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Posts posted by Wheels87

  1. Just now, Mreimer said:

    Almost makes you want to stay till next Sunday……I will buy you a drink LOL


    Awww. You are too kind! Believe me, if I could, I would. I have a B2B scheduled here on the Wonder in January. I am doubly thrilled because this one extra day put my wife and I at 80 days, so we will be Diamond for both kegs of our B2B. With four free drinks per day each, this saves us over $800 per cruise or $1600 for both. 


    Of course, I would gladly trade it if it meant the person didn't have to be evacuated. 




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  2. Just now, Alabamacruiser1969 said:

    Well for one they are giving you point for a extra day cruising 


    True, and as I stated before, that makes me really happy. They really didn't have to do that.


    This thread is so interesting. I agree with everyone who is in the category of understanding that cruising can be a tumultuous vacation at times and if you read the contract, the passengers are assuming lots of risk. Sounds like about half of the folks responding here should choose another mode of vacation. 

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  3. Just now, Alabamacruiser1969 said:

    Well to answer your snarky answer to my question is that the current people still onboard are getting compensation by Royal Caribbean. Correct me if I’m wrong I don’t think the family of the one with the medical condition is compensating those passengers so all I am saying is Royal Caribbean needs to be fair across the board on the compensation to all who were affected by this the one’s still onboard and the one waiting to board a day later now.


    Actually, I am on board and did not get anything other than a free day at sea. No onboard credit or anything else.  They are offering the internet for 1/2 of the normal daily price. 


    That's it. Zero onboard credit. Please explain to me exactly what I am getting. 




    I edited this post to be clear...I don't want anything for free and neither do I think that I deserve anything at all. I'm just happy to be here. Thank you Royal Caribbean! 

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  4. Just now, Mapleleafforever said:

    This statement is utter nonsense. 


    Exactly why do you say that? 


    From my own personal experience, I have been on 35 cruises and three of them have been interrupted by medical emergencies and another by severe fog. That's more than 10% of the time. The cruise contract discussed these very issues. To say that people need to be flexible when cruising is "Utter nonsense" contradicts the history of cruising.

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  5. 3 hours ago, SG65CB said:

    If the wind was pushing the ship sideways away from the pier at Coco Cay couldn't they back out and pull in on the other side of the pier and let the wind push the ship to the pier?




    Actually, that would be even more dangerous as if the wind picked up, even slightly, the ship could get slammed into the pier. 


    Port problems and medical emergencies aside, this was a great cruise.  The logistics of trying to take care of 6500 passengers in this situation is nothing short of nightmarish for the crew. I am guessing that when some food items aren't available today, there will be loads of people on here complaining about that as well. RC simply can't win...it is their Kobayashi Maru. 


    When you take a cruise, you MUST be flexible with your travel plans. It's that simple. If you expect the unexpected, you will most often be pleasantly surprised. Try reading the cruise contract which we all agreed to. They don't really owe us much of anything, yet still offer. And what does that get? Many still complaining that it isn't enough.  I'm actually surprised that I haven't seen anyone stating that they deserve a 100% future cruise credit. 


    Cheers...I'm off to Cafe Promenade to get a bit of coffee before I start my FREE cruis day! 

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  6. Here is the bottom line...we were informed today at 1215 by the Captain exactly when we would be arriving in Port. That is a full 40 hours of notice. Is that not good enough for folks?  I've been fogged out of Galveston before with zero notice and had to wait around for a whole day, having changed my flight five seperate times, only to end up staying on the ship an extra night. That was terrible. At least in this case, we got to plan for and look forward to an extra day. 


    Again, I'm not a RC fan boy and have been on way more Carnival cruises, but, I think it's been handled decently. 





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  7. Just now, notscb said:


    I know it's annoying when a stop is missed, but I would have absolutely loved to watch this unfold in real time.


