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Glad to help ans. Q's on weight loss/fitness


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Hi Mike! I was so excited when I saw this post last night at work! I work out at least 4 days a week but I do it from home so I don't have the advantage of being able to talk to a "pro".

I"m getting married this May and going on a cruise for our honeymoon in July, like most brides I'd like to drop a few lbs. I'm 5'5 and 134-136 depending on the day :). I tend to carry all of my "extra" weight in my hips and thighs.

Like I said, I work out at least 4 days a week on our home elliptical machine. I typically do a 30 minute workout, some days though, I only have time for 20 minutes.

I don't seem to be losing any weight though. Can you give me some tips on other easy at home exercises I can add to my routine without spending a fortune on equipment??


Thanks a bunch!



Hi Liddia!


Well, the obvious answer (that no onelikes to hear) is to make more room for w/o. Look at your what you did yesturday, and I bet there was free time available, like tv and computer time...right?? Reread some of the comments posted on this thread and see if anything applies to you...

Good luck!!


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  • 7 months later...

Hi fellow cruisers!

Just thought I revisit this thread ...

Please feel free to add your own insights, as well as asking questions about some "how to's" regarding working out-with and with out-a health club.


Many people with $$ and time issues can still find effective work outs at home.


Please re-read previous posts, as many of the different posters had great info.



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  • 3 months later...
Hi fellow cruisers!

Just thought I revisit this thread ...

Please feel free to add your own insights, as well as asking questions about some "how to's" regarding working out-with and with out-a health club.


Many people with $$ and time issues can still find effective work outs at home.


Please re-read previous posts, as many of the different posters had great info.




Just curious...if anyone has any personal training questions...please let me know..glad to help!


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Hey Mike!


What can you recommend for someone like me with a "weak" back. I was all set to start classes at my local YMCA a couple of weeks ago but I was put out due to back pain. Actually ended up in the ER this time due to the pain (even though I have a high tolerance) and today is my last day at physical therapy. I had x-rays done but nothing but mild arthris showed. I have to complete PT before they'll do an MRI. I am feeling well but I do know I have limitations back there...I can feel that. I have cut out ALL sugar and drinkly mostly water (coffee in the am). I have lost 10 lbs since I started 3 wks ago but nothing this past week and I know I need to start working out. My PT just recommended my reg. stretches and my treadmill but I NEED more than that. I get so bored on the treadmill. Could I sign up for the classes at the YMCA and just do to my ability or what. Thanks for any help!


=) Amy


PS: I'm only 36 and healthy other than my back.

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Hey Mike!


What can you recommend for someone like me with a "weak" back. I was all set to start classes at my local YMCA a couple of weeks ago but I was put out due to back pain. Actually ended up in the ER this time due to the pain (even though I have a high tolerance) and today is my last day at physical therapy. I had x-rays done but nothing but mild arthris showed. I have to complete PT before they'll do an MRI. I am feeling well but I do know I have limitations back there...I can feel that. I have cut out ALL sugar and drinkly mostly water (coffee in the am). I have lost 10 lbs since I started 3 wks ago but nothing this past week and I know I need to start working out. My PT just recommended my reg. stretches and my treadmill but I NEED more than that. I get so bored on the treadmill. Could I sign up for the classes at the YMCA and just do to my ability or what. Thanks for any help!


=) Amy


PS: I'm only 36 and healthy other than my back.


Hi Amy,

I also deal with multiple ruptured disks and other back problems for 20 years...

Somethings I learned...Some people who "feel like" working out, decide instead to lie down til the feeling goes away.:eek:


-Daily pt is critical fot fitness to work out. Stretching, cardio, and resistance training ie,weights/ machines are required to avoid the weight gains that often follow those with such debilitating injurie.


-Don't wait for motivation to find you...Learn to make it a part of your life.

For me its every am, before gravity makes my head feel like a heavy piston on my shoulders.

