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Beauty salons, particularly those that have a spa associated with them tend to offer waxing as a service. Ask your friends for recommendations as the skill among waxers varies.


I'd also recommend limiting caffeine intake before waxing and take aspirin or tylenol before you go.

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I get my waxing done at a nice spa. I know some of the "in and out" no frills nail salons do it but they're not for me. I have very sensitive skin and when I get my eyebrows waxed, the esthetician uses a high frequency wand after to prevent break outs and lessen the redness. I don't know that I'd recommend a first time waxing just days before a cruise. If you have any adverse effects, you don't want it to ruin your cruise.

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I also get my waxing done at a nice spa. Make sure you ask how long the waxer has been doing waxing I have had someone who was a newbie wax my bikini line and trust me it was not fun :eek: Newbies tend to go slower to make sure they are doing everything right. (my current waxer does my full leg and bikini line in just under 15 mins) I have had my eyebrows done before at the local no frills nail salon and my face broke out and was red for days! The woman I see now told me the "in and out" places tend to use a cheaper wax and that was what was breaking me out.


I totally agree about popping some tylenol before you go and try not to go the week before your period you will be ultra senestive


Good luck!

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  • 6 months later...

I am really thinking of getting my legs waxed for my cruise. I have only thus far gotten my caterpillars shaped. I have no clues on how to go about getting waxed. How long does it last, the usual stuff.


I am 5'10" and half that is leg. I hate those razor bumps in the bikini area, and I really don't want to shave my legs on the ship as the shower I have heard is small.


Any help will be grateful.

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So glad this topic was posted. I have never had a bikini wax and needed some tips. Tylenol it will be! My stylist and my nail tech both do waxing but I have known both of them for so long I can't let them look there! Silly I know as it wouldn't bother either one. My stylist gave me the name of a place to go here in Evansville and I have an appointment two days before our sail date. She says to then use tweezers for any that come back in while I am at sea :eek: Not sure I can do that! I have had my brows done for years and they last a long time now. I suppose the more you do it the longer it will last.

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I have been getting waxed for years. I do brows, lip and brazilian. IME, ibuprofen before makes a difference for the more painful processes (brazilians are a bit painful).


I now prefer threading for facial hair removal.


This might be a stupid ???, but what is threading?

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This might be a stupid ???, but what is threading?


It is a method of hair removal that originated in India.


A thread - looks like dental floss - is held in the threaders teeth and hands and she uses it to remove hair by working quickly across the surface.


It provides the cleanest shapes ever and is less uncomfortable - for me at least - than waxing.

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I would also like to try waxing...just my legs to begin with and I'm very nervous about trying it. I've heard it's very very painful. I have had my eyebrows waxed in the past but now pluck my own. How painful would you say the experience is, on your legs? I would hate to pay for it and then to realize I couldn't tolerate the pain.

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I've had my eyebrows and a brazillian done. How much do the legs hurt copared to the brazillian? I know it probably should hurt less, but since its a much larger area, I'm curious. Also, would you guys recommend getting waxing done on a cruise ship, or should I stay away?

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I would probably do the waxing before you leave. It is very pricey (I hear) onboard and if you can't get an appointment then what would you do? Plus it might give time for the red to go away if you do it a day or so before you cruise.

Is a brazillian the same as a bikini wax??? I am going to ask about the threading technique. First I have heard about it.


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I get eyebrow and and in the summer months I get 1/2 leg waxes.


Does it hurt, well a little, they only go to and include the knee. Since I dont' wear shorts, minis or bathing suits, that's all I need.


By the time it's done there is no pain so it's not a lasting pain. You need to have a bit of hair growth in order to be waxed so it's best not to shave for about 10 days before you go at least it's 10 days for me (different for everyone I think).


I don't take anything before I go, no need to, it hurts for a few seconds and it's done in sections so to speak so you have a break between the painful part.


Make sure you go to a place that is clean and sanitary. If it were me, I'd go a week before the trip. For me it usually lasts about a month.


I've never had a full leg and I've never had a bikini or brazillian so I can't comment on that.


Usually I pay about $30 - $35 for 1/2 leg plus tax and tip.

