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PJ, or anyone else on WW. I went and looked at the website you posted about WW Core plan. Am I understanding correctly that you can any or all of those foods listed with out counting points, etc?? cause I could probably follow that plan also.

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Basically, but there are certain things that are limited to 1 meal/serving a day. Take a look at this:



What's Included

Fresh, frozen or canned (without added sauce, fat or sugar)

Tomato paste, puree and sauce


Vegetables cannot contain ingredients that are not Core Foods (e.g., regular refried beans, pork & beans, corn in butter sauce, dried tomatoes packed in oil, French fries and sweet pickles are not Core Foods)

Vegetable juices are not Core Foods



What's Included

Fresh, frozen or canned fruits (without added sugar)


Canned fruit must be packed in water or juice (not syrup) and drained before eating

Unsweetened applesauce is a Core Food, but sweetened applesauce is not Dried fuits are not Core Foods

Fruit juices are not Core Foods



What's Included

Fresh, canned, frozen or homemade soups made only with Core Foods

Bean soup (e.g., lentil soup, split pea soup)


Broth-based soup

Tomato soup


Cream soups are not Core Foods



What's Included

Fat-free milk, cheese and sour cream

Soy milk, cheese and yogurt (plain)


Weight Watchers Smoothies or fat-free, sugar-free instant hot cocoa or reduced-calorie dairy shakes is limited to once a day



What's Included

Whole eggs, egg whites and egg substitutes



What's Included

Puffed wheat, puffed rice, shredded wheat, and 100% bran cereals that do not contain added sugar


Cold cereals are limited to one meal a day and must be eaten with fat-free milk or fat-free plain yogurt


What's Included

Cooked (hot) cereal


Any plain variety that does not contain added sugar



What's Included

Whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, potatoes, and grains

Starchy vegetables (e.g., peas, corn)


Whole-wheat pasta or brown rice or potatoes is limited to one meal a day



What's Included

Beef, lamb, pork and veal:

At the meat case look for cuts from the "loin," "round," and "leg"

Poultry – Chicken and turkey:

Fresh, frozen, or canned.

Organ meats (e.g., chicken livers)

Fish and shellfish:

Fresh, frozen, or canned, any variety

Meat substitutes:

Dried beans and lentils

Tofu, any type

Vegetarian burgers, frozen


Beef, lamb, pork and veal:

Choose visibly lean cuts and trim any excess fat

Ground beef with no more than 7% fat or ground turkey or ground chicken is limited to one meal a day

Processed meals such as deli products and hot dogs are not Core Foods

Poultry – Chicken and turkey:

Trim any visible fat before preparing and remove skin before eating

Fish and shellfish:

Canned varieties must be packed in water, broth, or tomato juice (not packed in oil)



What's Included

Fat-free salad dressings

Fat-free margarine

Fat-free mayonnaise

Nonstick cooking or baking spray

Extracts, flavourings, and herbs

Select other condiments and extras


Include 2 teaspoons of olive, canola, safflower, sunflower, or flaxseed oil each day



What's Included

Coffee (without sugar)

Tea (without sugar)

Diet soft drinks

Club soda

Seltzer (plain or flavoured, unsweetened)



Beverages containing alcohol are not Core Foods

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And I forgot to add that you also get the 35 extra points to use each day on Core to eat things that may not necessarily be a "core" food. And you can earn activity points by exercising.


How does that work??? I bought a pedometer last night and put it on this A.M. and I am aiming for 5000 steds a day. so far I have 2965. I am chugging the water. I have to get my gallon in before I can have anything else to drink. Now is Coke Zero on this list??? thanks for all your help!!!!!!!!! I can't wait till I can post my before and after pictures on your other thread.:D

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How does that work??? I bought a pedometer last night and put it on this A.M. and I am aiming for 5000 steds a day. so far I have 2965. I am chugging the water. I have to get my gallon in before I can have anything else to drink. Now is Coke Zero on this list??? thanks for all your help!!!!!!!!! I can't wait till I can post my before and after pictures on your other thread.:D


The number of points you gain by exercising depends on the intensity of the workout, I'm sure there is some online calculator, but mine is a little manual pull card. It's smart to NOT use those points you gain by exercising though, that will just burn more calories, but I guess it's your preference. I can't wait either!!! LOL

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PJ I'm here!!!!! I'm so sorry I've been AWOL lately. I'm really struggling to help keep Jamie on track these last few days. And then, to top it all off, she got an ear infection and missed school one day this week. She only has one day left (Tuesday) and she will have to spend her lunch on that day making up a test she missed in Religion. <<<<SIGH>>>>


I told my husband last night that I miss y'all! He said how do you miss people you don't even know? Well he could have cut my right hand off and gotten a nicer response from me! WHAT? PEOPLE I DON'T EVEN KNOW??? I know each and every one of you and love each and every one of you!!!! Your are my soul sisters!! He's lucky it was my birthday yesterday and I was having a good day. Otherwise he may have lost his left nut I was so hurt.


