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I've got bible study tonight and then tomorrow night I will meet the girls, Thursday and Friday nothing...yet. I might go with some gals on Saturday to a zumba event down in Romeoville (where ever that is) it's a benefit for Puerto Rico and our zumba instructor said she would drive.


I am leaving on the 18th, was thinking I couldn't stay later because of the increase in airfare but I could have left a day or two earlier. Lots to see and do down there.

Only going to take a carry on that way won't have to check luggage.


At least the sun came out this afternoon, it really felt cold when I went to zumba.


I hate that it's dark now when I get up and dark so early too. Guess we just have to get used to it, it will be that way for quite a while now.


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Sharon, Romeoville is just past the airport, O'Hare. That is going to be a long haul for you. But if a few of you are driving together, then that will not be too bad. I had bible study last night.


For us the sun was out bright this morning. But this afternoon it was dark and gloomy. It is also raining as well. I hope Bill was dressed warm standing on the corner.


So next Saturday or rather 1 week from this Saturday you will be leaving. So when do you think you will come back? Enjoy and have a great time. This time of the year the airfares are all over the place.


So originally we were going to that place that gives the discount for your age on your birthday for Thanksgiving. But now Bill's aunt had called us and has invited us to come to her daughter's house and she lives way up north up in your direction. So that is what we are doing now. Perhaps we will pick up his aunt and we can drive her up there.


You must get up real early. Now after the time change it is light out when I get up at 7. Before the change it was dark when I got up in the morning. Yes, I agree, this is a depressing time of year, with us moving into winter and it getting dark late in the afternoon.


In the next few days Bill will finish up outside stuff and get the outside ready for winter.





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I'm only staying 4 days, had to get back before the airline prices went up for Thanksgiving. They wanted me to stay the whole week but I didn't want to pay for a hotel room that long and I didn't want to stay with them.


I made a stupid mistake this morning. I glanced at the clock and thought it was time to go to Zumba. I got in the car and I have had trouble changing the time on the clock in the car, but noticed that it was the right time so thought maybe it had self adjusted. Well I got to zumba and no one was there. I was an hour early! So I went up to the next town to the McDonalds and got a cup of coffee and waited in the car for an hour, then drove back to the class. The clock in the car was the right time for zumba but the wrong time of day. It was still reflecting daylight savings time. When I got back home I kept checking different places and finally found where I could change the time on the car clock. What a way to start the day.


Got a message from the place where I go meet the girls tonight, they are making a ham dinner for everyone. That will be tasty, think I'll go a little early to make sure they don't run out! Glad I knew before I left so I didn't eat.


Lots of white frost outside this morning but the sun came out and even though it was cold it looked good.


That sounds like a good way to spend Thanksgiving for you.


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Sharon, we told Bill's aunt that we would pick her up and driver her there and back. Bill's son is also invited as well. So we shall see if he goes or not.

Right now it is not too bad outside as temps in the 40's. But after this over the weekend it will get real cold. Next week we could get some temps in the 50's.

So you did not get all of your clocks changed and thought you would be on time for zumba. At least now you have everything all changed and are good to go now.

So how was you night out last night and the dinner as well? They always seem to put out good food for you all to eat. We had a theater guild meeting last night and got home around 10.

I understand about you staying only 4 days. You do not want to be traveling with the mess for Thanksgiving travel. Certainly do not want to spend the money for a week at a hotel either. I would not want to stay at someone's house either. I like my own spaces.


Bill is off today and tomorrow. Today the teachers are having a conference and tomorrow it is for Veteran's Day.




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The ham dinner was really good and so was the au gratin potatoes. I had to have another slice of ham it was so tasty! I love ham but never make it just for myself so it was a real treat.


It would be nice if Bill's son went with you, or at least met you up there. Nice to have family around for the holidays.


My husband Bill was a WWII Navy veteran and my new Bill is a Vietnam Marine veteran. My dad also was a WWII Navy veteran. He served on the USS Missouri, the ship that the Japanese emperor came on to sign the treaty after Pearl Harbor.


I saw it is supposed to get really cold tomorrow, but next week looks pretty good again.


Today one of my Wed night friends and I, the one I went to Florida with last January, looked up some flights and booked a week in Florida the second week of December. I wanted to go and see my sister before she started on any medication that might make her sick, and my friends dad had a pacemaker put in last week and is not doing well. We both have a reason to go and they are very close together in Florida so it makes it nice to travel with someone.