-Try different kinds of cardio and yes a gym is handy for the equipment and advice designed for you.

I have some great stretches and lower back exc. if you're interested.-

-Also, if a exercise hurts the back or other joint for that matter, stop...change something, maybe your form is wrong or you need a different exercise, or less weight.

-Begin by small reachable goals.

Stay regular :rolleyes: and you will see results in no time!




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Thanks Mike for the info. My PT gave me some new stretches but I'd love to see/read what you have in mind. amyberkey at comcast dot net


I've actually started boxing on the Wii. I kind of like it. Helps me get rid of some of my frustration. LOL! It's not as good as the real thing but it helps. :D


Give me your thoughts on doing "Boot Camp" when I have my back completely healed. I just saw a gym near me now offers this.



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Thanks Mike for the info. My PT gave me some new stretches but I'd love to see/read what you have in mind. amyberkey at comcast dot net


I've actually started boxing on the Wii. I kind of like it. Helps me get rid of some of my frustration. LOL! It's not as good as the real thing but it helps. :D


Give me your thoughts on doing "Boot Camp" when I have my back completely healed. I just saw a gym near me now offers this.




Hi Amy,


You probably need to observe a "boot camp" program to see what you think of the individual intensity level.


Here's a good stretch and exercise for the lower back muscles. Make sure you're w/o pain when performing the exercise .


Stretch: Lying on your stomach, as if your lower body is frozen to the ground, slowly do push-ups with arms shoulder-width apart, remember you're waist and legs are flat on the floor.


Good luck!



Exercise: Also flat on the floor on your stomach...arms out in front of you. Slowly lift 1 leg 2-3 times straight up... hinging at your waist. then do other leg...increase as you can, Keeping your leg straight...(Make sure you have doctors ok for any advice)

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Mike: Great thread! I am currently on Weight Watchers and have lost 85 lbs since last March and have only 15 lbs to go before goal. I just wanted to let everyone know that if I, at 47 yrs old can do it, anyone can! I started increasing my activity from the start and am at the gym 6 day a week doing various Cardio classes and strength training. I feel that this, along with my change in diet, has made me lose weight, become stronger and not plateau at all in the weigh loss effort. Whenever I change up my excercise routine, I have a better loss on the scale. Don't be afraid to start a fitness routine right from the beginning, start slow and keep your body guessing what you are going to throw at it next!


Good Luck to everyone!:)

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Hi Mike - I've read some of the posts off and on from here and you have some really good suggestions! And we all need the encouragment!

Muscle burns fat so my Question is: - I do treadmill in the morning before work and some weights 4x's a week - then in the afternoon's I go out with my dog onto the mesa for walking/hiking...soft sand & hills, it's about 2 miles total. I have stairs at work - which I have to do - no elevator! What else can I do for building more muscle in my rear, legs & calves? It seems like the more I work my legs...they just get harder, not muscle, or smaller...just harder!?! I'm almost 51, I do have some back/neck issues.


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Hi Mike - I've read some of the posts off and on from here and you have some really good suggestions! And we all need the encouragment!

Muscle burns fat so my Question is: - I do treadmill in the morning before work and some weights 4x's a week - then in the afternoon's I go out with my dog onto the mesa for walking/hiking...soft sand & hills, it's about 2 miles total. I have stairs at work - which I have to do - no elevator! What else can I do for building more muscle in my rear, legs & calves? It seems like the more I work my legs...they just get harder, not muscle, or smaller...just harder!?! I'm almost 51, I do have some back/neck issues.





Great job BTW!!!


It sounds like you already are building muscle. Muscle tones first and sometimes reduces the size of that area.

As it grows, it "hardens". So most likely you are building "more" muscle.

-The other possibility is that you are overworking the muscle, and not allowing for the required re-building time, when rest and nutrients rebuild muscle at a cellular level.

Harder is good;)seeing the only other option is soft or flabby.

Also, Remember age and genetics come in to play as well.

