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I wish there was a class on fixing computers instead of just running programs. Everyone who can fix them says they just know what to do, learned by themselves it seems.


Didn't go to zumba this morning, we both slept in a little. Then she let me know she was hungry. She is telling me now too that it is time for dinner but I want her to wait a little bit until I eat too. They brought her food and everything is fresh, no canned food for her. she gets a raw egg among other things in the morning and in the evening she gets chicken neck bones and some veggies.


It is National night out tonight but also my bible study group meets tonight. Not sure if I should run uptown to the night out, it starts at 6, bible study starts at 7pm and its at least 35 minutes away. Also just saw the band is playing in town too tonight. How come everything is always on the same day!


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I have been doing all of the computer work for so long that it is just second bit for me now. I cannot do everything but a lot of things I can do.

Well nothing wrong with sleeping in. But it sounds like they really have her at a very structured diet, and that might be a good thing.

It sounds like a lot of things going on tonight. Also a lot of driving if you do both. So I think it would be best to choose 1 or the other, but not both as of all of the running around.

Weather wise temps were in the 80's and 70's today. This afternoon we got maybe 5 minutes of rain. Really nothing much to do anything. Bill is flying to Cleveland for the day next week Wednesday. As he is Midwest Director of the retiree organization and Cleveland is 1 of the places in his district. They are having their annual picnic.




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Well I chose wrong last night, went to Bible study. On the way up there ran into road construction and had to go a long way out of the way to get there. Then I was thinking maybe this is an omen, I should just go back home and go to one of the other things. But I didn't listen to myself and went on. At Bible study we always listen to a video, this time on the book of John. But the player wouldn't work right and it kept messing up. They tried to find another player but couldn't get it to work either. Then they decided we could just listen to the video, didn't have to see it, and started it over. The whole night was a waste of time. Geesh!

This afternoon around 4pm I heard a bunch of thunder and looked north, it was very black up that way, but didn't get any rain out of it.

Took the dog, Lillie back home around 6 pm. They were supposed to be home by 8 pm. Then went to see the girls. Had a nice evening visiting. Still no rain so that's good.

How did you learn how to fix the computers, just by doing or by taking some kind of class.

I think one of my other computers years ago had to have a new sound card put in, but I don't know if I should just maybe get another tower instead. Only thing is I don't want windows 10 and I think all the new ones have it now.


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Sharon, I just learned how to do the things I do by just doing them over and over. Now I cannot do everything, but most things I can.


Sorry to hear that your night was not what you had expected. You always have to listen to yourself. We did not get any rain at all last night and I did see that up north they were getting rain, but you lucked out and did not get any. We are expecting rain later on this afternoon and into the evening.

So do you remember what I had said to you last week about bocce for yesterday. Bill had said we will hand them their second loss and we certainly did. We crushed them 19-8. Now here is how the game is played. The first team that hits 16 wins. Since the score was 15 to 8 before our last throw. Then we scored 4 more points and that is how we ended with 19. So we shall see what place we will end once Bill does the scoring later on today.

So the dog is back home with his owners now, and you were able to go out with the girls as well last night?



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You all are on a roll, congratulations! Fun to play and even more fun to win.


Sometimes I try to change or fix things on the computer but I try so many that I don't remember which one worked.


Went to zumba today, hadn't been since Monday, so got in some good exercise. Then came home and cut grass for 2 hrs. Was only going to do a little but decided since it was supposed to rain I should do the areas that get too wet to cut, now that they are dry. Some really black clouds came over and the wind picked up but then it all blew over. So, so far no rain and its 8:15pm.


Monday I am going on a bus trip with the bank in town to Starved Rock to see an Elvis show and have lunch. Sounded kind of interesting. I have never traveled with this bank before so we'll see how it goes.


I was thinking about what you said, walking around without shoes. I read somewhere that you should walk outside in the grass barefooted. It is supposed to be good for you, but better be careful where you walk I think.


Well better make some dinner, hope all goes well tomorrow at WW. Have you been going?


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Sharon, I have not been to WW in 2 weeks. Good luck to you today on your weight-in.

So get this, the first place team lost and now they are in second place. The second place team we beat and they are now in third place. The third place team had a BYE, and they are now in fourth place. We were in fourth place and are now in first place.

So I went to get my nails done last night. So the jerk came over to our house and at first Bill did not recognize him and was not going to open the door. So he wanted to get the keys as he locked himself out of the shop. So Bill told him where I was and he came strutting in and I thought what is he doing here. So I gave him the key and he left. Now earlier in this week, I told him if I was a man I would punch him out and I walked away. Bill said you do not have to be a man to punch him out, so just do it the next time.

