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Sharon, we did not get any rain around here until very late last night. Even if it did not rain, if I had a choice of cutting the grass on a Sunday or going to a show. The show would have been my first choice. So it was good that you were able to get out and see a good show.

I an shocked that you were not able to find anything at Kohl's yesterday. You always seem to find such good deals.

I did not see the driver hit the 2 runners. But I did see that it was the Tri and not a marathon. Bill is working the Ready To Run 20 miler next month. He is getting paid to manage a aid station/water stop.

I just took it very easy yesterday. I laid down for a few hours in the afternoon. I am going out with the girls on Tuesday night. We leave for Saugatuck on Friday. I cannot believe it is Labor Day weekend already. Where did the summer go. I am taking the day off. So once Bill gets home in the morning, we will hit the road.



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I have been to Penny's a couple of times and bought several new tops that I haven't even worn yet so really do not need anything new. But i did have to go back to Kohls today, I bought a couple of items from the bridal registry for a wedding I am going to in Sept. but could not get the registry to print out so could not take them off of it. Today went back with my receipt and asked them to do it so anyone else looking would not buy the same thing. They had to refund the items and then resell them to get them off and give me a gift receipt. So much trouble!


Had a great zumba class this morning then cut grass until a little after 5pm. Just got in the house and was trying to decide, hot shower or soaking bath (which I never ever do ) when my friend down the road called and said come on over for pizza and bring your favorite wine. So I drove over and had a nice dinner with them. Came home and got my hot shower.


Going back to the food pantry again tomorrow, kinda nice to help out a little.

It does seem like the summer went really fast, hope we don't get as much snow as we did rain.


I think it was good you took it easy over the weekend, sometimes you just got to do that!


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Sharon, I do not even want to think about snow just yet. But you are right, about all of the rain, I sure hope that we do not get a lot of snow.


We really did not get a lot of rain last night. Maybe a 10 minute blast of rain. It is raining just now, as it just started to rain.


That is crazy that you were not able to pull up the registry. How can they expect you to pick out the right gift without looking at the registry.


So only a few more days and we will be leaving for Saugatuck. I sure hope we have good weather this weekend. Bill and I were going round and round. I want to see a good show while in Las Vegas. So I decided on Cline Dion. Bill thought I was nuts paying $140 pp, but it is what it is.


I have been forgetting to tell you, that when I went to WW on Saturday I lost .4. Really not a lot but something is better than nothing or gaining. I did not stay for the meeting.





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I think she is pretty popular and they can get that price for the tickets and still get a good crowd. I'm with you, you're not paying for the trip so might as well live a little and enjoy a good show.


According to the predicted forecast for the weekend, at least around here, the weather looks pretty good. But a little further north might be different, I'm sure you will have a good time anyway. Just being away from work and being with your hubby will be nice.


Yes, any kind of a loss is better than creeping back up again. Today I was working at the food pantry. Another gal and I were in charge of the fruits and veggies. She is also in WW and is a very little tiny thing. Well it was one of the other gals birthday so someone went to town and bought a cake and snacks. This gal I was working with got a cucumber and sliced it up instead of eating the cake so I ate the cucumber with her. Wasn't so hard, I didn't think the cake looked that good anyway. But tonight before bed I had my customary bowl of chocolate ice cream with marshmallow topping on it. Hard to give that up.



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Sharon, it has been a crazy day around here today. Nice weather though. So we play the last place team tonight at 6:30. We have to be real careful with those types of teams. We cannot take them too lightly.

I also have been looking at the long range forecast as well. So I hope all stays as they are saying thus far.

That is good that you help out at the food pantry and know people as well that you can get along with and have someone else to talk to as well.



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Hope your game went well. I went to the fair and met up with the other Wed night gals. I ate too much grrrr. First had coconut shrimp then an ice cream cone and then an elephant ear! So much for weighing in on Friday morning.


Had a good time though, at around 7:30pm we looked up in the sky and there were really black clouds headed our way so we got to one of the buildings fast. Just after we got inside it started pouring, the roof was metal so it was really loud. Pretty soon the building was packed from everyone coming in. It didn't last long though so we went back out, however by then many of the booths had just closed up for the night.


Got home late so going to be hard to get up for zumba tomorrow.


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Sharon, Bill reminded us about being too lax by playing a last place team. Even though we won 16-7, they did play a good game. Now only 2 more games and then the banquet. Since the first place also won last night and since we only scored 1 point last week we are still in second place missing first place by only 1 point.

