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Posts posted by Wheels87

  1. "Things I do think corporate greed is a big deal in high prices" 


    Quoting that from above. Seriously? Did you read the quarterly earnings report? Currently, due to the pandemic shutdown, all of the cruise lines have taken on enormous amounts of debt and are in danger of going under. They have no choice but to maximize earnings/profits until that debt is paid down. 


    I have been on 8 cruises since the restart and 38 cruises altogether and have had an awesome time on all of them. My wife and I'm have sailed on The Wonder four times in the last year and found both the food and entertainment choices to be outstanding! We just got off The Wonder and had a difficult time choosing which music venue we would attend. The jazz group, the pop band and the country trio provided the best entertainment we've ever experienced. 


    The ship was completely full and show reservations as well as specialty dining reservations were difficult to come by. I guess this just illustrates how everyone's perspective is different. 



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  2. To the original poster(s)...


    My wife and I will be boarding our 38th cruise tomorrow on the Wonder of the Seas. We've had numerous missed ports over the years as well as two air evacs and two times we had to return to port for medical emergencies. Heck, we even had to spend and extra day on two different cruises...one for fog in Galveston and the other for medical last November on the Wonder.


    During all of those cruises, our itinerary was affected and yet we found a way to have an awesome time anyway. Why? Because we fully understand that sometimes, things just happen. If my ship had a propulsion issue, I would much rather have an altered itinerary than a canceled cruise. 


    The bottom line is that your description of the customer service experience with the misinformation really was poor, however, as soon as you started talking about your poor family missing Nassau, you lost most of us.  



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  3. Greetings! 


    I just want to point out that the cruise lines have to be very careful about what information they give out regarding citizenship documents. Laws are always changing and are often not cut and dried.   That's why they reiterate that it is up to the passenger to ensure they have the required documentation. 


    Remember, it is not the cruise lines rules they are enforcing, but rather US and/or international law. Imagine what would happen if they allowed someone to board, only to have the US deny them entry upon the cruises return. The cruise line would then be responsible for that passenger for an indefinite period of time. That is why it is in their best interest to ensure that all documentation is in order and to err on the side of denying boarding of there are any doubts. 


    Happy cruising! 




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  4. No, they do not. I was saying that our immune RESPONSE, in the lungs, especially, is what causes people to die from Covid. Immunocomprimised folks don't mount as aggressive of a response. Therfore, they don't have the same damage to their lungs as immunocompetant people. 


    I other words...it is the immune response that does the damage that hurts people. Without the immune response, there is a lower likelihood of severe lung damage. 

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  5. Good day! 


    I will preface what I am about to say that each individual has to make their own decisions regarding balancing the risk of cruising vs staying home, etc. 


    That being said, as a physician, my opinion is that the Covid-19 which is circulating today is NOT the same virus as it was 3 years ago. It is pretty much like every other cold virus out there IMO.  I would not be worried about catching it on a cruise ship anymore than I would at home. For almost everyone, treatment is unnecessary. And all of the talk about folks who are immunocompromised...the data show that they are not at any greater risk than anyone else. It is our immune response to Covid which causes people to die. Folks who are immunocompromised don't mount the same immune response to Covid as others.


    My recommendation is to enjoy your cruise. 



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  6. 1 hour ago, RobInMN said:


    There have been many threads and discussions where people think it's perfectly fine for THEM to sneak into their rooms early to drop their stuff off, because they are just 1 or 2 people, so they can't possibly be a bother to the room stewards trying to turn all the cabins. So I am more than willing to give this officer the benefit of the doubt at snapping at anyone that opens the cabin hall doors prior to the announcement. My first thought would have been to wonder how many other people tried to get to their rooms early before you opened the door, B2B or not. And honestly, how much you paid or tipped is completely irrelevant here.



    So, I'll turn it around on you then...how many threads and discussions there have been where people think it's perfectly fine for THEM to sneak into their rooms early to drop their stuff off is completely irrelevant here.


    I am talking about 4 guests (my family) on a back-to-back cruise following the prescribed rules which were given to us which has ZERO to do with people sneaking into their rooms early.  We were told that our staterooms would be available at 11:00 am and absolutely no later than 11:30 am.  We waited until 12:50 to attempt to access our stateroom.  So, are you saying that it is acceptable for an officer to YELL at my family for doing what were were told to do?  Without first asking if we were back-to-back guests?  The whole point of my post is that there were somewhere in the neighborhood of 125 B2B cruisers and that of all people, an OFFICER should understand that concept.  Since when is it acceptable to jump on people first and ask questions later?

    I am shocked that anyone would think that is OK because some guests are rude.  I have done nothing wrong here, yet somehow am being blamed.  I guess I should just allow this person to YELL at my elderly cousins and my wife because they are frustrated.  Who on this forum would just accept that?  Believe it our not, I was actually quite polite and explained that we were back-to-back guests and showed her my stateroom card.


    The whole point is that it was entirely inappropriate to take that approach with my family and me.  I cannot believe that anyone on here would just laugh it off like some are.  It's ridiculous.  That is appalling customer service.

    Good day.

  7. 2 hours ago, cruisegirl1 said:

    I’ve taken at least 30 sets of back-to-back cruises. I’ve been questioned in the hallway, maybe twice. I’ve shown my in transit  pass and have immediately gotten a very warm. “welcome back on board“. 

    I’ve never been questioned by anyone who was servicing the rooms. Two times in all of our back to backs, we were questioned  was by deck supervisor. Once the supervisors  learned, we were back to back, it was no issue at all.  

    I never have a problem being questioned, as the staff are simply doing their job. Once I show them the pass, it is no issue at all. 