Make sure your nutrition is protein fortified and balanced.

Keep it up!



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Jean: I second what Mike says about genetics playing a part in our body structure. My Eastern European sturdy stock blood always shows up in my legs. My Quads and Calfs get big and hard with little effort. I build a lot more muscle there than any other part of my body but figure the alternative is soft and flabby but still big. I'll go with the hard and big anyday! Keep up the good work and your heart will love you for it!


BTW: Down a couple more pounds this week. Up to an 87# loss...I am so proud!

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Jean: I second what Mike says about genetics playing a part in our body structure. My Eastern European sturdy stock blood always shows up in my legs. My Quads and Calfs get big and hard with little effort. I build a lot more muscle there than any other part of my body but figure the alternative is soft and flabby but still big. I'll go with the hard and big anyday! Keep up the good work and your heart will love you for it!


BTW: Down a couple more pounds this week. Up to an 87# loss...I am so proud!


Wow Bellfree Bat...That's impressive!


It sounds like you've also successfully broken thru the barrior and now you're enjoying the process.

It sure helps when you see the results!

It is hard to get that across to people that you can actually enjoy work outs, instead of dreading them.


I look forward to my daily "hobby" and some days are more fulfilling than others.


Keep it up!!



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Jean: I second what Mike says about genetics playing a part in our body structure. My Eastern European sturdy stock blood always shows up in my legs. My Quads and Calfs get big and hard with little effort. I build a lot more muscle there than any other part of my body but figure the alternative is soft and flabby but still big. I'll go with the hard and big anyday! Keep up the good work and your heart will love you for it!


BTW: Down a couple more pounds this week. Up to an 87# loss...I am so proud!


Bellfree - Thanks for that extra input - and since we seem to both struggle with the large legs - but in good shape issue...what about jeans? Have you noticed so many of the cute jeans are in Boot Cut? These just don't fit! :mad::(


Mike - Thanks so much for your in put too - - I have muscle on my thighs that is defined, good knees...(I mean I can see my knee caps..there was a day when I couldn't ) but my calves just seem to be big & hard and it is frustrating when I really thought the hiking would have given me some good results...smaller muscluar calves...but it's just not like that for me.:(

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Hi Mike...you seem to be the guru of weight loss and fitness...I have lost over 30 pounds, but now it seems to be creeping back on...I go up and down like a yo-yo...maintaining weight is the hardest part for me...since I am determined to keep it off, I joined a gym and workout everyday (only missed 2 days since joining on Jan 14, 2009)...I know what I have to do, but I crave for munchies after dinner...I'm going on a cruise to Alaska on May 2, 2009, and unlimited food will be a problem...any advice (I know...stay away from the food and keep my mouth shut) would be appreciated...thanks...

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Hi Mike...you seem to be the guru of weight loss and fitness...I have lost over 30 pounds, but now it seems to be creeping back on...I go up and down like a yo-yo...maintaining weight is the hardest part for me...since I am determined to keep it off, I joined a gym and workout everyday (only missed 2 days since joining on Jan 14, 2009)...I know what I have to do, but I crave for munchies after dinner...I'm going on a cruise to Alaska on May 2, 2009, and unlimited food will be a problem...any advice (I know...stay away from the food and keep my mouth shut) would be appreciated...thanks...


LOL! Not exactly, but the advice is almost worth the price.:rolleyes:

Really, lots of great experience on this board of those that were, and are successful.


Some info would help...age and weight, work out description and intensityie, howlong does it take you to do how many exercises and cardio, what kind of munchies (seriously), any other stuff that might be helpful...

Meanwhile, shutting the mouth in the presence of food is always preferred.;)


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I have two 12 lb hand weights that I use at night while watching tv. I have about 5 different exercises that I rotate thru, so I hit all the muscles in my arms. I am seeing real improvement and nice definition now. My question is, because these weights are so light (I can do 20 reps easily on some positions and only 10 on others- usually 3 sets) is it ok if I do this every night? I know for serious weights you are supposed to take every other day off, but I feel great (just a slight soreness) and am thrilled with the results. What do you think? I've been doing this for quite a few months now. ( I built up slowly) Thanks for any advice!

