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Back from Infinity Alaska cruise July9th-16th what a mess

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Just arrived back in Uk from Vancouver & Infinity. We escaped from it on Sunday thank goodness! There were many people very ill, including myself and we were on honeymoon!! got married on the ship on July 9th, first few days OK but then things just got worse and worse. Complaint letters to celebrity will be written. Their hygiene standards are not as good as other lines ( P & O & Princess) so it's no wonder it spread like wild fire. The hospital were running short on medical supplies by Saturday. Then they kept us in the port for 2 hours after we got off the ship -total cock-up! Grrrrh..... never sail with Celebrity again. Would be interested to hear from others with similar problems.


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I was treated in the hospital on Thursday morning and given an injection of Phenergan. Bactrum tablets to take and Imodium as well as Gatorade. They said to stay in the cabin for 24 hours but nobody followed up to see if I had recovered. Neither were we provided with any sort of disinfectant to use in the washroom of the cabin. Fortunately my husband did not catch it. I returned to the hospital on Saturday morning to find out what the injection was and for more Gatorade. The nurse had to sift through hundres of forms to find mine so it was pretty obvious that a lot of people had been ill. She also could only give me 1 sachet of Gatorade as they were running low. It was an epidemic! We were supposedly disembarked early as we were in Concierge Class cabins but it appeared that most of the other passengers in our Brown 1 group were or had been ill. We were queueing in a corridor for over an hour and I asked what for but the security guard just shook her head. An hour later and I was really dehydrated, burning up. There were no washrooms or water facilites. When I pushed to the front of the queue to find out what we were queueing for I was told it was for taxis. We were walking to our hotel just 2 minutes away1 I was furious and the security gurard would not let me through so I had to shout at her to find out who was in charge from the cruuise terminal/Celebrity Cruises. She let me cross the taxi/coach roadway to a woman in blue who still insisted that we remain in the corridor. When asked why she could only say to wait for taxis- I screamed at her that we didn't need taxis same as many other passengers there. By now people started to surge forward also shouting so she told the security guard 'to let them go'. our luggage was there already and had been for some time. An absolute disgrace. I shall be writing to Celebrity when I'm feeling a little better to complain - cattle would be treated better.

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Oh dear, that sounds horrible. I'm really apprehensive about going on any cruise, but going on Infinity this weekend. I'm really scared now. I'm not sure what to do. It doesn't sound like a ship I want to be on. :confused:




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I was treated in the hospital on Thursday morning and given an injection of Phenergan. Bactrum tablets to take and Imodium as well as Gatorade. They said to stay in the cabin for 24 hours but nobody followed up to see if I had recovered. Neither were we provided with any sort of disinfectant to use in the washroom of the cabin. Fortunately my husband did not catch it. I returned to the hospital on Saturday morning to find out what the injection was and for more Gatorade. The nurse had to sift through hundres of forms to find mine so it was pretty obvious that a lot of people had been ill. She also could only give me 1 sachet of Gatorade as they were running low. It was an epidemic! We were supposedly disembarked early as we were in Concierge Class cabins but it appeared that most of the other passengers in our Brown 1 group were or had been ill. We were queueing in a corridor for over an hour and I asked what for but the security guard just shook her head. An hour later and I was really dehydrated, burning up. There were no washrooms or water facilites. When I pushed to the front of the queue to find out what we were queueing for I was told it was for taxis. We were walking to our hotel just 2 minutes away1 I was furious and the security gurard would not let me through so I had to shout at her to find out who was in charge from the cruuise terminal/Celebrity Cruises. She let me cross the taxi/coach roadway to a woman in blue who still insisted that we remain in the corridor. When asked why she could only say to wait for taxis- I screamed at her that we didn't need taxis same as many other passengers there. By now people started to surge forward also shouting so she told the security guard 'to let them go'. our luggage was there already and had been for some time. An absolute disgrace. I shall be writing to Celebrity when I'm feeling a little better to complain - cattle would be treated better.



Thats sounds like an absolute nightmare!

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Hope you have a better cruise than we did. This weeks cruise is also messed up. We missed Sitka which we had been really looking forward to so in the end I was on ths ship for 5 days. We were at sea for 2 days and missed the Inside Passage on the way back. Make sure that you are due to do the full cruise itinerary before you go. It must be a hard decision thou! we were married on the ship on July 9th and had a lovely first few days but then things went badly wrong. Honeymoon ruined! The ship's webacm appears to show it in the Hubbard Glacier on Wednesday and Juneau yesterday but at open sea again today so looks like they are cutting a port out and cruising open seas rather than the Inside Passage. Boring! make sure where they plan to take you before you board.

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Hope you have a better cruise than we did. This weeks cruise is also messed up. We missed Sitka which we had been really looking forward to so in the end I was on ths ship for 5 days. We were at sea for 2 days and missed the Inside Passage on the way back. Make sure that you are due to do the full cruise itinerary before you go. It must be a hard decision thou! we were married on the ship on July 9th and had a lovely first few days but then things went badly wrong. Honeymoon ruined! The ship's webacm appears to show it in the Hubbard Glacier on Wednesday and Juneau yesterday but at open sea again today so looks like they are cutting a port out and cruising open seas rather than the Inside Passage. Boring! make sure where they plan to take you before you board.

