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Aussie Hailz's Review of South Pacific on Radiance OTS 1st April, 2014


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The weather was HOT! I loved it! (This was in April). Last time I went to Noumea, it was in December and the weather was not only boiling, 40 deg Celsius, but it was 90% humidity too. This time, the humidity wasn't there- thank goodness! But I guess at the end of the day- no one has twisted your arm to go on a cruise- (well at least I hope not) so you should have either researched the weather better or not complain!

Our bus didn't have air conditioning- which didn't bother us at all, however someone demanded their money back- which I thought they were kidding, but no, they were very angry. Who would have thought that a coach in a developing country that barely has running water, wouldn't have air con! Lol!


Mick & I went back to the tourist centre and jumped on a HOHO bus, (hop on, hop off), which was quite cheap, maybe $10, and it went all around the island to different points to drop people off and pick people up. We just went up the coast a bit, then back again. It was lunch time & Mick wanted to eat some French food- as we were in a French colony.


We went to a cute open air bar/eatery and ordered some yummy food!








There was another reason why we choose this place, it had FREE WIFI!!! I was waiting on a good friend's news of a new arrival of a baby, I jumped straight on to Facebook- but it's a stubborn little thing and hasn't been born yet!


I sent Mum a quick email & asked how my two puppies were doing, (the boy, Tank, has separation anxiety when he's not with me, and the girl Bronty, well, she's a mummy's girl & misses me too) & there's already an email waiting for me saying that the puppies are great & they've made friends at the dog park!






Bronty is on the left, Tank on the right. They're from the same litter & were dumped before they were even born. We rescued them at 4 months of age. They were just over 12 months in these pics. Bull Mastiff X Sharpei.

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After lunch, we walked across the road to the beach where it seemed to be that all of the staff from Radiance were there playing in the water. It was actually really nice to see them relaxing and not having to run around after us all.

The sand was very harsh and shelly- so we jumped back on the HOHO bus into town.

When in town, we looked around a bit. There was a daily market that was open, but it was the kind of things you could buy at any local $2 shop.

We went in to a supermarket- which was really cool to see so many different foods & other foods we know & love. We bought some Aussie crisps for Jeff & Steph to give to them at dinner.


It was now mid afternoon & definitely time for a cocktail poolside!

We got back onboard & Mick grabbed a hotdog. I just settled with a delicious, icy frozen cocktail!

We then retired for a quick snooze & I read about 10 chapters of an awesome book I had brought with me.


Dinner came and we gave Jeff & Steph their TWISTIES. If you are unsure of what they are- they're cheese/chicken flavoured potato chips that are about 1inch long. Also they're delicious!!! J&S loved them & were very appreciative.


As a side note, Mick & I realised that J&S must have been nervous the first time we met them- as they are super awesome!!!

Tomorrow is the day I've been waiting for, for 855 days.

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I'd been waiting for this particular day for 855 days. Now I can hear you asking yourself why?! I won't keep you in suspense anymore. (Lol- I hope people are actually reading my review- otherwise this could be weird!)


When Nicky & I did this same cruise on Rhapsody in 2011, my very favourite place was Isle De Pines. It was like Heaven on Earth & on the way back to the ship, I remember saying to Nicky that I'd be coming back to that exact spot for my honeymoon, (remembering readers, I hadn't met Mick yet).

And there I was, with my gorgeous perfect husband, standing on our oversized balcony, looking at the amazing tall, skinny trees, the perfect clear blue sky and the most amazing clear blue/turquoise water I'd ever seen. Time was standing still and I was loving every millisecond! Mick uttered the words, "You were right babe, it's absolutely perfect!"



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So perfect! Little did Mick know, it was about to get even better!!!






With a little squeal & a short tender ride, we were in the first tender group to reach the island.




Us on the tender over.




Here we come!








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We got off the tender and were greeted by locals who were dancing and singing in French. It was so beautiful.




The weather was already about 30 degrees Celsius and it wasn't even 8.30am. I love the heat, but some people were already complaining.


TIP NUMBER 12) Don't complain about things while on holidays. You can totally think them, but saying them out loud will make people think you are one of "those" people. (Unless of course you do have something to actually complain about that it legitimately effecting your time).

A local lady gave Mick & I a decorative headpiece to wear with flowers on it.

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We got a few selfies and walked hand in sweaty head for a few minutes until we reached the exact spot that I wanted Mick to see... See photo...