Stay warm tomorrow,


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Sharon, my Bill is also a Vietnam Vet and served in the Navy. He first went in and was in the sea end of the Navy. He did not like ship life and transferred into the Naval Air of the Navy, and has been doing aviation ever since. So he is a Vietnam Vet, as well as the first Golf War Vet as well. Yes, we both were on the USS Missouri the last time we were in Hawaii. A very impressive ship.


It was and still is biter cold here today. They said we could get some snow later on, but thus far nothing.


We both know what it is to loose a spouse. Both Bill and I respectively had lost our spouses to cancer before we had met. I also almost lost my Bill to cancer as well. He had an aggressive form of cancer and I was freaking out to think that I came this close to loosing him. I will tell you about it down the road, but just not now as it is too involved.


Well that sounds like a great plan to go to FL. So are you actually going and will you be going with a friend so not to travel all alone? It is good that you had a nice dinner as well the other night with all of your friends.





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My "other" Bill is coming tomorrow for a visit, he too is a Veteran, a Marine. Have texted and talked on the phone but not seen him for a couple of weeks so will be nice to have him here again.


I saw on tv what a mess the snow made in Chicago, so many accidents! Glad we only had a few little pellet like snow today. But like you it was very, very cold.


I see finally the Orient Express movie is at the theater so maybe will go on Sunday to see it.


Yes you have told me about Bill's life threatening cancer, he is one of the lucky ones (and so are you not to have lost him). I hope my sister has many years left one just doesn't know what the future holds and I think that's how it should be.


Yes I am actually going to Florida, have already bought the airline tickets and have booked the same hotel I stayed at last year. It was convenient and clean and had free breakfast, although there was a Bob Evans restaurant just about 1/2 block away that was good too. I talked to my sister this evening and she got such a coughing fit going, she couldn't stop, couldn't even talk so had to hang up. She has had a cold all week but always seems to get a terrible cough with it.



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Sharon, it sure gets very clod at night, and today only in the 30's. Temps could go to the 50's next week and rain forecast for tomorrow.

So I am not sure if this is a federal holiday today or not. I do not know if banks and mail delivery today or not. I guess I shall see later on.

I see where many new shows are coming out. So there should be a nice selection of shows to choose from.

Well that will be nice to go back down to FL to visit your sister. Also good that someone will be going with you so you do not have to travel all alone.

I think just rest and relaxation for today. Stay inside and keep warm for today, and get ready for next week. The jerk is supposed to be leaving for FL until after Thanksgiving. Then he will stay until after Christmas and then gone until May. I can't wait to get ride of him.

Keep warm,



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Yay, the boss will be gone!! Easier to get things done when he isn't around to bother you.


There were several Christmas vendor shows today, but I'm not really in the mood for Christmas yet. Besides Bill came down for a visit, actually stopped on his way going to a job lined up in a Chicago suburb. Kinda firmed up our plans for Thanksgiving, so we'll see how that goes.


Talked again with my sister today, got a small coughing spell but was able to get control so could keep talking. She has an appmnt with a lung dr next week, she's hoping he renews her inhaler prescription. The other day she saw her heart dr and he told her she still has time, bones don't deteriorate that quickly. So she was feeling better.


Still hoping to go to the show tomorrow, looks like the weather should be okay.


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Sharon, when I left this morning it had just stopped raining. Now coming back home it is pouring again. So not a very nice day today. Bill left this morning as he is giving blood this morning. Back to work for us both tomorrow. He had Thursday and Friday off. Then in a few weeks he will be getting off for Thanksgiving.

I hope you will be able to get out to the show sometime today. I see there are a lot of good shows on the market just now.

I will continue to say prayers for your sister that all goes well with any tests coming up, and that she stays healthy so you both can have a nice visit once you go there. Also it was good that you had a nice visit with Bill yesterday and that you are making plans for Thanksgiving as well.

I just hope and pray that the jerk will be going this week to FL. Life is so much better once he is gone. I went to WW yesterday and I am down 1 pound. Good to be loosing coming up with the holidays.



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It was raining with some sleet this morning on my way to church. Coming home it was all rain and the temps had went up a little bit.


