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Calling Curt ... Need Help oh Hubby's Suit


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Ok ... Bill wants a new suit for this cruise and I said I would help ... but I am so helpless with mens clothes ... Curt I am begging you here

Here is a picture of him in the usual suit .. I like it but we are both a bit tired of it



And here is the tux .. which will not be changed but you get the way he looks in light and dark



I have had they eyes and brow re-done since these photos .. so ignore the old broad and concentrate on the guy :)


Suggestions please ??



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Ok ... Bill wants a new suit for this cruise and I said I would help ... but I am so helpless with mens clothes ... Curt I am begging you here

Here is a picture of him in the usual suit .. I like it but we are both a bit tired of it



And here is the tux .. which will not be changed but you get the way he looks in light and dark



I have had they eyes and brow re-done since these photos .. so ignore the old broad and concentrate on the guy

Suggestions please ??



No need to beg...:p

I'm here to help in whatever way that I can...

In the meantime (sidenote) you have the Little Romance thread, I answered back regarding the movie in that thread, because especially you said that you were both together in 7th grade...

If you haven't seen it, then you must...;)

Okay, "old broad" is cute, but if I must I will concentrate on the guy...

That being said...

It is kind of difficult, doing this over "The Internets", but I'm more than happy to try (and I seem to be doing well with other people):D

So, from the pictures, I think I know his "colors", seems like a Winter, or at least a Summer, but they're close enough...

Here's my personal opinions on what I do, and just putting it out there, and then we'll work from there...

I think that is is better to get a good quality "classic" men's suit that will fit the guy, and that they could use for years, rather than spend money on inexpensive suits that will wear out or get "old" for that same amount of cost to time ratio.

So, just to start me off on trying to help, I still need more info:

#1 What is his height, weight, and chest, shoulder, and waist size (and waist is his waist, not his stomach)?

#2 Even with a suit, what is his "personality" or job type (occupation), as this makes a big difference on where he could get the most use out of a great perfect suit for him.

#3 What is your ideal budget range? Without knowing, my personal experience is that it is better to pay a bit for for a well made suit, that will last and be "classic" yet, "updateable" for about 10 years, as opposed to buying inexpensive suits that will have fall apart or have to be updated/rebought every 3 or 4 years.

There are some really good designer suit labels that have sales, and good prices, but it depends on your budget idea, and also where I could tell you to "try".

(And that also depends on his size and dimensions regarding what suit deisgners would be best for him specifially).

That being said, you (and he) will be stunned and amazed at how good he looks and feels, when finding the "right" designer for him.

It makes a world of difference.

It also all depends on what you want to acheive and use this new suit for...

Not only the cruise, but what other kinds of events could or would he wear this?

I know, I know, a lot of questions, but I need it in order to comfortably start helping you.

I'm here when you get back to me.


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First of all .. Sighing with relief that you said classic .. now


#1 What is his height, weight, and chest, shoulder, and waist size (and waist is his waist, not his stomach)?

He is 6'2 he weighs about 165 .. and now I am stumped .. but it is evenly distributed .. never gains an ounce or and inch damn him

#2 Even with a suit, what is his "personality" or job type (occupation), as this makes a big difference on where he could get the most use out of a great perfect suit for him.

Ok now this is fun question .. His personality is whacky but then when I tell you he invents farm equipment and water conservation equipment perhaps you will understand ... But he grew up in a very formal ( albeit not to affluent but trying to be home ) and has the most impeccable maners I have ever encountered in a man.

#3 What is your ideal budget range? Without knowing, my personal experience is that it is better to pay a bit for for a well made suit, that will last and be "classic" yet, "updateable" for about 10 years, as opposed to buying inexpensive suits that will have fall apart or have to be updated/rebought every 3 or 4 years.


The budget is pretty open ended here .. can we keep it under Between $750 and $1000 ?

There are some really good designer suit labels that have sales, and good prices, but it depends on your budget idea, and also where I could tell you to "try".

(And that also depends on his size and dimensions regarding what suit deisgners would be best for him specifially).

That being said, you (and he) will be stunned and amazed at how good he looks and feels, when finding the "right" designer for him.

It makes a world of difference.

It also all depends on what you want to acheive and use this new suit for...

Not only the cruise, but what other kinds of events could or would he wear this?