I think the itinerary had been changed - they are supposed to be in Ketchikan today from 2pm-10pm. That is what I was told by a Ketchikan shop keeper. I believe the only port they're missing is also Sitka.


Sorry your honeymoon was ruined!

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Oh dear, that sounds horrible. I'm really apprehensive about going on any cruise, but going on Infinity this weekend. I'm really scared now. I'm not sure what to do. It doesn't sound like a ship I want to be on. :confused:





I completely agree. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't read these boards. Maybe I should just walk away and think positive thoughts. :confused:


Bonbon, will you please post from the ship and give us an update sometime while you are on it? I would be eternally grateful. You can email me direct if it's cheaper. My address is chefkstorm at charter dot net. I will be happy to post what you write. I would think it would take less minutes to email than it does to post on the boards. I will copy and paste exactly what you say and post it here.

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I completely agree. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't read these boards. Maybe I should just walk away and think positive thoughts. :confused:


Bonbon, will you please post from the ship and give us an update sometime while you are on it? I would be eternally grateful. You can email me direct if it's cheaper. My address is chefkstorm at charter dot net. I will be happy to post what you write. I would think it would take less minutes to email than it does to post on the boards. I will copy and paste exactly what you say and post it here.

My husband doesn't want me reading the boards anymore either. He says I'm making him paranoid with all my horrible stories I'm coming home with. I think I'll try take his advice. BTW - someone posted that the ship doctor was giving out Phenergan to pax (it helps with nauseaus), I just left my DR a message to see if she'll give me any to take. I am also taking Clorox wipes, Lysol Spray and tons of hand sanitzer. I think you all should too! Hose your cabin down as soon as you get on! Let's all try positive thoughts and find another hobby other the CC until we get back from our trips :-)

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My husband doesn't want me reading the boards anymore either. He says I'm making him paranoid with all my horrible stories I'm coming home with. I think I'll try take his advice. BTW - someone posted that the ship doctor was giving out Phenergan to pax (it helps with nauseaus), I just left my DR a message to see if she'll give me any to take. I am also taking Clorox wipes, Lysol Spray and tons of hand sanitzer. I think you all should too! Hose your cabin down as soon as you get on! Let's all try positive thoughts and find another hobby other the CC until we get back from our trips :-)


Watch out for the lysol spray on the airplane. It is aerosal you know ;) . Too much and they bust you! I'm thinking clorox wipes. I'm going to wipe down all the door handles for sure. I hate to go too crazy!

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I completely agree. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't read these boards. Maybe I should just walk away and think positive thoughts. :confused:


Bonbon, will you please post from the ship and give us an update sometime while you are on it? I would be eternally grateful. You can email me direct if it's cheaper. My address is chefkstorm at charter dot net. I will be happy to post what you write. I would think it would take less minutes to email than it does to post on the boards. I will copy and paste exactly what you say and post it here.



I will be sure to let you know how it is. I plan on buying some internet time to stay in contact with home, so, I'll be sure to give all who are interested a daily update. Does anyone have a hazmat suit I can borrow? Might put a damper on my formal though......

suit3.jpgThese suits are disposable, maybe they should give them out before boarding......;)




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I will be sure to let you know how it is. I plan on buying some internet time to stay in contact with home, so, I'll be sure to give all who are interested a daily update. Does anyone have a hazmat suit I can borrow? Might put a damper on my formal though......

suit3.jpgThese suits are disposable, maybe they should give them out before boarding......;)




I nearly wet myself - great one BonBon!! I'm signing off for the weekend - have a great cruise!!! Talk to you in a week!


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ONE LAST TIP! My doctor just called back and gave me a script for Phenergan. She also said to take Pepto Bismol as there is a very strong ingredient that makes quick work of tummy bugs. And of course the Immodium. Have fun!

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Ok bonbon


I guess we still have to go??


Well, we can hang out together in our suits, like the one you posted. We can run around like MONK. Does anyone else love that TV show. We love it. Well, he is a fanatic about not touching people or door knobs, or shaking hands, well, maybe I will become MONK for the cruise.


bbro-You are so right about wiping everything down with the clorox wipes. I think I will bring some of those along too.


You know another thing I don't think every gets disenfected, are the TV remote controls. Your hands touch them, and do they get wiped down????


Oh, the more I think about this, I am starting to make myself sick.


Maybe I too better quit reading this....I tell myself I will quit, and then about an hour later, I just can't help myself, and I have to look and see what else is out there... Crazy...

WEll, bonbon, we can sit and wipe down everything around us, and our hands, and just laugh and laugh.....

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Okay, here is one...

