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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Marlene, put the Big Girl clothes on eBay and reward yourself for all your hard work!!!!


Thought about that but not sure if it will be worth it - not that many "high end" name brands. :D I may look through it before I give to GW to see if anything is worth selling.



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Jen - did mama never tell you that you are suppose to wear good tennis shoes and socks when you are doing a lot of walking?




LOL she did but Im a flip flop girl ;) Next year though, I WILL be taking my Asics with me. Those are the most comfortable shoes ever. Granted, they're cheerleading shoes but omg I love them!

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Have you already booked your next cruise - when and to where? Where do you sail out from?


Haven't booked yet, probably will when the tax return gets in and we'll put the other half in savings. We're gonna go on the Sensation again Jan 3rd out of Port Canaveral. They're redoing the entire ship so we're anxious to see the changes. We're also trying to get our best friends to go with us. They're getting married in Sept. so it would be a great honeymoon for them ;)


We'll definitely be doing better financial planning for next year. We didn't get to do any excursions we'd talked about like Kennedy Space Center. I had more fun just walking around Nassau and stuff on our own so we'll probably just do that next year and take a cab over to Atlantis that way we're not so rushed. But we're for sure going to Kennedy and I plan to have WAY more spending money though we didn't do too bad this year.

They put a $260 hold on the debit card and when it came time to cash out, we only owed $42 so that's not too bad!! But I would like to be able to just have that extra cushion, ya know? With me finishing my correspondance course and working, it'll all work out better :)

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We will also be leaving out from Port Canaveral in February.


My weight still isn't dropping this week. I vowed today to do a completely "liquid diet" today to see if that helps. I've been drinking water/flavored water, my protein shot this morning and had a cup of soup for lunch and supper. Those Campbell's Soup at Hand are great and are low calorie. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow the scales will be nicer to me.


I've finally got all my excursions booked/plans made for the cruise. Today I organized all my information/receipts and printed pictures of excursions. My husband FINALLY is ready to see what I've booked. He had a meeting tonight so tomorrow night hopefully we can sit down and go through it. Hopefully he will be pleased. If not he has only himself to blame because he was determined I would plan everything.

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Don't have much time (dinner's cooking), so this time I won't be writing a book!


Robin, I had sort of the same experience when I asked the bartender at the pool bar if he knew how to make a "Sex on the Beach". He said (heavy accent) "I know how to make a sex by the pool!" In Las Vegas one time, I ordered the same drink and the waiter (very feminine, if you know what I mean) said, "Honey, we're going to have one heck of a time finding a beach around here!" :) I'm so glad I'm married to a man that can laugh with me in situations like that. My ex would've blown his top, and then flirted his butt off with some pretty woman!


Weight is STUCK at 160.2. Finally had a "bathroom event" on Saturday :o and weighed 159.4 afterward, but that didn't last long.


Welcome home, Jen.


Marlene, I thought about selling my big girl clothes on eBay, too, but I also didn't have anything that I thought anyone would really want. The only things worth selling were the "altered" things that don't seem to be altered, but I'd hate to advertise them as one size and they not fit because they were altered (somewhere; I just don't know where).


Better go get dinner on the table.


Will "talk" to you again on Wednesday.



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Bonnie - looks like we are both stuck at the same weight. I got to 158.6 two different days, and have bounced around between there and 160.4 the other days. <<<<<<UGH>>>>>>> Hopefully tomorrow will be better! I have to get back to 158.6 in the next two days just to be at the same weight as last Wednesday! AND I haven't been that bad in my eating.........what gives??

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eBay: You might not think they are worth anything but if you are going to give them away ... what you got to loose? Just be sure to list measurements especially if they have been altered.


I got my results back from lab test today and they have started me on thyroid medications. I was told that the number is actually within what would be considered by most doctors as being normal but high when you are actually trying to loose weight. I was told that they recommend anyone who has above a 1.5 and trying to loose weight start thryroid medicine and mine was a 2.7. I don't know what those numbers mean but heck I will try anything. This has actually been a good week for me. I think changing locations of my injections may have been the trick.


Marlene, funny you mentioned getting down to a size you have been before and you quit loosing for a while. I wonder what causes that. It's exactly what happened to me.

