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Anyone on Ideal Protein or using alternatives?


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I looked it up and the website says "the core principle of the Ideal Protein Protocol is to deplete the glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves completely." That sounds like a ketogenic diet to me. Is that correct?


As an FYI, a recent (2006) study indicates that ketogenic dieting offers no metabolic advantage over non-ketogenic dieting.


See, Ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over nonketogenic low-carbohydrate diets. Johnston CS, Tjonn SL, Swan PD, White A, Hutchins H, Sears B. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 May;83(5):1055-61.(PMID: 16685046) abstract available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16685046?ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum

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I looked it up and the website says "the core principle of the Ideal Protein Protocol is to deplete the glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves completely." That sounds like a ketogenic diet to me. Is that correct?


As an FYI, a recent (2006) study indicates that ketogenic dieting offers no metabolic advantage over non-ketogenic dieting.


See, Ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over nonketogenic low-carbohydrate diets. Johnston CS, Tjonn SL, Swan PD, White A, Hutchins H, Sears B. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 May;83(5):1055-61.(PMID: 16685046) abstract available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16685046?ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum

one in 2006? That is like the one scientist Fox news uses to disclaim global warming. Many many peer review studies prove otherwise but thanks.
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I looked it up and the website says "the core principle of the Ideal Protein Protocol is to deplete the glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves completely." That sounds like a ketogenic diet to me. Is that correct?


As an FYI, a recent (2006) study indicates that ketogenic dieting offers no metabolic advantage over non-ketogenic dieting.


See, Ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over nonketogenic low-carbohydrate diets. Johnston CS, Tjonn SL, Swan PD, White A, Hutchins H, Sears B. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 May;83(5):1055-61.(PMID: 16685046) abstract available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16685046?ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum


I am doing Ideal Protein. Been on it for 4 weeks have lost 12 labs.
That is great. I a using the alternatives can't afford otherwise. :)
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Good luck on your fat loss goals. Keto diets are merely one of many ways to create a caloric deficit. That may be good for folks who are concerned with the short term and/or are the in the minority who can continue such a diet in the long-term.


Don't get me wrong, plenty of people lose fat by using keto, but don't think it is amhything magical. If you eliminate (or greatly reduce) an entire macronutrient (e.g. carbs) it likely to result in an overall caloric reduction.


If you play sports you may want to reconsider because there is a decent amount of research showing that low carb (ketogenic) diets have a negative impact on performance, especially high intensity performance.


An example of this was seen recently in

The Effects of a Ketogenic Diet on Exercise Metabolism and Physical Performance in Off-Road Cyclists, Adam Zajac, et al, Nutrients. Jul 2014; 6(7): 2493–2508. Free full text at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4113752/pdf/nutrients-06-02493.pdf


Low carbohydrate ketogenic diets decrease the ability to perform high intensity work, due to decreased glycogen muscle stores and the lower activity of glycolytic enzymes, which is evidenced by a lower LA [lactate] concentration and a maximal work load during the last 15 min of the high intensity stage of the exercise protocol.


See also, Effects of a low- or a high-carbohydrate diet on performance, energy system contribution, and metabolic responses during supramaximal exercise Lima-Silva AE, et al, Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2013 Sep;38(9):928-34. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2012-0467 (where diet of 25% of CHO for 48 hours, had lower performance and total aerobic energy during supramaximal exercise than one of 70% CHO).

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Hello all! We are booked on a cruise for March 15th 2015 and I am going to restart my no carb, high protein food plan called OMNItrition. I have lost 98 pounds on it previously, and took the summer off, gained a few back and now ready to drop before our cruise. my lower back sciatica is acting up again and I know I won't have any energy or stamina if I don't get some more weight off. Looking forward to being able to actually DO something on this cruise but sit around, gamble and eat! Who is in it with me? I need some online support!

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  • 5 months later...

So, did you lose and/or are you keeping it off? I am thinking seriously about starting Ideal Protein. I know it's expensive, but I think the coach is going to be a huge help. The only thing I don't like is her overuse of the word "protocol" :p . I know they are trained on what to say, but I think that her personal attention to my diet and the advice and help I get from her may be the missing link. Also, I love that she will help me transition from weight loss to maintenance. And it helps that the samples she gave me of the products were actually really, really good. I have a friend who, like me, has been the same weight forever and she is losing and doing great on it. That was my inspiration to drop the dollars (and hopefully pounds) on it.

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Hello all! We are booked on a cruise for March 15th 2015 and I am going to restart my no carb, high protein food plan called OMNItrition. I have lost 98 pounds on it previously, and took the summer off, gained a few back and now ready to drop before our cruise. my lower back sciatica is acting up again and I know I won't have any energy or stamina if I don't get some more weight off. Looking forward to being able to actually DO something on this cruise but sit around, gamble and eat! Who is in it with me? I need some online support!

