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Posts posted by Doggielover68

  1. 15 hours ago, Fredette said:

    Correct.  Take away (what we call take out here) was adopted by many restaurants that didn't do it before.  All of the delivery businesses had a boom.  People just had to eat at home.

    AND, where I live, households weren't allowed to visit each other, to restrict the spread of the virus.

    Part of the reason for our second wave was the spread from household to household.  So unless you were caring for someone, you couldn't visit friends/family, nor could they visit you.  

    It all comes back to stopping the spread by preventing too much contact.  Unfortunately, isolation is necessary when dealing with the outbreak of a new disease.  Our ancestors understood this, it's basic.

    Church services were stopped (places of religious worship were only allowed to have the religious leader and one or two people on site to operate the equipment so that services could be broadcast).  People had to worship at home - using zoom or the like to tune in.  Baptisms and weddings were stopped, funerals could only go ahead with minimal people physically present, I "attended" a funeral online and it was surreal.

    Mistakes were made, lessons were learned, but what became apparent is that the solution is not easy, it involves being uncomfortable and doing what we don't want to do, but have to do.

    In Australia, we had different rules between states, depending on what the situation was in each state, and movement between states was not possible unless you had an exemption.  Even within states, movement could be restricted (I live in Melbourne and we weren't allowed to travel to the regions because we couldn't risk spreading it to areas that didn't have it).

    I don't know how the political system works in America, so I don't know whether it is possible to restrict interstate movement, or even if anyone has the will to do it.  If there was a particularly bad outbreak in one state, could neighbouring states close their borders?

    I think some states in the US attempted to restrict border crossings, but it was more on the honor system than any actual proof for those traveling by car. Plus in many of our states with busy tri-state areas, people cross borders daily for work, shopping, etc so it would be very hard to enforce. 

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  2. 20 minutes ago, firefly333 said:

    I'm sure Australia did great. My point is I have no control here and our southern border with mexico is open. If 73% is being spread here by family and private meetings, and 1% dining, I think it is a shame to close outdoor dining and not address the other. 


    As I expected you ignored the problems here I pointed out and gloated about how well where you are doing there, which is a island and it worked so much better. 


    I feel bad for restaurants going out of business here, calif closed outdoor dining which isnt a big risk. Deal with the big risks. Every 1 of the 50 states here has different policies, not 1 like your island. I knew you wouldnt get it. You didnt. I have a issue with closing outdoor dining especially where every safeguard possible is being done.

    I have a feeling that the reason for restricting indoor/outdoor dining is to limit people from gathering. What's to stop a group of 5, 10 + people from different households gathering to eat at an outside dining establishment and then sharing a table where social distancing is impossible? Also it's so hard to stop the spread when procedures are so different from state to state. If one state has open dining and a neighboring state does not, people will cross state lines to go to the open places. Take out is fine for now. I think many restaurants have adapted to be able to provide great takeout/curbside options so they can still survive but discourage groups from gathering. 

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  3. 9 hours ago, pc_load_letter said:


    I've said it before and will sail again, the cruise lines can pull it off. We all are well aware of MSC in Italy right now doing just fine.


    Not a peep from them except when they kick off people for not following the protocols.

    The keyword here is "Italy."


    The US is a complete disaster with 3,000 + deaths daily and people who still think that it's a hoax, or refusing to wear a mask, or spreading fake news about vaccines. The cruiselines would not be able to pull off cruises from the states. 

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  4. 21 hours ago, bluesea777 said:

    Not surprised! The incubation period of catching covid is between 4 and about 15 days. You stand next to a person infected with covid and not become positive until at least 4 days later.


    So the negative pre-travel test really do not help as you might catch it on the way to airport and during your journey to the port to board the ship.


    Here in Bermuda we have now seen an increase of positives ... the travellers (returning residents or tourists) test negative for their pre-travel but test positive on arrival, OR test negative on their pre-travel and arrival tests but positive on day 4 test, OR test negative on first 3 tests and test positive on day 8 test. All arrivals must quarantine until their day 8 test.





    Very true. My coworkers husband came down with covid and was sick as a dog. My coworker, who lives in the same house, was symptomatic and didn't test positive until 5 days later. This virus is no joke and testing is not perfect. A vaccine is our only hope at this point!

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, firefly333 said:

    Let's agree to disagree. She suggested to crew to go get part time jobs, which indicates to me no time soon. We obviously see this totally opposite., I say crew and you go off on how this isnt the time for full blown cruises. I just said I want to see signs they are preparing. ..and off you go. Obviously we see this video totally different. I saw it as it will be a while. 

    You're taking this way too personally. Then again, this is cruise critic so I shouldn't be surprised. We did not see the video differently..I also said it would be a while, thus why they didn't provide crew members with dates or details. 

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  6. 29 minutes ago, firefly333 said:

    I specifically said what I want to hear about is more specific plans for inspections and when are mock cruises. I said have the crew put on masks and social distance.


