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Boo to the Halloween on the Highs Seas Crew Oct. 2016, Fantasy Trip Report


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I continued my exploring down the hall.


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They offer a couple of Disney Junior character breakfasts. You do need reservations for them and they can be booked at the same time you make your shore excursions.


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32079070782_de7056e992_z.jpgsail70by Jenseib, on Flickr

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The La Piazza area is really neat too but the seating is limited and sometimes they would have trivia in here and it was hard to get a seat.


31387699354_e3dba3bbc3_z.jpgsail81by Jenseib, on Flickr



31387698444_3b87d98ff9_z.jpgsail82by Jenseib, on Flickr

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I had always heard that if you were feeling seasick they had a basket with free pills down at the medical center. I had never actually went down there to check it out before, so I decided today would be that day.


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Sure enough they do! I grabbed some. Amanda hadn’t brought many with her and she was worried.I had a bottle with me, but I thought I would compare what I had to what the ship supplied. They had a mixture of chewables and the kind you swallowed. I preferred the chewables myself…and Claire has MAJOR issues with swallowing pills. She doesn’t normally get seasick, but I like to have something for her just in case.


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I headed back up top to get a drink then.



31387695664_718067d718_z.jpgsail86by Jenseib, on Flickr

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Then back to the room to wake Claire. We had a breakfast reservation to get to.

As she got dressed I enjoyed the balcony.


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I see land way out there.



32190411136_8a404556de_z.jpgsail88by Jenseib, on Flickr

We had some time to spare before breakfast so we went to the Atrium.


As we were standing there we spotted Abby and Gail walking up the stairs.


31717005154_c7502bb58d_z.jpgsail121by Jenseib, on Flickr


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Abby is all about the characters and she was getting inline for Minnie, so Claire and I joined them.


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Claire is giving me her goofy look as we wait in line.


30975782961_349e7b5487_z.jpgseaday17by Jenseib, on Flickr

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I had gotten all the kids autograph books. I will no longer be buying Claire a book in the future. She thought it was “lame” to get autographs most of the time. Alexis was even worse about it. And carrying around the book is kind of a pain when your child doesn’t even care to use it.


We still had time, so we headed off to see Woody.


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He was a lot of fun!


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30548582240_473450a1c6_z.jpgseaday1by Jenseib, on Flickr

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31871671780_95981a8b99_z.jpgsail96by Jenseib, on Flickr


32190058210_5eb4bee194_z.jpgsail126by Jenseib, on Flickr


32255247296_f1d9e1aabc_z.jpg006by Jenseib, on Flickr


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And it was now time for breakfast. We saw Goofy and Abby wanted to go see him but we didn’t have the time. She was mad, but we promised he would be out again and we would take her.

We ran into Amanda who was heading to Royal Court for breakfast. She kind of was debating on coming with us, but she didn’t have a ticket. Rob and Alexis had still been sleeping and were supposed to meet us at breakfast but Gail kept messaging them and calling and there was no response. We didn’t want to give away their tickets in case they showed up.


So we parted ways with Amanda and went off to Animators Palette to have breakfast.


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Katie’s family had already arrived and we made our orders and soon characters were coming.



30548585470_35eb56ba49_z.jpgbrunch1by Jenseib, on Flickr

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Jude thought the whole thing was lame. LOL. He is the same age as Abby, but he thought these characters were for babies. I suppose when you have 2 younger siblings who watch the show, you are just too cool to like it when you are 7.


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Luke loved Sophia though.


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She made her way over to our side then.


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One thing I noticed was that the characters pretty much skipped the older kids and adults unless you flagged them down. Claire was next to Abby and they would ignore her till I would say something. Claire wouldn’t have been heart broken, but she did want to be part of the fun too.




Oh and Alexis and Rob had not shown up. Gail was a little mad about that.

Next up was Jake. You can see Katie giving Jude a lecture at this point. LOL. He was proclaiming this lame at that moment.


32137128231_34924f3cfe_z.jpgsail101by Jenseib, on Flickr



30312413804_0eeef5106d_z.jpgbrunch10by Jenseib, on Flickr

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30822090866_fda17ee516_z.jpgbrunch5by Jenseib, on Flickr


My donut. Let’s be honest…this is what I was here for! LOL.


31880382230_e09b2171aa_z.jpgsail102by Jenseib, on Flickr


We then got a visit from the Doc…who my granddaughter calls “Muffins”.


