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Oh so sorry about your aunt, cracked ribs take forever to get better. They hurt every time you try to take a breath. Good you are going soon to see her.


I did go to bible study, it was nasty out but I went anyway. Got home a little after 9pm so that was good.


I thought it was the end of Oct to change the clocks, I'll have to listen when they say to do it on the news or probably will be on facebook too.


You are thinking of segways, that is the thing you ride and they give tours on. I am going to see the pedway, its supposed to be underground sidewalks that you can get to the stores from. Evidently they have always been there, but will find out for sure tomorrow. Supposed to be good when the weather is bad.


My sister got the really bad news yesterday, the spots on her ribs and hip are cancer. The breast cancer she had 2 years ago has metastasis. There is a big cancer center called Moffit not sure that spelling is correct but they are going to put her in a trial, hopefully she gets the real meds and it helps keep her alive!


Today would have been Bill and my 15th wedding anniversary so it was a hard day to get through thinking about him and my sister.


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Sharon, the date for the time change is the first Sunday in November, the 5th. So fall back.

I will say prayers for your comfort. Bill and I are past 10 years. I will also include your sister in my prayers, as this latest news does not sound good at all.


OK, now I know what you are talking about. When Bill and I take the train downtown he takes us underground as we are already getting off of the train and we head into the loop with all of the underground stores. Agreed when the weather is nasty it is good that we do not have to brave the weather. I hope you enjoy and have a good time today.


The weather has been terrible the past few days. I see around here on Saturday more rain. I hope we have good weather in Oshkosh. I also agree about cracked ribs. She will be in much discomfort for a while. Luck it was not more and that she did get help fast as well. On our way home on Sunday we will stop in Kenosha at this place called the Brat Stop. I do not know if you have ever heard of it and we will watch the Packer game as it will be blacked out around here.


So we went to a board meeting for the theater guild that we belong to last night. We also were able to get tickets to a Hamilton performance in March 2018 for $125 pp and bus included. The board secured the tickets.



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The bus was pretty full so we split into 2 groups so we could hear the docents. That only lasted for about an hour when one of the women who was walking with a cane tripped and fell. They called the rescue squad and took her to the hospital so we had to be one big group. The pedway was interesting but we stopped every 20 feet or so to hear information and let the rest of the group catch up. Found out it is independently oned by each company, they can maintain it or don't have to, it is private property. Some sections are not connected to others. There is 5 miles or 40 blocks of pedway. We saw where the blue line and red line come in. The woman was not hurt bad they told us on the way home. Her and the leader of our group came home on the train.



I had to turn on the heat when I got home the house was cold. Nice and toasty now.


Have a birthday party tomorrow night at the dance place. Oh by the way last nights dinner was called an Al Capone roast. It was a pork roast stuffed with sausage, bacon and mushrooms. Evidently one of the grocery stores is making them.


Good luck leaving early tomorrow


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Sharon, busy morning. I actually went to WW and I am up ,2. Oh well.

That really sounded like a good meal last night. So now tonight you are going back for a birthday party.

Bill took my vehicle for its fist oil change. We had to have that done before we left today. Once it gets to 20% time to change the oil. Hoping to get out of here just after noon today.

Wow that sounded like a full group on the tour yesterday. Too bad about the lady who fell. At least she is OK.

Thus far we have not had our heat on. Temps are kind of up and down. Drops into the 50's at night and in the day it either goes to the 60's or 70's. Thus far all has been good inside of our house.

I really do not know how much we will be able to do with my aunt. I am sure she will be in much discomfort with the cracked ribs. We will just have to wait and see, and just to take things real easy.

Talk to you on Sunday. Enjoy the weekend.



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It was a different place on Friday night for the birthday party. Four couples and me were there. The gal that I thought would be coming alone has a boyfriend that came.


I made my goal at WW Friday, actually still want to lose 4 pounds but the leader that was okay now I wouldn't have to pay anymore and I could still do that.


My husband Bill's daughter had an Elvis impersonator at one of her assissted living homes today. She had invited me a while ago but wasn't sure I was going till yesterday when my friend Sandy said she would go with me. He sang all Elvis songs for an hour. He sounds like him and has the hair, sideburns and clothes so he's pretty good. He is also very good with the residents, sings to them and hugs them so they each feel special.


Hope your aunt is feeling a little better


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Sharon, she seemed to be better and was glad to see us come there. Once we got to WI it was raining all the way up there. It took us 4 hours going and 3 hours on the return. We always stop at the Brat Stop in Kenosha coming back. I do not know if you have ever heard of the place before. So going we took I-294 and on the way back we took the scenic route along the lake. It was said around here we got any where between 5 to 9" on rain. We got rain there but nothing like here.

