $12 for a window and $11 for a middle, the aisle was also $12. These prices were for back behind the wing, in front of the wing was in the $20's. She was staying at her mom and dad's and I was getting a hotel since my sister lives with her son and all his kids. At the last minute before we made the reservations she decided she wanted to stay with me at the hotel. I really wanted my own space but didn't know how to tell her so now I am stuck sharing my room with her. We are leaving on the 19th for a week.


Now I read something about Walgreens and Rite Aid selling to someone else, so now not really sure what's going on with these drug stores.


Nothing wrong with being the first to leave, someone has to do it, ha ha.


Had our Christmas party with the Wed night group, we all brought some kind of food or dip and shared everything. It was a nice get together, not many other people there tonight, kind of cozy. Roads have gotten pretty good if you stick to the main ones which I did tonight. One of the gals didn't come told the one she usually rides with, didn't feel like it. She lives alone so hope she's not down in the dumps, very easy to do this time of year by yourself.



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Sharon, I agree about this time of year and feeling down in the dumps. We all need someone so no one is left all alone.


Well that is good that you are going away for a week with someone. Bad that you have to shear a room. I know how you like having your own space and on your own. I hope you have a good visit and a good time away.


Well it was kind of strange having a party at the beginning of the week. But they were good hearted to have put that party on.


I know 1 school is getting out today, but agree that most did get out yesterday. So Bill will have a nice time off and staying inside where it will be nice and warm.


Temps warming up now and we have turned the corner where it will be staying light longer each and every day. This is a depressing time of the year with it getting dark so early. Sunday I heard temps in the 40's and rain.




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Since I couldn't go the funeral today I met my daughter-in-law and her friend tonight. A cozy little place, very different. You ordered your own food at a very high price and then they had couches and chair you could sit in if you could find empty ones. We were able to get some together so spent a couple of hours going over things from the past. I knew the other gal as she was my son's one true love. They went together for years and finally broke up. She has never married. She is a vegetarian and super slim. We always felt we were family and still had the feeling tonight in helping her deal with the loss of her mother.


Lots of emotion tonight, worn out.


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Sharon, it does sound like a very unusual place that you went to. How did you come about it choosing that place to go to? Also I would imagine it was also very emotional for you all.


I did not feel like cooking last night so we went to the club. Today is the last day for them to be open. After today they will be closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Opening again on Tuesday. Then they have a big NYE Party, and we will have our own party downtown as we usually do every year. I will be off on Monday as well.


Today temps in the upper 30's and a rain mix today as well. It should not amount to anything. Then I heard on Sunday it will be in the 40's and rain. We are going out to eat on Saturday evening to our usual place.


Do you want to get a real laugh, go to stayoutofthedoghouse.com




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Funny, can see why they were in the dog house!


I didn't pick it, I only met them there. Evidently it is the "in" place in town as it was packed. They also made and sold candy and it smelled like chocolate when you walked in.


I don't blame you for not wanting to cook after working all day. Too bad Bill doesn't have supper waiting for you (guess he could go in the dog house).


Yes you always have that hotel room where you can see the fireworks, I don't have any plans for New Years.


Tomorrow supposed to go to the neighbors for, actually for lunch, since it starts at noon. They have both been sick with terrible colds for the last two weeks and still sound terrible. I would rather not go and take a chance of catching it but guess I will have to at least for a little while.


Saw a few snow flakes earlier and now the driveway is all covered again.


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