So, this is the deal. I weighed in this morning. Did not lose. Did not gain. I worked out like a mad woman every day this week. BUT I knew I was going to be challenged this week. On Tuesday I had a meeting with my boss to discuss our move and he decided we needed to meet at Drago's in the Hilton on the river. Well, the two Presidents need to coordinate their schedules when they are both in New Orleans because it was a clusterf&*k!! MY President does not do well in traffic and THE President has a knack for tying up traffic. So by the time we made it to Drago's I was ravenous! We had charbroiled oysters, crab cakes and shrimp and crab bisque. On Wednesday I had Bonco and OMG, I had a piece of dessert pizza, a piece of chocolate silk pie, a slice of Bar B Que Shrimp Stuffed PoBoy, Artichoke and Spinach Dip and Three finger sandwhiches AND 2 cups of Coke. (I NEVER drink softdrinks but they had no bottled water and drinking water in New Orleans is like drinking the drippings from a wet dog!) Yesterday was my birthday (45!!!) so the girls in the office took me to Copelands for lunch (they are so good at sucking up!!). I had Catfish Acardiana! Pan fried catfish laying over a mound of garlic mashed potatoes covered in a browned butter and pecan sauce. And they back at the office they had a Snickers Baskin and Robbins ice cream pie. OMG!! I get home and my husband and girls want to know where do I want to go eat! I said I DON'T!! So we chilled at home. They got PoBoys and I ate another piece of that ice cream pie. So I am just thankful that I did not GAIN!!!


The girl that I go to the gym with lost 7 pounds this week! She started a new diet and it's obviously working! She bought it off the TV and started on Monday and as of this morning lost 7 pounds. She eats 6 times a day and is completely satisfied. I am going to her house on Sunday to make copies of the diet and then I will go to the grocery and get everything to start. I will share it with everyone when I get it and you can decide if it's right for your or not. She is a little bit larger than me but much shorter so she has been struggling too and decided she needed to do something different.


I promise I will be back in touch daily as soon as Jamie is finished with her final exams. Her last one is May 5th. I will begin breathing again at noon on the 5th of May.


Hugs and smooches to all my sisters here! I am proud of each and every one of you. I do try to read the entries a couple of times a week so I can at least see how everyone is doing and I keep you all in my prayers every night and every morning. I pray that we all make the right decisions regarding our health and that we are happy with ourselves.


Love ya, Vic

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Hey Vic (it's still PJ, I just changed my name on here)!!! I almost spit out my cereal when I read "he may have lost his left nut I was so hurt". LMAO!!!!! I'm glad you're doing well and you didn't experience a gain! All that food made me hungry, lol.


I'm sure Jamie will do JUST fine, please don't worry! I think we all have so much going on that we haven't had a chance to check-in but hopefully it will get a little less hectic for all of us in a few weeks.


I did some grocery shopping yesterday and it was nice to feel myself making better choices and not feeling deprived about it. Instead of cupcakes or fiddle faddle to satiate my sweet tooth/snack attack, I purchased sugar-free popsicles and 100-calorie microwave popcorn. I got a lot of veggies and fruit in preparation for my fast next week and also picked up a lot of chicken and seafood. I think I'm set for a while, just have to re-up on sides ever so often. I'm determined to be under 300lbs (last weight was 334) by my birthday on July 19th.


Anyway, talk to you all soon!

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Hello all hope all of you are well!!!!!!!!!!


Vic!!!!! I will keep you and Jamie in my prayers. I am sure she will do fine, but I understand your worries. T is not graduating and I am worried about him just passing. And we still have 5 weeks left:eek: . Any way HAPPY BELATED 45th!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see the new diet plan. Maybe between that and WW core I can figure out a decent plan for me. I understand about knowing all of you!!!!!!!!! Vicki doesn't get it very much either, but I guess you have to experience this to understand.


PJ- July 19th huh. Way to go on your grocery shopping!!!!!!!!


Hope everyone is having a good weekend!!!!!!!!

