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Brilliance just okay.

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I would have been at the Meet and Mingle if.....I remembered what day it was on... If I got the invitation......If the desk would not have told me they don't handle Cruise Critic stuff, when I called them to see when it was...... I gave the two gifts to my cabin steward.



I am not posting for sympathy. I am posting because:


1. Some Mod has decided to delete my posts, and they will not answer my e-mail to explain why.


2. Way to many posts saying how great it was.


I'm glad they took care of Marilyn. Liability had nothing to do with it.

A lot of older people were having trouble walking around the ship

because of the way it was rolling the first few days.



Ephraim, you and Yves should have gotten in the Love and Marriage game. That might have woke Ashley up.


Alex is like me. If we took this board to seriously, we be jumping overboard. Oh yeah, haven't two people done that off Brilliance already.



This place is fun and informative, but it if you don't tow the company line the marshmellows come out.

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I would have been at the Meet and Mingle if.....I remembered what day it was on... If I got the invitation......If the desk would not have told me they don't handle Cruise Critic stuff, when I called them to see when it was...... I gave the two gifts to my cabin steward.



I am not posting for sympathy. I am posting because:


1. Some Mod has decided to delete my posts, and they will not answer my e-mail to explain why.


2. Way to many posts saying how great it was.


I'm glad they took care of Marilyn. Liability had nothing to do with it.

A lot of older people were having trouble walking around the ship

because of the way it was rolling the first few days.


Ephraim, you and Yves should have gotten in the Love and Marriage game. That might have woke Ashley up.


Alex is like me. If we took this board to seriously, we be jumping overboard. Oh yeah, haven't two people done that off Brilliance already.


This place is fun and informative, but it if you don't tow the company line the marshmellows come out.


I don't know why they removed your comments. Maybe they felt it didn't belong in a roll call and they don't have a way to split messages out. I help run a message board and I know that sometimes you have to make a hard call.... only difference is that I immediately send the person a note if it's warranted.


In any case, I do appreciate that you wrote your feelings and as I said, please send them to RCL. They really do need to hear them.


I actually wrote a letter to RCL about the Love and Marriage Game. It wasn't Ashley's doing, it was Brent, the assistant CD. I'm sorry, but I'm not about to degrade myself by playing Tarzan and Jane. And after all that, they could have taken both of the couples that stood up. Brent also played favourites at the Quest. (I'm being kind, because I think it was out and out discrimination on his part, but it's really not the place to have such a discussion.) Yves and I put ourselves out there to enjoy ourselves just like any other couple on the ship and I have to say that until the incident with Brent, it was as welcoming a reception as we have had elsewhere.


I also wrote to RCL about the Meet and Mingle thing. It was horrible that they didn't deliver the invitations clearly. They should have been left on the bed or been left on the door. We had received ours, but only because MACOP told me to look for it and we found it on the desk, hidden next to our laptop. It really was a shame that more people didn't make it to the Meet and Mingle.


Maybe RCL should also post a message on the bulletin board for the Meet and Mingle so that people can walk over and see when and where it is. Maybe that's a suggestion we should send to RCL for the future, collectively.


I have to admit that the Murder Mystery thing worked out wonderfully and it left a lot of us with some great memories. Neither Ellen nor Norma, who solved the mystery, has said a word about their prizes. I think that one or two people weren't happy about being called by their character name for the rest of the cruise. No one seemed to call me Estoban for the rest of the trip. Still want people to send me more pictures. I'll add them to my Picasa, so that others can get them as well. The more pictures, the better. And people can add comments and names for those names that I missed.

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I would have been at the Meet and Mingle if.....I remembered what day it was on... If I got the invitation......If the desk would not have told me they don't handle Cruise Critic stuff, when I called them to see when it was...... I gave the two gifts to my cabin steward.


I am not posting for sympathy. I am posting because:


2. Way to many posts saying how great it was.



Which indicates that way to many people had way too much fun on a cruise that you didn't......and this is disturbing to you.:(


I'm sorry that you had a bad cruising experience.........but remember, each ship is different as is the itinerary and where you are sailing.