I did go to see Orient Express, but had some almost boring parts almost fell asleep a few times. Wasn't as wonderful as I thought it would be, the "inspector" had an accent and sometimes couldn't understand him.


Back home now still lightly raining,


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Sharon, when I had left in the morning it had just stopped raining. On my way back home it was pouring. It rained most of the afternoon. Now today much warmer and I heard by Wednesday temps in the 50's.

Too bad about the show yesterday. If a show is putting you to sleep then it must have been bad. But I see there are a lot more shows hitting the big screen. So maybe another show will be better. I am sure you will be watching BWTS tonight.

So they came and closed our pond for the winter. What that means is all of the filters come out along with UV lights that keeps algae from building up. That does not happen in the winter. The filter pads were filled with leeches. So now Bill has to buy all new filter pads and put salt in the pond to kill all of the leeches. Birds bring in the leeches. Then 2 heaters that keep 2 holes so the fish can get oxygen. Everything else can freeze up, but as long as we have 2 holes in the ice the fish will get oxygen.

A real bad accident just south of us about 4 this morning. You could hear this car storming down our street and he hit and knocked down a power poll and ended in a ditch. What a mess. I am sure drinking was involved.

On Friday I go to another ladies house for bunco. Tonight I have bible study and on Thursday we go to the PD for a neighbor watch group meeting. They tell us of any crimes or what is going on in the village.



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Scary when an accident is so close to home, luckily he didn't hit your home!


Had so much fog this morning couldn't see hardly anything. Looks like its coming back in again tonight. Glad I don't have to go anywhere. If it is like that tomorrow night I will not go to bible study, fog is bad in the daylight but even worse at night.


It good you got your pond all taken care of before the snow flies. I didn't know that the birds could bring in leeches! Do they every get attached to the koi?


We have a town website that pretty much tells us whats going on in the neighborhood no meetings ever, but probably because I am out of town never hear about any if there are.


Another restless night last night. Had thoughts running thru my mind over and over. Finally got up about 3:30 and wrote them all down in a word program on the computer. Thought if I could get them out of my head could go to sleep. Didn't work very well. Got up at 6, went to an additional exercise class before zumba, called Barre. Lots of slow movements that seemed easy at first but really kicked in shortly thereafter. Also planks and a few pushups that I can't hardly do. My legs and arms are feeling it already!


Hopefully I can sleep tonight, been 2 nights in a row and I am tired.


Bunco is such a fun game, too bad they cut it back to only once a year here.


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Sharon, yes this accident happened at a good friends of ours house. Whenever we go away he takes of the fish for us. He was trapped inside of his house for some 8 hours. A power pole got knocked down and live wires all over the place. He also lost power until they came and fixed with a new pole.



The leeches do not bother the koi as the fish have a slim on them that protects them. So sometime today Bill will start to add salt into the pond gradually to build up the salt content to where it will kill the leeches and not hurt the fish.



Yes it was very foggy yesterday morning and it is heavy frost just now no fog. There was no fog coming home for me last night. But it is a good idea not to go if we have fog tonight. Temps 40's today and 50's tomorrow. But I guess there could be a storm moving into our areas for this weekend. Bill said he needs to get the snow blower in shape sometime this week so we will be good to go.



For us it is nice to have face to face contact with the PD and other neighbors. As some members have concerns and the PD can take care of those issues. These meetings are like every 3 months.



Our bunco group we all have been friends since high school. So we have known one another for many of years.


I have not heard of that exercise before, but it sounds like you really got a full workout. I have heard that putting down your thought is the right thing to do. So keep it up and hopefully in a few days things could work better for you. But as tired as you are you should been able to sleep last night. I have the same problem and I think I have told you I take something to help me sleep at night.





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Boy that's scary when the wires are down, never sure exactly what's live and dangerous.


i am flying out this weekend so hoping the snow and or rain holds off. I'll worry about the weather on the return trip later!

Guess there are plans to eat at the Dixie Land Stampede on Monday night, that should be fun.

That is really good that the PD is at the meeting also. I can see where it would be as big help to them to know also what's going on that they don't see.


No not very much more sleep last night either. Woke up from what sleep I did get with a roaring headache and sinus pressure. Feel like I may be getting something, of course it figures, well all the time I'm home and then want to go somewhere and don't feel good. Hopefully I'll feel better real quick. I didn't go anywhere today, just took it easy. Trying to get some things in the suitcase, but as usual, procrastinating.