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Hey everyone! It feels like it has been forever since I have been on here. Between Spidey, the nursing home, and researching my family tree, I just have been neglecting other areas. Sorry.


Leah - great buy on the shoes. I love clearance. Hot flash huh? Oh I am so not ready for those anytime soon. I know I still have a ways to go before I get one, but I just am not looking forward to it.


PJ - Love the name change! Good luck with your prayer fast this week. I will pray for you as well. Great job with grocery shopping. Remember, it is a lifestyle change!!


Vic - Hey there!! We have missed you. I too, had to giggle when I read the comment about loosing a nut. I havent heard that expression since I was last in Mississippi. Thanks for taking me back to memory lane. Girlfriend - I feel the same way. You all are my other family. Another April baby! Happy belated birthday to you. You made me so hungry when I read about all the different foods you had. Yummy Yummy Yummy! That is great that you did not gain!! Congrats!! Let us know what type of diet this is that your friend is trying. I will have your family and Jamie in my prayers for graduation and going ons right now. I know it is hectic, but you will survive.


Gotta run - gotta lot to do today. Stacy

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Hey Stacy! Thanks for the prayers Sis, I need them. I think my mind knows that I'm fasting and wants to psych me out. Today's fast is no meats/no sweets...shouldn't be too hard, right? For breakfast I had 2 packs of instant oatmeal, for snack I had 1 orange, Lunch was a large ceasar salad with croutons and I'm still hungry! Normally I don't eat a lot during the day so I guess my body knows that I'm in the process of restricting food intake and it's just starting to protest early. I'm going to eat another orange and drink some water...and pray, lol.


Oh, and although Wednesdays are my weigh-in days, I'm going to weigh myself everyday this week.


This morning I weighed in at 334.6

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Hi girls!!! It's lunch time and I decided I am checking in during lunch. I did not get to go to Cheri's this weekend to get the diet together but we are planning on meeting this evening. I was supposed to go Sunday but we were shuttling teenagers to and from JazzFest all day. On Saturday I had my niece's First Communion and it turned out to be an all day affair. But I have to share this with y'all!! Tess is 9 years old. She has Down Syndrome and she is just something else. The Archdiocese decided to allow her to make her First Communion and boy was it a hoot!! All the kids go up together, two lines of kids. They bow as the kid in front of them is receiving their Communion. Tess bows and the Priest says "Body of Christ" and holds the host out for Tess. She still has her hands folded so he thinks she wants it in her mouth (for those that are not Catholic, you have a choice. You can either hold your hands up "cupped" and receive it or you can keep your hands folded and stick your tongue out). She does neither. So the Preist says again "Body of Christ". Meanwhile, the line on the right is moving smoothly and the kid behind Tess keeps bowing over and over. Tess finally "takes" the host from the Priest and puts it in her mouth. She then proceeds to put her hands on her hips and does not move! She then takes the host out of her mouth and proclaims LOUDLY "that's YUCKY"! Put's it BACK in her mouth and takes it out AGAIN - and AGAIN - YUCKY - takes it out again and the Preist bends down and says something to her in her ear and then she puts her hands back on her hips and loudly and dramatically stomps over to the lady holding the cup of Precious Blood. What does Tess do? She proceeds to drink the whole cup of wine! The lady is trying to pull the cup away and trying desperately not to let any of the wine get on her pretty white dress. She drinks it all and walks back to her pew and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and then pulls her pretty white dress up and wipes her mouth AGAIN! Not a soul laughed or snickered EXCEPT US!! We were laughing under our breath so hard we were crying! It was priceless! Unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures or video as they had a professional there. We can't wait to see how this comes out. We are hoping they don't edit it out. But some people may be upset if they don't. Tess does not go to school with these children so the parents and grandparents don't know Tess and don't know she has Down Syndrome so they may be upset. But since no one laughed or snickered my sister thinks that they may have been told ahead of time to be prepared for a hiccup with one particular child. Which is okay.


Well, hopefully I will get with Cheri today as planned and get all the info on this diet. She officially lost 8 pounds last week on the diet.


PJ - LOVE the new name! But you were already a Precious Jewel to all of us!!


Stacy - Hang in there kiddo! You have your plate full!


Leah - I've got a direct line to The Man upstairs! I'll send a Shout Out for T and ask for help and guidance for the remainder of this school year.


And to all my other sisters on this site - HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!


Talk with you all soon!


Love ya, Vic

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HEY VIC!!! That story is TOO CUTE!!!