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Haven't booked yet, probably will when the tax return gets in and we'll put the other half in savings. We're gonna go on the Sensation again Jan 3rd out of Port Canaveral. They're redoing the entire ship so we're anxious to see the changes. We're also trying to get our best friends to go with us. They're getting married in Sept. so it would be a great honeymoon for them ;)


We'll definitely be doing better financial planning for next year. We didn't get to do any excursions we'd talked about like Kennedy Space Center. I had more fun just walking around Nassau and stuff on our own so we'll probably just do that next year and take a cab over to Atlantis that way we're not so rushed. But we're for sure going to Kennedy and I plan to have WAY more spending money though we didn't do too bad this year.

They put a $260 hold on the debit card and when it came time to cash out, we only owed $42 so that's not too bad!! But I would like to be able to just have that extra cushion, ya know? With me finishing my correspondance course and working, it'll all work out better :)


Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you out in your planning of the January cruise. The Sensation is getting their Evolutions of Upgrades this month. After seeing pictures of the Inspiration and Imagination it should be wonderful. I was hoping that the Fascination would get the last of its upgrades before we sail but nothing has been mentioned yet on their dry-dock schedule. Have you seen Carnivals new pricing program for booking early? There's some really really great deals and you are guaranteed the lowest price up until you sail. The only catch is that the deposit is non-refundable. I'm thinking however if you have insurance and cancel for a covered reason then the insurance should take care of the deposit.


My associate has a group going out of San Juan next year to the Southern Caribbean .... I sure would like to go on that one. Everyday is a port day and airfare to San Juan is no more than going to Florida.

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And fortunately you can get "loss of job" as a condition of cancellation, which under the economic conditions we are experiencing, is a great thing to have!


Robin - I can't remember what my thyroid test numbers were. In June one of my thyroid tests was high so they did a different type test and it was fine. They retested in September and everything still normal. Because I had that nodule on my thyroid found in 1994 - right before dad died - they keep watch on it. Glad you are having a good week as it seems Bonnie and I aren't doing so well. Two more days - maybe something will happen "for the good". I've read articles that your body is similar to one of those re-chargeable batteries in that it has a memory and when it finds a weight you've been at before, it thinks it's where it should be. So the next 5 lbs are going to be tough for me it seems. I'm not sure I can get them off before my cruise, but will keep trying!



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Thanks Robin :)

I was looking yesterday and for the same exact stateroom we had last week, it will actually be about $500 cheaper than it was this year if we go ahead and book. Right now, everything is depending on the tax return-I hate that. Rob's been off work and on worker's comp for a little over a month now. It's better than nothing at all though! I will be starting my courses soon, probably within the next couple of weeks and I'm shooting to be done in 4 months and working. So that will help a LOT on saving for next year and just the extra income in general will be nice :)

The cruise out of San Juan sounds like it would be awesome! I can't wait to see what the Sensation looks like after they're finished with it. I read a lot of reviews before we went and everyone made it out to be a dump that was falling apart when in all actuality, it wasn't. Sure, it was out dated and you could tell that she's 16 years old but not near as bad as everyone tried to say. That's why I like to form my own opinions ;)

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Jen - what kind of courses are you going to be taking?


Remember Robin books cruises as a side job so she is a wealth of information.


Looks like the scales are finally smiling on me today. Now I have to maintain until tomorrow's weigh in!! Looks like - if I'm a good girl today - I can record my "40 lb" loss as of this week. As of this morning the scales are showing 40.2 lbs lost in 18 1/2 weeks (all while being with this group - couldn't have done it without you). Water - Water - Water today.......

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Mornin Marlene :)

That's right, I had forgotten that!

I will be taking correspondence courses through U.S Career Institute. A friend of mine took the transcription course but I will be doing Medical Claims & Billing. Was talking to a friend last night that I haven't talked to in about 6 years (found eachother on Myspace!) and was telling her my plans.. Turns out, her fiance's cousin does medical claims from home and sufficiently supports herself, husband and two kids so I'm thinking... YEAH!!! hehe It's a relatively short course, can finish within 4 months and they help you find Drs in your area. My friend's cousin picks up her work once every two weeks and returns it when she's finished.. Sounds like a good plan to me!

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Good luck Jen. I've heard of people doing that. I work from home and love it. I work for an international company and they closed a local office and asked if I would mind working from home. Mind???? I ask the guy if he wanted me to jump across the table and hug him now or later. Although with little ones running around it may be a little difficult. There's just me and the dog here during the day. He sleeps until he hears the UPS truck enter our neighborhood and then he makes a racket from heck. LOL

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Good evening,


I have had a terrible week with my diet. I don't think I have lost anything. Yesterday I had even gained. Not good....About to give up on losing this weight before my cruise.


