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Summit 9/17/04 - Delayed


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I wanted to start a new thread for those of us on the Summit leaving from Vancouver on 9/17/04. We have two cruises with two different set of circumstances and it becomes confusing as the people on the Sept. 10 cruise are getting fully reimbursed and a free cruise while we "think" we're getting a $500 credit and a 25% discount on a future cruise. After reading all of the posts on our roll call thread plus failing to talk to anyone at Celebrity (as they have all cleared out of their offices because of the pending hurricane) - I have come to the conclusion that no one really knows for sure where this is headed. One person says we're getting the $500 and a future 25% discount - another person says that if we cancel we pay a 50% penalty - someone else states that we get all of our money back if we cancel plus $175 per person - and everyone seems to be unhappy with what they're hearing; yet, there has still been no official notification from celebrity. I know for myself I am not making any plans until I hear officially when the ship will be departing Vancouver - maybe it will remain in drydock longer than expected - maybe they'll wind up cancelling our cuise all together - maybe they'll do this or that - I think we just need to wait until official notification is given.


I will say this: if they are only going to give a $500 credit and a 25% future cruise credit - that is totally inadequate. I am not complaining about the extra few days in Vancouver - that will be nice and I think the insurance I took out will pay for our hotel and food - the credit given by Celebrity doesn't cut it. If the percentage (thus far) cut off the trip is 21.4% and the average for a balcony is over $4000 (for two) - then it seems the reimbursement should approach $1000 (when you throw in the port fees for the three ports cut out). Also, the 25% credit for a future cruise doesn't quite cut it when many of us may not cruise again - at least by 12/31/05 - which is when the credit must be used.


I say - wait till this all clears and then we put our heads together and vocalize as one.

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Thanks palermo22 for starting this new thread. Here is what happened to me today regarding the Celebrity Summit fiasco:

We spent all day with our TA or on the phone with our Vancouver hotel reservations and Air Travel (United). Two couples in our group have decided to cancel. According to our TA who got a fax from Celebrity giving her this information they will get their money back from Celebrity plus a $175 credit on a future cruise. We along with another couple were lucky enough to shift our hotel reservation from the 16th to the 19th with no additional cost. We were able to change our air ticket, at a substantial price, from the 16th to the 19th. The original non stop flight that we had booked went from $155 in February, LAX to YVR. to $428 today. We had to settle for the milk route and had to pay an additional $171 per person over and above what we had already paid them. The $100 dollar rebate per person promised by Celebrity for a flight change is $100 per person shipboard credit. Even considering the $500 shipboard credit (for loss of the three days and three ports:( ) promised by Celebrity, according to my calculations we will still be out of pocket $490. The promised 25% discount for a cruise starting in 2005 and no later is a non starter for us. We are planning a back to back in early 2006 for our 50th and from the looks of things it won't be on a Celebrity ship. I realize we are some of the lucky ones. Many others will be out of pocket many times over our $490.

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Thanks Palermo22 for starting the new thread. As you suggested I will be waiting until Wednesday to make my decision but if the compensation remains $500 I will probably cancel. I feel like I am now paying more, because of additional hotel nights in Vancouver, but I'm getting less. I used FF miles for the airfare and I don't hold out much hope for changing to alternate dates. I used priceline for the hotel in Vancouver so there's no way to change the arrival and depature dates. I was really looking forward to this cruise and it will be a difficult decison. I'm not holding out much hope that Celebrity will do the right thing and compensate us correctly.


I have a couple of independent shore excursions that require 14 days notice so I will be cancelling them. I'll wait to make any other changes until we get the official word from either Celebrity or Cruisequick.


If anyone needs to reach me directly my e-mail is: travel360@hotmail.com



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Meaning: they have the right to do this? And they then could do it to you on your next cruise - right before you were to leave? Are you suggesting that we are all crying over spilt milk? Are you saying it's good business practice to put in an article out through AP and then let everyone guess what the next step is? Just wondering what your point is.

