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just joined weight watchers


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Hi everyone,


Haven't posted in a while since I've been so busy, which in and of itself accounts for some WW issues! In reading this I realize we all have our ups and downs, and this week's meeting about using the group for support was an excellent one. I go to an 8:30 meeting before I go to work at 10:30. We were talking about how the group is supportive and I mentioned that we always laugh in there, which puts me in a good mood, and more cheery and liable to follow the plan since I am feeling better about myself and things.


Have had a rough couple of weeks in terms of food. The week prior to this I was on a combination girls/trip and work event and there were a lot of buffets, breakfasts and one infamous visit to Cracker Barrel....there is not one near my home so when I pass one....well let's say the biscuits and apple butter were calling me. I tried my best beside that to behave but there were a lot of rich foods, I did eat a lot of salads, and walked the one night we stayed in a Bed and Breakfast two miles to the nearby beach and back before the blueberry pancakes for breakfast, and then just walked tons back and forth at the trade show I was at. I was amazed to get to WW this week and be down .4....I was amazed to be down anything! It was also the Jewish New Year and I had a big dinner, and this week was Yom Kippur, we broke fast for a large family group at my house and needless to say there is a lot of good stuff leftover. I promised myself I'd eat some today and then the rest either gets trashed or brought to work tomorrow. Monday to Friday at the very least I need to stay on those points!


Before I eat something else....I'm watching my son's dog since he is on a business trip so we are now taking him for a long walk! Hang tough, everyone.....remember some weeks we lose very little and then all of a sudden we have a big jump down sometimes!

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I too haven't posted in a bit. Just started a new position and am now rotating between 3 libraries so trying to get eating schedule on track. My hours are more variable and as I'm part time, only 15 minute break to munch. I've been trying to eat enough before work but when I get off I'm famished and we all know that's not a good thing. Everything goes in my mouth. lol


Yesterday we went to an all you can eat food festival with some top restaurants in the area. Well that also wasn't good for me. I tried to skip it, but my DH seemed disappointed at that suggestion. So for my weigh-in today, I'm up 2 something lbs. Last weigh-in I was down 8.6 if I recall correctly. So I've got to figure out how to make this work.


A little blip in the program so tomorrow is strategy time. Keep at it everyone. we can do this, little by little, step by step!!!

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I too haven't posted in a bit. Just started a new position and am now rotating between 3 libraries so trying to get eating schedule on track. My hours are more variable and as I'm part time, only 15 minute break to munch. I've been trying to eat enough before work but when I get off I'm famished and we all know that's not a good thing. Everything goes in my mouth. lol


Yesterday we went to an all you can eat food festival with some top restaurants in the area. Well that also wasn't good for me. I tried to skip it, but my DH seemed disappointed at that suggestion. So for my weigh-in today, I'm up 2 something lbs. Last weigh-in I was down 8.6 if I recall correctly. So I've got to figure out how to make this work.


A little blip in the program so tomorrow is strategy time. Keep at it everyone. we can do this, little by little, step by step!!!


Hi cruising_family,


You just found the secret to long-term weight-loss, at least according to me. Ha! Yes, you will have slips and yes, you will absolutely have to attend some of these over-eating events, but you did the right thing...you recognized this as a blip and now you are taking stock and devising a strategy for getting back on track. That's what it's all about. There is no magic bullet - it's doing what you're doing....constantly working at it and moving along. There are no diets that work...it's changing your mindset and your daily habits. You're well on the way!

Speaking of being famished, try to select protein snacks instead of fruits or carbs. When I know I'm going to be away from home for an extended period of time, I always slip some cheese sticks in my purse. Also, is there anyway you can pack a single serving of cottage cheese to take to work? That's great for giving you a high-protein boost at the end of the work day.


Hope this helps and have a great day everyone!


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The above is excellent advice. Just because you have a bad day or two, don't let that get you down....just start each day anew with a clean slate. We had the breaking of the fast for Yom Kippur (Jewish Holiday, Day of Atonement) this week at my home. Not only did I eat a bunch of stuff I shouldn't have (a carb bagel festival), but did the next day too....this was Saturday and Sunday. Monday it was either all in the garbage and I brought the leftover cake to the faculty room at work. Weigh in was today....I lost .2, which is nothing, but I didn't gain, I had tried to exercise some more....and was my first weigh in with long heavy pants rather than shorts or lightweight capris.....of course, I took off my sweater....and my jewelry was in my pocketbook....and my glasses were on the counter....