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I get a Brazilian wax done about every 5-6 weeks. I usually have to pluck a few strays, but I stay mostly bald for about 4 weeks. Then it takes another week or two to get enough hair growth to wax again.


I completely agree with Barbarabeeb - make sure you use someone who knows what she is doing. I had a new person do mine a few weeks ago and it really hurt and took three times as long as usual. Normally it doesn't bother me much. Also, unless you have thick, coarse hair, ask to use the honey wax. The honey wax is gentler (I am blonde with thin hair) than the hard, green wax and works just as well for thin hair. It may not have enough "pull" for thicker hair.


For me, leg waxing is a waste of money. I tried it a couple of times because I hate shaving (6' with LOTS of leg). I really hate having stubble so I shave at least twice a week even though my hair is so light you cannot see it unless you are REALLY close. The fine hairs are really hard to pull out with the wax and because they are hard to see, she had a hard time finding the stray hairs to pluck out. She spent over an hour each time trying to get all the hairs off my legs, but I still found some hairs when I got home. I felt like I needed to shave my legs a fews days later.


If you have dark hair or coarse hair on your legs, waxing may be worth the money. I thought waxing my calves hurt worse than the bikini area.

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I started waxing about the time I started cruising. I have weighed over a large range of weight in that time, from okay to downright obese! (medically speaking<G>) I still do a bikini wax, even though this body isn't likely to see a bikini any time soon. Most of the year, I do half leg if at all (in the winter, I wear pants, and often don't bother with the legs at all!- the more you wax, the less hair comes back) I have NEVER had leg pain, even at miy chubbiest. The secrets to good technique (I have also done my own.) Loose skin- Hold the skin down and taut when the aesthetician pulls the cloth up (with the wax and hair stuck to it, for those of you who haven't done this.) It helps if you can maybe help pull the skin taut, but ask your aesthetician. You don't want to get in her way. Because I am fat now, it is a huge help and relief to her. As for the friends who are nail technicians, They are professionals. Would you not go to a Doctor you knew? They are trained to be professional, I am sure. The way I always figure it is, tell me if it's anything you haven't seen before <G>They are not looking at your you-know-what. They are looking at the target of their work. And making sure they do a good job. The next part of not stinging is to press down on the skin right after the wax is pulled. It immediately stops any stinging (if there even IS any) and usually keeps the redness down. Anyone who doesn't follow these two rules, I change technicians! They either weren't trained right, are rushing because they are running late, or they just aren't being conscientious.

I find I can go two weeks on a leg wax job, (or underarm- I have also done that. Who wants to spend time on your cruise shaving!), easy. I take a new disposable along to catch any strays. It tends to come in thinner and fine, unlike shaving, when it does grow back. It grow back slower because it is pulled out by the roots.

Why do I do a bikini when I don't intend to wear one? I find I feel cleaner, tend to get less sweaty, and have less skin problems there- which can be a real problem where skin touches skin and is moist. It's a breeding ground for yeasty-beasties, as I call them! It just feel better, and seems healthier and cleaner to me!

Now, about those Brazilians. (all-over bikini wax- as in NO hair in the crotch area) I have been wanting to do that for months. I just am nervous about that one. Where does a fat woman go to do such a thing? I guess I will have to try a spa, instead of my favorite (but good) nail technician! Even she is nervous about that one! remember, the places that tend to hurt are fatty tissue- such as around your most sensitive part <G> Legs rarely hurt, as they aren't as fatty, or loose skin. BTW, Some salons offer you a glass of wine to relax while they work on you. Just don't drive home sloshed. And steer away from the ones with new age music, tinkling bells, candles, and mood lighting! Nothing against new age and tinkling bells, but if you are working with hot wax around something I treasure, You'd damned well better be able to see what you are doing! <LOL>


Also, and this is a personal choice- I finally just took off the underwear while being worked on. I got tired of trying to keep the wax off my good ones. At least wear ones you don't mind getting stretched out and possibly wax on- Of course I asked my technician if she minded first! Although some techs prefer you to wear the suit you will be wearing if you aren't doing a fuller job of removal, but want "just enough" done. As for going bottomless while getting waxed, trust me, She isn't looking THERE. Just at the hair!