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I think that Celebrity has already spoken "Officially." Unless they change their minds, the official position seems to be the $500 shipboard credit and 25% off a future cruise. I had to get 3 extra nights in Vancouver, so when you figure in the extra hotel nights and meals, I will be out $500-$600 even with the $500 shipboard credit.


Regarding trip insurance, I have an Access America trip policy, purchased through Celebrity, for this cruise. I was told yesterday by Access America that they would not cover anything (additional hotel costs, meal costs, etc.) as cruise line mechanical problems are excluded from the coverage. If anyone else who has Access America on this cruise has been told different please post it.

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I just read the contract at the end of the brochure - and, yes, it does state that should the ship have mechanical problems and cannot sail then there is no liability on the part of Celebrity and that they are under no obligation to refund any or all of your fare. Now, liability no - goodwill yes! Everyone on this board potentially faces the same situation - do you all feel more comfortable sailing on Celebrity knowing that they are having problems with their M class ships and that should they your itinerary at the last moment that you will not be rightly compensated for the lost days? When a company wants to stay in business and serve the public then there is an adherent amount of goodwill expected on their part. That is what we are expecting now - it is what you or anyone else would expect right before you board.

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JSShutz: I said no official word has been given because Celebrity has not contacted most passengers (including myself) to state officially what the compensation will be.


Also, I took out insurabce with CSA - called them last night - they spoke to their claims department and told me that ther advice would be to keep my air schedule as it now is (leaving Thursday 9/16) and because I now need to add three addional days in Vancouver that we would be covered for $150 (pp) per day until the Summit could sail, i.e. they stated that because mechanical problems have delayed our trip that part of the insurance contract kicks in under the travel delay section.

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Just wondering what your point is.


Just answer the question. Did you read your contract or not? I PERSONALLY am not saying it's right, or it's wrong. I'm just saying it's all their in black and white.


Unless you have never cruised before, you know what the contract says if you read it.


You can debate whether it's adquate compensation all you want, and are of course free to do that. When push comes to shove however, just hold up that contract and see what it says you are entitled to. Changes in itineraries, schedules, ports of call, yadda yadda, are at the whim of the cruise line, and they even SPECIFICALLY mention mechanical problems. Contractually there isn't beans you can do about it, other than complain.


Again, I'm not suggesting that it is good business, I'm just pointing out that this is what is there on paper.


Do they have the 'right' to do this? Yes

Are you crying over spilt milk? Yes.

Am I saying it's good business practice? No.


ps. since my post 'posted' after others.... it's not just Celebrity, my guess is EVERY cruise contract says the same thing.


PPS. The "M" class issue is by no means NEW either. You roll the dice with a class that has a known issue, you take your chaces. My next cruise is on Infinity.

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Again, your point being I presume: well you should have read the fine print - which I did - so I guess you're saying to me and all these other folks (present and future travelers on M class ships) - "hey Celebrity doesn't owe you a dime if they don't feel like it - so tough luck - next time, choose a ship that doesn't have known problems" - is that what you're saying? Because if it is then we don't really need your comments on this thread - we're looking to get help and support from fellow celebrity and Summit passengers as well as alerting everyone that thus far Celebrity is not being very compassionate about the problem we face.

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I guess if I am not hearing then you're reading - I stated in my original message what I thought was fair: if one has paid $4200 for a product and that product was expected to be over a 14 day duration - that amounts to approximately $300 per day. If that product were to now be adjusted downward to only 11 days then a refund should be made (in this case) for $900! Offering a 25% discount on a future cruise (that must be completed within 12 months) when one only cruises once every few years is totally inadequate.

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Jerry, goodluck to you in trying. Celebrity has had known issues with these "M" class ships ever since they joined their fleet. We all know what the fine print says, but that does not make it right. There have been too many incidents and Celebrity needs to step up and get a final solution to this problem, whatever that may be. I know that I would be really upset also if it happened to me.

