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Hey Diving Bride

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Kristin- Your web site looks terrific! I love your dogs! We made ours through eweddings.com and they are the best.


I also missed Shari's wedding --we were at a BBQ/B-day celebration. I can't wait to hear her report. I bet she had a fantastic time.


HSC--Jamala isn't with TWE anymore and I'm working with Leidys who's been great. I've also gotten everything in writing and I'm a control freak so we'll be handling as much as possible ourselves. I'm sorry you had a bad experience.


Update to all--my save-the-dates are out the door and the response has been great! I'll post some pics soon.



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monkey1 We also had everthing in writing, Jamala was wonderful. It's what happened once we boarded the ship. The wedding is in dispute and I did agree that I wouldn't post a review until the dispute is settled [thats how disheartening the wedding turned out]. If you booked with NCL I will e-mail you privately the circumstances if you want.

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hsc -- i'd be interested to hear too. sounds like we had somewhat similar experiences perhaps. i too am still getting things resolved. you can email me at ragen2@hotmail.com


kristen -- your dogs are adorable. we are doggie parents too. I have a rescue from the ARL and then we bought a puppy last summer from a farmer (shame, I know....we were concerned with our alpha dog not taking another adult well and there were no puppies at the pound for like a month or so.....) I justify b/c I do feel bad. We have always adopted. I can't go into a shelter w/o coming out with a dog. We had to call to see if they had any puppies....argh. anyway, i digress....


i can't wait to hear from shari. I hope things went well!

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monkey1 You will love Princess. What ship are you on? I will send you and MentalVacation the letter that went out to NCL, in hopes that it will help you divert any disasters.

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I would be interested to read it as well if possible. I am on these boards often and many brides ask for my advice being a past cruise bride. It would be nice to know what went wrong for you so I can help other brides.


I'm sorry to hear your experience wasn't great, I really hope they make it right and compensate you somehow. My e mail is kadiebug12@hotmail.com.

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Hi ladies,


It's been a while since my last post. I hope everyone is doing well and that plans are going well. It looks like I wasn't the only one to miss Shari's wedding, but the toast went off with out a hitch.


Well, the final payment has been made for the cruise and now I am just wrapping up the extra touches. I got the quotes for the flowers and cake and have to say wow! I did not expect to see the prices I did so we opted to stay with the package cake and bouquet offered. Final payment for the reception and a few extra touches will be made this week.


My dress fitting starts tomorrow and for some reason I'm nervous. I can't explain it but the thought of my seamstress cutting my dress to make it fit makes my stomach turn. I'll just cross my fingers :o .


Has anyone heard from Shari yet? I am so excited to hear how things went.


Well, off to sleep I go.


Talk with you ladies soon.



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Hi, Shelly - It has been awhile--how did the dress fitting go? I'm sure it will turn out perfectly, even if they do have to cut :) You just have a few months til you sail!



HSC--not sure if you've sent the letter yet, but I didn't receive anything to my e-mail. Would you mind resending?


Haven't done much planning lately, but we do have some time. Right now, just working on getting everyone booked :)



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Hey girls,


I have missed you!! How are all of you doing? What's new? I am back now, but my hubby is still on vacation, so I will write my review on Monday for you all to read. It was the best time ever!! I felt so calm and relaxed. Everything was even better then I imagine. There is alot TWE says you can't do, but when you get on board you can do. Natasha was fabulous as well as our photographer Richard. Also, a big kudos to the captain, Alan Wilson. He made everything perfect.


Kristin ~ I absolutly love your website. So creative!! I will be checking it from time to time. Keep it up, I am sure your guest will find it really nice.


Traci ~ Glad to hear your save the dates are out the door. What a big releif you must be feeling right now. Keep up with the good work. A big pat on the back helps!!


Kadie ~ Hey girl, sorry I didn't give you a call when I was in Florida. Things were just so busy. We didn't end up going to Key West as the had to evacuate, so we ended up going to Orlando. Kind of sucks, but it just means we will have to go to Key West later on. Last few days on the ship was bad, due to Dennis. I will tell you all about it later. I miss ya!!