I was telling DH all that I have been reading.. And he just laughed and said, well, instead of all the hand wipes... maybe we should just pack along a box of latex gloves.. And we could just touch everything with those on...LOL

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ONE LAST TIP! My doctor just called back and gave me a script for Phenergan. She also said to take Pepto Bismol as there is a very strong ingredient that makes quick work of tummy bugs. And of course the Immodium. Have fun!


In theory one can take propholactic pepto but it can give you constipation. When I travel to Latin America I've always been told to take pepto prophlactically but never have, I am just careful what I eat/drink and i'm happy to say i've never gotten sick traveling.


Also, there is a test to see what you have but it requires a stool sample and i doubt the ship has the labs for it.


Just be villagant and wash your hands wash your hands and wash your hands!

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I'll see you on the cruise minniemom!! We'll have to make the best of it!! Who knows...it might be great. Maybe the ship won't list, the propulsion system might not break, and we might not get violently ill!! I'm hoping that's how it goes.

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While Clorox wipes will disinfect what is or has been in your cabin, it won't protect you from the rest of the ship! Not only would you have to disinfect everything you touch, it would have to be disinfected after everyone else touched it, every time someone touched it.


Keep your hands washed, make use of the hand sanitizers if you must eat in the buffet, don't touch any surfaces that are touched by others (elevator buttons, handrails, counter tops, bathroom doors) don't shake hands with anyone. It all sounds a little too paranoid to me.


Celebrity isn't the only ship plagued by Norovirus, it can happen on any ship. The virus is passed on by other people, not the ship itself.


To the OP, I'm sorry you got sick on your vacation, what a drag. I'm sorry you had a rough time with your travels home, we all want it to be perfect, but sometimes it just doesn't work out that way. I hope that soon you can put the bad memories behind you and only remember the good times you had during your trip.


To Welshlady, why do you feel you have to scream at people to get results? I've been in the same predicament (in line, not knowing what was happening) and have politely asked questions and have been politely answered. I know it can be frustrating, but the guards at the gates have not caused your problems. I've disembarked in Vancouver several times, there are clearly marked signs for the taxi lines and for directions to the city exit. I always try to keep in mind that treating other people (especially those who are there to help me) rudely can ruin their day and make them, in turn, treat others badly. A vicious circle. Please be nice, if more people are nice to each other it is a much more pleasant world to be in.

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I did ask nicely several times to be shrugged off with a don't know attittude. I asked for toilet facilities and water and the guard just said she was doing her job. other people shouted at her too to try and get some help. It was only when I shouted at her for some attention for the sick people and that we did not want taxis then she looked a bit confused but still told us to get back! I then asked her who was in charge and she pointed me to the lady in blue but she too was condescending and tried telling me she knew how I felt and just to wait. I don't think she was aware that we had been ina corridor for 2 hours and seemed to think we all wanted taxis. She would not do anything though until I shouted at her and then she crossed over to the queue to see what was happening. Other people shouted - i can assure you that if you had been trapped in a line barely moving for 2 hours, feeling really ill, with no announcements or explanations then you would have felt like shouting! I'm a very patient, polite person but........!! It was a total mess, just abandoned by Celebrity.

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To Clebrity Cruiser 13 - I would love to hear from you with your experiences. Have you contacted Celebrity since you arrived home? It would be interesting to know how you got on. Could you email me direct perhaps? I shall give you my email address if you're interested. Cheers, Judith

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What's going on with Celebrity and this constant virus popping up? my parents just got back from Alaska July 9-16th same time, but on Holland America, and they had a glorious time and absolutely no virus on board their ship. I know it can happen anywhere on any ship, but it does seem a bit often lately on Celebrity. I have to admit I am a bit concerned since we sail on Mercury in Jan. 07, guess I'll be bringing my hand sanitizer and keeping it with me the entire cruise.


Actually, according to the CDC there have been more instances of the virus on Holland American this year than on Celebrity.



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To Clebrity Cruiser 13 - I would love to hear from you with your experiences. Have you contacted Celebrity since you arrived home? It would be interesting to know how you got on. Could you email me direct perhaps? I shall give you my email address if you're interested. Cheers, Judith


Sure, I could email you.

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I was on the Infinity in April and had to see the ships doctors 3 times and what a nightmare. I felt they were totally incompetent to the fact that I bought medicine myself for treatment when I went to Costa Rica. I was charged $600 for the three calls and they wanted me to come back again I told them I was not coming to that clinic again. I had an infected cyst and they didn't have a clue as I was e-mailing my husband at home and he was calling our doctor to tell me what they should do. All they wanted to do was give me IV anti-biotics and I wouldn't let them. Totally incompetent is the only way and I hope nobody has to ever go there.


Just a little piece of information if you purchased travel insurance it will re-imburse you for your doctor visits onboard just in case your own health insurance won't.

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Thanks for replying. My email is jjones147@hotmail.com. I've just rung Celebrity in the UK but was told to ring back between 9-5 Monday - Friday so I shall try again tomorrow but the man did say that most complaints can be dealt with in the UK. I don't blame Celebrity for making me so ill it was just the way we were treated. I'd love to hear more from you,



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