Well it was as perfect as I remember... Maybe even more so because Mick was there too! I know, I know, I'm sounding really loved up and soppy. I'm going to blame it on the salt water in the air!!!









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We found a great spot for sun baking later on.




We put our beach towels down & jumped into the perfect temperature water. (I cannot recall if I've mentioned this before, but I actually cannot swim. I have had to be resuscitated before & have a bit of a fear of baths, spas and open water) So when I say "jumped in" I really mean paddled in very shallow water, just like a small child! Ha ha. None the less, it was great and I think I actually managed to go all the way up to my belly button.




After a frolic around in the water for about an hour, we headed back to sun bake & soak in the atmosphere for an hour. I was reading a novel by James Patterson and I couldn't put it down!



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Suddenly we were inundated by what seemed to be millions of people getting off Radiance and they were all heading to OUR spot! Ha ha!


I decide that we should move and let them get the opportunity to enjoy it too so we grabbed our things and walked around to see if there was an equally nice spot somewhere around the island. (I think not, but it's always good to have a wander anyway!)



Saw this very cool web on the way!


Well, who would have thought it?! We actually found a stella spot- maybe even better than the original!



This pic isn't photo shopped or changed. Isn't it gorgeous.

The sand is so soft, like fairy floss!




BAM! & Only a couple of people were there. We set up shop & did some more sun baking & reading! (After taking some more selfies!)





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Just as I was about to find out who the murderer really was in my book... Steph & Jeff were standing next to us asking if we wanted to snorkel with them. Although I thought we would have had a romantic day together at our honeymoon destination- this was the day that sealed the deal for our friendship with J&S.

Mick & Jeff snorkled, while Steph and I sun baked and talked about EVERYTHING for hours!!! It was like I had known her for years. I even had a mini snorkel & we ended up near the resort around the other side, looking under water at the amazing coral & sea life. (& when I say I snorkelled, my feet never left the floor of the ocean, once again like a small child- ha ha!)




Notice here I'm up to my shoulders in the water?! Well it's trick photography! I'm actually SITTING down on the ocean floor! Ha ha











Suddenly it was 4pm & the last tender back to the ship was 5pm. We didn't want to get caught up with the crowds so we started heading back. Walking back to the tender was bittersweet. I really didn't want to leave Isle de Pines behind, but we had made such a great new friendship that I was in such a happy place! (Literally & not literally). It was honestly such a ripper of a day!

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Dinner was brilliant again despite not seeing the drink waitress at all- & it didn't finish until we got booted out of the MDR about midnight. Then it was onwards and upwards to the Champagne Bar with our table mates & Janet & Bob who we had bumped into also. We called it a night when the bar closed and we no longer had energy juice to keep us going!

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Waking up with a hangover, thanks to a huge night at the Champagne Bar with Jeff, Steph, our trivia buddies Janet & Bob & our fellow dinner table mates, meant we were slow to get to the tender. I should have eaten breaky, but I just didn't want to face food so early.






Our drunken shananaghans from the night before!


Mystery Island was gorgeous!!! Not as gorgeous as Isle De Pines, but very nice! The water was crystal clear, but there were heaps of shells around and the sand was quite rough.






I took my thongs off for about 5 minutes, but no swimming, (or pretending to swim) there for me.


Some of the crew members had brought a boom box along and they were jamming on the sand. It looked very fun- although they had moves I couldn't contend with- so I kept my dance-off to myself! Lol.


It started raining but it didn't seem to worry too many people, (just "those" people)! The weather was still very warm & I could feel a tan building up slowly on my pasty skin!


The island itself was breathtaking! All the beautiful plants and the way he island was kept, was truly magnificent.








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We walked thru a mini market where they were braiding people's hair for about $15 ea. They also had fresh seafood here... Beware!








TIP NUMBER 13) Unless you have an iron gut, it's advised that you do not eat any local food from the islands. Hygiene rules are not the same as in Australia (or most other developed countries) & although there's warnings as you get off the ship, spending the next 48 hours hugging the porcelain throne is not my idea of fun!


As you walk out of the market, there's a really cool GIANT cooking pot with the words, "Cannibal Soup". I think it was $5 to get a photo with it- as you have to tip for most things- but as I said, it was super cool. It's said that there we're actually cannibals on the island. S*C*A*R*Y!!!



