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Sharon, a very Happy Valentine's to you as well. Without a doubt every restaurant will be packed tonight. This being Valentine's Day, I would bet that your place will not only be packed, but they will have a good spread as well. I have church tonight, but Bill said let's go out afterwards. So hopefully once we get there it will not be jammed packed.


Yes, temps in the 40's today and tomorrow, and then rain and that should help clear some of this away. But with all of the mountains of snow all around, it will be a long while before it is all cleared away around here.


So today is Bill's last day of work, as he will be off until next Tuesday. I told him earlier that it must be nice to have all that time off. Bill has to go back to CLE to make finial arrangements for the convention in the fall. So I have decided to go with him. We leave on the evening of 2/26 and will return on late morning of 3/1. I need a break form this place.


I see what you are saying about Zumba. Once the snow birds return the place will really be packed. Is this the same place that they have been using, and it just has become real popular, and now it is time to find a bigger place?


Have fun tonight,



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The zumba place is the same place as always, but the instructor is so good that everyone keeps bringing someone new with them. The class on Tues & Thurs is only about 5 or 6 women. But the Monday and Wed with the good instructor is the one that has so many people.


Nice you can get off too and go with, a little break every now and then is good!


It was so foggy last night that I didn't go anywhere, and this morning it was the same way. But it is easier to see in the daylight even if there is fog than at night.


It has been a very long day it seems today. Just have been doing a couple loads of washing and wondering around the house. I hate being lonely!


I keep wishing I could call my sister and talk to her, we used to talk every day or every other day. Now when something happens I have no one to talk to about it. The thought will just flash into my head to call her.


Tomorrow night will be going with the church group out for fish. They did this last year and it was nice to eat with someone else.



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Sharon, we went out last night about 8:30, and the place was not crowed at all. So we had a nice quiet dinner and yes, it was very foggy. It is not all that far from our house. Today and now it is still very foggy with the 40 temps and all of this snow it is prefect to create all of this fog. So it was good not to be going out with poor visibility for driving. I do remember about your church group and going out with them. That should be a good evening away with them. Will there be anyone going with you?


I know the feeling when you have someone that you are close with and then they are not around anymore. It is a process and it will take some time to go through. Certainly when you have been used to talking to that someone, it will be hard to work through that process once again.


I guess that is the key in having a very good instructor versus an instructor who is just OK. Do you know if she is really looking to get a larger place or are there not any places available in the area?


So tomorrow night we will go to the theater as there is a play this weekend called Superior Donuts. We will work tomorrow and then leave just after intermission. Saturday night we will actually see the show, and we will not go at all on Sunday.


This jerk even though he is in Florida, by calling me is is just nuts and out of his mind. So I need to get my head together and get away from here for a few days. Granted we are not going to some plush garden place. But anyplace is better than just staying here. So we will be gone that Monday afternoon and will return that Thursday early afternoon. Just have to hope for good weather so not to be delayed with bad weather. They are 1 hour ahead of here and only a short flight. They have an airport pickup as well.



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There were not any plays here for quite a while, nice you are going again, Bill probably has something to do with it again, right?


The zumba classes are through the Recreation Center so the only thing that could be done is having the class at the high school. She already does that on Saturday mornings in the gym and it is packed. I went but only the one time, I don't need to be doing zumba 5 days a week.


Went to WW this morning, down 2.8 pounds, not gaining any ground it seems. However it has been 2 weeks since I weighted in, last week we had that snow storm and it was cancelled. Will try and gain some back again the week. Just not hungry and nothing sounds good to eat.

Hopefully eating with a group tonight will help my appetite. Its hard eating alone.


I was talking to a gal at zumba, we both know a gal that has a place in Gulf Shores Alabama, I said why don't we drive down and see her. She was all for it so we might try to make that happen soon. Will have to check if the gal down there already has company or not so we can stay with her.

I need to get away too.


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Sharon, Bill is a producer and 1 of the members on the board of directors. I help out working the concessions. So we will first go to our accountant and sign for our income taxes, as his office is just down the street. Get something to eat around there and head to the play that starts at 8. After intermission then we will leave. Tomorrow the same thing, except we will actually go and watch the entire play. Sunday the last day, we will not go at all.


So I see that they are kind of stuck where and when they can actually do the classes. It is nice having a good instructor, but not so good if the place is jammed packed either. I agree why would you want to go 5 days a week.


Temps made it into the 30's today. I saw that next week it could go into the 50's one or 2 of the days next week. It would be nice to get rid of some more of this snow. Yes, last Friday was real bad. It snowed for some 12 hours straight and for that first wave of snow we ended with 18".


That would be great. The Gulf Shores is 1 of our favorite places to go. We would love to buy a place at one of the Phoenix's complexes. We have also stayed at the Perido Beach Resort, right next door to those complexes. It would be a nice break for you both if you could pull it togetehr and spend some time away from all of this snow and cold. Plus you could take turns doing the driving as well.