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And the head cheese himself was making the rounds. Violet wasn’t so sure about a giant mouse.


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See Luke’s little bag he is holding? We did a private Fish Extender exchange between just our families. Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles could also deliver prizes as well and they did. Mom had gotten little bags for all the littler kids and they just loved them and carried them around the whole time with all the supplies one might need to get through a meal without being totally bored.



30822088326_a77c03c19b_z.jpgbrunch8by Jenseib, on Flickr

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I really enjoyed this FE exchange so much better. We had 6 kids and we tried to deliver each day a little something, some days better stuff than others, but in the end we were able to get the kids better stuff than doing a public one. A few times some people from the public one must have had extras because we did end up with a few things extra on a few occasions.


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And time for food!


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It was tasty. It’s nothing over the top, but a decent meal.


Rob and Alexis arrived just as we were finishing up and Gail gave them holy heck…letting them know that other people could have used these tickets and they were wasted. They both said they were just so tired. Gail and I figured next cruise it would just be her and I and Abby. Claire had been a bit grumpy this trip…remember she had told me that she would rather be in the parks than going on a cruise…and no one asked her what she wanted to do…. And Alexis was at this point just not in the spirit of the fun…… A lot of that due to her being so tired from a busy week beforehand.

Abby was just the picture of a child you want on a cruise with you. She was so excited about everything. She loved the characters, she loved the clubs. Everything was fun and she wanted to do so much.


Time to leave


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And I snapped pictures on the way out.


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31937540950_2573632dd6_z.jpgsail108by Jenseib, on Flickr

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And a stop in the bathroom where I snapped a picture.


32314360485_e6464bd4c5_z.jpgsail109by Jenseib, on Flickr



We moved down the hall and I had Claire pose….sort of.


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Abby was a much better poser.


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Back to the Atrium we went.


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And Jessie was out!


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Claire and Alexis said they would meet her but they were not taking autograph books. LOL.



31937539970_ae2b0fe514_z.jpgsail110by Jenseib, on Flickr

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We still had some time before our next meet and greet…one we had scheduled, so we decided that Claire and Alexis were going to have to spend some time in the Edge. Alexis was totally against it and Claire would have gone to the younger club (they were at the age where they could pick one or the other, but they had to stay with their choice), but with Alexis along she went with Alexis’ attitude about the clubs.


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We took the elevator up.


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And then the stairs up.


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We got them signed up and told them they had to stay at least 30 minutes in there. They were not thrilled and I think they left as soon as the 30 minutes was up and they never went back. I do know that if Claire had been on her own,she would have used the club much more often.


We then dropped Abby off at the kids club, which she begged to go to all the time, and just relaxed for a bit.


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I took a walk and heard the horns were going to play so I took some video of them going off. I just kind of randomly aimed the camera without looking. LOL.


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After just chilling for a while we met up with the girls and Gail got Abby and we headed back to Animators Palette for our scheduled meet and greet.


32195005641_1359d25387_z.jpgsail115by Jenseib, on Flickr


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I am sure the snowflakes are clueing you in here.


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32215935471_8f8a3e263e_z.jpgsail119by Jenseib, on Flickr

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32185685702_0026f6ebf3_z.jpgsail120by Jenseib, on Flickr


Yes we were meeting the Frozen Sisters! This is a meet and greet you need to schedule. It is on the website, just like you are making an excursion. They have very limited tickets and I found out in the cruise group I followed that many people did not get tickets. I know they hold some back that you can get when you board, but again it was limited and I know a lot of people didn’t get any. Here is what I found though. I think the actual kids really only need the ticket. We had tickets for adults and kids, but the kids were really only the ones who cared to meet them. I think if we had just gotten them for the kids or just 1 adult and the kids, we would have been fine and then that would have left more tickets for others to have.


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Gail’s family jumped in.


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And then I did.


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We had another meet scheduled for after this one….the Princesses.


We got in line and Rob said he was just going to watch. As I was standing there a lady with a young girl came up to the CM and asked if there was any way to get her daughter in the line. He told her no, this was for those with tickets only,etc. He told her to go to guest services and ask if they have tickets. She said she did and they don’t. He told her to put her name on a waitlist, and again she said she did and she is on every waitlist possible. LOL. I looked at Gail and she looked at me and at the same time we said…we have an extra ticket! Gail fished out Rob’s ticket and handed it to her and the lady was so happy and so was the little girl. We were happy to spread a little magic!