Shelly ~ How did the dress fitting go? Can't wait to see pics!! Can't wait to hear about all your final touches. I will deffinately try and help you out if I can. I promise I will post as soon as I can!!


Talk to you all soon! Thanks for the well wishes. Love you all!:p

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Ok, the first fitting is out of the way and I couldn't believe the difference it made seeing the dress more like it will fit for the wedding day. I go back on the 27th for the second (possible final) fitting. I can't believe how the time is flying by.


Shari~ I'm glad too see things went great! You know I'm going to have a million and one questions. Can't wait to talk with you.


Kadiebug~ How is the new place going? I hope it is going great. I have a few questions I'd like to email you if that is ok..please let me know.


Traci~ Dress as you saw above went great. They are not cutting as much as I thought, (whew :D ) I have 9 bustles though! My seamstress said it was going to feel very heavy once all done in the bustles. It's actaully kinda funny looking if you ask me. I'm not the tallest person so it makes me look like a munchin from The Wizard of OZ (HA HA).


Ok back to work I go....(I owe...I owe) :eek:



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Hi Ladies-

Hope you all had a great weekend!


Shari-Don't worry about it not calling, I figured you'd be swamped! I'm so glad to hear it sounds like you had a wonderful experience with your wedding at sea just like I did. That was one of the first things I posted when I got back as well, that a lot of things TWE says you can't do once you're onboard they say "no problem" to. :) I know, it so frustrating when you're planning but once onboard they're so very accomodating. Oh, I can't wait to read your review and see your pics! I was thinking about you while watching all the news coverage about Dennis. We actually got some pretty nasty weather here too, winds at about 60MPH at my house with driving rain. Our Papaya that was almost ripe was the only casulty at our house though, so we faired well. :)


Shelly-Of course, ask away! You might want to send me an email in the next few days because my in laws fly in for a 10 day visit on Monday and on Thursday we're driving up to Orlando for a week to play at Disneyworld. So, I'll be off email from Thurs-Thurs. So exciting to hear about your fitting, it makes it all seem very real, doesn't it?


Well, we're pretty settled into the new place, have some last minute things to do here around the house before the in laws come in tomorrow (neice is coming on Wed to join us as well so we'll have a full house) but other than that we're pretty much settled in. We love it. :)


Hope everyone is having a great Sunday and will chat with you soon!



PS One of our friends JUST got her pics developed from the wedding and cruise and sent them to us on Friday, so we got to relive the whole thing all over again. So much fun. :)

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Kadie ~ The hurricane was the only thing I didn't put in our review. We got high winds and rocky seas the last couple of days. We pulled out of Cozumel and it wanted to chase us. There was one point where we were walking around and the boat went to the one side and things started falling off the bar. Pictures fell in the gallery. I guess you could say that is also when people started getting sick. I was fine and so was my husband. So we went outside for a drink. Too funny. We were the only ones. It was alot of fun.


At least we can say we have expierenced something different. Can't wait to talk to you soon. I am sure you will have fun in Orlando. We were just there and had fun.

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Hi, Ladies-


Shari--you are the best for posting such a great review and sharing your photos with us anxious brides, but you know that :)


Shelly--I'm glad you're dressing fitting went well and all I have to say is WOW for 9 bustles--I bet it will look incredible and I can't wait to see pics.


Kadie--have a fantastic time in Orlando!


25 days 'til my site check--yes, i know that's not a standard countdown, but I'm 300+ days from my wedding, so please give me something LOL


I spoke with the dress shop today and set my dress check appt. for Sat., Sept. 10--I can't wait.


Guests are booking like crazy, and I think we may end up with more than 50 people--it's making us rethink our chicago reception.


Our TA looked into some special excursions for our group, which I thought was super sweet. Need to feel the group out to see if they want to go onto any of them.


Hope you all are doing well.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, strangers. It's been awhile since we've all chatted as a group.



Shelly, I just realized that your wedding is one month away!! How exciting to be so close!