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Had a nice time last night going to dinner with the church group. Lots of conversation and the food was good also. Makes a difference if you just put in a Lean cruisin and eat by yourself or have actual food and eat with others.


It started snowing here about 3pm, hope it doesn't build up, haven't been to church in 2 weeks! Would be nice to go tomorrow.


I can't get my taxes done until almost April because I have a couple of stocks that have a K-1 form instead of a 1099. They don't have the same rules about when the information has to be out and I don't usually get them until the very end of March.


Have a nice time tonight working and then again tomorrow watching the show!


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Sharon, after I posted yesterday, I got a call from my son saying when he got home he found his dog dead. So this morning I went over and we took the dog to my # 2 daughter's work as she is a vet. So she will be able to determine what killed him. I was so upset we almost did not go last night.


So we went and left right after intermission and was back home just after 10. Tonight we will go once again and this time we will see the show and then come home. Should get home just after 11. Yes, it has started snowing here as well. So I do not know how much we will be getting. So driving might be bad.


So once I returned back home I went shopping with that lady friend of mine, and then came back home to lay down for awhile. Tomorrow we will not go to the last show. Will just stay home and relax after church. I was not feeling too well yesterday and I think most of it was about my son's dog.


Next week temps could be in the 50's a few days. So even if we do get the snow it will be melted in a few days. Monday a federal holiday except for me at work.



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Yes tomorrow is Presidents Day, kids are off school but I will still have my exercise class.


Too bad about your son's dog, was it very old or had it been sick at all?


I did get to church today, finally after 3 weeks! It was foggy and somewhat icy but I took it easy and got there just fine. By the time I came home it was better.


Tonight went over to my pet sitters house for dinner, They both drink red wine from Italy so I told them I would bring my own but they said, not necessary they had bought some Moscato from Italy for me. It was very good too. They made italian beef sandwiches for dinner. So two nights I got to have some conversation with dinner! Bet I start putting a few pounds back on.


Sounds like rain coming and with the ground frozen it will have no where to go, flooding possible I guess.



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Sharon, yes you are right much fog with all of the snow and mild temps. We have a lot of rain comig over the next few days. We could get over 2 1/2" of rain. I am sure flooding.


You are right about eating all alone. Much better to be eating with other's than by yourself. It is nice that your pet-sitter treats you so well and is there for you also. Except they are not your pet-sitter, rather you are their pet-sitter.


So yesterday after church I came home and laid down for awhile. Really did nothing much the rest of the day. Now today President's Day, federal holiday, for us at work here. No holidays around here.


I went to WW and I have lost 1.6. I do not know how that happened, but I will take it just the same, with no questions asked.


Next week we will be in CLE and I hope the weather will corporate. It will be nice to see where the convention will be held and to check out some of the sights.


We go from one extreme to another. Last week we had a blizzard and now we will have lots of rainfall. If you convert the rain to snow, figure out how much snow we would have.


So this weekend is dog dying. Last night my daughter #2 said her dog had died. What happened to my son, he had the dog locked in a room where he also kept the dog food. The dog had knocked over the container where the food was and he had eaten all of the food. My daughter said that the dog eats the food so fast and then there is so much air that gets into themselves that his stomach winds around and thus causes death.



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Oh that's too bad about the dog. And your daughters too, wow!


The gal we were going to drive down to Gulf Shores to see was at zumba today. She said she had came back because her sister had fell on a treadmill at a gym and broke her leg in 4 places. She lost 30% of her blood before they could get help so her heart went into afib. She has been up her almost a month but we didn't know it. She has been with her sister first at the hospital then the rehab place. She was telling us she is going back but on March 6th she is having a bunch of her relatives come so guess we are just out going down.


It has been raining hard off and on here this afternoon and somehow still have dense fog.


Yes my friends down the road are very nice to me. He is going to come over one of these days and work on my truck. They said they would put it out in front of their house and sell it for me too. That would be nice to get ride of it. I don't need it and haven't driven it in years.



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Sharon, that will be good to finally get rid of the truck and free up some room in your garage.


Yes, it has been raining all day long and tomorrow too. we could get over 2.5" of rain once it is ll over. But at least the temps are above freezing and the rain is clearing this snow away.


Too bad about going to the Gulf Shores. We have talked about getting a place there in one of the Phoenix complexes. It would be nice to get away from this place for the winter.


Tonight we are going to our local PD for what is called neighbor hood watch meeting. Our village is broken into 4 sections, and we have these meeting like every 3 months to keep up with what has been going on in our area.


Bill has been off the past 5 days, no holiday for us at this place.


Stay dry,



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Still foggy and lots of flooding because the fields are still all frozen. It is coming onto the roads so you really have to watch when you are driving.