Yeah, that's what the PJ stands for, at some point I just started typing it out as PeeJay, lol. My middle name is Jewel and my mom used to joke that she'd started to name me Precious Jewel (to my horror). One of my friends got wind of this several years ago and started calling me PJ for Precious Jewel, lol.

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Good Morning All!!!


I'm feeling really good today! I slept SOOOOO good last night, almost to the point where I didn't want to get up, but alas I'm here...at work, lol. Maybe my good sleep has to do with the fact that I'm in double digits for my cruise now! :D My fast today is to eat/drink ONLY soup, salad or fruit/fruit juice (or water of course). For breakfast this morning I had 2 oranges and an apple. I brought a few more oranges and some pineapples, I brought some unsweet applesauce too just in case (I don't guess that's cheating, lol). For lunch I brought some ceasar salad mix and I guess if I get too hungry I can pick up some soup from the deli. I suppose I'll do to the same for dinner tonight. Today's prayer focus is for the leaders in the church world.


Well that's just a little glimpse into my day. I weighed in this morning, but I'm right about where I was yesterday...no surprise there, lol. The only reason I'm weighing in daily this week is so I can see how these changes are affecting my body day to day. It'll be interesting to see where I fall at the end of the week.


Well if you check in today, know that I'm thinking about ya! :) Make good decisions today!

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Hi all!!!!!!!!!


Vic, that is just too funny!!!!!!!!! My niece, you is not downs, went for communion one time and some how got to the wine(I normally didn't let her got there because she was young). well she got back to the pew with me and mumbled "nanny this is nasty", she still had the wine in her mouth and then went outside and spit it in the bushes.:eek: I was so appalled, lol.


PJ, I am praying for you for this week!!!!!!!


Stacy, Please make sure you take time for you and take care of yourself along with everything else you are doing. That actually goes for all of you. As women, mothers, sisters, daughter, etc. we take care of everyone and everything else but ourselves which is why we found this board!!!!!!!!


I just drove in from Baton Rouge, about 2 hours from here. a classmate, friend of my mom's died after a long illness and mom wanted to go to the funeral. And as you may or may not remember mom was in a horrific wreck in November and still can not walk as well as she could before and doesn't drive far by herself. So I can kinda whipped. Well talk to you all soon.

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So I did well on my fast ALLLLLL day until my friend met me after work last night to go furniture shopping and then he wanted Chick-Fil-A. I SHOULD have gotten a salad, but I didn't. I ended up getting a chargrilled chicken club combo...but I didn't eat but about 4 fries and I had some lemonade. I know it wasn't a REALLY bad meal but I just feel so bad that I didn't stick to the salads and fruits/fruit juices yesterday. :( I was hungry and I should have known that walking into CFA would have been the death of my fast...and I went anyway, lol. At any rate, I've decided to re-do yesterday's fast and continue from there.


I weighed myself this morning (this is my normal weigh-in day) and I was down to 333.4. I'm hoping to be into the 20s by next week's weigh-in. I hope I can do it!!!

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Thanks Leah! Actually the family tree research is for me! It is something I REALLY enjoy. I become so engrossed in it. I find it facinating at the different lines, etc. Last night I found where one brother and sister (just for ex. we will call them the Davis siblings) married another brother and sister (the Jones siblings) in a different family line. Davis brother married Jones sister and Jones brother married Davis sister! How weird is that? Happened in TX!! So sorry about your mom's friend. I am glad that your mom had you there to lean on. It means a lot.


Vic - I had to laugh at your story. How cute! I am not Catholic, so thanks for the lesson in Catholosism (did I spell that right? it's still too early for me). It reminds me (not religious of course) of something that my aunt did years ago. She was born with a disabillity. I do not remember what it is, b/c I dont look at her that way. She is just my Aunt Jan. Anyway, she didnt get out and do a whole lot away from the family. She has never been too adventerous. One year (I was about 5 or 6) we had a family vacation to Pensacola Beach. Traveling was my dad, mom, grandma, me, Aunt S., Aunt Jan, Aunt Deb, and Aunt Pat. We went to a seafood restaurant one night. We were sitting there eating and the grown ups were talking. Aunt Jan was a teenager. All of a sudden, grandma asked Aunt Jan where the tails from her shrimp were at. She had ordered fried shrimp. No one realized that she had never ate shrimp before. (How is that possible when you are from the South?) Even at 5 or 6, I had eaten them before. Poor baby had eaten the tails of the shrimp. She was so upset b/c she thought everyone was going to make fun of her. It was funny, but we never joked about it in front of her. OK, not as funny as your story, but it was funny to us.