I will be your buddy. since we can't message you can write me at classykaren27 at yahoo dot com. :)

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After weighing the pros and cons, I decided that I would try it on my own. I still have a few carbs, but have drastically cut them overall. I have used the Power Crunch protein wafer bars when I get sugar cravings and they are OK, but I really loved the IP wafer bars in the strawberry and I may try eBay to get some. I bought some Ketostix to see if I was producing ketones instead of having my coach do it for me. I miss having a coach, and I did have one huge cheat afternoon, but I got back on track the next day.

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After weighing the pros and cons, I decided that I would try it on my own. I still have a few carbs, but have drastically cut them overall. I have used the Power Crunch protein wafer bars when I get sugar cravings and they are OK, but I really loved the IP wafer bars in the strawberry and I may try eBay to get some. I bought some Ketostix to see if I was producing ketones instead of having my coach do it for me. I miss having a coach, and I did have one huge cheat afternoon, but I got back on track the next day.


My husband and I both lost about 50 pounds each last year on Ideal Protein. After 4 months on it, our internist insisted we stop it due to both of us having various GI problems. My husband has kept 40 of his 50 off. As soon as I started adding carbs back to my diet, I started gaining back. I think WW or other similar balanced diets are just as effective and healthier. Just my experience.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been on WW, didn't work for me. I finally started IP on February 17 and have lost over 33 pounds with no funky side effects. I really don't feel limited and still eat good food :). My sister did IP 2 years ago and has kept her 40 pounds off with no problems. She justifies a reboot during Catholic lent. I like IP because it's a plan I can follow. It does get expensive, but being fat is hard and dieting is hard. Choose your hard. Oh, I'm also down 2 dress sizes and have tons of energy!

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I have a high metabolism and have never had to lose large amounts of weight. The most I have ever lost is 22 lbs. I am 6'2" and 195 lbs. I could lose a few more but I am Ok with anything under 200 lbs.


But I have always done protein smoothies. I recommend the egg protein rather than the whey, soy, or vegetable proteins. It absorbs fast and is easy to digest.


I recently changed to liquid egg protein its better than the powders you can cook with it, make omelets or make smoothies with it.

You can check it our here https://www.eggwhitesint.com/



The first step is to cut off the sugar. If you crave something sweet eat a piece of organic fruit. Unsweetened organic applesauce is one of my favorites. Don't eat junk with the artificial sweeteners. While it doesn't have the calories that stuff is not could for you. Go Organic as much as you can.


I don't worry about consuming fat. I eat bacon,steaks, pork all the time. slowly cut back the carbs. I cant get rid of them completely but I don't ever go for seconds. Don't ever eat fast food and never anything fried.


Grilled chicken, Fish, Steak, pork are fine. Fresh organic veggies are good too. Find a local farmers market. You will pay more but you will get more nutrition form your food with out empty calories.


If you have a freezer find a place to buy grass fed organic beef. We usually split a side of beef with another family.


This is a big one, don't drink you calories, unless its a protein smoothie. I drink nothing but water. Cut out the caffeine completely. Its hard at first but once you get rid of it you will feel better. Most people drink coffee, soda, wine, and beer. Start getting rid of them one at a time. Get rid of the soda first, then the beer, then the coffee. A small quantity of wine can actually be good for you, so if you want to keep that one its ok as long as the only other thing you drink is water.


Its not about just losing weight its more and about healthy nutrition and life style change . I cheat sometimes my weakness is peanut butter cups and i have been know to eat some pancakes. . But because the rest of my diet is so healthy I can get away with it.


I hope you like eggs because that is the go to food when you cant figure out what to eat. So many ways to prepare them and its fast and easy. Another one of my favorites is sushi. Tuna Sashmi is my favorite, But if you cant do the raw sushi try getting the Ahi Tuna. It like a steak but very tender and usually served seared on the outside and a rare in the center.


Have fun and remember that after most diets people gain the weight back because they start eating the same bad foods. Think of you body like a machine and give it the best fuel you can. Don't forget the vitamins.


If you want to lose weight faster start exercising . You may not see the results on the scale but you will see them in the way your clothes fit. Muscle weighs more than fat, so it is possible to gain a few lbs and still lose inches off the waist. While I weigh myself everyday I am more concerned with how my clothes fit and how I feel than my actual weight.

Edited by jasper2012
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I have a high metabolism and have never had to lose large amounts of weight. The most I have ever lost is 22 lbs. I am 6'2" and 195 lbs. I could lose a few more but I am Ok with anything under 200 lbs.


But I have always done protein smoothies. I recommend the egg protein rather than the whey, soy, or vegetable proteins. It absorbs fast and is easy to digest.