I have a doctor's appointment the 26th. Hope that he can give me something to help. I still have been unable to find the protein shots anywhere in this town. We don't normally eat breakfast and it is really hard doing what we need to do on the south beach diet. I am considering just trying to watch what and how much I eat.


I will post sometime tomorrow.


Jen - I have done medical billing for the last 18 years. I just recently transferred into the finance department of the clinics I have worked for the last 10 years. I hope that you have luck in finding doctors that are willing to hire outside billing. It can be hard, but rewarding if you are able to work out of your home. Keep us posted on how it is going for you.



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Pam - you will have to figure out what works for you. Some people like Weight Watchers. You may want to look at their online program. You can also order Protein Shots from different websites and from Ebay. Maybe a health food store or a GNC store would have them? You could also check into Protein Shakes. I have also used the small Atkins shakes (pre mixed). Don't give up!


Will post later with my weekly weight info.



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Hi all - my scales finally moved. I hope I'm over the plateau and can move forward now. I have 5 more weeks of weigh ins before my cruise. My original goal was 30 lbs by 2/21 (last weigh in is 2/19). I changed that to 40 and then upped it to 45. Now, like Robin said put it in writing, I am going to push myself really hard these next five weeks. I don't have anything planned with will get in the way. I'm going to push for 50 lbs by cruise. That would be 9 lbs in 5 lbs. I've been averaging about 7 to 7.5 lbs per month. Based on past weight loss, I'm probably looking at 48 lbs, but that would totally suck to get so close and not be able to say "I lost 50 lbs", so I'm going to try really really hard.


Robin wanted us to have a goal between sisters of a date when we could add our total weight together (our mom's & my husband's BD) for a total 100 lbs lost. I was looking at Mother Days, she wanted March 16 - 2 weeks after I get back from cruise (gotta have time to lose my cruise weight!), I told her to shoot for 2/21 (BEFORE my cruise) - she could lose 55 lbs and I'd lose 45 lbs. She didn't like that one either. Ok Robin, I'm shooting for 50 lbs by 2/19. Want to try that with me?


Anyone else out there that wants to shoot for the moon in the next 5 weeks? Let's plan some big goals - get focused - and see what we can do!


SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)

LW: 158.6 (1/7/09)

CW: 156.6 (1/14/09) - currently 41 lbs.

GW: 152.6 (by 2/19 - 45 lbs)

**GW: 147.6 by 2/19 - 50 lbs***

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Thanks gals :) I look forward to see how it all pans out.

Robert decided to enroll in the Legal Transcription course last night as well. I think it will be neat for us both to work from home on our own schedules and make some good money. We have a lot of "plans" that we just don't have good enough credit for lol Plus, we have to start saving for next year's cruise..Ran numbers yesterday and the final product is not pretty lol Needless to say, thank God for the tax returns!


On to the other stuff.. I am very impressed with myself today.. Scale says: 129! Yea, I stayed right there LOL I'm guessing it's all the walking and dancing I did while on the cruise. Can't argue with it though.. I was terrified to see how much I'd gained but then again, I didn't eat a whole lot either.


Anywho, there's my number for the day :D

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Marlene ... don't you think you are pushing me a bit much :mad:! That date is good for you because its pre-cruise ... I gotta go about 10 days of diet disaster between now and that date. I've already proven I don't do well when I am off work and then throw a cruise in there too. :eek:


Can't we just compromise. I mean darn, you wanted a May date to start with and now you have decided we should move it up by 3 months!!!! We are starting to sound like some of those sisters on the Biggest Loosers. If I am weak then it means YOU have to work twice as hard to help us reach our goal.:p Though I still don't think its fair that I have to go thru a cruise during the next 5 weeks and you don't go until afterwards. What do the rest of you TITS think? Is this encouragement or a case of older sister torturing younger sister?


I will post my weight loss this evening. Currently I am sitting at a 35-36 lb weight loss so that means that in the next 5 weeks Marlene and I would have to loose a combined 20 lbs. Is it possible? Is she going to make me feel guilty on the cruise? :rolleyes:



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Good evening,


I have had a terrible week with my diet. I don't think I have lost anything. Yesterday I had even gained. Not good....About to give up on losing this weight before my cruise.


I have a doctor's appointment the 26th. Hope that he can give me something to help. I still have been unable to find the protein shots anywhere in this town. We don't normally eat breakfast and it is really hard doing what we need to do on the south beach diet. I am considering just trying to watch what and how much I eat.


