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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Merry Christmas!


I worked until 9:00 last night then joined the family over at Dave's brother's house. Today we will go to my sister's but not until this afternoon. right now we are still waiting for Staci to get up so we can do presents. i still have a bit of wrapping to do and I have to fill the stockings. I miss Eric. it's going to be weird when we open gifts without him. I'm holding a couple back for everyone so we'll have more to unwrap when he comes home.


I hope everyone has a great day. :D

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Hope everyone had a Happy Holiday.


We just got back from visiting with the family up in Chicago.

My DD's came in from NY and Champaign.


One of these visits we're going to drop in on Heidi at the OG. We actually did eat at an OG on Christmas Eve but in Arlington Heights nearer my Mother. We got there about 4:30 and not much of a crowd. By the time we left, around 6:30 they were packed with a wait.


Spent Christmas Day at my sister's house. Had a really nice visit but glad to get back.

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Hope everyone had a Happy Holiday.


We just got back from visiting with the family up in Chicago.

My DD's came in from NY and Champaign.


One of these visits we're going to drop in on Heidi at the OG. We actually did eat at an OG on Christmas Eve but in Arlington Heights nearer my Mother. We got there about 4:30 and not much of a crowd. By the time we left, around 6:30 they were packed with a wait.


Spent Christmas Day at my sister's house. Had a really nice visit but glad to get back.


My husband and I live 4 miles from the Arlington Heights OG!!! But we normally dine at Heidi's OG in Schaumburg.


Speaking of Heidi, we had a "double date" this afternoon at Fridays! Great times!!!!!


Next time you're in town, give some warning, and we could possibly set up a mini Cupids event. There are several Cupids in Chicagoland. It could be done, and is always fun! Happy Holidays to you and your family, Ed. I do follow along and enjoy the posts on this thread... wish I would respond more. Happy New Year to all!!!!! :)

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Good Evening!


Ed - We weren't terribly busy on Christmas Eve. We were full for a while but there was never much of a wait. A couple of larger parties had to wait a while but most small parties of 4 or less never waited more than a few minutes. swe have eaten at the Arlington Heights OG. We went there once3 when I wanted OG food but didn't want to go to my restaurant since I spend enough time there as it is. I have also been sent to the Arlington Heights OG to "borrow" things for our restaurant when we run out of something.


We had a nice late lunch/early dinner with Mimi and Andy today. It was fun.


Have a good night. :)

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The great part of driving to OG in Arlington Heights is driving down Rand Road and seeing the Willis (er, I mean Sears) Tower in the distance. LOVE feeling so close to a city, yet so far away when I'm working, that I'm driving on rural roads. CHICAGO ROCKS!!!!!


Thank you again Heidi for everything. I still owe you a lunch... please accept the late invite end of January when we have some money. Now is just too tough financially. In fact, we viewed our luncheon as our Anniversary meal (Saturday we will be married 2 years!!). Tough times when I'm not working due to schools out of session. Wish I could have paid the entire bill. It will happen soon. I promise.


Take care Cupid friends!!!! Cannot wait for 2014 adventures!!!!!!! :)

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Good morning cupids! Finally was able to get on the site...kept thanking me for signing in then dumping me back out...but that was yesterday. We had good news last night...our washing machine stopped working last week and we thought it was a goner.....repairman put in a new transmission so today I'm doing laundry. The real good news is the repair would have cost $382.00 but I had signed a NEW service contract at the end of November......whew!! Cost was zero.

We got the results of the MRI from last week on my back. I have slight bulging discs at L3,4,5 and some stenosis. The good news is no surgery at this time. The bad news is my insurance company is picking up a tab for a personal trainer/PT specialist who is going to get rid of my 36 year old pot belly.( That's how long I have had it, not my age...I'll miss it!) After the first of the year (actually 4 more weeks due to recovery of leg surgery) I go on a BIG TIME Diet plus exercize regime for 6 months. The nurse practioner mumbled something about taking my 40+ waist down to 32. I sure hope she was kidding!!!!

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Good Morning! :)


I had a whole post typed a little while ago this morning and was just about to submit it when my computer decided to do an automatic restart for some updates so I lost everything I typed. :mad:



The great part of driving to OG in Arlington Heights is driving down Rand Road and seeing the Willis (er, I mean Sears) Tower in the distance. LOVE feeling so close to a city, yet so far away when I'm working, that I'm driving on rural roads. CHICAGO ROCKS!!!!!