Went to the skin dr today and told her I could not do that blue light treatment that she wants me to do. So instead she just zapped several spots on my face, neck and back. I don't go back for 4 months.


I signed up with Van Galder Tour and Travel this morning to go to Colorado in August, a lunch at the Chocolate Sanctuary in March and waitlisted on several other things.


Wonder how the roads will be tomorrow night, would like to go meet the girls. Guess I'll have to wait and see..


Lucky Bill having off, but soon you will be going with him so just hold on a little longer.



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Sharon, what did the Dr say to you when you told her you are not going to have that treatment?


It made it to the 60's today and lots and lots of rain. Tomorrow the temps will drop 50% and only in the 30's. For now it would not be a good idea to be driving in the dark. I would think that it will be very slippery in the morning, but the evening should be OK for you. We could get as much as 4" of rainfall when it is all over.


Wow, a bus trip in August to Colorado, that will be real nice. Where else are you going? How long is the trip to Colorado?


Yes, it will be good to get away from this place. We will leave Monday afternoon and will return on Thursday early afternoon. So I will take off 1/2 a day on Monday and will come back to work on Thursday afternoon. You are right, I do need a break form this place.


Stay dry,



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The dr said that was fine, she zapped on face in about 4 spots then one on my shoulder and one on my back. Going back in 4 months.


The trip to Colorado is only a week, but sounds interesting and since I don't have anyone to go anywhere with its the best thing I can do.


The other trips are day trips, one to the Dells to see Happy Days but that one I am waitlisted on, so have to see if someone cancels or if they add another bus.


This morning the highway dept was using a snowplow to plow the water off the highway. It was icy too but everyone was going real slow.


Going to see the girls tonight, think I saw they were having chicken tacos.


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Sharon, good that you are keeping up with your skin care. It is so important to do that so nothing gets a jump on you.


We got so much rain yesterday. I thought it would be much worse today than what it was. It dried up so not much ice around. We got about 4", and if that was snow instead of rain, we would have been buried in it.


We were off from our police academy class due to it being Valentine's Day. So I have no idea what tonight's class will be. But that is what we are doing for tonight. It should be a good night for you to get out tonight and enjoy it with your friends.


I would think that the bus trip to Colorado would be a 2 day drive and probable an over night going there and overnights while in Colorado. When you drive your car to where the bus leaves from, is it a secure place to park? All in all it sounds like you will have a good trip away. Day trips are always nice as well. So perhaps the wait-list will clear for you. I know I cannot wait until next week to get away from this place for awhile.


Enjoy tonight,





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I know going to Colorado by bus is not the best, like you say will probably be mostly driving. Oh, well, I'll be away from here for awhile.


They had cheese and spinach tortellini last night, it was okay but nothing special.


Neighbor was back today working on my truck. He sprayed either on it and I tried to start it. It would catch but wouldn't keep running, then one time it backfired and I thought he was shot! He says he will get it on his flat bed and take it to a mechanic.


Rain is soaking in but still lots of fields underwater.


Been watching the Olympics, some of those skiers were getting hurt last night.



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Sharon, I saw the women team hockey beat the Canadians. What a fantastic game. Go women!


I guess if you are getting rain, then it is in your area, as we are not getting any. We have rain moving in this morning, and more rain moving in over the weekend.


Yes, I agree not a major spread for the other night. But something is better than nothing.


Well that is good that your neighbor is working on the truck. I am surprised that her has a flatbed. At least he will be able to get it running so you can get rid of it.


There is not much going on today. Just getting read for next week when I will be away so things do not get crazy. But I need to get away from this crazy place.



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My neighbor does farming and sells Real Estate. In fact this Sunday they are both driving to SW Illinois to look at an 90 acre farm. I hope they are not planning on moving there but they might be since they are embroiled in an estate deal with his siblings. His mother died last year and since there is quite a bit of money involved the tempers have flared. They are not allowed to have their famous barn dances anymore since their farm is now "property of the estate" and no one wants to have a lawsuit if someone gets hurt. It's getting ugly just like mine did. I am keeping their dog Lilly overnight so will have some company to talk to. She is very sweet.


I told pastor last week at the fish dinner I was not going to the place they had picked out for this week, instead I was going to the Catholic church one. Last Sunday he introduced me to a new member who also wanted to go to the Catholic church one so I met her there tonight. We had a good conversation and good food and ...I won the 50/50 raffle which amounted to $103.00. A couple of years ago I went with my sister and she won it. My first thought tonight was I have to call her and tell her, then I got very sad.


Supposed to have a "wintery mix" tomorrow morning, better than all snow? Maybe maybe not. Will have to see.


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Sharon, I was just lazy this morning and something that rarely happens where I do not have something to do. So I just slept in.