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If that product were to now be adjusted downward to only 11 days then a refund should be made (in this case) for $900! Offering a 25% discount on a future cruise (that must be completed within 12 months) when one only cruises once every few years is totally inadequate.


Then this is what you should try and get from the cruise line. Good luck.

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Jerry: We're with you 100% in wanting fair compensation for the lost days of our Summit cruise. Roy and I are founding memebers of the Captain's Club, have been on many Celebrity cruises and thoroughly enjoyed our South American cruise on Summit 2 years ago. We have had nothing but positive comments after each cruise, in fact, recommended Celebrity to many friends wanting to cruise for the first time. If our situation is not fairly dealt with, this will be our last Celebrity cruise.


Hope we have some good news next week, after the situation in Florida is over, and their offices re-open.


Take care and don't let some people get to you.


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I guess if I am not hearing then you're reading - I stated in my original message what I thought was fair: if one has paid $4200 for a product and that product was expected to be over a 14 day duration - that amounts to approximately $300 per day. If that product were to now be adjusted downward to only 11 days then a refund should be made (in this case) for $900! Offering a 25% discount on a future cruise (that must be completed within 12 months) when one only cruises once every few years is totally inadequate.

I agree with you. This is what the Century passengers are getting for the 2 day delay on their 7 day cruise: $500/stateroom and a 50% credit voucher for a future cruise of 7 days or less. That's $250 a day and more future credit than we are getting. We are going to have a good time regardless and maybe RCCL will read these posts and say to themselves "what was I thinking??".:confused:

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That's $250 a day and more future credit than we are getting.


They are already ON the ship. That makes a difference.


I'm not trying to 'get' to anybody, although I know you don't like the message. I'm just trying to provide a reality check. NOTHING a company does to try and compensate is going to be a dollar for dollar exchange... I dont think it ever has been (pick ANY industry), or ever will be. You could sue... but then again, there is that 'contract' thing.... Your predicament is an unhappy one, I will say that again whether you believe I'm sincere or not. But, 'how much will they give me?' is not going to give you the comfort you are looking for.

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They are already ON the ship. That makes a difference.


To correct: The $$ compensation and 50% future discount is being offered to passengers who were scheduled to embark on Century tomorrow, Sept. 4 (now sailing on Monday, 9/6); therefore they are NOT already on the ship.

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Dear Tbelien

I am on this cruise. I just kinda need it right now. You see, I live in Punta Gorda Florida. My house is in bad shape. I bought all the insurance possible for the house and this trip. (I am also a B2B on this ship.) Just when I thought that insurance would cover my hurricane related expenses, my "good neighbour" is attempting to nickel and dime me to death over new roof and all the repairs.

I am in the Concierge Class for the Alaska portion. My per diem is close to $400. And Celebrity wants to pay me $500 for 3 days total. I have my air and hotel with Celebrity. I cannot come into Vancouver early because they informed my TA that I am only scheduled to arrive the day before the departure and will incur MEGA bucks in expense if I mess with their carefully confused structure.

Access America denied me the right to cancel this month long trip because Hurricane Charley visited my house five weeks prior to departure. The SUmmit can get repairs and we get the shaft. I am not permitted to get house repairs without losing my mega outlay of cash. Great system.

Unless you are able to give support, I suggest you take your hideous condescending attitude somewhere else.

A little harsh? Perhaps. But you see, I have one nerve left and you my friend are standing on it.

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Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity Cruises Announce Modifications to Friday and Saturday Sailings


MIAMI, Sept. 2 -- Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity Cruises today announced modification to the itineraries of their ships normally scheduled to depart South Florida on Friday and Saturday. The modifications are the result of Hurricane Frances.