There were local kids singing beautiful songs and praises- which was soooo cute. I went over to a little girl and gave her my phone with it on camera mode, (selfie camera mode) & she was so excited. We sat together for about 5 minutes taking funny face selfies until the other children caught on and they joined in too.







By now it was around midday and Mick & I took a tender back to the ship for some lunch, a few drinks and an afternoon snooze. We hadn't had too many nana naps, & our super late nights and early mornings were getting me quite tired. (It can be a hard life being a cruise ship enthusiast!)

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Before dinner, we caught a show in the Aurora Theatre. It was good, but it wasn't great. Certainly not as good as the rest of the shows had been this far.

We usually live such a fast paced life in Melbourne, that we would not normally get time to see any kind of show, so the fact that we were seeing these shows was awesome in itself.


Dinner was once again brilliant- filled with heaps of laughs & banter. The menu was nearly exactly the same as it was on our last cruise- which was yummy.

We never got free lobster on formal nights which was a tad disappointing, but there were so many things to choose from so we didn't mind! Mick and I usually ordered three main meals between us. Then I got to try three different meals and Mick got to eat 2 1/2 main meals... Plus starters and dessert too! Ha ha.

I was absolutely hanging for Key Lime Pie. I hadn't eaten it since our last cruise, & before that- it was in the States- pretty much in all of the 26 states I visited. Key Lime Pie is my weak spot, if someone was holding my family at ransom and there was Key Lime Pie, I'd have to eat it first before rescuing them. Anyway- I had heard it had been in the Windjammer on the second day, although this rumour was never confirmed and I think Mick had made it up to mess with my head and throw me off. It sure worked. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Thus far, I hadn't seen any on the MDR menu... Despite me telling our wait staff that I was craving it! Ha ha.

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Day 7- LIFOU


Mick & I were lucky enough to get this day with Steph & Jeff. We were on the first tender over after breakfast in the solarium.

Breakfast was okay, Mick really enjoyed it, but for me, I'd been spoilt by choice in the Windjammer & there wasn't anything that really tickled my fancy at the Solarium.


When we got to Lifou, Steph & I found a brilliant spot to lay on the sand & get our pale white, heavily sun screened bodies a bit tanned. The boys got bored with this after 3 1/2 minutes & went for a snorkel.

Ohhhh, I forgot to mention something very cool...

As the tender boat was getting closer to the jetty, someone on board pointed out that there was a sea turtle. I usually eye wear glasses- so I didn't think I would see much, as I usually accidentally get into the wrong car at supermarket if I don't wear my glasses- so spotting a tiny sea turtle probably wasn't going to happen... However, there wasn't just ONE, we saw about 15!!! They were between one foot and three feet long & it was AH-mazing!!!!






While we sun baked, the boys went for an extra long snorkel. They swam with the turtles for hours. Infact, at one stage Steph and I had gotten worried that the boys weren't back & we were wondering if they were safe or not. But yeah- they were just swimming around!













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Steph & I jumped in the water a few times, then baked for about 90 minutes.


The island was quite bare and didn't have much happening, except some lovely local singing & RCCI selling drinks, which I hope they donate some money back to Lifou. (Juuuust saying!)


After the boys came back- we swam around & got some pics.






We headed back around lunch time, ate together in the Windjammer and then S&J went to have a sleep.


Mick & I headed to the cinema to watch Jobs. It was a great movie. The ending was awful, but a great movie non the less!






We got our butts handed to us in afternoon pub trivia, despite Janet & Bob trying their best & me making sure I didn't answer many questions! Ha ha.


Afterwards, Mick & I got some pizza, then Mick also had no less than three sausages from the hot dog stand. Yes, the boy loves his food!!!


Dinner was super fun as usual, but instead of going to the Main Dining Room, we decided as a table group that we would try a speciality restaurant. It was a special occasion, (Dave & Tania's 25th wedding anniversary), so everyone thought it would be a lovely idea, & we all wanted to stay together as we were getting on sooooo well!


As a group we decided on eating at Samba Bar & Grill. I cannot recall the exact price per person, but it was well worth the money. (Maybe $35 per person?!)

There was no less than 7 courses of meat, (I'm intolerant to lamb, so Mick had to stand up to the plate, so to speak, and eat my lamb portion, I'm sure it was a hard job for him, lol).

At the end they asked us what our favourite dish was & we could get more. Of course most of us couldn't fit in another gram of food, but Jeff and Mick had second and even third helpings of some of the meats!