Temps only in the 60's today. Yesterday in the afternoon it only rained for about 5 minutes. Then around 8 it rained for about 1 hour. So we did not get all of the rain they were forecasting.

So on Monday you are going on another bus trip for the day. That is a great place where you are going and it should be a very nice day trip.



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First place, now all you have to do is stay there! Funny set of events to get you there.


I wonder what you boss would do if you just hauled off and smacked him good. Probably wouldn't have a job aferwards though.


Had a little rain and then just some mist this morning. Cool out too. So I thought it would be a good day to trim my front evergreens. Went outside but got sidetracked. I had bought 6 bags of brown mulch in the spring and really wanted to get them out of the garage so started dragging them out and spreading it around the flower bed. Then realized the weeds needed pulled or dug so started on that first. By then it had warmed up and I was getting pretty warm. Anyway I finished the mulch but never got started on the bushes. Next week looks to be a little cooler too so maybe I'll be able to get to it then.


My friend that had so much damage from the flooding found some help, it is a volunteer group named Samaritans Purse. One day 14 people came and worked all day, they were from Ohio. The next day 5 of them came, they were from Michigan. They helped fill up 2 dumpsters. When they left they thanked her for letting them serve her. She heard about them from a company she wanted to hire to clean up but couldn't afford.



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First place, now all you have to do is stay there! Funny set of events to get you there.


I wonder what you boss would do if you just hauled off and smacked him good. Probably wouldn't have a job aferwards though.


Had a little rain and then just some mist this morning. Cool out too. So I thought it would be a good day to trim my front evergreens. Went outside but got sidetracked. I had bought 6 bags of brown mulch in the spring and really wanted to get them out of the garage so started dragging them out and spreading it around the flower bed. Then realized the weeds needed pulled or dug so started on that first. By then it had warmed up and I was getting pretty warm. Anyway I finished the mulch but never got started on the bushes. Next week looks to be a little cooler too so maybe I'll be able to get to it then.


My friend that had so much damage from the flooding found some help, it is a volunteer group named Samaritans Purse. One day 14 people came and worked all day, they were from Ohio. The next day 5 of them came, they were from Michigan. They helped fill up 2 dumpsters. When they left they thanked her for letting them serve her. She heard about them from a company she wanted to hire to clean up but couldn't afford.



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Sharon, the place is in our own destiny from here on out. We just have to continue playing our own game

Bill said that to me, you do not have to be a man to just haul off and land him one direct on his face. Who cares, I have just had enough.

For us we had a brief shower around 2 that lasted for about 5 minutes. Then around 6 we had more rain that lasted for about an hour and that was it. The next chance for rain for us is tomorrow.

Wow, that was really something to have the groups come and help her out. It certainly saved her a lot of money. It is good to know that there are good people out there willing to help out people in distress. Around the country there are many in bad shape with all of the bad weather and flooding and fires.



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I went to Best Buy today to see the Samsung guy that is there on weekends. It was a wasted trip, he wasn't able to help me. He said it was because there are so many things using WiFi that there wasn't a good enough signal to use. He said go to a McDonalds parking lot and use theirs. What I wanted him to do was delete the trash in my emails. It has gotten unbelievably huge and to delete them one at a time would take years because it keeps shutting down. So I guess I will take the tablet with me wherever I go and see how strong their WiFi is.


Beautiful day today, did some things outside once I got back home, didn't get to trimming the bushes yet though.



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Sharon, yesterday they were saying rain for today. But now it looks like the rain is out of the forecast. So temps around here is in the 60's for today. I would think with these dry conditions, that you should be able to get all of your outside work all finished.

Wow, you would think that someone would be able to help you out with that problem and getting things deleted.

I did go to WW yesterday, and I have gained 1.8. They told me I should be eating more fruits and veggies.

Yesterday I just took things easy. I laid down for a while in the afternoon, and after WW I really did not do too much.



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After I home from church I changed clothes and tackled the biggest evergreen. Got it done but was really hot and sweaty. I decided I will do one evergreen a day, there are 6 more!


I was down .2 on Friday but have not been eating good over the weekend. I have tried to eat more fruit and veggies too.


Went to the show this afternoon, saw Darl Tower. It was based on a book by Stephen King so it was a little different but kept my attention.


Some black clouds have been moving in but so far no rain.


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Sharon, good for you to have lost .2 as a loss is better than a gain anytime. I need to get myself back on track and get back to eating right and loosing once again.

The rain they were forecasting never happened around here. Temps in the 70's around here today and I do not see any rain in the foreseeable future.

Well that was good that you were able to get 1 tree done yesterday. If this dry spell continues, you should be able to get the rest done, and doing 1 each day sounds like a very good plan.

At least you are doing something that I have not been doing, and that is going out to a show. I have not heard of that show, but being a Stephen King, I know the type of show that you saw.