I do remember that Bill's daughter has the Elvis person every year. It was good that you were able to go and enjoy the show.

Good for you to have met your goal at WW. Now all you have to do is maintain and keep your free status.

Anyway all in all it sounds like you all had a good time and enjoyed yourselves on Friday.



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Sometimes a little company makes you feel better than being alone so good you were there to be with her for a few days.


Yes it rained like crazy on Saturday, didn't go look at the rain gauge but the grass sure is growing again. I am hoping to only have to cut it one more time.


I moved the blue light treatment to after Thanksgiving since I don't think there would have been enough time after having it done on the 8th to the wedding on the 19th.


One of the gals from WW came to my zumba class today, she really liked it. She had went last Tuesday and actually knew the other instructor from years ago. But she really liked the one that teaches on Mon & Wed.


Got my teeth cleaned today and they found a small cavity, now I have to go back on the 30 th to have it fixed. I haven't had a cavity for years and didn't want one!


Looks like a nice week coming, maybe get the lawn cut and some tulip bulbs planted.


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Sharon, it was good visiting my aunt and I know that she was very happy to see us for the short visit.

From what I had seen, in our area we got from 5-9" of rainfall. That was a lot of rain in a short period of time. As you said, weather wise it looks to be real nice all this week.

That was good that you were able to move your blue light treatment until after Thanksgiving. At least you can go to the weeding and enjoy yourself.

Well it sounds like you have someone else who will be going to your Zumba class now each week. Knowing the instructor is a good thing as well.

Lucky you are keeping up with the dental care. At least they found the cavity so you can have it fixed in a few weeks.

Friday I am hosting bunco over at my house. This Friday also starts the first weekend of plays and Bill will be doing that. This first show is called Avenue Q.


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That will be a fun night playing bunco, the group that does it here decided to only do it once a year.


I haven't heard of that play, maybe I'll google it and see what its about. What is he doing with it, directing, producing?


I did get a little over half of the grass cut, it was really nice out. I decided not to go to the food pantry, figured they would have too many volunteers again.


I made a really good dinner a few times now. Its sliced portabella mushrooms sauteed in butter and parsley, then added some halved cherry tomatoes and mozzarella cheese balls. Put it in the oven to melt the cheese and while that happened, mixed 1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar and 2 teaspoons of brown sugar together, let it cook down a bit and then poured it over the mushrooms. This is the first time I made it in a oven safe bowl, the other times it was the whole portabella mushrooms and you put the cheese and tomatoes in the middle, on a cookie sheet, then browned it. But the tomatoes and cheese kept coming out so this way worked better with the slices. Hardly any calories in it either!



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Sharon, with another nice day today you should be able to get it all finished today. It is supposed to be like this the rest of the week, and rain on Sunday and a sharp drop for next week.

Bill is on the board of directors. So he will be monitoring things, running split the pot. It will not be until the spring production where he will be a producer. He will be at all of the shows, but we will sit together on Saturday night and watch it without any distractions.

That really sounded like a very good tasting and healthy meal that you had fixed for dinner last night.

Are you leaving this week for the weeding? I can't remember the exact date.



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The wedding is Nov 19th so its next month.


That will be nice that you can sit together and see the play.


I got some of the flowers cut down but still have some left to do tomorrow. I fooled around too long in the house today to get them done.


Had another birthday party tonight, so there were taco's and chips and brownies and pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting.



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Sharon, it should be another very nice day today. So you should be able to get more done outside.

Yes, after I posted yesterday, I figured that you were going away next month. It should be a good visit for you then.

I have a lot to do in getting the house ready for bunco tomorrow night. This will be one time where Bill does not have to get a hotel room for the night. As the play will be starting tomorrow and Bill will be in charge of getting the opening night party set up for the cast and crew. Then I will be there on Saturday, or rather we willl go together and sit and watch the performance together.

Another birthday party with eating out once again and it sounds like they always put on something very good to eat.

It will only be about another week when things will really start to turn around and will be getting much cooler. So enjoy all of the flowers while you still can.



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I got the rest of the flowers cut down and finally got rid of the Lambs Ear, it had spread all over the place!


Didn't go to zumba today, got up with a sore muscle under my shoulder blade, so took the day off. It feels better now after moving around all day.


Other than work outside I really didn't do much else today but am tired.

Time to fix a bite to eat and then head for the shower, hopefully I have stayed the same of lost at WW tomorrow morning.


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Sharon, perhaps you over did it a bit working outside the past few days. A good hot shower and a glass of wine should perk you up a bit. Today it is supposed to get to close to 80 today around here. Get out and enjoy the day. Next week the bottom drops out. Sometimes it is good to take off and just rest. Rest can be the best medicine.