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The above is excellent advice. Just because you have a bad day or two, don't let that get you down....just start each day anew with a clean slate. We had the breaking of the fast for Yom Kippur (Jewish Holiday, Day of Atonement) this week at my home. Not only did I eat a bunch of stuff I shouldn't have (a carb bagel festival), but did the next day too....this was Saturday and Sunday. Monday it was either all in the garbage and I brought the leftover cake to the faculty room at work. Weigh in was today....I lost .2, which is nothing, but I didn't gain, I had tried to exercise some more....and was my first weigh in with long heavy pants rather than shorts or lightweight capris.....of course, I took off my sweater....and my jewelry was in my pocketbook....and my glasses were on the counter....


Hi Robin,


You sound just like me! Here I am trying to figure out what are my lightest-weighing fall clothes for my weigh-in. No more capris and lightweight T's anymore. Sigh...

Glad to see you survived the holidays. You're doing great!! Cheers,


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Hi Robin,


You sound just like me! Here I am trying to figure out what are my lightest-weighing fall clothes for my weigh-in. No more capris and lightweight T's anymore. Sigh...

Glad to see you survived the holidays. You're doing great!! Cheers,



You know what? I did think about wearing lightweight capris to weigh in, but it was 54 degrees here on LI this AM....figured it was just one week that I had to bite the bullet and get it over with, and then wear the same black pants to work every Thursday. Are we WW people crazy or what??????

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone, so sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been in a bit of a funk lately with my progress. About 2 months ago my MD switched up 2 of my meds and the weigh loss just stopped dead in it's tracks! I couldn't believe it, I've dropped maybe 2 lbs. in 6 weeks! This is not what I want! My class leader said maybe I am retaining more water and try drinking more water to flush it all out. I do know I haven't been drinking anywhere near what I should drink. I'm going to call my Doc. as well to see what she suggests.


I was chuckling reading the above comments about clothes at weigh-in. I try to wear pretty much the same pants and tops on weight night and I too take off all my jewelry as I wear some big chunky pieces. But one day about 3 weeks ago I forgot that I had one of those stick-on heated back patches still on and the scale shot up 3 lbs.! Ack! I pulled it off and stepped back on, OK, there's a little loss, we all laughed.


I think I mentioned that I had ordered a stretchy band exerciser program from Marie Osmond. It came in yesterday and looks pretty sturdy and interesting. I'm going to start the plan this weekend and I'll let you know how I like it. I wanted something to do while I was watching TV, during the commercials. Or now with the World Series I can sneak in some exercises, our SF Giants are playing the KC Royals and it's been very festive here in the Bay Area this week.


Soooo, I am guzzling the water today and realize I'm probably walking around in a state of dehydration because I'm not so tired today. Good luck to all of you on Program and have a great weekend, cheers :)

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I haven't been posting much either so don't feel bad. I've been going to a Thursday AM WW group in which a member started a closed Facebook group that we've all been supporting one another on and sharing pics of healthy meals! I'm down 14 lbs. in 14 weeks so I'm happy. Today was a disaster though....ate a small breakfast, had a very early lunch hour at work, and when I got home at 4PM my son and husband were here munching down on Chinese takeout, and of course I had to help eat the leftovers....all evening long....I don't know what got into me! Just lazy, and the food was in front of me. Back on plan tomorrow....not going to let it get me down, just climb back on the WW wagon train and start again!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,


I returned from all my travels (two cruises and one 10-day land vacation) and I thought I might have missed a lot of activity on this thread. Hmmmmm


I could do with some help. I had reached my goal weight before I left home on October 16, and not surprisingly, I weighed myself when I goy back on Nov. 20 and discovered that I had gained 9 pounds!! Now with the Christmas and New Year's holidays rapidly approaching, I need to get back on track, like now!


I just finished 40 minutes on the treadmill and I did a 20-minute walk today as well. Did not too bad on the food selections, but I could have done better. I fired up my IPad and launched my favorite support app "Lose it". I have been brutally honest with myself, so tomorrow, I'm back at it full time. Sigh...


It won't be easy, so who is out there to help me? Come on, guys....where are you?


Fun and games in the war to keep the pounds off. Cheers, everyone!