It was such a brilliant dinner, although we did miss our waiters at the MDR. The only negative thing I could say about the Samba Grill experience is that I desperately needed the bathroom after a few cocktails & after asking, I found I had to go outside and walk a fair way to find a loo, (after I slipped over because the floor was so slippery!) It took me a good five minutes to find a toilet, and by then, as you can imagine- I was desperate!!!

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After dinner, Tania & Dave retired to their room ;-) & Mary, Hugh, S&J & Mick & I went to the Casino to try our luck.


I learnt how to play Blackjack on my very first cruise in 2009 & I only gamble when at sea...

But I was so excited to see Mexican Dave's smiling face to greet me at the Blackjack table.


Bar service in the Casino was rather slow, & I didn't have time to wait as I was on a winning streak, so I kept getting Mick to get my drinks, (bless his cotton socks!)


Now, when I say winning streak, it wasn't enough to pay for another cruise, lol. I did see HEAPS of people using $100 chips, but I was on $5 & $1 chips. I got up to about $400- then counted myself out at $215, & at the same time, Mick was playing the slots & came out a couple of hundred in front! Look, it wasn't enough to shout the bar, but we certainly had the most amazing night with everything that had happened!




Thank goodness we didn't have to be up early the following morning!

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Day 8- AT SEA


Breakfast in the Windjammer! Hooray! It was delicious & I was satisfied and happy!!!


Waking up to the wide ocean again was amazing! We hadn't had a lot of time on our balcony, but I'm sure we would get a few spare minutes on the way back to Syndey to bake or drink/relax, right?!


This morning we had trivia again. I was getting much better at losing by now. Janet & Bob were hilarious and we ended up having lunch with them in the Solarium.


In the afternoon we saw Jeff & Steph by the pool and they had something to ask us...

Oh wow, this could be anything.

Could they name their first born child after us?

Did we have spare shampoo they could borrow?

What could it be?!?!?!

...ok, here's how the conversation went...


Jeff: Hey guys, we have something super important to ask you both!


Steph: You might need some time to think about it before answering!


Mick & I looked at each other, then back at J&S....


Mick & Hailz: Yessss?????


Steph: We want you guys to do another cruise with us. We booked one in today! What do you think?!


Well this wasn't a hard question.

We had agreed to go cruising with them again without any hesitation but also without asking where we were going!


Steph: oh, it leaves from Venice in May, 2015.


We were so thrilled to be asked to go away with our two new favourite people in the world!!!


Oh how exciting!!!! I've been to the Americas, I'd been all over Australia & New Zealand & Mick had travelled thru Asia & NZ but we both hadn't been to Europe!!!


We promptly went to a bar to celebrate, and then headed to book the cruise on board.


So, after a bit of discussion, I told Mick that I didn't want to go to Europe just for a 7 night cruise out of Venice. So we also booked another cruise BEFORE this too- which was 8 nights and we thought we could do a couple of extra weeks in the UK & France & Spain.


*on a side note...

After booking these two cruises in, two months later, Steph called me to say our cruise had been chartered out & we had to rebook.


I tried contacting RCI & they couldn't tell me anything. They said they didn't know what was happening. Long story short, BOTH of our cruises had been chartered & we had to rebook both of them.


RCI still hadn't contacted us so finally I contacted them again and they ended up giving us $600 towards each of our next cruises. I was happy with that!


So here is our holiday plan for next year!!!


*April 25- Fly in to Manchester. Meet up with Trivia pals, Janet & Bob! (& Mick's cousin). Stay 3 nights.

*Train to London. Stay 2 nights.

*Train to Glasgow. Stay 3 nights. Meet up with two friends from a Contiki trip to USA, who have both come to Aus to see us!

*Train to Paris. Stay 2 nights.

*Train to Bordeaux. Stay 2 nights.

*Train to Madrid. Stay 2 nights.

*Train to Valencia. Stay 3 nights. (Stay with Mick's Aunt & Uncle)

*Train to Barcelona. Stay 2 nights.

*BOARD VISION OF THE SEAS for 12 nights visiting France, Italy, Greece, Turkey.

*Fly to Venice & meet up with Steph & Jeff. Stay 2 nights.

*BOARD SPLENDOUR OF THE SEAS for 7 nights visiting more Greek Islands, Montenegro, etc.

*fly home :-(


I was so blooming excited- as this wasn't the last time we were seeing Steph & Jeff!!!!!!

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