Good luck at WW this morning. Hopefully you lost or just maintained. Little by little gets you there.

So I was busy getting the house ready for bunco tonight. As soon as I get home today I will finish all that needs to be finished for tonight.

Bill will not be home when I get home as he will be headed to the theater to get things ready for the split the pot and then after the show he will head to the restaurant to make sure everything is ready for the cast and crew to celebrate their first performance. Tomorrow we will go together.



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I was down .8 today zt weigh in, but I actually lost more than that. When i weighed at home this morning I was down almost 2 pounds so I wore my jeans instead of my zumba capris. Now just have to stay there.


I looked up that play, everyone was using puppets singing. Is that how this play is being done by your group?


Seems I wasted another nice day, didn't do anything productive.


Tomorrow night going with my pet sitter friends to the Moose for dinner and a Costume party.


Have fun at your party and tomorrow night.


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Sharon, it was just a regular bunco party that each of us takes turns hosting the party at our own house. Usually it takes a year to get around to me. Bill got home around 11 and everyone left around midnight.

So I haven't seen the play just yet. Tonight will be the first time. But yes, you are correct about it being about puppets. People have described it as being R rated Sesame Street. Bill said a lot of F bombs. So I do not know how well I will accept this play.

Congrats on loosing so much. The lady at the weigh-in place told me on how important it is to wear the proper clothing. So I know exactly what you mean by not wearing the proper clothing.

So we left early this morning to go to a memorial service for the president of the theater guild, his father had passed and the service was this morning. When we got home we laid down for a few hours. Now shortly we will be leaving for the show.

Have fun at the dinner tonight. This is the last day of warm temps. Tomorrow rain and then turning much cooler.



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That was nice you went to the memorial service, I just can't do any of that anymore, I have went to too many. I send my condolences but that's it, they just have to understand.


I will be interested in hearing what you thought of the play and how it goes over with the audience.


I wore my crayola costume, blue midi t-shirt, tights, blue stockings and crayola blue hat. Dinner was good, had shrimp, not a whole lot of people there, guess too much else going on elsewhere. My pet sitter was dressed as Top Gun and her hubby as Prince Valiant, they won 1st place for couples, but then again they were the only couple. Band played mix of country and rock, hard to determine which was which. We left about 9:30, they are early risers and I have to get up for church at 6am.


Not looking forward to a change in the weather,


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Sharon, still 70 here and rain coming in this afternoon, and then much cooler temps this week.

So the play was not as bad as I thought it would be with the language. Yes, they did have it, but not as bad as I thought it would be. So just like I had said, an R rated sesame street with all of the puppets. In the original version Avenue Q is set on the avenues in NYC. But they made this 1 as it is in Chicago and the avenues on the east side of Chicago. All in all the play was very good. It felt good to just sit in the theater and watch the entire play. We got home right around 11.

Well it sounds like you had a good dinner and dressing up in costumes. Funny they won first place, and even funnier that they were the only couple dressing up.

Enjoy it while it lasts today. We are not going to the theater today but rather an award thing for the running place that Bill works for during these races.



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Good that you liked the play, even better that you could enjoy it together.


It has been raining most of the day here today, quite windy this morning and now quite cold! I liked the other weather better we had the last couple of weeks.


Didn't really see anything good at the show so stayed home all day. Got a nice phone call from Bill late today, he has just been texting so it was nice to hear his voice again.


I am probably one of the few people that look forward to Mondays, get back into the routine and see people. Weekends are lonely for me.


They are closing the highway tomorrow, should be interesting as its the main way to get out of and into town. Looks like the detour they have set up is going to be way out of the way and add many miles. If it keeps raining they might not start the project tomorrow either, they don't like to work in the rain.


Hope the awards thing is interesting is Bill in the running for an award?


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Sharon, Bill was not in the running for an award. They just recognize all participants that help out during the year. They gave him a blanket and some coupons. Yes, it was raining once we got our and it rained all night long and it is still raining now.

Temps around here only in the 50's and it looks like rain once again all night long and into tomorrow. Perhaps you will be right with them not starting the road construction with all of the rain.

So Bill went to the play on Friday and we both went on Saturday. We figured we both will go on Friday and Saturday and not go on Sunday just like we did not go yesterday either. It will be a real mess breaking down everything and we really are not required to be there.

Yes, you are right about for you on Mondays. I do not like coming back here on a Monday or any day. A few weeks ago I almost walked out of here with all of the crap the jerk was sending my way. Bill would like to get out of Cook County as the taxes are crazy. If we left we certainly would not go to Indiana, but Michigan is a possibility or way South up in Illinois.