So I did go to WW on Wednesday during my lunch and now I lost .8. But we shall see how I do next week with going away and eating out this entire weekend.

Temps in the 60's today around here and very windy. Originally they were calling for rain. But no rain around here until Monday. So the plan is to hit the road tomorrow right after Bill gets home around 9. We did not get any rain at all last night.

It sounds like you all had a good time at the fair. Lucky they had shelter for you to take refuse during the brief rain.

I will post tomorrow morning before we go and then I'll be back on Monday. So enjoy and have a great weekend for yourself.



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Those tenths add up so keep up the good work at WW. I know it will be hard to stay on target while you are gone, it always is for me, good luck.


A friend from WW told me she has been taking steel drum lessons, unusual isn't it! But anyway there was a steel drum band down at the opera house playing tonight and it was only $5 to get in. So after dinner I drove down there. A huge crowd was already gathered by the door, as they hadn't opened the doors yet. Seem most people already had their tickets but there was a line to buy them when the door opened. I stood in line quite a while and when I got up to the ticket counter the only seats left were in the 3rd row balcony. If it would have been 1st row I would have taken it, but 3rd row, you're really not going to be able to see anything, only hear it. So I told said forget it and came back home.


Got WW tomorrow, going to be really close if I get a few tenths or not.


Enjoy your trip, I'll "talk" to you when you get back. Hope you don't run into too much traffic.


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Sharon, I don't blame you about not going in to see if you can't really see. I would have done the very same thing. At least you tried.

Good luck with WW tomorrow. You are right about everything adding up. We have to take it little by little.

Things might be crazy tomorrow. So I do not know if I will get a chance to post again until I return on Monday.

Indiana is loaded with road construction. But by leaving early it will not be too bad. Then we will leave there around 6:30 on Monday and we will zip right back. There is a huge craft fair in a few towns over from us and we like to go to that on Monday. So we will come home and get all unpacked and lay down for a few hours to get our batteries all charged up.

Once again enjoy and have a great holiday weekend.



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Hope you had a good time, and maybe bought a few items at the craft fair.


I lost 2 pounds somehow last Friday, surprise to me! Was hoping for a few tenths. Probably be back this week.


I didn't do much of anything all weekend, thought about going to the Balloon Fest on Saturday night, there was also a country band playing at 7:30, but just about the time I decided I would go, it started to rain.


Glad at least there was a zumba class this morning, haven't even talked to anyone all weekend. My sister usually calls but she went camping with her son and his family.


Glad everything will be back to normal starting tomorrow.


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Sharon, we made it up there in 2 hours and came back in 2 1/2 hours yesterday. There was much more traffic on the return. So we got back around noon yesterday. We did not go to the craft fair as I just laid down for a few hours yesterday afternoon. Now back to the bump and grind.

All in all it was a perfect weekend. There was no rain and temps were perfect. It was really windy yesterday, and our car was getting blown from 1 side to another.

I brought back a case of wine. We went on a wine tour on Saturday. I also brought back a bunch of jams.

They were calling for rain yesterday. But we never got a drop. Some how I cannot picture your sister going camping. But I hope she had a good time.



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Bet you will enjoy the wine and jams this fall and winter. I used to make jelly from my concord grapes, always had enough to last through winter.


I remember my car was really bad in the wind too. When I first got it I was ready to take it back, but we've not had that much wind all summer so almost had forgot about it.


Years ago when my sister had her whole family at home, husband and 4 boys, they used to go camping all the time. They had a tent they set up and cooked outside. I haven't talked to her much yet but she did call and say they were back. I have been busy all day today so will call her tomorrow.


I did the food pantry till 5pm today, came home had a bite to eat and went to bible study. I just got home about 8:30. Usually I don't have anything to do but my exercise class so it's okay to be busy one day.


Saw DWTS is going to be starting up again, I think tomorrow they are announcing all the participants on Good Morning America.


Glad you had a good time and good weather.


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Sharon, I certainly have enough wine and jam to last me into the winter. While at the winery the wine was flying off the racks.

I just meant with all of your sister's health issues. I did not think she would be able to go camping.

So only 2 more weeks of bocce. We have to win the next 2 to capture first place once again. These last place teams can really be spoilers for us if we are not real careful.


The way the wind was blowing, I do not know of any vehicle that would have been good on the highway. The wind was really blowing very strong and hard.