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I don't know what happened that the thread dropped. Life intervenes, I guess. I've been pretty good on plan and lost 17 pounds in about as many weeks. This weekend has been a disaster, though. Had Thanksgiving for 17 (is there a pattern with that number?) at my house, had the beginnings of a cold that day and now cold is in full bloom. I feel like crap and getting no exercise, and just eating every leftover in sight, and tomorrow is my work holiday party. AAARRRRGGGGHHHH! This is definitely the worst time of the year and my 12 day cruise coming January 4.


One thing that has helped me is the purchase of a Jawbone Up 24 fitness band which tracks my movement and calories and sleep. Usually it encourages me to move. Just hoping I can get more back on track.....it's pretty nice out here today so at least going to try to get out for a short walk.

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I don't know what happened that the thread dropped. Life intervenes, I guess. I've been pretty good on plan and lost 17 pounds in about as many weeks. This weekend has been a disaster, though. Had Thanksgiving for 17 (is there a pattern with that number?) at my house, had the beginnings of a cold that day and now cold is in full bloom. I feel like crap and getting no exercise, and just eating every leftover in sight, and tomorrow is my work holiday party. AAARRRRGGGGHHHH! This is definitely the worst time of the year and my 12 day cruise coming January 4.


One thing that has helped me is the purchase of a Jawbone Up 24 fitness band which tracks my movement and calories and sleep. Usually it encourages me to move. Just hoping I can get more back on track.....it's pretty nice out here today so at least going to try to get out for a short walk.


Hi Robin,

I hope you are feeling better today and that you made out okay at your holiday party. Those are notorious for derailing a lot of diets, but from what I've read of your other posts, you can probably recover and get back on track in no time. Gee, I didn't realize that you are leaving so soon - wow - Jan. 4th. That gives you enough time to settle back into a routine and to get back to exercising.


I will have a look at the Jawbone instrument of torture. Sounds like hubby might be interested too as he watches the "Biggest Loser" TV show and the contestants there all seem to wear some kind of tracking devise. As for me, I know what I have to do - just eat less and exercise more. Sounds so easy!! Hubby went to see a nutritionist last week and I went with him. He goes back for a re-check in January so he is really trying to get on track. Makes it a lot easier for me too when he is watching his weight as he does most of the cooking. Sigh...


So hang in there and you're right - I guess life has intervened for the other posters. Oh well, even if it's only us, we'll carry the banner for now. I have until next October to get back down to my goal weight so I have time to take it slow and easy which really does work for me.


BTW - where are you going on your cruise? Somewhere warm, I hope!


In the meantime, hang in there and cheers,


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Hi there, well I too am guilty of not being as consistent around here as well. I finally went back to class after about 6 weeks, finally seem to have gotten the Med's situation worked out but it was slow-going. I only gained one pound but seem to have lost a lot of ground unfortunately.


I was talking to our Leader, and another member also vocalized it, that ever since we've gone back into the Winter-months it's been hard to keep that Good Vibe "Mojo" going. Harder to keep up the exercise and I know for myself those carbs are looking more appealing than fruits and veggies. It's dark when I get up, it's dark when I get home and 7:00 pm feels like 10:00 pm.


I've got my mind-set all going on for the Points and am determined not to go hog-wild with the Xmas food but I want to feel more energized the next month or so and I can feel like I'm s-l-o-w-I-n-g down. It's going to be an effort. I want to lose 5 more so I can celebrate New Year's Eve at the big 50 lbs.! It's going to take some work though. (I'm at 45 now).


Well, whomever is reading this, :), have a great weekend and make wise choices out there while Xmas shopping. remember Applebee's had that delicious Roma steak item that 11 points I think. cheers! :)

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Lifetime WW member here, well lapsed lifetimer. Hit lifetime back in 2009 but gained back almost 50 of the 70 I lost after a family death. Back to WW August 1st before we even planned our cruise for January. As of today I am down 31.8 pounds, 15.2 to go till goal. Hoping to lose another 8 to 10 pounds before our cruise but just happy to keep losing consistently. Hoping to make better food choices this cruise than others. But will splurge with a "treat" each day if something really catches my fancy. Figure if all my other choices are good one splurge won't hurt me too much. Drink of choice will be Captain Morgan and Diet Coke to try and keep calories down on the drink side. Love them and only have them on cruises so don't feel I am depriving myself. Will still have a margarita in Mexico, necessary!


I have the Activelink which is great keeping me on point with exercise/activity. All the walking on the ship and stairs will contribute a lot to my daily Activelink goal. I plan on walking a mile around the track a few times a day as a break from just laying on the lounger all day and to get some activity points!

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