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Sharon, so you are leaving on Saturday. I will say prayers that you will be feeling much better. That sounds like fun going to the Dixie Land. I also hope that the weather holds off around here until you are on your way. You have to be doing much better than me with packing. I am the worst when it comes to packing.

The jerk still has not left yet and has been doing nothing but giving me grief. I hope he is gone soon.

I know what you are going through with not sleeping too well. That is why I am taking something to help me sleep all night long. I go to sleep quickly but then wake up and I cannot go back to sleep. So hopefully you will be able to sleep good tonight.

These meeting usually last about an hour. They may present something new and show us all of the latest statistics. Some people may say about certain problem they might be having. Have you been seeing on the news with all of these car jacking's?

It made it up to 50 around here today and I heard the same for tomorrow with rain in the forecast.



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Well good news is that I'm not getting something, feel much better today and realized that I wasn't running a temp as I had thought, I was just had sore muscles from the extra Barre class I took!


Pork chops and scalloped potatoes was for dinner tonight at the place I go on Wed. Was a party of sorts for one of the brothers of the owners. He lives in Hawaii and has been here for a few months selling some of his properties. So he is going back on this weekend. I told him I wanted to go with, he said he could take me in his luggage. ha ha


So going to zumba tomorrow, the instructor from the class I missed today, texted me that she missed me, thought that was nice of her.


I got a start on my packing after all I keep telling myself how much clothes do I need for a 4 day trip. Will wear same jeans there and back, have outfit for the wedding and one additional outfit for Monday.


I finally slept according to fitbit 7 hrs 45 min, Sunday night it was something like 2 hrs 15 min so big improvement. Of course I still woke up but no problem since I had to go to the bathroom anyway. Luckily got right back to sleep.


I have seen all the carjackings that is ridiculous! Seems like its been young kids too. Scary!


Got my wedding rings back today, had them enlarged to fit on my right hand. They cleaned them and the diamonds are so sparkly that you can't hardly look at them. So very glad I decided to keep them.


You should give that boss of yours a good swift kick in the rear and move him on out!



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Sharon, after I posted last, the jerk left the very next day. So he is driving his car to leave there, and I will not see him again until after Thanksgiving. Then he will stay until after Christmas and then I will not see him again until the end of May.


I did not know you were doing that with your wedding rings. Sounds like a great idea. Good that you had them done.


They are always putting on something very good on Wednesday. I would think that next Wednesday it will be Thanksgiving Dinner.


I am glad to hear that you are not getting sick and it was only muscle tension from all of the workouts. Good luck toady at Zumba. That was nice that the instructor had called you. We had our flu shots over 2 weeks ago, so hopefully we are good for the winter.


Today temps only in the 30's, but it feels much colder with the high winds. Glad that you can pack the way you do. Bill always says that I pack way too much cloths. I have a long way to go. Glad to her that you are getting good sleep now as well.




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Oh good, glad he's gone!


Yes next Wednesday night will be a full Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. Looking forward to it.


I had a window cleaning co come today, not happy at all, would never recommend them.

While he was filling up his bucket in the house because I had already shut the water off outside, he asked me if I lived here alone. It was such a surprise that he asked me that, I did say yes, then thought why did I say that! Then he asked if I had a dog, kind of a legit question since he would be inside and outside cleaning windows. Had me kinda spooked! He broke the window frame on the back door, told me "nothing I did" it just broke. You can take the pieces up to a hardware store and get it fixed. He also broke a flower pot, the screen fell on it. He left water all over the furniture and floor. After he left I went around and made sure all the window locks were secure. I did think to tell him after he asked how much property I had, that my son came over quite often to help me. Hope he doesn't come back some night!


Still have some stuff to get in the suitcase and now hear the weather is supposed to be kinda bad too. Oh well, guess it doesn't matter, I'm going anyway, hope the plane takes off


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Sharon, the plane will take off you just want it to take off on time. I heard that there is a storm coming from the Pacific Northwest and moving across the country just now. It could bring in bad weather by Saturday. So I will pray that you take off before it gets here.