I did my ship tour this past weekend and it was fantastic. I'm not sure i can wait 9 more months thought LOL


Now, I do have some stuff nailed down, which is making it easier to plan.



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Hey ladies,


It certainly has been a while. Yes...it is one month out and everything is confirmed and ready to go except for all the shopping, packing etc. :eek: I hope everyone is doing well.


Traci~ You mentioned the ship tour was great. Did you get a chance to take any photos of the chapel? Just curious. I know there are pictures on the Princess site, just wondering if you might have gotten anything better. Trust me the 9 months will fly...


Talk with you ladies soon.



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Hey Girls,


It deffinately has been awhile since we have all been here on this particular thread. I miss it.


Shelly ~ I have a bunch of pictures of the chapel if you want me to send them to you. I didn't know if that was what you wanted. Let me know.

Hope all is well.


Hope to talk to all you girls soon,


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Hey Girls,

It sure has been awhile since we did any "chatting"....I have nothing new to report:( My dress is due to arrive any day, fed ex says its in NY, I can't wait to see it again! I hope that will make me a little more excited....I've kinda lost the thrill for a bit.

I hope everone has a great weekend!


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Hi-ya ladies,


I hope everyone is doing well. I just finished everything except packing today. I picked up FI's ring and it looks great. Now I just hope it fits right. Dress is now at my parents house. It is going to be so hard to keep away from till we leave.


Shari~ thank you so much for the pictures they were great and my B-Day card. You are too sweet!!! I think I can relax now, at least until the packing starts in a couple for weeks HA HA. The song is picked, the dress in home, the rings are in each others possesion. I think things are moving right along. I guess all there really is to do is get the goody bags together and wait....


I miss talking with you guys so much, hopefully I will talk with you guys soon. BTW, if you notice, I'm now resorting to middle of the night posts b/c that is the only time I have that is quiet....:eek:


Night all


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  • 4 weeks later...


I need some help...I have to complete my order of ceremony and send it in by the end of September and I have no idea what to do!!!

What are y'all doing for music?

If you had your own music, did you need the songs when you submitted the order of ceremony?

Did you use the piano player included in the package? Was he/she good?

Did you write your own vows?

It is getting closer....74 days!!!!:eek: :D



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Kristin ~ Hey girl, how are you doing? For the ceremony music this is what we did:


Bridal Procession Music: Cannon in D

Ceremony Music: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Bach)

Recessional Music: Ode to Joy (Symphony #9 - Beethoven)


We used the piano player included in the package and I from what I could hear she was very good. I don't quite remember it as I had tunnel vision the minute I hit the door, but my mom and dad said it was very beautiful. I was going to have them play some other songs, but I was told I had to provide the sheet music, so I just went with the songs listed.


For our vows we just picked them off the sheet that was provided in the wedding planner brochure. We chose contemporary vow #2. We did however change some words, but not all as you are no allowed too. Under Bermudian law you do have to say certain things in those vows.


For the order of ceremony this is what we did:


Entrance of the Bridal Party

~ Cannon in D

Giving Away of Bride

~ Captain will ask who gives this woman away


~ Captain will read a poem and call upon the sentiments of marriage

Exchange of Vows

~ Captain will invite Bride and Groom to exchange vows

Exchange of Rings

~ Captain will call upon the bearer of the rings and invite Bride and Groom to exchange rings

~ Captain will pronounce the Bride and Groom married

Signing the Ship's Log

~ Captain will invite the Bride, Groom and Witnesses to sign the Ship's Official Logbook and Certificates


~ Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring


~ After signing the logbook, Witnesses will return to their seats. Captain will invite the congregation to stand and the Bride and Groom will exit the Chapel


~ Ode to Joy (Symphony #9)


~ Following ceremony additional photographs will be taken inside the chapel and around the ship.


Hope this helps!! All the best and I am getting so excited for you. The time is just going to fly by.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey ladies,


I'm back and married!!! Everything went so awesome and I will write all about it once I get us settled at home.


I just wanted to say hi to everyone and thank you soooooo much for all the support, help and advise. This was an amazing experience.


I hope everyone is doing well...I will write soon.



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