Don't be afraid. It feels marvelous when you're done. They usually smooth on some aloe- maybe a mineral oil to make sure they got all the wax. If you don't take off your panties for the bikini, you might want to bring a spare in case you get a little bit of wax on them. Nothing worse than going back to work after a session with your underwar sticking to you! For your first time, I would recommend, if possible, going 10 weeks before your cruise or special event, to be sure you don't react, turn red or get little pimples or ingrown hair. Better to do it twice, than to find out two days before your cruise that your skin is too sensitive and you have to wear one of those 1920's long legged bathing suits! Pick up something with Salicilic Acid in it (the main ingredient of aspirin) - many acne cleaners have this in them-to use after. It is the same as the expensive stuff they will sell you to inhibit ingrown hairs. My technician last time also recommended a day or two after, using a SOFT nail brush or bath brush in the waxed area, to keep hairs from curling in and growing under the skin and getting infected (more likely with coarse hair)


Sorry to be so ?Crude? Explicit? But it pays to be informed, and these are not easy questions to ask your friends!

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Traveltogo- Thanks for explaining -in detail- to those of us who have never had a bikini wax. I was thinking about doing it but wasn't sure how far they go.


I switched over from my old hair person to the Aveda/Jiva Spa for my color and cut about a year ago. I have also had body wraps, pedicures and massages, and recently my eyebrows waxed. It is a full service spa so I think it would be "safe" to get my bikini wax there.

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As far as removing your undergarments, some places actually have disposable underwear. The spa I go to does and that's a great help. No wax on my own underwear. I've done brazillian a few times and it definitely hurts most the closer in to those more intimate spots. But even during the brazillian she just moved the disposables over to one side, maintaining a slight level of discretion (though I will admit, there's not much left to discretion with some of the positions you need to manuever to for an "all over" wax!:rolleyes::eek:


Legs and for me even underarms aren't bad. Bikini is the toughest but only lasts a few minutes.

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As far as removing your undergarments, some places actually have disposable underwear. The spa I go to does and that's a great help. No wax on my own underwear. I've done brazillian a few times and it definitely hurts most the closer in to those more intimate spots. But even during the brazillian she just moved the disposables over to one side, maintaining a slight level of discretion (though I will admit, there's not much left to discretion with some of the positions you need to manuever to for an "all over" wax!:rolleyes::eek:


Legs and for me even underarms aren't bad. Bikini is the toughest but only lasts a few minutes.


I went to the same esthetician for my Brazilians for years then moved away and had to find a new one. It is really important to have one you are comfortable with. Mine uses a hand towel and moves it around a bunch but, quite honestly, if they taking it all off, modesty does go right out the window!


If I take an ibuprofen prior to the wax, it seems to help. And it has gotten easier over the years. I really cannot imagine going back to natural, especially now that the hairs growing in are grey. Eeeekkkkk!

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So glad I don't wear bathing suits. I would never get that done. It's not modesty, I don't think it's something she hasn't seen before, it's the pain, oh the pain, no thank you,


Sincerely, I'm in awe of any woman who can get this done and does!!!:) :)


I don't think I would have ever made it as a top super model. I could not deal with the pain! No amount of fashion for me is worth that kind of pain!!! OUCH!!!!!:)

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MrsMoose, I actually got started with Brazilians about 7 years ago on the advice of my gynecologist. I am very active and, as such, prone to yeast and other infections as it so hot here much of the year. She told me that a lot of female athletes wax to help offset those problems and that I should consider it so I tried it. It worked really well for me and I view it as trading one brief pain to prevent another that is, for me, much worse!

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Wow CaviarGirl, thank you for telling me that, something I will discuss with my gyn next time. I am prone to "those kind of infections" myself of late because of the pills I take (keep the breast cancer away I hope).


I would definnitely trade the pain not to get the "infection". Last winter I got one and I was sick for almost a month.


THANK YOU !! big time, I will have to discuss this, didn't know it could make that kind of difference. WOW:) Big Big thank yous for sharing!!:)

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