As far as your missing the M&M, the time and date was posted on your roll call thread and you should have written down the information and put it with your travel docs. Guest Relations has nothing to do with setting up the M&M on the ship.......next time seek out the C&A Loyalty Ambassador. Invitations are notorious for being delivered late or not being delivered at all.

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Sure things can go wrong. Every cruise we take with Royal Caribbean and Celebrity has some issues, but we still love these lines:

- broken toilet

- sewage smell

- no cruise compass

- ghostbills on account



I have NEVER complained, you know why? Our expectationlevel is just normal, not high, just oke. This is our attitude, so at the end of our cruises we remember our vacations as being very good/perfect.


I don't complain when the steward forgets the compass, I'll get one by myself. It can happen, those people work very hard.

Our account had some very strange bills on it. I went to the relationsdesk 2 times before the error was fixed. OK, they had to fix it the first time, but people can make mistakes. I wasn't mad, it just can happen. So is life. This sort of things never ruin my cruise of landvacation. Some people do complain, write a letter, mail the CEO and spoil the rest of the cruise for themselfs. I really don't understand this behaviour.


Don't let some minor issues ruin a vacation. Nobody wants to ruin your cruise, not the cruiseline, not (most) of the passengers. They are doing their best for you, and well....sometimes they can't reach the expectationlevel of some passengers.

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As far as your missing the M&M, the time and date was posted on your roll call thread and you should have written down the information and put it with your travel docs. Guest Relations has nothing to do with setting up the M&M on the ship.......next time seek out the C&A Loyalty Ambassador. Invitations are notorious for being delivered late or not being delivered at all.


Actually, in this case, he is correct. They changed the time and location. Invitations, when delivered were left on desktops and many people did not see them.


I agree, the Meet and Mingle was a mess on RCL's part. I only knew about it because MACOP told me. And I told a few others as well. It is a shame though.

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Actually, in this case, he is correct. They changed the time and location. Invitations, when delivered were left on desktops and many people did not see them.


I agree, the Meet and Mingle was a mess on RCL's part. I only knew about it because MACOP told me. And I told a few others as well. It is a shame though.

Well, that was really too bad that they changed it..........but that does happen. The larger the group, the larger the place that they have to find to accommodate everyone comfortably.


It looks like a lot of things went wrong on this cruise for you guys and it all started with the bad weather that made many staff and crew miss the ship. Sometimes you have to make the best of a bad situation..........at least the ship left Miami and you all got a 13 day cruise.

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At time of 24 hour news program the words just got bigger and more bombastic, believe me we live with 5 day's of pre hurricane broadcasting.

Fantastic: first date with my wife.

Amazing: the day my son was born.

The rest is good , very good , average, or bad. Only the little extra things is what make a cruise very good and that was missing from this cruise. they did what is expected but nothing else.

Before we book a ship we look at review from other passengers and see lots off 5 star rating, I only read the 3 and 4 star ratings to find out what to avoid.

We don't join a pre cruise group, we make friend as we go along. We are well traveled in our late fifties and do most off the tours on our own.

Hop I explain myself.

The piano singer was really bad, but after 3 drinks he sound AMAZING.


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As you can see I only have 365 post in 3 years. I only post when answering a question or in M/M threads on cruise I'm taking. I guess if Cruise Critic and RCI were my life, I would attack naysayers too.


Another problem with the Brilliance.


Alex asked the Captain, why the weather satellite image was not on the TV system at the Captain's Q & A session.A very good question. The Captain shot back:"I don't know".

He got his laugh from the audience, but they should have got Alex's cabin number and given him a real answer and if they would add it in the future.


A related beef was that the ship tracking image with the course and speed on the TV stopped working during the cruise. I figured they would fix it. Finally, after a couple of days and still not fixed. I called the desk, who stated they would make the proper notification. They fixed it by shutting it off completely.

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No hostility felt. Just had trouble ordering food sometimes. Looking at Barcelona'a Olympic sites, I see no problems with Chicago getting the nod. Rio would be a shoo in, if crime wasn't so bad there.