So another week with the jerk and stress. Bill is going to CLE on Wednesday for the day. He is coming back for bocce.



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I did not hear it or see it, but it must have rained a little since the driveway was wet this morning. Today was the day I went on the bus trip to Starved Rock. Had a buffet lunch of chicken and ham. After lunch "Elvis" started singing. He was a young guy, sang pretty good. His first outfit was a red jacket and black slacks, then his second outfit was a white conchco decorated jumpsuit that fit him very well. Even though the audience was older women with a few men, he was good to look at! Ha ha


Good thing Bill will be back for your game Wed night. Maybe you can keep your winning streak going.


Too bad about your boss being here again. Does he have plans to ho anywhere soon?


Just watching on TV about the Taj Mahol. It was built as a monument to the Shaw's wife who died in childbirth of their 14th child. Had never heard that before, thought it was interesting.


Back to exercise tomorrow!


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Sharon, it must have been up your way as we did not get anything, nor do I see anything for awhile.

Yes, Bill is only going for a few hours. He is leaving very early in the morning and returning at 3. So he should be back by 4 and we play at 5:45.


Wow, that was great that you spent the day on your bus trip and entertainment and lunch as well. That is a great area and much history. I supposed they told you why and how it got its name?


A very interesting story and I have never heard that as well. Imagine 14 children.

The jerk is hear to stay until November. He looses or just forgets his keys a lot and then he has to come to me to get my keys. He was shocked when I told him if I was a man I would punch him out. Bill said you do not have to be a man to do that.



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The bus driver told us the story of the name, he said there are several variations of it too. It was quite a lodge, some of the logs were huge.


How did your boss react when you told him that?


Guess what I got done today. I trimmed 3.evergreen bushes then came in to rest and cool off.I told myself go do one more then you'll only have 2 left. So went back out, did one more then went ahead and did the other two. I used my hedge trimmers so it went pretty fast. It was hot but I was so glad to get them done.


My pet sitter friend has taken in a horse that was almost starved to death. She has had it for a week and it has already gained 100 pounds. The people that had it were reported to the county animal control.


Weather looks good for tomorrow night. Friday night I have tickets for a Sam Cook tribute concert, one of the Wed night gals is going with me.


About that program last night. The Shah was also buried in the rotunda of the Taj Mahal next to his belohved wife. Quite a love story.


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Sharon, yesterday was an extremely bad day for me. Around 12:30 I had it with the jerk. He had brought me to tears and I just got up and walked out and came home and went to bed for the afternoon. I went over to the club around 5:30. I did not play only watched. Bill got back around 4. We had the first game. We did not start out very well and the score was 9 to zip and then we came back to win 15-12. Today much better, although the jerk has not come in. He just walked away from me last week when I said that to him.


For us around here today, maybe some rain tonight and temps in the 80's. It was good that you were able to get all of the outside work all finished.

Wow, what a terrible story about that horse. Lucky your friend was able to take control of the horse and has brought him back to good health. I do not know what is wrong with people who abuse animals.

Yes, that is a very interesting story on what really happened to those at Starved Rock. We are still solid in first place. So we will just have to play good each week.



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i am so sorry you have to deal with him all the time, it's not good for your health to be so upset like that. That is why I quit working for Harris Bank, my boss was so bad, every day I would think what will he do to me today. Then every night I would go home crying. I had to quit, couldn't take it anymore. There was a song out back then that said "I don't have to be me till Monday" and that's what I thought too, enjoy the weekend and don't worry about it till then.


We just had a really terrible downpour of rain and hail. It was blowing and raining and hailing so hard I thought it might break the windows! Now it has finally stopped but saw on FB that there was flooding in town in the street.


Glad you were able to pull out the win even though it started out bad.


Going to a Sam Cooke tribute show tomorrow, should be a fun night.


My pet sitter friend is trying to set me up with someone they know that also would like to have someone to go places with once in awhile. I think that is the best way to meet someone, if your friends already know them and can vouch for them. Will see how that comes along.


Hope you are feeling better,


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Sharon, you are right about the jerk. I was not aware of you having a similar situation where you once worked. He never came in yesterday nor has he thus far. He knew that he really crossed the line and so did everyone else who works here.

I totally agree about having someone you know and trust fixing you up with someone. So are you going to this concert tonight with him or will that be down the road someplace? Should be a good concert.

I saw on the news last night that your area was getting hit hard with rain. We never got a drop at all yesterday. So it stayed up your way the entire time. You were lucky that you did not have any damage. So I am not seeing any rain until next week and guess what day it is supposed to rain?