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Hello Mike...I will be 63 in March...I am 5'5" and presently 144 lbs...I joined the gym on Jan 14, 2009, and have gone every day except 2...I had an orientation on all the exercise equipment and I have been increasing the restistance as well as the repetitions gradually...it seems like after dinner and tv time is when I crave junk food the most...I have been on cruises before, and the availability of food is so tempting that I do not make the right choices ...we are going to Alaska in May and I want to maintain my weight...I know I have to watch what I eat and go to the gym on board as well...I have good intentions, so advice would be appreciated...

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Bellfree - Thanks for that extra input - and since we seem to both struggle with the large legs - but in good shape issue...what about jeans? Have you noticed so many of the cute jeans are in Boot Cut? These just don't fit! :mad::(

I have the exact same problem. My waist/abs are toned, but my bum and legs are fuller (they're hard underneath the fat...need to get that off). Anyway, I buy jeans/trousers that are for "curvy" women. They sell them at Gap and several of stores/brands. Do you have a Bass Pro Shop near you? They have a line called Natural Reflection and their pants/shorts/jeans all fit me very well. Good luck with your search!

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Hello Mike...I will be 63 in March...I am 5'5" and presently 144 lbs...I joined the gym on Jan 14, 2009, and have gone every day except 2...I had an orientation on all the exercise equipment and I have been increasing the restistance as well as the repetitions gradually...it seems like after dinner and tv time is when I crave junk food the most...I have been on cruises before, and the availability of food is so tempting that I do not make the right choices ...we are going to Alaska in May and I want to maintain my weight...I know I have to watch what I eat and go to the gym on board as well...I have good intentions, so advice would be appreciated...


Hi Lar,


You can do it. May is plenty of time to make your goals,

IF you can DECREASE the time between sets and push alittle more on cardio.

Re. diet...Try smaller amounts and ask those preparing the food to help you Tell youself if you are still hungry in 20 mins. then get it.

Also, try to find alternative snacks...popcorn, not prepackaged microwave, in smaller amounts have been a help for me.


Fruits and veggies, of course. Decrease the size of the container you use eq, the unending bowl of cereal that is the culprit for many guys...Eat slower and taste the food:eek:


I've noticed that some people will go cheap on their foods and compromise their mission of fitness. You know, the dollar menu instead of healthier options.


Keeping active during the rest of the day is a secret mega-calorie burner.


Just some thoughts...maybe others have some more hints that worked for them..

Good luck,


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Jean: Sorry I don't have any input on what brand of jeans fit the best. I am just into a size 12 and will be shopping to find some less baggy jeans than the CKs I am wearing now. What's funny is I have not liked what the styles look like on the hanger and have not even tried them on! It might be casual slacks for me if the jeans don't work...


Mike: Thanks for the congrats. I do really love to work-out now and find the key is to find something you like to do and ramp it up. I have always liked to cycle and found I love Spinning. I can burn between 500-600 cals in a class. I do not like to lift weights but I do like music and found Body Pump. Here there is the upbeat music and a choreographed weight lifting routine. I have someone telling me what to do in a group environment. Works great for me. Add in a little running on the treadmill getting ready for Spring, and I'll be all set to go when it gets warmer.


So, for everyone who is dreading "working out", find something you like to do and just do it harder. Like to dance? Find a Zumba class. Ride Bikes? Try Spinning. Great workout that everyone regardless of their fitness level can do as you modify your speed and resistance to what you can do. :p

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OK Mike - and anyone else that can help - after reading pages of posts here I figured I should chime in. First of all, turning 42 in a couple days, female, 153 lbs. YUK!