"Hurricane Frances has presented us with an extraordinary challenge, but one we have monitored closely and one we can certainly handle," said Jack Williams, president and chief operating officer of Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity Cruises. "We are doing everything possible to enable our guests to have a safe and enjoyable vacation experience, and we will continue to update our guests on this weekend's operations as more information becomes available."



Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity Cruises are updating their websites three times daily, at 9:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., with the latest developments regarding their sailings and Hurricane Frances issues. Guests are encouraged to visit the cruise lines' respective websites on a regular basis. The Royal Caribbean website is located at www.royalcaribbean.com . The Celebrity Cruises website is located at www.celebrity.com .



MODIFICATIONS TO FRIDAY DEPARTURES - Royal Caribbean's Majesty of the Seas, normally scheduled to depart the Port of Miami Friday, on a three-night sailing, is cancelled. Guest booked on this sailing will receive a full refund. Travel agent commissions will be protected. - Royal Caribbean's Sovereign of the Seas, normally scheduled to depart Port Canaveral Friday, on a three-night sailing, is cancelled. Guest booked on this sailing will receive a full refund. Travel agent commissions will be protected. MODIFICATIONS TO SATURDAY DEPARTURES - Royal Caribbean's Navigator of the Seas, normally scheduled to depart the Port of Miami Saturday, on a seven-night sailing, will delay its departure until Monday, September 6, at 5 p.m. local time. The ship will sail a modified itinerary that will end as originally scheduled. Guests who sail on this cruise will receive an onboard credit of $500 per stateroom and a certificate for a 50 percent discount on a future Royal Caribbean sailing of seven nights or less, which departs on or before December 15, 2005, excluding holidays. Guests booked on this sailing who cancel their cruise will receive a letter of credit for the amount paid for the cruise portion of their sailing. Travel agent commissions will be protected. - Royal Caribbean's Enchantment of the Seas, normally scheduled to depart Port Everglades Saturday, on a five-night sailing, will delay its departure until Monday, September 6, at 5 p.m. local time. The ship will sail a modified itinerary that will end on September 9. Guests who sail on this cruise will receive an onboard credit of $500 per stateroom and a certificate for a 50 percent discount on a future Royal Caribbean sailing of seven nights or less, which departs on or before December 15, 2005, excluding holidays. Guests booked on this sailing who cancel their cruise will receive a letter of credit for the amount paid for the cruise portion of their sailing. Travel agent commissions will be protected. - Celebrity Cruises' Century, normally scheduled to depart Port Everglades Saturday, on a seven-night sailing, will delay its departure until Monday, September 6, at 5 p.m. local time. The ship will sail a modified itinerary that will end as originally scheduled. Guests who sail on this cruise will receive an onboard credit of $500 per stateroom and a certificate for a 50 percent discount on a future Celebrity sailing of seven nights or less, which departs on or before December 15, 2005, excluding holidays. Guests booked on this sailing who cancel their cruise will receive a letter of credit for the amount paid for the cruise portion of their sailing. Travel agent commissions will be protected.Currently, all other Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity Cruises ships are expected to maintain their regularly scheduled itineraries this weekend.



Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. is a global cruise vacation company that operates Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity Cruises, with a combined total of 29 ships in service and one under construction. The company also offers unique cruisetour vacations in Alaska, Canada and Europe. Additional information can be found on www.royalcaribbean.com , www.celebrity.com or www.rclinvestor.com .



Source: Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.


Web site: http://www.royalcaribbean.com/





Only a 25% discount for the September 17, oh excuse me September 20th cruise.


What's going on here????????:eek: :eek: :eek:

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A little harsh?


Yes. it is a little harsh.


I can't walk in your shoes.


Then again, with all that bad stuff happening, I wouldn't be worrying about what some yahoo on a message board said either. That yahoo being me in this case.

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We were scheduled on Summit the last time and understand how painful this is. It took me a year to recover!


Does travel insurance cover the lost hotel/air fees when the line cancels a cruise?


We used our air tickets last time and just stayed with family in Ft. Lauderdale.

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