It will pretty much sit in the closet most of the year although we are planning to start cruising a couple of times a year now .. but most of the time we both work at home in our mucho casual clothes .. We do dress to go out to dinner sometimes .. but in Portland that is usually not really a suit ..


Oh and By the Way .. I love that movie :)

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Hi Kathy,


Hope you and Curt don't mind me jumping in with a couple of thoughts.


One brand I suggest is Ermangildo Zegna. That's really high quality suit. They're often in the $1200 - $1500 range but DH and I always find them on sale in the $900 - $1000. range.

Curt may have some other brand suggestions.


Something in navy, some rich fabric with a little surface interest?


Happy shopping. You and DH are an adorable couple!

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Thanks Jane ...


I actually had Navy in mind too .. but as I said I am not all that good at the guy clothes thing .. and the man lives in 501 levi's and Corduroy shirts .. so All I get to pick is the shirt colors .. but hey on an everyday basis he is easy to shop for :)

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Hope you and Curt don't mind me jumping in with a couple of thoughts.

Absolutely jump in Jane110!

Even though you and I are very different in our personal style, we seem to have a really good crossover on recommending for other people...:)

I've been really swamped and busy, but trying to "catch up" on postings, but (I've actually got a bunch of specifics...), I was already thinking either navy or some kind of cool grey...

I'll get onto more specifics after this (please bear with me...).


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Hey I'm still working tonight and trying to check things and post in the meantime....

First of all I wrote this thread because of you...

So check it in general...


Then I'll get back to you hopefully tonight or Friday, as far as specifics...

I have a bunch, so again, bear with me...


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Getting back (apologizing again, I'm swampy with work...)

#1 You got my advice in general on Men's Suits from the thread that I wrote for you (but I'm sure other ladies shopping or guys will appreciate the info)....

#2 You're in Oregon, so I'm not sure what stores are around you that you are going to be shopping at...

(If you are close or available to shop in Las Vegas or LA, that's better). Las Vegas is actually a MECCA for men's suit/designer shopping for good prices. I actually bought my own personal last designer suit in Vegas, because they had more options there than their Beverly Hills/Los Angeles store, and it was $200 less expensive, and fit me better!

Score for me, but also just letting people know that ...

Look around, you can find great designers, and great suits for less if you are wise and look around...

Okay, I have to get back to a phone call (work - Oi!), but I'm getting back to you on some specifics after this...


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Okay, trying to post some ideas...

#1 I'm really going with Gunmetal grey or Navy for him, what's current now and will be useful for years coming up...

#2 One of these would also be a great versatile option for him to wear just the jacket with jeans on a nicer casual night out...

#3 He needs something that is not a "fussy" uptight wall street type designer. He needs something that is a little more "slouchy" (that's a good fashion word, it's not a bad thing).

That being said..

One to look for and try first...

Marc Jacobs or especially Marc by Marc Jacobs which is more affordable and a little more "down to earth"...

Available at department stores like Nordstroms, etc.

Here's an example of Marc by Marc Jacobs, what I'm thinking of:



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If your budget is pretty open ended, may I suggest a custom made suit.


My DH has all his suits and shirts custom made. You can choose the fabric, color, cut, style, etc etc and the fit should be perfect.


Think Saville Row all their suits to the best of my knowledge are custom made to measure.


I just thought I'd add that to possible options for you.

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Great suggestions and great looks !!!! Good news, Oregon is more cosmopolitan than you might think.. we do have Nordstroms and Saks and a men's store called Marios that features quite a few designer labels one of which I noticed was Z Zegna .. so I do have some shopping options .. Now to drag him out of the house !!!


I really appreciate all the trouble you went to Curt !!!!!!

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(Oh and before I forget NO PLEATED PANTS - flat front only for him


This is so hilarious .. because I bought him some pleated slacks once .. and they are still in the closet .. HE HATED THEM!!!!!!!!


So yep you got him pegged!!!

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Keep us updated and post what's going on...

It's a little difficult to do this over "The Internets", but I do think that I have him "pegged" in a good way...

I just wish that I could go shopping with you both!:D

I'm just thinking for his size, shape, coloring, job life, and personality, he's going to be better with some of the more "slouchy" and less "fussy" designer suits...

More versatile for him in the long run...