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Well it wasn't raining here this morning so they were tearing up the highway. Luckily for me it is just south so there is one more road I can use to go to town. Seems no one is following the "recommended" detour they are all coming way down here and using the small road, even saw a fully loaded semi doing that. Wondering how long they will let that continue since the small road is not meant for that much traffic. They have the detour sign too far away no one believes it.


Yes I have heard the taxes there are terrible, even your sales tax is higher. The politicians think they can just add a tax on to anything to cover all the money they need. I think if I moved it would either be in Tx by my granddaughter or a little further north into WI. But so far I have not made a decision so will stay put. Luckily I got my RE taxes lowerer this year so that helps.


I hope all that stress that you are under doesn't affect your health. I know after taking care of Bill and watching him slowly fade away I developed plaque psoriasis, dr said probably from stress. So now I am dealing with that forever, no cure.


Dancing with the Stars tonight, at least something good on TV on Monday night to watch.


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Sharon, I keep forgetting to tell you, that a few days ago I had a $40 certificate for Kohl's and it was going to expire that night. So I went and used it. I certainly was not going to let $40 go to waist.

Isn't it crazy that every year as we are moving close to winter that they just start these construction projects. If they do not do something, perhaps there is someone you can call to report what is going on. If it keeps up they may ruin that small road by you.

So around here it was raining yesterday morning and it raining hard just now. It also rained all afternoon into the evening. I also heard on the news last night that there could be frost later on this week.

I know Bill got our PR taxes reduced last year and is doing the same thing this year as well. You are right about getting taxed to death.


So isn't there a dermatologist that can help out with that condition? I know you must have one as you are always keeping up with getting your skin checked out and staying on top of things. Yes, I am very concerned about my health and all of this stress. I know Bill does not like it and gets mad when I do not come home for lunch. He says it is not healthy to do that. Bill is my rock as he is most often very cool and calm. He always says, cooler heads prevail.

Every Monday night I go to bible study. So I get home from work and fix something to eat quickly and go. Bill also told me he drained the hot tub last night. Slowly I am getting sad, as I cannot use it until spring, and shortly getting real cold and already getting very dark early. Remember the first Sunday in November we set them back.


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My dermatologist has given me several things to try but in the end nothing seems really to work. I have so many allergies with my skin that it limits what all I can use. When it gets really bad with lots of thick scales and itching I get light treatments. Usually have to go for about 20 treatments every couple of days so its not very convenient. It helps for a while, have not had it done now for over a year. The itching remains so I take an allergy pill at night so I can sleep.


I heard the word snow in the forecast today, but have not seen any flurries. They are not working on the road today with the rain so that will prolong the detour.


I go to bible study on Tuesday night, we are watching a video on the book of John. Funny I didn't know you were doing that too!


Got a busy week this week, last night was my last night home in the evening. Wed go meet the girls, Thursday go to the dinner theater, Friday go to a retirement party with dancing friends and Saturday go to a halloween party.


Good thing you got to Kohls to spend that money!


Hungry this afternoon, trying to wait until dinner!


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Sharon, yes I also heard snow/rain mix, but nothing to worry about. Last Friday when I had bunco I had the A/C on. Today Bill has turned on the heat for the very first time. Crazy isn't it. This day has been nothing but rain and cold. It never got out of the 40's today. I hope Bill was dressed warm today on the corner.

Well that is a good thing that you will be going out and doing something different every night. Nothing wrong with staying busy. So Friday we will go back and help with the play, as well as Saturday. Sunday is the last day and we decided we will not go. We are doing a 5K run/walk called the 5K Hot Chocolate downtown. I like having the hot chocolate afterwards. The Halloween Party should be real nice. When we were coming back from Oshkosh we stopped at the Brat Stop in Kenosha. They are having this Halloween Party on Saturday night, and the first place prize is going to be $1500. Imagine what some of those costumes will be like with that kind of prize money?

I am so sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble with your skin. I know it is so very important to stay on top of those things. I hope and will pray that the treatment you will. have in November will help you out a great deal. I know that itching can just drive any person crazy.

Stay warm and dry.



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That is a lot of money for a Halloween costume! I am going to wear a costume tonight, but haven't decided which one yet.


It was so nasty out this morning and now the sun is out and I'm thinking I should go out and cut the grass again. I think I have to get more gas though so many tomorrow.


That sounds real good to me too, a hot chocolate after a walk. I'm assuming you are going to be walking and not running.


The light treatment will not help with the psoriasis it's going to be just on my face and it's to prevent more zapping. Getting rid of precancerous spots. I'm actually thinking of moving back again, I really don't want to do it that much at all.



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