PJ- Last night was a hiccup. Move forward. Dont beat yourself up for it! Congrats on the 1.2 lb loss. Cute story about your name. One day (again when I was little) my mom had my initials monogramed on a sweater for me. At the time, that was the big thing. When she picked up my sweater, the woman asked her if she realized what they spelled. My mom had never thought about it. The woman pointed out to her that my initials spelled SLY. Yeap, SLY. That's about as interesting as my name gets.


Ok, gotta go cook breakfast. Talk later, Stacy

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Thanks Leah! Actually the family tree research is for me! It is something I REALLY enjoy. I become so engrossed in it. I find it facinating at the different lines, etc. Last night I found where one brother and sister (just for ex. we will call them the Davis siblings) married another brother and sister (the Jones siblings) in a different family line. Davis brother married Jones sister and Jones brother married Davis sister! How weird is that? Happened in TX!! So sorry about your mom's friend. I am glad that your mom had you there to lean on. It means a lot.



Hey Stace...anybody ever call you that? If you don't like it, I won't, but I like to give people nicknames, lol. I guess it's really not shortened because I'm just replacing a letter, lmao.


Anyway, what method are you using to research your family tree? That's something I am really interested in.


Funny story about your initials. My ex's monogram is BMW and that's the only car he'll buy/drive because he just thinks it's fabulous, lol.

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Oh yeah, I have had people call me that. Doesnt bother me. I will answer to almost anything. That's funny about your ex. Men's brains work so differently than ours!


Family tree! Well, I found a free program that I downloaded onto my computer. I can publish my findings on the internet, and still work within my family tree on the program. It has a great research function. I hit the research button, plug in a name, and it brings up all these different research web sites that has that name on it. I then start pouring through the different sites listed until I find hits. When I started out, of course I knew my parents info, but I had to go to my grandma (mom's side) to get more info. Another great aunt on my dads side had a little info posted on Roots.com and I was able to copy from it. So with what grandma told me I started researching until I find names. I found census records and was able to get names from that. Once I had gotten so far, and was stuck, I kinda lost interest. The other day I decided to research again. I plugged in my great,great,great,great grandmothers name and found hits. I was able to find on roots.com another person who has been researching his line, and my gggg grandmother was on it. I have been able to trace back several lines back to about 1650, and his roots site that I have info from goes even further back. I am still inputting it into mine. He has cesus reports and everything to back it up. Right now I have almost 500 names listed in my tree. That is just from my moms side. I need to work on my dads, DH's mom and dads also. This thing will be massive when I get through with it. It facinates me. I was told that my great great grandmother on grandma's maternal side was full blooded indian. Great great great grandpa on dads maternal side is also suppose to be full blooded indian. That is what made me start researching. I wanted to know just where I was from.


Ok, on back to research. If you have any questions about it, let me know!!


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You will need to register. Once you have registered, you can then start making your family tree. They have a couple of other neat things too. One is "Which celebrity do you look like" where you can put a picture of yourself in it and it will pick a handful of celebrities that it thinks you look like. I also did another one on there where I put pics of me, Spidey and DH on it and it told who it thought Spidey looked more like. He looks more like me by 3%. Doesnt surprise me since I think DH looks kinda like my dad when dad was young. (It never hit me until I put dad's military pic next to DH's military pic and it was very uncanny).


Sorry for the delay, Spidey had me outside playing. Ok, back to research!


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Thank you!!! I'll be playing with this all weekend, lol.


Girl, I dont know if you will be thanking me after the weekend! It might consume too much of your time!! I know it has mine. Ok, I am so excited. Last night, the other family tree that I found that I have been copying from - had some interesting stuff. I am going to email the guy to have him send me back up of his findings. I went ahead and looked at the complete tree before I went to bed just to see who was in it. I had been inputing it in person by person and had not really looked at the complete tree. Anyway, my poor little family from MS, somehow down the line is decendents of -- - - - - Edward IV King of England, Henry VII King of England, James V King of Scotland, Mary Queen of Scots, Henry VIII King of England, Anne Boleyn, Queen Elizabeth I, etc.


I thought this was really neat. These people are way, way, way, far on the tree, but somehow they are still linked to my family tree. (Ok, so we all in a round about way are related to one another on all of our family trees!) I cant wait for my grandma to wake up so I can call her to tell her! Ok, back to research. Everybody have a great day. Stacy

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