But you never know until he actually goes in there and tries the suits on...

Just be sure, that they are close to fitting well and looking good and are "comfortable" on him from first fit.

There should not be major "tailoring" needed...

Keep trying until you find one or two designers that are really close to fitting him right off the rack.

Then remember those lines...

(That being said, for example, Jane110 actually mentioned Ermangildo Zegna in a previous post...

Well, the Z Zegna line - Z by Zegna - is the "more relaxed" version of his suit line, so we're thinking alike...)

I just think your guy is going to be better in one of the more "relaxed" suit designer lines, based on his build and personality...

Please let us know what you end up finding that works for him!


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Well .... First I must thank you for making me a smarter shopper !!!!!!! It appears that he will never wear a Zegna suit ... everything is wrong about the cut the drop the etc etc etc.


However !!!!!!!!


Hugo Boss ....... now those are some great suits !!!


And remember what I said about how we did have some great stores here .. well ... OK .. we do and Saks tried really hard .. but it appears that we really need to go to a Hugo Boss store. So, we are going to try to make time to go to the one in SF while we are in Calif this weekend and if not .. Seattle has one too.


BTW .. What do you think about double breasted ?? I can't find a way to send the link because it is in Flash .. but if you go to Hugo Boss .. then the black collection and look at the last picture you will see what I mean.

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Ok, so I am not a suit expert, but I'm not a big fan of that double breasted suit you mentioned. IMHO, it looks too much like a overcoat, rather than a suit jacket. But I guess it depends on your hubby's taste. As long as he's happy then who cares?! :D

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Well .... First I must thank you for making me a smarter shopper !!!!!!! It appears that he will never wear a Zegna suit ... everything is wrong about the cut the drop the etc etc etc.

I am SO glad to hear that!:D It makes such a big difference!

However !!!!!!!! Hugo Boss ....... now those are some great suits !!!

Did he try some of those on, and they fit well? If so, then you have a definite starting point.

And remember what I said about how we did have some great stores here .. well ... OK .. we do and Saks tried really hard .. but it appears that we really need to go to a Hugo Boss store. So, we are going to try to make time to go to the one in SF while we are in Calif this weekend and if not .. Seattle has one too.

You will go insane, you'll be like a kid in a candy store!:p

BTW .. What do you think about double breasted ?? I can't find a way to send the link because it is in Flash .. but if you go to Hugo Boss .. then the black collection and look at the last picture you will see what I mean.

I was just reading an article on how double breasted suits are coming back. I love the fabric on that suit, and it's funny as it's very fashion forward but also very classic at the same time...

Now here are some guidelines for double breasted suits:

#1 They really look best on tall slim guys. (Think David Letterman, who made this a signature look for himself).

#2 They are actually a little more "formal" and "dressy" than a regular suit.

But, that one for example, could also be paired with jeans and a light turtleneck for a more casual look.

#3 Always keep the buttons buttoned, unless you are sitting down.

#4 He will have to try it on...

Once it is on him, then it's going to be either instant , so "not roight"; or it's going to be fantastic. There will be no middle ground on that, so you know it immediately.

I'm so glad to hear that you're learning, as he will never look and feel better, as when you find that "right" suit designer that "fits".

Thanks for the update!:D


PS I'm trying to find a way to save it or link it but can't figure it out yet...:(

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I hope that you're doing well, I know that the continuation and next "chapters" of your "Little Romance" story are going to be great!:D

(I've seen some of of your dresses in other posts, and between the two of you - you are such an obviously loving, good looking, and smartly dressed couple - I congratulate you both on everything!)

Now, just going to back...

Yes, my sources and information are correct...

(Just for you or anyone else's curiosity)...

Doublebreasted suits are making a strong comeback...

Here are a couple of pictures from an upcoming fashion spread with actor Hayden Christiansen (from Star Wars), where the entire article and spread is about old classic men's suit styles that are coming back in new updated ways, so that they are classic and current at the same time....

And the suit in the article that is featured on the front cover and inside is...

A double breasted suit (Navy from Ralph Lauren)...

Again, it's either going to work on your man or not (just make sure when he tries it on, that you always have to tailor the waist so that it fits), but you'll know...

Just thought I'd present some pics and backup info...

The great suit search continues...

I just know that when you find that correct designer for him, it's going to be great!



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