    You took what I said into full blown cruising. It will take months to get inspections, both of them and pass the mock cruises. Are inspections scheduled? 


    It's now almost mid December and we are no closer to knowing if the inspections required are even ready for inspection. 


    As I said I believe I'll be vaccinated before cruises are ready to resume. 

    Well, this message was intended for the crew, so I wouldn't expect to hear the details as a member of the general public. The crew will find out the details when Carnival has them. We will find out after that. 

  7. 3 hours ago, firefly333 said:

    I watched the blogger too who referred to this video.


    I didnt like her non specific answers, they know what the cdc wants, puts some masks on, social distance and get on with the mock cruises and inspections.  Clearly I'm one tired of no answers, well except what first two ships will be ...at some unknown date. Her suggestion the crew get part time jobs for now indicated, no time soon. 


    I wish cruiselines seemed more anxious to resume. I found her talk to be disappointing. Just me. I want them to get those inspections and mock cruises going and get the ships ready to sail. 

    I'm sure they are anxious to get back to cruising as they are making no money right now, but with 2,200 covid deaths daily, now is not the time. There's a lot more than masks and social distancing when you put a bunch of guests from different parts of the world together on one ship for multiple days. Think about all of the typical activities they once had and how most of them are not conducive to social distancing. Not to mention cleaning standards, testing, additional medical support, etc that is now required. It's a major undertaking. Frustrating, sure, but what isn't in 2020? We'll be able to vacation again at some point, but it shouldn't be rushed. 


    As far as the vague answers, well, I can tell you that working as a CEO's executive assistant has taught me that vague answers are not only common, but necessary when you don't have all of the answers. As the face of an organization, you simply can not give out false information without major backlash from stakeholders, the board of directors, customers, employees, etc.

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  8. 1 hour ago, new_cruiser_75 said:

    Hey all, I'm positive someone here knows the answer...  I have booked a cruise for next fall with my fiancé under my maiden name and might change my name (it would be a surprise) this summer when we get married.  Would it cost me to change my name at that point with Carnival?

    Thanks for your help 😃

    I changed my name 1 year after getting my passport and didn't want to pay for a new passport. I booked travel in my maiden name and carried my marriage license with me as back up. In 8 years, no one questioned it. 


    It's easier to have your travel booked in the same name as whatever is on your ID, so if you plan to have a new passport by then, I'd suggest getting your name changed on the reservation. Taking your marriage license along isn't a bad idea either

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  9. 3 hours ago, Joebucks said:


    To be fair, I was a on a cruise in mid-March without masks or vaccines. To our knowledge, nothing happened.


    But I agree, the press can't wait to find people with COVID on ship.

    Considering the fact that the incubation period is 2-14 days, your shipmates could have gotten sick/died/spread the virus long after you debarked. However, the virus was not widespread in the US at that time. Things were shut down early to prevent it from getting as bad as it was in Europe and Asia. However, everything reopened far too early and here we are many months later up a creek without a paddle. 



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  10. 8 hours ago, fyree39 said:

    On the contrary. They should have a few 3-day cruises a year for the anti-vaxxers/anti-maskers and let the rest of us cruise safely year round.

    The crew doesn't deserve that...I say no vaccine, no cruise. I understand that there are a small percentage of folks that can not have certain vaccines, but they do not have to cruise either. It is a luxury, not a right. 

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  11. At first, travel photos made me sad. I really do miss vacation but I consider myself extremely lucky to have been able to travel when I did. Those memories keep me going and give me something to look forward to in the future. I had a "staycation" from work for 9 days where I actually never left home recently. It's good to have a mental break from reality even if you can't go anywhere at the moment. 

    • Like 3
  12. 5 hours ago, firefly333 said:

    If you do nothing then you pick the fcc/obc option. You have to select refund to get a refund, otherwise it defaults to fcc.


    No price match, and prices are probably higher. Each time I've had to get cancelled and rebook I've paid a higher price. I'm paying more than I would during a normal hurricane season. With so many having obc, prices are higher than normal times with no covid. At least out of Galveston.


    I used to say rcl was much cheaper, but those deals gone too, just booked yesterday and paid almost as much for rcl, though still less for a group rate than ccl. Prices are up. Fewer ships and people with fcc to use up, up go prices. Now if we can just get vaccinated and restart cruises.


    That obc isnt free, you pay for it with higher prices.

    My replacement cruise was actually $200 less for the same itinerary. Since I had paid in full already, they gave me obc for the difference plus the $600 obc. You just have to browse around for dates with good prices.


    To answer the original question, yes, you can apply it to a new cruise. If you go to the website under 'cancelled cruises', there's a form you can fill out to select a refund or FCC. 

    • Like 1
  13. On 11/15/2020 at 2:13 AM, ray98 said:

    Sure.  This charade can't go on forever.  Eventually society will reach a point where we realize we can outsmart a community spread virus such as this.  Masks, lock downs, restrictions do little to nothing as is being shown right now.  One day we will reach a point where you just have to go on with life and that may mean you contract COVID.  It will be just another chance we take in life.  Hopefully a successful vaccine comes down the road or the virus mutates into something less dangerous to us.