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Well, that was really too bad that they changed it..........but that does happen. The larger the group, the larger the place that they have to find to accommodate everyone comfortably.


The group size was the same as when they posted the M/M date, time, and location online. They had it down for 5 or 6th sea day at the Hollywood Oddesy at 1300. They changed everything, thereby the honus was on them to make the proper notifications. Thanks Emphraim, I was kinda blaming myself for missing it. Now I know they screwed up. RCI has been doing M/Ms for how long?? Thats why there are well managed ships, and the lower tier like the BOS.

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I just had to weigh in on this one. It seems, on this board, whenever someone expresses that they had a bad experience, a lot of people jump all over them saying it was their attitude, their expectations, etc. I love RCCL as much as the next person but, believe it or not, there are things that go wrong. Some of them can be overlooked and some can ruin a cruise. Not everyone on a ship will have the same experience as we don't all deal with the same issues, the same staff, the same activities, or the same people.


A couple of years ago I had a HORRIBLE experience on Jewel. This does not mean I think the entire staff, ship, or cruiseline is bad. In fact the others in our group all had great experiences. The isssues were specific to a major problem with our cabin, how this was handled, and numerous subsequent issues that came up as a result of switching cabins. On an 8 day cruise I had to visit GR no less than 14 times. Did I want to??? NO. Unfortunately, it was the only way to gain access back into my cabin, to check my Seapass account, to get my C&A invite and my shore excursion tickets etc. You get the idea. Some staff was great and some was awful. Of course this experience colors my memories of this cruise. That doesn't meaned it was completely ruined, but it certainly wasn't great.


It is highly possible the OP had a bad experience despite the great experience of others. That doesn't make the OP or the cruiseline wrong. It means **** happens. That's life.


Please respect everyone who has something to say whether it's positive or negative!! Otherwise, what's the point of discussion?

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A related beef was that the ship tracking image with the course and speed on the TV stopped working during the cruise. I figured they would fix it. Finally, after a couple of days and still not fixed. I called the desk, who stated they would make the proper notification. They fixed it by shutting it off completely.


Someone mentioned that when reading reviews they focus on the 3 and 4 stars and discount the 5s, 2s and 1s. I think this is sound advice...eliminate the cheerleaders and the whiners and you'l likely get a more accurate assessment. I was trying to apply that logic to this entire thread, but I just can't help myself here...this was really a beef? I know...different strokes for different folks...but the tracking system stopped working and you actually called the desk? Maybe I am reading too much into your statement, but you did say "beef", which to me ranks way ahead of disappointment or inconvenience on the "just OK crusie scale". Full disclosure, my first cruise is coming up in June, but I've been on many flights that had these things and I just don't see the draw...and I imagine the the image on the airplane changes a lot faster! You could look at the ship's tracking image for an hour and not be able to notice a change...having said that, I'm beginning to think that the comment was a troll...must have been...please tell me it was a troll....

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NOAA have a satellite pic of the Atlantic, it shows clouds , rain and movement of fronts, I asked the captain to transfer it to the cabin tvNav page ( He got it on the bridge display) so we can see to the weather around us on the crossing, NCl did it on our previous crossing. He said he will check it out...nothing .


No trolling here.


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The pool tables were great and not crowded, but rumor has it they cost $100,000. They could spend a couple hundred to change the cloth and rails so that all the leveling hardware would make a difference. You could hit the center diamond from one corner and the ball would come back at you. It looks like the original cloth, worn out but clean..

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NOAA have a satellite pic of the Atlantic, it shows clouds , rain and movement of fronts, I asked the captain to transfer it to the cabin tvNav page ( He got it on the bridge display) so we can see to the weather around us on the crossing, NCl did it on our previous crossing. He said he will check it out...nothing .


No trolling here.


I would think that information like that should be kept on the bridge and only should concern the Captain and his staff. I certainly wouldn't want to know about any really bad weather while I'm at sea. What are you trying to start............mass panic.......where weather is concerned.