It is perfectly normal to feel the way you do. I remember when my grandmother died, it was over a year and I found myself once driving to her house and sitting out in front and all of a sudden I had remembered that she was not around anymore. So once you are close to someone it is normal for you to think that they are still around. Yes, I do remember when your sister had won the 50/50.


You know all too well what your neighbor is going through, When ever money is involved, people act like hungry vulchers. It is no wonder that he has a flat bead to take your truck to get it fixed. Good that you have their dog to keep you company. Well like you said, you will just have to wait and see if they will be moving or not. I would not want to be embroiled in a mess like that.


Well thus far nothing as far as the weather goes. We will just have to wait and see how the rest of this day plays out.


Now once we are away next week, Bill said he will eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with me. So we will be getting up early as his meetings start at 8.





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We didn't get any rain here either, cloudy and windy but that's about it.


This afternoon the library had a Johnny Cash tribute artist come and sing and play his guitar. He talked about the songs first and then sang them. It was only an hour but I sat with several of the girls from WW. At least got out of the house for a bit.


Last Wednesday when I met the girls I was in a particular down mood. I happened to mention that I hated holidays and weekends and Mon thru Fri weren't that great either. They were surprised I felt like that so evidently I have been hiding my emotions pretty good.


I started a 1000 piece puzzle, got some of the pieces together, takes up some time which is good.


That's nice you will be eating with Bill while you are away, his meetings won't take up all of his time.


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Sharon, Bill's meetings run both days from 8-5, but they take breaks for lunch. So rather eating with them, he will be having lunch with me.


So for us it started raining late afternoon yesterday and continued into the evening. Now it is bright sun and clear. Our mailman it was his last day yesterday, after 37 years he is retiring and he will be doing a lift driver full time now.


Wow, that sounds like a great time going to see a Johnny Cash impersonator. Even though it was an hour, I'll bet he sang some good songs and he even told stories behind each song as well. I just love the songs from Johnie Cash.


Surprised that you did not know that you were hiding how you have really been feeling inside. Also I give you a lot of credit in doing puzzles. I know for sure I would not be able to sit down and do that. I am way too antsy and would not be able to sit for any extended period of time.



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I am thinking that you are gone with Bill. Sorry I didn't post yesterday, was a pretty rough day for me and just as well I didn't put anything in writing.


I dog sat for my neighbors like I said there were going to look at a farm. So I didn't go to zumba. Tomorrow got the furnace guy coming, the fan on my air conditioner outside keeps running so want him to see how to stop it. So no zumba tomorrow. My neighbor said he will be getting the truck on Wednesday instead of Tuesday so the ground can firm up a little more. So no zumba on Wednesday either.



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Kathy and Sharon if you don't mind my daughter and I might use this

post to talk in till March 14th.


I;m cruising and my e-mail won't open. I can call her when in Hawaii

others days I can't. Thought this would be and easy place to talk

if had too.



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Sharon, I am so sorry to hear that you were not feeling well on Monday. I got home around 2 and we left at 3. Our flight was supposed to leave at 6. But once we got there the flight was oversold. So we had to wait an hour and 1/2 for the next flight and we had no problem getting on that one. By the time we claimed out luggage and got the shuttle to the hotel it was 10:30. So took our bags to the room and came down and had a glass of wine and a snack and went to bed.


We got up every morning at 6:30 went down for breakfast and then Bill's meeting started at 8. So I came back up to the room and laid down for a bit and then got all ready, and I would go down at 11:30 to have lunch with Bill. Bill's meeting was supposed to go until 4, but they finished up early and he was back up at 2:30. So we laid down for awhile and then went to dinner. But first we walked down the street and bought a bottle of wine for myself.


Wednesday, the very same thing for breakfast, and lunch. Once again his meeting was supposed to last until 5 but they finished early and he was back up at 3. So we relaxed until dinner where the club paid for it all. We had 25 from our group, and 15 from the CLE group. So the reason the club pays for everything, is that we are sampling the dishes that will be served for the convention in September.


Then we started getting bad weather alerts and we changed our flight to come back 3 hours earlier. You must have gotten violent storms early this morning. It is only an hour flight coming back and the seat belt sign was on the entire flight as our plane was thrown around like a paper plane from all of the weather.


So as you can probable tell that I was totally relaxed and yes, I did need that. So didn't you just get a new system over the summer? So I would think that it is warranted. So is your truck parked outside and that is why you want the ground to be harder? So once you get it fixed how much are you going to sell it for? Didn't someone last year express and interest in the truck, but never came back to make an offer?



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Kathy and Sharon if you don't mind my daughter and I might use this

post to talk in till March 14th.


I;m cruising and my e-mail won't open. I can call her when in Hawaii

others days I can't. Thought this would be and easy place to talk

if had too.



Hey Belle, no problem at all. Get everything all sorted out with your daughter.



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