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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. @FromSea2ShiningSea your photos continue to be beautiful. Did you plan & organise this whole trip yourselves?
  2. Hope Virgin do another open night on this particular ship. It was good value on the Resilient Lady at the OPT.
  3. @Luckynana I think it was you who asked about my daughter. Her ankle is much improved and the x-rays show good healing. Thank you for asking.
  4. Be lovely for you to be able to take the grands on a RC cruise. Hope there is a big enough fan base in Europe so that The Wiggles & RCL make it happen My brother was telling me that his SIL and little nieces were at the Royal Easter Show in Sydney on Saturday. They were in the Showbag pavilion and noticed a queue form. It was the former yellow Emma Wiggle - now known as Emma Memma - doing a meet & greet. The parents were just as excited as the kids to meet her.
  5. Would love to be relaxing on one of her hammocks instead of being at work…
  6. An Australian exclusive on Quantum class, not only are we getting The Wiggles characters appearing on board during the 25/26 season, we are getting this… Yep, it’s April 1st here in Australia…
  7. Just woke up early from the weirdest nightmare about sailing on the oldest ship in the Princess fleet. It was boarding day and I was exploring from bottom to top this very very strangely designed ship. Weird where your mind takes you in your sleep… Then my friend texted me to tell me that her husband just woke her at 6.25am so they and another couple could hide Easter eggs when the sun rises for the 12 kids they are currently camping with. Not only an Easter tradition but a necessity with the beautiful weather we have had this weekend. It was a lovely warm 30C yesterday.
  8. @Luckynana Lois sounds like a wonderful neighbour then close friend to you both. I am very sorry for your loss.
  9. I was dropping off a book to a street library yesterday whilst the owner of the house was spraying his grass out the front. A guy walking his dog stopped and informed the owner in a polite manner that the spray he was using was toxic to dogs.
  10. This set up & your dishes looks very similar to The Test Kitchen on Virgin Voyages. Except the menu - you get a description of each dish. On VV you just get a single ingredient.
  11. Happy Easter to all who celebrate it. We have had lovely weather for Good Friday in Sydney - a very pleasant 26C. This morning, I did an 8km undulating urban walk and was delighted to find towards the end that this cafe was open serving all day breakfast. Afternoon and evening we spent at the beach first relaxing on the sand then later enjoying take away fish & chips for tea in the adjacent park with many others enjoying their family picnics on this lovely evening. A young group near us had a guitar and were singing Sweet Caroline and other songs. Meanwhile, DD sent me this photo taken on their drive to Calgary.
  12. Just looked at the photos from my son’s soccer trip to Japan. I remember being really excited that he would be in Japan for the cherry blossoms. On his return I asked him did he see many blossoms - “mum, they were EVERYWHERE”. (Easter pre-pandemic)
  13. Good Friday here in Sydney. Looking forward to four days off work and a family get together. Won myself this Easter egg in a raffle. Smashed it up last night and it filled two large Tupperware containers. Won’t be needing any chocolate for a while that’s for sure…. Watched first episode of 3 bodies on Netflix, thanks for the recommendation. I am intrigued and looking forward to watching more.
  14. @DaniDanielle I wish your grandson didn’t have to write that but it is indeed beautifully written. 2 years. Please remind me how old he is now. @dani negreanu sorry you are unwell. Get better soon. @FromSea2ShiningSea pretty sure I speak for everyone that we don’t mind how long your posts are. Your photos are stunning.
  15. Thanks. 3 body problem sounds like a better choice for me than the Lockerbie doco that DH just recommended to me. Started watching the doco & then decided watching it 2 weeks before a 15hr long haul flight is not a good idea.
  16. True but It’s because he wants to do an specific overnight hike next year that is a solid 20km each day (you can’t split it) and he wants to see if it’s do-able.
  17. You know I love birds. Please share photos if you happen to take any when you visit after your move. That’s a good distance each way. I took Max on a 4km one way walk last weekend and got DH to collect us, thinking 4km would be enough for Max. Nope, he started barking and wanted to keep going. So, he is getting 8km walks, a couple of times, this Easter weekend.
  18. The weekend I fly back from Alaska, DH wants to do a brand new 20km bushwalk that has just opened up in the Blue Mountains. I read the link he sent me, where it is suggested you do the walk in two stages with an overnight in beautiful Leura which sounds ideal. Nope, DH wants to do the full 20km walk in one day. Me “but I need to go slow for photos!” plus I love Leura…I’ll have to convince him. Either way, looks like I’ll be using the stairs to Deck 14 on the cruise to keep my fitness up. I already plan to walk the entire sea wall perimeter of Stanley Park in Vancouver on the morning I fly in from Sydney.
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