Mimi - You DO NOT owe me a lunch. I'm just doing my job. LOL. I'd still love to get together though. I'll just pay for my own lunch. Happy Anniversary and have a safe trip this weekend. At least you missed the blizzard.


I'm working lunch today. Usually I get off real early on Thursdays but with some many people off work and the kids off school we might be pretty busy. I'm not scheduled till 11:30 but my friend and I usually switch our start times on Thursday's so I will open at 10:30 for her and she'll come at 11:30. It works out better for me because I am the 1st to be cut when we slow down and this way I get an extra hour and since she always stays till about 5:00 anyway, she likes the later start. I don't know why the manager doesn't just schedule us that way to begin with. :rolleyes:


Have a great day. :D

Edited by HeidiHo
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Had a lovely Christmas with The Fam! Brian & Staci went home Christmas night, and Greg & Mallory left yesterday at noon. The house always seems so quiet after they are gone.


Now we are moving on to basement cleaning project. Actually, Dave made good progress yesterday without me. I was pooped from all the Christmas prep and 2 full days in the kitchen...so I vegged on the couch. He probably makes better progress without me anyway, because I tend to want to keep more junk than we need...he just gets rid of everything.


First thing he did was use a sawzall to cut the giant dead freezer into 3 chunks. That freezer has been down in our basement since the house was built in 1948! Finally gave up the ghost a couple months ago. Dave and Greg packed it out in 3 parts....no way they could have gotten it out of there in one piece.


He then took 2 loads to the dump and it looks much better down there already. There is still stuff down there from when we remodeled a year ago that I have never brought back up! I'm thinking if I haven't needed it in a year....do I really need it at all???

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Our busy weekend has started. Had a gathering last night at the Lodge. This afternoon we go to 3:00 Mass so we can go straight to the Lodge and get our table for 15 for our "pre-New Year's Eve Party (we celebrate at 10:00pm...much more fun!) then tomorrow we have the 4th. annual Lakewood Ranch ELKs Cup at the Polo Grounds. Earlier this week it was supposed to be 75 degrees but now they are saying a high of 61 degrees...in other words COLD (at least for here!). Monday night we join another couple at their home for dinner (he is a gourmet cook) then go to the theatre, then return to their home to spend the night, have breakfast with them, go to Mass then home. Incidentally we will not be available after 8pm on New Year's DAY due to the VERY important fact that Northern Illinois Univ. (Kay's alma mater) is playing in the Orange Bowl, yes I said the ORANGE BOWL!

Life slowly returns to normal....next year!

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A little humor for your weekend........


Please be careful during the holiday parties


> I would like to share a personal experience with all of you about

> drinking and driving.


> As you well know, some of us have been known to have had brushes with

> the authorities on our way home from an occasional social session over

> the years.


> A couple of nights ago, I was out for an evening with friends and had

> a couple of cocktails and some rather nice red wine.


> Knowing full well I may have been slightly over the limit, I did

> something I've never done before ~ I took a cab home. Sure enough, I

> passed a police road block but, since it was a cab, they waved it

> past.


> I arrived home safely without incident, which was a real surprise; as

> I have never driven a cab before and am not sure where I got it or

> what to do with it now that it's in my garage.


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Good Morning!


Not much is going on here today. I am off and plan to do a little shopping. I need to go to Bed, Bath and Beyond and maybe Target. I need to get sun block and travel size toiletries for my cruise. BB & B has a HUGE selection of travel size toiletries.


Incidentally we will not be available after 8pm on New Year's DAY due to the VERY important fact that Northern Illinois Univ. (Kay's alma mater) is playing in the Orange Bowl, yes I said the ORANGE BOWL!


Northern Illinois University is only about a 45-60 minute drive from us so we have known many people who have gone there. I really hope they do well in the Orange Bowl, especially since a lot of people have complained that they think they don't belong in a BCS Bowl game. A couple of guys that I work with at the OG go there and they are going to Miami for the game.


A little humor for your weekend........


Please be careful during the holiday parties


> I would like to share a personal experience with all of you about

> drinking and driving.