Before our cruise last year hubby and I decided to go on WW. He worked out and I walked 5 miles 3 days a week. Lost about 15 lbs. from January to April (when we cruised). Kept it off for a while but it's back! So decided Jan. 1 to do it all over again for our cruise in May! Back on WW and now working out at home with the help and support of 3 others going on the cruise too. We work out 3 nights a week for an hour sometimes 1 1/2. We switch up from treadmill, bike, elliptical, weights, ab lounge, to using resistance bands sometimes with Tony Horton's workout DVD.


My issue is I'm just not seeing the lbs drop like I did last time I was on WW and only walked for exercise. I've only lost about 4 lbs in that many weeks. I have been taking measurements and have lost inches. Is there anything else I can do to step up this process. I'll probably never see a flat stomach but a little big off this pouch of mine would be nice! HELP!!!




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OK Mike - and anyone else that can help - after reading pages of posts here I figured I should chime in. First of all, turning 42 in a couple days, female, 153 lbs. YUK!


Before our cruise last year hubby and I decided to go on WW. He worked out and I walked 5 miles 3 days a week. Lost about 15 lbs. from January to April (when we cruised). Kept it off for a while but it's back! So decided Jan. 1 to do it all over again for our cruise in May! Back on WW and now working out at home with the help and support of 3 others going on the cruise too. We work out 3 nights a week for an hour sometimes 1 1/2. We switch up from treadmill, bike, elliptical, weights, ab lounge, to using resistance bands sometimes with Tony Horton's workout DVD.


My issue is I'm just not seeing the lbs drop like I did last time I was on WW and only walked for exercise. I've only lost about 4 lbs in that many weeks. I have been taking measurements and have lost inches. Is there anything else I can do to step up this process. I'll probably never see a flat stomach but a little big off this pouch of mine would be nice! HELP!!!




Hi Paula,


I know what you mean...it's this age thing, metabolism is slower and results just aren't what they used to be.Cruising is a great motivator though.We forget that the the goal is an eating/exercising routine that works the rest of our lives- avoiding the yo-yo Oprah deal.


Increasing work-out intensity, staying active and not buying the foods that we crave, is about the only way to jump-start extra weightloss.


Just curious...Has anyone really did that through buying slick-marketed supplements?:eek:

Moderation,and removing sugar and deep-fried stuff, increasing fibre as well as finding low cal. snacks that don't taste like tree bark--is always a good place to start.


If you're just beginning going from couch potato to daily exercising, you'll see the greatest change....we've already discussed breaking through the weight loss plateau.

BUT if you're just starting, find out what you like to do as excercise, make a daily "food budget" from last weeks menu and just start doing the right thing !!


It'll workout if we do!;)


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I have two 12 lb hand weights that I use at night while watching tv. I have about 5 different exercises that I rotate thru, so I hit all the muscles in my arms. I am seeing real improvement and nice definition now. My question is, because these weights are so light (I can do 20 reps easily on some positions and only 10 on others- usually 3 sets) is it ok if I do this every night? I know for serious weights you are supposed to take every other day off, but I feel great (just a slight soreness) and am thrilled with the results. What do you think? I've been doing this for quite a few months now. ( I built up slowly) Thanks for any advice!


Hi Cruise Kitty,

Didn't forget you, just trying to figure out something that will help.:)

What's your age, weight and other info.


You're right...Unless you're you are doing some heavy duty lifting, a daily toning routine is ok. Are you looking to lose weight or just tone?



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Mike - thanks for the reply. Yeah, I'm not really a sweets eater and I don't drink any soda. Water only. I stick to my WW points like last time and find myself working out a few extra days in between just because I'm not seeing too much change. I LOVE!! the ab lounger! I do about 100 reps changing it up in between. I love doing the 10 minute workout DVD - actually we do 30 minutes, but I think I need more cardio so I only use the DVD once a week now. I'll give it a few weeks and see how it goes. Its just frustrating to go through all that all week and then get on the scale and nothing or 1 lb. URG!!

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