    I discredited your entire post the second you called the pandemic a "charade."

    • Like 6
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  14. 36 minutes ago, cruizergal70 said:

    While the test cruises may be free, I seriously doubt they would invite random strangers. I suspect they would invite previous guests and maybe include a large percentage of platinum or diamond cruisers.

    Well it's all speculation at this point anyway so who knows. Many platinum/diamond guests may be denied due to pre-existing conditions. 

  15. I don't even like going to the supermarket these days. I would not go on a free cruise because I'd imagine it would draw a less than desirable crowd. I've been on several short, cheap cruises that were just full of obnoxious drunk people. I'm all for having fun, but party cruises aren't for me. I also think I read that they will be testing both before embarkation and before debarkation. If you test positive, you're forced into quarantine somewhere at the port of departure and can't leave for a few weeks. Not sure if that is on your own dime or not...either way...too many questions remain. 


    Plus, I'd rather not end up being hooked up to a ventilator. 



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  16. 4 hours ago, toocruisin2 said:

    That's a great question. The way Cuomo's new rule lays out a person needs to have a test and get a negative result no more than three days before returning to NYS, and then again no less than four days after returning.


    I guess a person flying would need to get a test before boarding the plane. The rapid testing will help, but will insurance companies even pay for multiple tests in order to vacation?

    My guess is that with the 3 day quarantine requirement, you would be unable to even travel to the cruise ship terminal unless you arrive several days before the cruise. 

  17. 6 hours ago, Cruising_Addict said:

    Because someone is more likely to catch the virus on a cruise ship, where they can socially distance from other people, than on a plane where they can’t?  Riiiiiiight. 

    The issue is that you're essentially living on that ship and traveling to multiple countries. Once one person tests positive on that ship, they will probably lock down the whole section, maybe the whole ship for the duration of the cruise and you can be sure they won't go to any ports. You have to think about the crew too. The ship is their home for months and they are the ones cleaning the rooms, the dishes, dumping your trash, etc. Their lives matter too and they shouldn't have to risk their lives so you can have a vacation. 


    I so desperately want to go back to traveling, trust me. But the pandemic is totally out of control in the US and it will be some time before countries want us back. 

    • Like 1
  18. 19 hours ago, Saint Greg said:


    It was tough for ME...going from that 30 inch suitcase and large backpack to the 21 inch suitcase and small backpack. I don't know how people do it with a carryon..or sharing a suitcase.

    I can manage 2 weeks with a carryon. It's not that hard with all summer clothes. I also wear my shirts/shorts more than once (not sweaty ones) and use the free laundry perk. I even pack multiple bottles of sunscreen, hair conditioner, snorkel gear, shoes, otc meds, etc. Keep in mind that "carry on" can mean a small rolling luggage and a backpack. I just prefer to have my stuff with me 100% of the time.

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  19. 10 hours ago, richfret said:

    Just curious.  Am booked for January  on the Horizon.  Do you think they would still have the evening shows in the Theater?  It was difficult to find a seat in the past and with the 6 foot rule, you would end up with quite a reduction in attendees.  Then there is Bingo.  I guess they could do the numbers on the TV and the winners could call in with their cabin phones.   With the self serve meals gone, they would probably have to serve food all day long.   The pool would be interesting but probably limited to a dozen people.  Sure would have to have many changes made and some how make it entertaining.  What do you think?.    

    I think a lot of the activities are going to have to change or be eliminated. So many of the existing ones require you to be close or touching other people or touching unsanitized items. Bingo is probably still ok since people can spread out more in the theater, but they will probably have to hold it not directly before other events. 


    In summary, I have no idea. I think my January cruise is going to be cancelled anyway so haven't been making plans.


  20. On 8/27/2020 at 7:22 PM, Cruising_Addict said:

    On the contrary. If cruising can’t start by spring it’s because people haven’t taken the pandemic seriously enough. Americans have no one to blame but themselves for not being able to cruise right now. Europeans are already cruising again. 

    This. I don't think there will be a cruise until there is a vaccine available to the general public, which will not happen until spring. I can't even visit my out of state family without a mandatory quarantine period yet. 


    Imagine the poor crew members trying to force selfish passengers to wear their masks in public corridors. How many news stories have you seen about store employees being harassed/attacked when asking people to follow the rules?


    I really wish people could follow the guidelines so things can return to normal, but I'm afraid normal no longer exists in America.

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  21. 22 hours ago, Elaine5715 said:

    The US doesn't have a lot of dengue fever, cholera, rabies, Japanese encephalitis , malaria , typhoid  or Yellow fever. I would bet many crew know someone who has been exposed 

    You realize that you just listed a bunch of mosquito borne illnesses + rabies...not contagious

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