When I saw the new season of DWTS I figured you would be tuning in to watch the new line up of participants.




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I don't think my sister did all the things that the others were doing like floating down the river and such. She more or less just went so she wouldn't be alone all weekend.


Bad news though, her PET scan showed some spots on her ribs. They wanted to do a biopsy right away but she said no, there's a hurricane coming. Also she needs to check with her heart doctor to see if it was even an option. So even though I always include her in my prayers I will pray a little harder.


Saw the girls tonight, one of them is now an empty nester. Her last child moved into an apartment to go to college. We kidded her about being able to run around the house naked but she said are you kidding me its too cold!


I got 3 news bras today, SS will pay for them every 3 months. Got a different style, a new one they had just gotten in. The gal who was helping me pulled up her top and said this is the new one, isn't it nice. Had to laugh but it was nice so that's the kind I got.


Hope you did good at bocce tonight, I think it was probably a little chilly.


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Sharon, we did not start out too well, but we came back and really clobbered them 19-12. So now Bill said last night we are back in first place, and playing a team next week that has been doing really well. But they lost last night and will really be trying to win the last game of the season next week. So if we win we will remain in first place. If we loose, who knows. Yes, it was chilly last night.

I did not know that SS paid for new bras. That was kind of a funny story about that lady showing you the one she was wearing.

I completely forgot about that hurricane that is heading to Florida. So is you sister and her family going to evacuate the area? So sorry to hear about your sister and her results. I will also include her in my prayers as well.

Also a very funny story about your friend becoming an empty nester. Ha, Ha, running around the house naked.



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Alright! You just have to win one more and end up in first place, but you are right the other team will be trying real hard to win.


SS pays for mastectomy bras, and prosthesis, nice because they are really expensive.


Talked with my sister again today, she had been to see the cardiologist. He said her heart was sounding a little better but they think the spots on her ribs are from the breast cancer metastasizing. Hope they are wrong, but if not, maybe they could do radiation. She cannot tolerate chemo.


Cut grass again to day for 4 1/2 hours. Took a little longer because I was trimming off grape vines and small branches as I cut. Not going to take a hot shower and put on my jammies before I get some dinner.


I think some of that 2 pounds is definitely back this week. Just not sure how much.


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Sharon, another cool day today with temps in the 60's. I woke up to rain this morning. It must have rained during the night.

So is your sister and her family going to evacuate the area or are they staying? Once again I will say prayers for your sister that all goes well for her.

Yes, we will have to have our A game on for next Wednesday. If we win we stay in first place. So loosing is not an option.

Well at least you are having good weather with the cooler temps for working outside.

I was not aware that you had a mastectomy. I am glad that you came out and are now A-OK.

The club is having a huge fireworks display on Saturday. With a live band as well as a DJ. So that is what we are doing on Saturday.



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Yes my sister and family are staying. Now i see they are predicting Irma to hit mote of the gulf coast and that is the side they are on, more than half way down the state. So not good. She said they have shuttered the windows and have food and water so thats about sll they can do.


Yes I had breast cancer in 1997, don't know why I was lucky enough to survive.


I talked to one of the Friday night dancing friends earlier this week. She asked me to go tonight and visit with them so I did. Like the last time i went, even though it is nice to see them and visit, I think I feel worse. Guess its because they are still couples and I am alone. Ended up crying on the way home.


Tired, going to bed.


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Sharon, I see now that Irma will hit Florida as a Cat 5. So I hope your sister and her family will be OK. Now our concern that the Jerk's place will not be destroyed. If that happens we will have him here all winter.

We slept in this morning. We rarely get to do that anymore as Bill is getting up early and off sometimes before I even get up. So shortly I will take that lady friend of mine shopping as I have to be back early afternoon to get ready to go across the street to see the fireworks.

I am so glad that everything came out positive with your cancer. Bill is a 3 time cancer survivor and he is always saying, he prays every day that it does not come back. Cancer is something very bad that we can not wipe out just yet.

I am so sorry that you were so sad last night. Time is the greatest healer. I will keep you in my prayers.



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I too have been praying for my sister, she is right now more concerned with the hurricane so we will see what happens after it is over. I hope their house stands and no one gets hurt! Looks to me like the eye of the hurricane will be right over them.


Good for Bill, he is truly a survivor!


I ordered some sweet and sour chicken and some crab rangoons for dinner. Didn't like them at all. The chicken had so much breading on it and it didn't have a good taste. The crab rangoons were so greasy it was awful. I did eat a few of each but now wish I hadn't. Yuk.