I can see it all now............Guest Relations being plummeted with calls because some pax saw some rather strange green spots on a channel on their TV!


It's bad enough when you see those awful blue bags all over the place. I think that should be enough warning that bad weather may be encountered.

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As you can see I only have 365 post in 3 years. I only post when answering a question or in M/M threads on cruise I'm taking. I guess if Cruise Critic and RCI were my life, I would attack naysayers too.


Another problem with the Brilliance.


Alex asked the Captain, why the weather satellite image was not on the TV system at the Captain's Q & A session.A very good question. The Captain shot back:"I don't know".

He got his laugh from the audience, but they should have got Alex's cabin number and given him a real answer and if they would add it in the future.


A related beef was that the ship tracking image with the course and speed on the TV stopped working during the cruise. I figured they would fix it. Finally, after a couple of days and still not fixed. I called the desk, who stated they would make the proper notification. They fixed it by shutting it off completely.


I guess you can call me a "naysayer" because I don't agreewith you. But these really are not beefs to spoil a cruise....technology isn't perfect, and sometimes things don't work. The Captain has enough on his plate just running the ship...


Maybe they could have got Alex's room number and given an answer, but maybe Alex could have offered that information and asked for an answer too. The Captain usually sticks around for a bit after the Q and A, so does the Chief Engineer...both of them are approachable.


We are well-travelled seniors, and are just happy we are healthy enough, and wealthy enough to be able to travel as much as we do...I can't get upset about too many things. Life is just too short, especially when you're rolling down the other side of the hill.....:D


Fran in Toronto

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I just had to weigh in on this one. It seems, on this board, whenever someone expresses that they had a bad experience, a lot of people jump all over them saying it was their attitude, their expectations, etc. I love RCCL as much as the next person but, believe it or not, there are things that go wrong. Some of them can be overlooked and some can ruin a cruise. Not everyone on a ship will have the same experience as we don't all deal with the same issues, the same staff, the same activities, or the same people.


A couple of years ago I had a HORRIBLE experience on Jewel. This does not mean I think the entire staff, ship, or cruiseline is bad. In fact the others in our group all had great experiences. The isssues were specific to a major problem with our cabin, how this was handled, and numerous subsequent issues that came up as a result of switching cabins. On an 8 day cruise I had to visit GR no less than 14 times. Did I want to??? NO. Unfortunately, it was the only way to gain access back into my cabin, to check my Seapass account, to get my C&A invite and my shore excursion tickets etc. You get the idea. Some staff was great and some was awful. Of course this experience colors my memories of this cruise. That doesn't meaned it was completely ruined, but it certainly wasn't great.


It is highly possible the OP had a bad experience despite the great experience of others. That doesn't make the OP or the cruiseline wrong. It means **** happens. That's life.


Please respect everyone who has something to say whether it's positive or negative!! Otherwise, what's the point of discussion?


But it doesn't mean it was a bad cruise either. And the OP clearly said he discounts anyone who says it was a good cruise, and said there are way too many people saying good things about it. And *there* is the real problem here. He was expecting people to agree, and they didn't.


For example, in a post just above, he said BOS was second-tier. I don't agree. I love Brilliance, and most of the crew I met on the last cruise. Probably the next one will be different, even though the ship is the same. Sure stuff happens - we've had stuff happen on every single trip we've taken. It's called life....and it just doesn't detract from our enjoyment.


Fran in Toronto

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Way to many posts saying how great it was.

You stated that the above was one of the reasons for posting in this thread. I would suggest to you that the number of posts to which you object, tell the story of the opinion of many. Why you feel you have to contradict those opinions I don't know. Those are bone fide opinions just as yours are. As many have said before me, "To each his own" I can find enjoyment in things that you cannot and to that end we will be at odds so you post about your "Okay" cruise and I"ll continue to post about my "Great, Super" cruise. Perhaps on your next cruise, all the "Technical" elements will be in working order and you'll be able to sit in your cabin and stare at the TV.