I will post sometime tomorrow.


Jen - I have done medical billing for the last 18 years. I just recently transferred into the finance department of the clinics I have worked for the last 10 years. I hope that you have luck in finding doctors that are willing to hire outside billing. It can be hard, but rewarding if you are able to work out of your home. Keep us posted on how it is going for you.




Pam, have you checked not only in the diet aid section at walmart but also back where they sell exercise equipment like smart bells and stuff? Also if you have a vitamin store in your local mall like GNC they carry the protein shots. I recently seen them at our local grocery store (ingles) but they were the ones that are like double strength and double priced. I know you said you are not much of a breakfast eater. Do you like grilled chicken? Perhaps you could grill up a few pieces of chicken and put it in the refrig then after you have been up a couple hours eat a chicken breast. It's loaded with protein and certainly not your typical breakfast food. I usually fix several at a time and just have them ready to go. Please don't give up .... YOU DESERVE THIS ... if the doctor will give you some type of appetite suppressant when you go on the 26th that may help in the initial stages of dieting. I taken phentermine and really like it. I feel like I have more energy and it really curbs your appetite. In fact, in the beginning you pretty much have to make yourself eat. One of the side effects is a dry mouth which I don't mind as its a reminder to drink water!

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It's definitely big sister torturing little sister.. Perhaps it's payback from everything you did to get her in trouble while ya'll were little :rolleyes:... LMAO JK!!!!

Ya'll can FOR SURE do 10 lbs each-seriously!!! GO FOR IT GIRLS!!!!!!

*does her best cheerleading moves* lol

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My scales won't budge! Iam still the same as last week. :( I gained that weight over the holidays and can't seem to get back into gear. So with the holidays and the cruise I gained 6 lbs!! I was at 145 at one point ( for 1 day) and now at 151.6. I am depressed.. IS everyone struggling after the holidays or just me???:rolleyes:


Shooting for the moon.. I'll go for 10 lbs in 5 weeks, that would put me at 141! I gotta do something to get back on track...


So here we go again.

SW: 171.something 9/08

CW 151.6 1/14/09

Moon Goal: 141 ~ 2/18/09

GW 135 4/1/09


Total lost to date:20 lbs.

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Marlene ... don't you think you are pushing me a bit much :mad:! That date is good for you because its pre-cruise ... I gotta go about 10 days of diet disaster between now and that date. I've already proven I don't do well when I am off work and then throw a cruise in there too. :eek:


Can't we just compromise. I mean darn, you wanted a May date to start with and now you have decided we should move it up by 3 months!!!! We are starting to sound like some of those sisters on the Biggest Loosers. If I am weak then it means YOU have to work twice as hard to help us reach our goal.:p Though I still don't think its fair that I have to go thru a cruise during the next 5 weeks and you don't go until afterwards. What do the rest of you TITS think? Is this encouragement or a case of older sister torturing younger sister?


I will post my weight loss this evening. Currently I am sitting at a 35-36 lb weight loss so that means that in the next 5 weeks Marlene and I would have to loose a combined 20 lbs. Is it possible? Is she going to make me feel guilty on the cruise? :rolleyes:




Seems initially you sent me a text message wanting it to be March 16, two weeks after MY cruise. Now you know why I shouted NO! Little sisters are still try to torment big sister. She was a pain when I was dating and here she was 9 years younger, peeping under the door, in the windows, or just interrupting at wrong times.....


I'm still going to shoot for 50 by 2/19, although it may be next to impossible....

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My scales won't budge! Iam still the same as last week. :( I gained that weight over the holidays and can't seem to get back into gear. So with the holidays and the cruise I gained 6 lbs!! I was at 145 at one point ( for 1 day) and now at 151.6. I am depressed.. IS everyone struggling after the holidays or just me???:rolleyes:


Shooting for the moon.. I'll go for 10 lbs in 5 weeks, that would put me at 141! I gotta do something to get back on track...


So here we go again.

SW: 171.something 9/08

CW 151.6 1/14/09

Moon Goal: 141 ~ 2/18/09

GW 135 4/1/09


Total lost to date:20 lbs.


Let's go for it Donna. We don't make it, we can come close. Yes, I've been struggling as well. I finally drank lots of water, ate/drank tomato soup for supper and a protein replacement bar at lunch (and my protein shot for breakfast) - for two days - and my weight moved. It will probably be back up tomorrow.



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