    I have zero problem being questioned. I have a serious problem with the way this officer yelled at me and my family. There is no need to speak to anyone in the manner in which we were spoken to. 


    She wasn't doing her job, she was taking out her turn-around-day frustration on us and it was uncalled for. Read my past posts...I have always been very complimentary of the cruise lines and crew members in general. I gave out over $1,000 in cash tips during the last 14 days in addition to the pre-paid gratuities. I don't need someone implying that I am the problem. 


    While we have usually had good experiences, it has happened several times where we were accused of doing something wrong. 

  8. You also get a stern talking to by some staff when you attempt to return to your cabin early. My wife and two other family members opened the door to the stateroom hallway around 1250, only to be rude ly told to wait by an officer in the hallway. I explained that we were back to back guests and she looked at my cousin and friend and rudely said "What about them?" I told her that they were with me. 


    There were around 125 B2B cruisers. I just wish that the staff would think about that before addressing guests with a bad attitude. All she had to do was ask if we were B2B and there wouldn't have been an issue. And before anyone says it...I u derstand that they have to deal with rude guests and I appreciate that, but, there was no reason to shoot first and ask questions later. 



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  9. On the Wonder now. The Captain made a very lengthy announcement about the situation and stated that due to a large cold front (think high winds and rain) that it wasn't safe to dock in either Coco Cay or Nassau. 


    They even produced about a fifteen minute video with maps and graphics explaining the situation and played it on channel 29 of the TV.


    As you can imagine, the rain and winds outside meant crowds everywhere inside. It was quite difficult to get a drink anywhere on the Promenade. 



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  10. 16 hours ago, Starry Eyes said:

    Simply email your request 2-3 weeks prior to the cruise to rcldining@rccl.com


    That way your set of tables will be incorporated into the dining arrangement.  Early on the first day of the cruise, wander into the dining room and find your table numbers.  If as expected the tables are fine, enjoy your day.  If not, ask for assistance.

    I second using this method as I do it all the time. My wife and I are currently on the Wonder and are doing a B2B. Some family are joining us for the next leg and we got a confirmation email with our table assignments for both trips. 


    It's always worked perfectly. 



    • Like 2
  11. You can call RC and explain the situation after you return form the first trip. We had to do this for our Wonder of the Seas cruise over Thanksgiving as we were delayed a whole day returning due to a medical emergency.  There was a letter in the stateroom saying that we would get credit for the extra day. When we returned and got credit for the voyage, we did not get it. I called and got a o the right person who fixed it immediately. 


    Bottom line...don't take "no" for an answer. 



    • Like 1
  12. Just now, jrapps said:

    Have you ever tried the UDP? While it is expensive, it (to us) is totally worth it. I feel the quality of food in MDR has slid a lot for years now. We used to be those people that could never imagine paying more for food, now we can't image doing the MDR ever again. Every meal on the Wonder was high quality, and most meals we were done in under 90 minutes. The Wonder was a great ship to do this on as there were so many upgrade restaurants, we never ate dinner in the same restaurant twice!

    We will probably do that for our B2B in January, however, I found that with eight people, it was difficult to get a reservation. We booked 150 Central Park and had a great, albeit late, experience. The group at the only large table stayed for 3.5 hours and delayed us by 45 minutes past our 8:30 reservation. The staff was very apologetic and took 30% off the bill. In January, it will just be my wife and myself. 

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  13. Just now, Oceansaway17 said:

    I am actually surprised the border control and immigration was letting folks off so early 

    even with facial recognition they were really at the port that early.


    I was watching on ptz at 2:30 am and she came in early but the docking was slow.  It looked like no one there to take the lines and tie up the ship


    Yep, they had multiple lanes open. It was smooth as silk. 


    I agree with everyone about the food...not as good as usual and everything was quite slow coming out of the kitchen.  My entire party was seated every night by 5:15 for dinner and two different times it took over 2 hours to finish. We are not slow eaters, either. They also left dirty dishes sitting in front of us for long periods of time. It was like the staff had way too many guests to look after. 


    I'm hoping it improves with time. 



  14. 3 hours ago, Club33 said:


    well people paid for this cruise so not really sure why they should be grateful? That’s the dumbest way of thinking. If you pay for something, you expect to receive. Medical emergency can happen and change thing and that’s okay but your logic doesn’t make any sense.  Anyways, everyone will be getting off in a few hours anyways so all will be right in the world once again. 


    I believe the point they were making, as was I, is that when you put it in perspective, anyone who has the ability to cruise in the first place should be grateful. People are complaining about being inconvenienced, plain and simple. If someone is on the ship and got an extra day, which they did not pay for, they especially should be grateful. I do feel badly for the folks who had their vacation cut short, but, all the complaints about additional hotel costs is ridiculous. RC is refunding their cruise fare for the day, which is at least $400 for two people, which is enough to get a PREMIUM hotel room in the area. 



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  15. Update...all drinks have been 50% off tonight! 


    5 hours ago, Alabamacruiser1969 said:

    Well for one they are giving you point for a extra day cruising 


    True, and as I stated before, that makes me really happy. They really didn't have to do that.


    This thread is so interesting. I agree with everyone who is in the category of understanding that cruising can be a tumultuous vacation at times and if you read the contract, the passengers are assuming lots of risk. Sounds like about half of the folks responding here should choose another mode of vacation. 

    • Like 4
  16. Just now, Mreimer said:

    Very good comment. 

    let me through this out to the group for discussion:


    1. You are scheduled to go to Cococay and can’t get to the dock due to wind. Do you expect Royal to compensate you?


    2. you are scheduled to go to Cococay and get there on time. It is raining like crazy and not pleasant to even get off the ship. Should Royal compensate you? 





    That's simple "no" and "no." 

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