Abby has a thing about being first, so they were ahead of us.



32528186556_165d36b7ab_z.jpgsail129by Jenseib, on Flickr

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32528186136_83ca32d472_z.jpgsail130by Jenseib, on Flickr


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Violet was behind us. She was so darn cute.


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We came up to Ariel next. We handed the pen and book over and she loved the pen. We have pens with my company name on them and they are shaped like a paintbrush. They are the coolest pens and I always get a good reaction from people when they see them. Ariel was really impressed and we got this look a lot on the trip.



31091886781_c9c60fe2a0_z.jpgseaday29by Jenseib, on Flickr

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Now I had prebought the picture CD package before sailing. I told Claire we had to get at least 2 pictures a day to make it worth it and she grumbled and since today we had gotten so many she was sure she was done for the rest of the trip. LOL. We did get a few more, but I really wish we had gotten more to make it a better deal. I am such a sucker for pictures, but when your kid grumbles, it makes it hard to get the most for your money with the package.


We got a bite of lunch to eat next.


32416752132_3bc46eded9_z.jpgsail150by Jenseib, on Flickr



Again, I sucked at taking food pictures this trip.

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There was a hypnotist onboard and his show was at 2 this afternoon. His name is Ricky Kalmon and this was his only family show. He was only going to be with us for half of the sailing. Many of us went to the show and it was great.We did a lot of laughing and it was so much fun. The one guy was hysterical. They were told to lip sync to Taylor Swifts Shake it Up song. He was doing moves just like he was Taylor and we just diedwith laughter. If he wasn’t really under then he did a good job of faking it.He was doing an adult show another night and we decided we wanted to try and make it. Geoff said he was going to volunteer too.


Then the kids went swimming and I just kind of roamed around.

I was looking at my navigator and found that Goofy was coming out. I quickly ran to the pool and found Rob and asked him if I could take Abby to see Goofy since she really wanted to see him earlier. She quickly got out of the pool and dried off and put her cover up on….which was a handy down from Claire. Abby wore a lot of outfits that Claire wore on her first 2 cruises and I was so happy to see more use of these.


Abby and I went and got in line and were talking. I asked her if she remembered much from the first cruise we all took together and she didn’t. I was surprised. Now she was only 3 then, but we really had a great time and I would have thought some memories would have stuck….but she said no, she couldn’t remember any of it.

After a bit, Gail joined us. She said Rob told her we were here so she wanted to capture the moment too.


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Abby was intrigued with his nose and whiskers and the CM told her not to touch them. I didn’t think she was really being rough, but I guess they don’t want kids doing that and she stopped right away.


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She was very happy with the meet and we headed back to the pool.


32540111036_8c34bcd3b5_z.jpgsail154by Jenseib, on Flickr

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30748057022_e7f7b22ffe_z.jpgseaday13by Jenseib, on Flickr


They did this several times and at one point I went and got my suit on and had to go on with Claire and then Abby too.


And then the girls all went swimming again


Sisters being sisters in the pool.



After a bit I told Claire we needed to go get showered before the show and tonight was formal night. Though we are not super formal,we still wanted to look nice. Gail said she was staying for just a bit more and would send Claire off to our room as soon as they left. That gave me time to go back and shower first and start to get ready.


After a while Claire still had not come and I started messaging her. Finally she came. I think they were just having a lot of fun and no one wanted to leave….but too bad, she needed to get cleaned up.

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Tonight’s show was Aladdin! I was excited to see this one. I knew it was pretty similar to the one at Disneyland, which I loved, only tamed down a bit for a moving cruise ship.


We got our popcorn and found our seats. Amanda fell in love with Aladdin! And I will admit, he was pretty hot! I would tell Amanda…oh this is one of my favorite songs. ….all through the cruise I would do that during the shows…and Amanda started teasing me that I had a lot of favorite songs.


At the end I took a few quick cell pictures on my phone.


32190517230_29c9c9496e_z.jpgsail141by Jenseib, on Flickr


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It was fantastic. We really enjoyed it.


Abby enjoyed the streamers that fell at the end too.



After the show we went back to the room to leave the popcorn buckets and our towel animal was out.



32416758412_7203e75251_z.jpgsail143by Jenseib, on Flickr

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