I recently changed to liquid egg protein its better than the powders you can cook with it, make omelets or make smoothies with it.

You can check it our here https://www.eggwhitesint.com/



The first step is to cut off the sugar. If you crave something sweet eat a piece of organic fruit. Unsweetened organic applesauce is one of my favorites. Don't eat junk with the artificial sweeteners. While it doesn't have the calories that stuff is not could for you. Go Organic as much as you can.


I don't worry about consuming fat. I eat bacon,steaks, pork all the time. slowly cut back the carbs. I cant get rid of them completely but I don't ever go for seconds. Don't ever eat fast food and never anything fried.


Grilled chicken, Fish, Steak, pork are fine. Fresh organic veggies are good too. Find a local farmers market. You will pay more but you will get more nutrition form your food with out empty calories.


If you have a freezer find a place to buy grass fed organic beef. We usually split a side of beef with another family.


This is a big one, don't drink you calories, unless its a protein smoothie. I drink nothing but water. Cut out the caffeine completely. Its hard at first but once you get rid of it you will feel better. Most people drink coffee, soda, wine, and beer. Start getting rid of them one at a time. Get rid of the soda first, then the beer, then the coffee. A small quantity of wine can actually be good for you, so if you want to keep that one its ok as long as the only other thing you drink is water.


Its not about just losing weight its more and about healthy nutrition and life style change . I cheat sometimes my weakness is peanut butter cups and i have been know to eat some pancakes. . But because the rest of my diet is so healthy I can get away with it.


I hope you like eggs because that is the go to food when you cant figure out what to eat. So many ways to prepare them and its fast and easy. Another one of my favorites is sushi. Tuna Sashmi is my favorite, But if you cant do the raw sushi try getting the Ahi Tuna. It like a steak but very tender and usually served seared on the outside and a rare in the center.


Have fun and remember that after most diets people gain the weight back because they start eating the same bad foods. Think of you body like a machine and give it the best fuel you can. Don't forget the vitamins.


If you want to lose weight faster start exercising . You may not see the results on the scale but you will see them in the way your clothes fit. Muscle weighs more than fat, so it is possible to gain a few lbs and still lose inches off the waist. While I weigh myself everyday I am more concerned with how my clothes fit and how I feel than my actual weight.



Thanks for such detailed advice. I'm going to try the egg protein because the other proteins cause me to bloat and give me gas. Let's see how this works!

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  • 1 month later...

I began in IP but am now doing alternative products. The key to maintaining weight loss with this diet is to do the 4 phases the way the diet was designed. I don't think any diet is a recipe to gain all your weight back. You can lose weight with hundreds of different methods and gain it back with any of them if you go back to old habits. The best diet for someone is the one that works for them and the one they are able to maintain long term until they reach their goal weight. I have lost 25 pounds since March and feel better than I have in years. This diet may not be everyone's cup of tea but right now it is mine!

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After weighing the pros and cons, I decided that I would try it on my own. I still have a few carbs, but have drastically cut them overall. I have used the Power Crunch protein wafer bars when I get sugar cravings and they are OK, but I really loved the IP wafer bars in the strawberry and I may try eBay to get some. I bought some Ketostix to see if I was producing ketones instead of having my coach do it for me. I miss having a coach, and I did have one huge cheat afternoon, but I got back on track the next day.



Don't rely on the sticks. They are not accurate. I know I'm in ketosis because I'm steadily losing weight but the only time it reads on the sticks is first thing in the morning when I'm dehydrated. I just ate my last IP lemon wafer but still have 3 packs of the strawberry ;)

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The DW and I have been on IP since March 4, 2015, but had a 7 day cruise after the first 4 weeks (April 4, 2015). We did well for a carb and alcohol fueled cruise, I gained 4 pounds and DW gained 1. First half of the week was easy, we didn't eat a lot and some things just weren't appealing that used to be. But come day 4 we had booze and carbs coursing through our veins and were in full on cruise mode... :o


We are both back on IP phase 1 and to date I have lost over 50 pounds, DW 25. I stick to the plan it 100%, DW has trouble at times. I pay attention to the fat mass loss instead of the total weight loss and I see more fat loss than overall weight now on my weigh ins. I am getting close to my goal, I am at 29% body fat, looking for around 18-20%. I do weigh myself every day on my FitBit scale so I can see my cool graph:




The flat-ish line is the cruise... :o


And even though you are told to not exercise on this diet I do workout twice a week focusing on core strengthening and shoulders for a wilderness canoe trek I am going on in July. Those carbs are gonna hurt...


I think the biggest challenge will be to maintain healthy eating and only doing a "cheat day" once per week. I crave a beer and pizza right now... :(

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