Well I guess you learned a lesion, never tell anyone you live all alone. What a piece of work. You should never have paid him until he fixed the stuff that he broke. Once he made good on it then pay for it. How could a jerk like that even stay in business. Of course you could have told him yes, I have a dog and I have put him away until he leaves. Keep the phone close to you at night just in case. Do you have outside lights?


Bill had Thanksgiving dinner this morning. As he is on the alumni board from his high school and they meet every month. So they served Thanksgiving Dinner today.


We got the meeting tonight at the PD. So I will come home and grab us something to eat real fast and then go. A short work week next week. I will be off both Thursday and Friday. The lady that was supposed to host bunco on Friday, is sick. So bunco is canceled for this month. Bill will not have to be home alone.





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Finally got everything packed, I think. That's the trouble with waiting till the last day things you have to go to the store and get. I just did that and now I remembered that I didn't buy them a wedding card! Too late to go back now, going up town with a friend to a distillery and brewery and 30 vendor expo. Only thing is, it only lasts till 9 so may be able to swing by Walmart and pick one up yet tonight. I know there won't be any time tomorrow.


Was just thinking how did Bill's dr appmnt go for his back, is it feeling better now?


I think I will be back before you leave but just in case will say Happy Thanksgiving to you, have a wonderful day visiting.


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Sharon, Bill did not see the back Dr just yet. He has been feeling much better from where he was.

I hope you got off tomorrow and on time. It has started raining and is supposed to continue through the night. I hope you have good weather while you are away and that you also have a good time away.

That sounds like a good time tonight hopefully you will not run into any bad weather both going and on your return.

Yes, so just in case you do not get back on time, I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving. This will be very unusual for us to be driving so far and to be with Bill's Aunt as well. The good thing she is having it early, so we should be home hopefully before it get real dark. We normally just go to a place not too far away from us.

Bill has to only work on Monday and Tuesday. I have Thursday and Friday off. So that will be good that we will both be off together.

Once again have a great time.



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I got back about 8pm tonight, have been flying all day it seems with the connection through North Carolina which was late . But got home safely and glad to be home.


The wedding was very low key but nice, it was in a lodge up in the mountains. The road was very narrow and curvy, glad I didn't have to do the driving, it was scary so high up!


Did a tram ride in Gatlinburg and the Dixie Stampede show in Pigeon Forge on Monday.

Was funny my grandson picked me up to go to the airport and his car had "Just Married" on all the windows. We got to a stoplight and the people in the truck next to us honked their horn and gave us the thumbs up. I rolled down my window and told them, no! I'm his grandma, he's taking me to the airport!! So funny we had a good laugh about that.


Tomorrow going to zumba, have eaten all kinds of stupid things, but when you are with a group you have to go and eat where they take you.


Can't wait for Thanksgiving, will be nice to have company this year. We are planning on just steaks and baked potatoes and salad instead of the big turkey dinner and all the fixings. I will have the whole turkey thing on Wednesday night so won't miss it.


Have a wonderful time and Happy Thanksgiving!


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Sharon, welcome back and always nice to get back home and to sleep in your own bed. It is not good when you have to make connections. But at least you got home safely.

Good luck on Zumba today. After being off for awhile your muscles will be tired afterwards. Yes, whenever we are away we have to fall into the group eating habits. It is not always the best, but it is what it is. At least you will have a good Thanksgiving Dinner tonight. Bill is the same way, he would rather eat steaks rather than turkey. But he will have to adjust as turkey will be on the menu on Thursday.

Well that will be good that you will not be alone on Thanksgiving. So you both will have a nice dinner and great company. Bill is off until Monday and today is my last day as well.

That was good that you did not have to drive. Yes, that sounds scary being up so high and long winding curving narrow roads. That was a very funny story about "Just Married" on the windows.


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Sharon, we had a great day filled with family, something that never happens for us during the holidays. Usually we are all alone. It took us 1 1/2 hours to get there and 2 hours coming home. We stayed much longer than we had planned, and got home around 8:30. So all the way home in the dark. How was your Thanksgiving and the dinner with you both? At least the weather is in our favor as I heard that today could get to 58 degrees.


It was nice today not to get up real early and just sleep in. I have no idea what I will do today. Tomorrow we are going to this place where they have a bowling alley attached to it and a bar. This is a fundraiser for the theater guild we belong to. Bill is in charge of this event.


Enjoy this weather and Happy Belated Thanksgiving.



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