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Perhaps on your next cruise, all the "Technical" elements will be in working order and you'll be able to sit in your cabin and stare at the TV.



OH no, you mean staring at those strange green spots and wavy and curvy lines that most people haven't the slightest idea what they mean!:eek:


I guess the OP needs reinforcements to come out and back up his complaints.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion and we should respect their right to a personal opinion. That doesn't mean that you need to argue against it (or for it), just to respect their right to have that opinion.


I have a problem with people pouncing on his opinion because they clearly want to stand up for RCL. RCL's job as a corporation is to bring their best product forward each and every time and if they didn't, they should be told so that they can ensure that they do that in the future.


Please, I urge everyone to respect the man's opinion and his right to hold that opinion.


And, yes, he is correct, the on screen positioning system still had us in Cadiz when the ship was in Malaga. Again, for me, a minor problem and a pain in the butt but it didn't really ruin my cruise. Frankly, I would have been happier to have lost Fox News and have it replaced with a much more neutral product. But that again, is my personal opinion. I'm sure that there are many others who enjoyed watching Fox News. When we got closer to Europe we finally had BBC News and EuroNews channels, which were a welcome change from Fox News.


I don't know if the weather on my screen would have really helped. I don't really look at those things and I'm not technical enough with the weather to be able to read those maps. Since I'm just not conversant enough in this matter, I have no opinion about it, in either direction.

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Actually, in this case, he is correct. They changed the time and location. Invitations, when delivered were left on desktops and many people did not see them.


I agree, the Meet and Mingle was a mess on RCL's part. I only knew about it because MACOP told me. And I told a few others as well. It is a shame though.

That is why people on roll calls meet before the M&M or exchange room numbers. And guess what they do not OWE anyone that party. We used to organize our own RUBBER BAND parties , we wore they so we could recognize each other when we met at a pre-cruise planned time and place, usually pool deck bar at sailaway. The PINK BOA society ( of which I am a member) wore pink boas and many of us even met while waiting to board.


I am sorry that you do not like RCI, that is OK, I do not like NCL but there are those that do, to each their own but that does not mean because someone actually had a great time that there is anything wrong with them, maybe they are just not nitpickers. Life is too short to worry over little things...


And talk abour spoiled, no correct weather pictures,:confused: get off your butt and look out a window:eek: And they called my generation the ME generation???

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion and we should respect their right to a personal opinion. That doesn't mean that you need to argue against it (or for it), just to respect their right to have that opinion.

Yes, he is entitled to his opinion, just as the rest of us are. However, when he states that there are "way too many posts saying how great the cruise was"..........then he is infringing on those that had positive comments.


Sometimes things are better left unsaid.........especially in a public chat room.

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Yes, he is entitled to his opinion, just as the rest of us are. However, when he states that there are "way too many posts saying how great the cruise was"..........then he is infringing on those that had positive comments.


Sometimes things are better left unsaid.........especially in a public chat room.


Here here...


Off topic slightly with a question to all you TA'ers...I'm thinking I might want to try one of these sometime...


My fear is that I will get 5 days into it and feel claustrophobic because I can't get off the ship. :eek: The thought makes me feel nearly in a panic here on land.


Does anyone ever feel that way?

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Here here...


Off topic slightly with a question to all you TA'ers...I'm thinking I might want to try one of these sometime...


My fear is that I will get 5 days into it and feel claustrophobic because I can't get off the ship. :eek: The thought makes me feel nearly in a panic here on land.


Does anyone ever feel that way?

Well, I guess it just depends on what ship you are thinking of doing. When we did our Hawaii cruise on Radiance last fall, though it wasn't a TA, we did have 4 sea days there and 4 sea days back. There was so much to do on the ship, that you really don't have time to think about "land"!!;)


I didn't think that we would like it...........but the sea days were just great. Plus, we had a wonderful CC group and we played cards on sea days and Trivia twice a day. There was always something to do..........of course sleeping and eating were also high on the daily agenda!:D


Of course, you can always avoid any window areas............lol!!

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