One of the couples that was a that dance place last night live on the other side of town. They called this afternoon and wondered if I wanted to go for a bike ride with them. I wasn't doing anything so I went. It was a beautiful day and the trail was asphalt and flat so easy to ride. But now I am really tired and going to take a shower and go to bed early!


Hope you had a nice day with your friend, you probably don't even realize was a great service that is to her, and just having your company for the afternoon is priceless!


I hope that jerk's house is okay too, better down there then here! Maybe he will have to go down and check it out, if he isn't already there now.


I know it feels so good to be able to sleep in a little later once in a while, I enjoy that too.


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Sharon, no he is still right here. I guess we all will have to see all of the damage sometime today. I sure hope that your sister and her family will be alright. Here they tell everyone to evacuate. But there is no gas and the roads are completely at a standstill. So I would not go either to be stopped in all of that congestion.

So this was back in 2009 and Bill attributes his Dr for saving his life. A three hour surgery turned into a 6:30 hour surgery. A three day stay in the hospital turned into 6 days in the hospital. He lost 3 liters of blood and had to have a transfusion. So it was a real ordeal for him and he said that he was about 1 month from going down the road of no return. He was at stage 4 and had it for well over 10 years without any kind of symptoms at all.

We do not like deep fired stuff or breaded stuff either. We stay away from greasy foods as well. I could see why you were not feeling too well after eating that stuff.

That was good that you were able to get out for a nice bike ride. I certainly have to do something very soon to get a bike that I can ride. This one I just got I cannot even touch the ground.

I keep forgetting to ask you about your friends that got T-Boned. How are they doing?

So the day was very nice, and it did get really cool once the sun went down. Very nice fireworks. My son-in-law brought the GK's over. We stayed much longer than we planned. Bill was very tired and came home and went right to bed.



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Boy that was a real ordeal Bill went through, what kind did he have when he went through all that?


I bet the GK enjoyed the fireworks, I always like to see them too.


Heard from my sister about an hour ago, they had just lost their electric. So must be building up steam down there now.


I have not gotten an update on the gal in the bad accident. Last I heard she was till up in the hospital in Green Bay. Hard to get any news.


I went to the show today, saw Home Again with Reese Witherspoon, it was cute and no swearing for a change.


Tomorrow back to the routine, good though, gets me out of bed and the house for a while. The guy is supposed to come either tomorrow or Tuesday to start power washing the south side of the house before painting or staining it. He doesn't always come when he says so I'll wait and see if he shows up or not.



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Sharon, Bill was going for over 10 years for regular check-ups and all tests were fine. So he had prostrate cancer in 2009. So Bill ran the Boston Marathon against my concerns and 2 days after the marathon he was on the operating table. He however ran his best Boston Marathon in a time of 4:36. He thought that would be his last, however he ran 3 more after that.


So I have not really seen on how they are doing in Florida. So I hope your sister and her family came out OK.


Yes, I agree about going back to the bump and grind starting today. It was nice have a shortened week last week.

So this friend of mine who I take shopping every other week, tells me she does not want to interfere with Bill and I if we have plans. So if we do then that is my excuse of getting out of taking her shopping.

It was good that you were able to get out and see a good show. The fireworks were good and the GK's had a real good time. We agreed that we would go home right after the fireworks. So Bill closed out our tab at the bar , however I did not get back there until well after a 1/2 hour after the fireworks. So Bill was very tired and whet right to bed once we got home.



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My sister texted me and said all were okay but electric would go off, come back on for a bit then go off again. She tried to call me tonight but I couldn't hear half of what she was saying.


Forgot to tell you last Friday at WW I was up .8. Keep doing this seesaw thing, down one week up the next!


Guy is supposed to come tomorrow to power wash the south side of the house. He keeps putting it off, hoping he "for sure" comes tomorrow. Then he'll have to let it dry before painting, hope thats not another month!



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Sharon, I finally saw all of the destruction in Florida. The jerk's place is OK. So that is a good thing as all I can do is hope when he will return there. Also good that your sister is OK and her family as well.


So hopefully that guy will come today to do your work. So is he doing the entire house or just the south side?


I know it seems like the both of us are doing the same see saw with WW. All we can keep doing what we need to do to keep it off.


Finally a day today where it will go into the 70's. The past few days around here it only got into the 60's. Tomorrow is our final game of the bocce season. So we must win to remain in first place.





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