> As you well know, some of us have been known to have had brushes with

> the authorities on our way home from an occasional social session over

> the years.


> A couple of nights ago, I was out for an evening with friends and had

> a couple of cocktails and some rather nice red wine.


> Knowing full well I may have been slightly over the limit, I did

> something I've never done before ~ I took a cab home. Sure enough, I

> passed a police road block but, since it was a cab, they waved it

> past.


> I arrived home safely without incident, which was a real surprise; as

> I have never driven a cab before and am not sure where I got it or

> what to do with it now that it's in my garage.



That is very funny. Thanks for sharing.



Have a great weekend.

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O.K. we're back from the Polo Match and was it ever cold! We had a stiff wind out of the North and since we were in the South pavilion you know who got the brunt of it. Bright sunny day but I doubt our high hit 60 degrees. Of course tomorrow it will be back in the 70s! We are having a beautiful sunset, however.......

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Good ole Doctors appointment to check progress on leg surgery (I think it is good) and then tonight a gourmet dinner at friends prior to the theatre and then back to their house for a bunch of wine swillin'!


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Good Morning!


Eric is home already! :D Originally he didn't plan to come till tomorrow or Wednesday. I guess one of his buddies is having a party tonight so he came home for that. He called yesterday to see if Dave could come and get him (he doesn't have a car right now because he can't afford insurance) so Dave went last night. they didn't get here till about 1:00 this morning.


We are going to be sooooo busy at the OG tonight. I saw the call ahead list and we have tons of call aheads.


Sue - how is Miss Callie doing? Does she get full run of the ranch yet or are you afraid she'll run off? I'm assuming she would need some training before getting to run loose all the time.


Here's to a safe and Happy New Year. :D

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Happy New Year! We're invited to a party tonight, but I have a bit of a tummy bug, so no party for me! Dave may go, but he's not sure yet.


Miss Callie is doing great, Heidi. When we go on our walk, she runs around & loves it. I call her back if she gets too far away, mostly because we have lots of coyotes around here. She is inside with me all day, & if I let her out I keep an eye on her. She stays close to the house, but I won't let her run loose unsupervised quite yet. She is a happy girl, & so am I.


Have a wonderful New Year, everyone!

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Happy New Year everyone.


Dale and I went to Gringos, a Tex-Mex restaurant near us, for an early dinner and an adult beverage or two.:rolleyes:

Now we're back home. Dale's watching HGTV and I'm watching the Twilight Zone Marathon on the SyFy channel. I look forward to it every year.

Hopefully we'll make it to Midnight, at least East Coast midnight.


Everyone star safe and tomorrow we can say our cruise is "next year".

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Happy New Year Cupids,


Bettie and I also went out for Tex-Mex to a place called Abuelo's. Then we came home to watch some DVDs, the latest Batman, the Dark Knight Rises and now we are watching Beetlejuice.


Wishing everyone a Happy New Year.


Dave and Bettie

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Happy New Year Cupids!!!!


I've been trying to catch up with reading all the posts for the past several months or so and I see I have missed so much. So sorry for some of things that some of you have had to deal with.


Still struggling with the loss of my Mom, but my sister and I have gotten so much closer. I've had some health issues that I've been dealing with for a couple of months but don't have to see the doctor now for a year. Like they say, if it's not one thing it is another. Hopefully, everything in my life is slowly settling down and things are getting back to normal. That is if anything is ever normal.


We have about 10" of snow with another 2" expected overnight. Can't wait to get out of the cold for a couple of weeks. We leave for Miami on the 18th and will be on the Breeze on the 19th. Can't wait -- definitely need this time away. This is our first vacation ever without family or friends in the last 20 yrs. Should be interesting.


Again, Happy New Year.



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Today is an exciting day for Brian. He opens his State Farm Agency today! He's been working towards getting things ready for some time, but today it is officially HIS office. He took over the space of a former agent, but is moving to a new office in a couple of months...as soon as the space is ready. He has hired 3 employees. We are so proud of him!!


Heidi - have a wonderful cruise!!


Donna - have a great cruise!!


Spent New Year' s Eve & New Year' s Day on the couch, but feel better today. Dave went to a New Year' s Eve party with our neighbors. One wife was also sick, & the other wife stayed home with the kids, so it was boys night out. They were home by 11pm though.

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