So tonight and over the weekend we are going to a play with the theater guild that we belong to. It is called A Many Splendor Thing, and this is the first time they are doing this. Included in the price of the ticket is food and drinks, actually 2 drinks and if you want more then they will have a donation jar. So should be a good weekend to unwind and to get away from this crazy place.

So now we have only 4 weeks to play, and we are in control of our own destiny on where we end up. If we continue to play the way we are doing then we will win first place once again. We are still in first week for the second week in a row.



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Oh yes, I had a terrible "yuppy" type boss.


Glad your boss has made himself scarce at least you don't have to deal with him.


I went to the show last night with one of the Wednesday night gals. We had dinner first and then went to the show. It was okay, not as good as the Eagles tribute bad I saw there before. When you were leaving the show they gave everyone a Dove ice cream bar, it's kind of there thing to do.


I am going to mix up some Round up and spray the weeds again. Debated about it since it is already August, but they will still have over a month or more to grow so best to get rid of them for next year. The weather is cooperating and a little cooler than it's going to be for the next several days.


Enjoy the play,


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Sharon, yes it is much cooler and I think it is funny that we are having cooler temps and the north west is having extreme high temps.

The jerk has a girlfriend in from Cleveland and that is what has been occupying all of his time. Anything to keep him away from this place is only a good thing.

It was good that you were able to get out to see a show last night. That was a nice surprise to have them pass out dove bars. I have never heard of that before.

So we will go back tonight to help out, and tomorrow I have a bunch of friends going. We may leave just after intermission today since we saw the entire show last night.



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Hope that girlfriend keeps him busy for a long time!


Hope did you like the play, what was it this time?


Several months ago I bought an HP laptop computer on Home Shopping Network. Last week I decided to fire it up, so to speak. Well I can't get it to do anything, had to look on Google how to even open it! Realized today whatever I had done on it had turned off the sound on my regular computer and it also did something to a game I have been playing everyday for over 3 years. I can't get it to run at all or even come up. I was able to find the place on my regular computer to turn the sound back on but cannot figure out how to get the game to run.


Got all the grass cut again today, can see the RoundUp is working already.


Got the recheck for the spot on my nose at the skin dr tomorrow afternoon. Still there so thinking there might be MOHS surgery coming up again.



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Sharon, I do not know for sure, but I think that she is going back today to Cleveland. I told her I would pay her if she could keep him busy for a very long time.

Temps in the 80's for today and tomorrow. It does not look good for us on Wednesday. We still have 1 more rain out. But I am sure Bill does not want to use it as we now have 4 games left to play.

Both Bill and I had foot Dr appointments this morning. I finally got a shot in my foot to relieve the pain I have been experiencing. I hope your skin Dr appointment goes well for you this afternoon.

With this dry weather we have been having it was good that you were able to get all of the grass cut.

So the name of this performance was called A Many Splendor Thing. It was about Love gone bad, Love gone good. Love for home and country, Love for God. Bill and I actually sat down and saw the entire performance on Friday. Me and my friends saw it on Sunday. Bill did not see any more as he was running the split the pot and raffles. It was very good.

Back to the bump and grind. I hope the jerk does not come in for a very long time.



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Now that you have told me again, I do remember that you told me the name of the show before, just forgot I guess. There was a movie called Love is a Many Splendored thing quite a long time ago. A song too.


So you have seen the girlfriend, does she look like someone who would put up with his s**t? Funny you going to pay her!


I saw the rain coming again too. The Wednesday night gals all say it rains most Wednesday nights for us to drive home in.


I was so frustrated with my computer I had looked everywhere in it to find how to fix it, which for me is quite a thing since I'm not really all the literate in computers. Finally today I gave up and called (texted) Norton, the security people I have. One of their reps got on my computer and fixed it in a few clicks. He said that the problem was with Google Chrome doing an update that made some things not work. He fixed it and now I can get my game to load up again. I did get alot of things done however over the weekend when I couldn't play it.


That must have hurt getting a shot in your foot. The skin dr today was going to do a biopsy on the two spots. I asked her if she couldn't just zap them. She said why yes she could. She said that would take care of it even if it was a start of basil cell if it wasn't too deep. So my next appmnt is in 2 more months again for a recheck. So glad I don't have to have a MOHS surgery appmnt.



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Sharon, his girlfriend does not have a clue what he is really like. She will have to be with him a lot longer to find out what a real jerk he is.

Well it is hard to say if we will get rained out or not tomorrow night. It looks like the best chance for rain at this point will be on Thursday. We will just have to wait and see.

So that was good that you were able to find a place that fixed your computer and it is up and running good once again.

So did the Dr zap those areas or do you have to go back in a few months to have it done? I know the last time you had them zapped you were in a bit of discomfort for awhile.

So today temps in the 80's and no rain in the forecast for today. It is a bit humid outside as well.



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