    Lol. Yeah, I could feel the vibration from the thrusters and ran up top to see it. There we were, hovering in space and time, like a giant hummingbird, unable to reach the shore. We were so close, I think I could have spat upon the concrete, but, alas, it wasn't meant to be. 



    • Haha 1
  8. Just now, notscb said:


    Of course, and when folks are under pressure or stress they tend to not have the most rational approach to what is happening in real time. It's also possible that the announcement wasn't broadcast as widely as the ships officers or cruise director thought it was (which happens all of the time, IME).


    I appreciate you confirming some of what's happening, though. It's really helpful in getting a fuller picture for those of us not onboard.


    Truly my pleasure to do so. 


    So, to paint clearer picture of how Coco Cay was cancelled...we were actually positioned right alongside the pier at a distance of about 20 meters for about 20 minutes with full thrusters attempting to move us closer to the pier.  The ship simply could not get any closer. The cross wind was at 33 kts according to the ship channel.  Eventually the Captain gave up and pulled away. An announcement was made about fifteen minutes later that we had to miss the port. 

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  9. Just now, notscb said:

    it's interesting how multiple folks on the same ship are coming to this thread with different information, which I think speaks more to the situation being that communication has been poor overall from RCL to those onboard and to those who are now having to wait a day extra for their cruise to depart.


    What's true to you clearly isn't true to the other poster, and I'm wondering how that's happening.


    I appreciate your comments.  The point I am making is that if I actually heard announcements being made, then they were made. Some folks may have missed some of the announcements for various reasons, but saying they were never made is not true. Just like someone mentioned that we are being "forced" to get off the ship at 0430.  Clearly that is not what the letter states.  Anyone who has ever cruised understands that debarkation takes at least three hours. 


    Much of this thread is hyperbole by folks who don't understand how a cruise ship functions. 

    • Like 9
  10. Just now, Cruisejammer22 said:

    Lmao then you must not be on board because at 3:30/4 they made an announcement and shortly after apologized that none of the prior announcements were made into the rooms. So again, my story is true, cute for trying to make it seem otherwise. 


    I most certainly am onboard and heard every announcement. In fact, I was in my room for one of them and simply opened my door to hear it in the hallway. Your posts are all directed at blasting RC. Could they have done better, certainly, but this is a very fluid situation. They don't just decide to arrive at whatever time they want...drastic changes like this require coordination from multiple government and private agencies.  I'm not trying to be cute, I'm trying to be understanding of a very challenging and unique situation. Perhaps you would be best served by cruising on more perfect budget cruise line. 


    Good day. 

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  11. Just now, Deez123 said:

    I’m Diamond plus and have seen my share of lack of communication.  From this thread I’m shocked those onboard were not giving information until Noon.  That’s criminal.   It’s simple math, the bridge crew knows how many miles the ship can travel in x hours.   Bridge crew and captain had the ability to share info, choose to wait for approval.  


    Again, no offense, but if you aren't on board, then you have no idea what was communicated. I am on board and the things the person said were mostly untrue. 


    Sorry, but there are many untruths being told on this thread. 

    • Like 7
  12. Just now, Cruisejammer22 said:

    For some context on why the current people on board are more than frustrated, including myself. They cancelled our day at CocoCay at 9:30am once everyone was dressed and ready to go. They announced that people who booked excursions would be credited but that’s about it. It wasn’t until we had to go to the guest service desk the next day that we found out we were credited for the day missed via OBC. No clear communication was provided for this. 
    We had HORRIBLE weather the remainder of that day in terms of ship rockiness, which I get isn’t RCLs fault. 
    Next, they have cancelled several activities without notice. Laser tag today was cancelled despite people making reservations and sliding under the stars was cancelled and never announced. 
    On day 3 the internet stopped working entirely at around 3ish. The internet was very spotty the day prior but not completely out. Upon noticing the internet outage we went to guest services. They instructed us to wait at the Voom desk until 4 when they would open. There was a mass of people gathered there per the instructions of guest services. At about 3:45 someone showed up berating us and telling us there’s no reason to wait as the internet is down. They stated they’re on the phone with IT via satellite trying to resolve the issue. Again, lack of communication from RCL as we following guest services instructions and were berated by another crew member for following said instructions. 
    Let’s fast forward to yesterday. I heard the Alpha call at 10/10:30am. At around 12/12:30pm we were back in the room watching the map of the ships location and I said to my husband we’re going to the wrong way, we’re making a U-Turn. He saw it and asked if I wanted to call guest services. I said no, let’s wait. It wasn’t until 3:30/4pm that they made an announcement about going to San Juan. Again, more lack of communication. Now for today, it was not until 12:30ish that we got the message that we wouldn’t be arriving to PC until 4:30am. Almost 24 hours without any sort of update or ETA of what’s going on. 
    People have lives outside of this vacation. While I understand medical emergencies are not planned and I feel horrible for that family, a lot of us are now in tough spots. I have to call my job and let them know that I won’t be in Monday, after taking a week off. Some employers don’t care and people will lose their jobs. The same goes for when the internet went down days before the holiday when people were working and students were taking exams. RCL really needs to do better, especially on the Wonder. The lack of communication is absolutely disgusting, especially when they boast about how great the customer service is. 


    No offense, but this is simply not true. The Captain made several announcements with the first one being around 1215. He made a second on around 3:00 and the cruise director made another one around 3:15.  In all three announcements, they stated that we were headed back to San Juan. Communication was very clear. 


    If someone is worried about losing their job, then they shouldn't take a cruise. 


    Good day. 

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  13. Just now, PantherFan said:

    They would need to maintain 24 knts the entire time to arrive at 2:30 pm since they left San Juan at 8:30pm last night and its 996 nautical miles at 24knts is 41 hours.   My wife is in Port Canaveral already so it will be interesting to see if they delay a full day to get the passengers off first or not.  Since someone mentioned that Indy is coming in Monday morning they need the pier for them.   It is going to be messy tomorrow for those arriving and not knowing its late.   I assume RCL will probably be sending some type of notice out today once they figure out their plan.



    We actually didn't leave San Juan until 9:21 pm. 

  14. Just now, chengkp75 said:

    While I don't believe that a Sunday afternoon timing is possible, remember that the ship will have the Gulf Stream with her, and I have personally seen this add 6 knots to a ship's maximum speed.

    That's a great point! I just checked the TV and we are currently doing 23.6 kts. Looking at the map, it seems like Sunday at 6 or 7 pm may be possible. Guest services just told me 4 pm, but I find that difficult to believe. 


    I guess we'll have to wait and see. 



  15. I am on the ship...the Captain made several announcements beginning around 1230 pm Friday. At that point, he stated that the ship would be delayed arriving at Port Canaveral. He mentioned that we would arrive in San Juan around 8:00 pm and could possibly arrive in Port Canaveral around 4:00 pm Sunday. He made several other announcements as well. Also, the cruise director made an announcement in the cabins around 3:00 pm explaining the situation as well. 


    We departed the port in San Juan at 9:00 pm Friday night. Based on the distance and our top speed of 22.5 kts, I don't see us arriving prior to early Monday morning. 





  16. 3 hours ago, K_e_short said:


    Um... herd immunity?


    What country are you living in?


    80% is what we would need to get there.


    Plus with variants herd immunity isn't the solution.


    I could post a bunch of actual research documents but that probably won't be helpful.


    OK, so I used a term which most folks are at least vaguely familiar with.  I made the post in haste at 0500 when I was headed in to work dealing with...COVID-19.  I am not in need of any explanation from you or your articles.  You clearly imply that I am incapable of understanding your "Actual research documents" and I really don't appreciate the tone.


    That being said, I have decades of expertise in dealing with disease, laboratory testing, research, etc.  I was trying to keep things simple, but apparently, I need to justify my oversimplification, so, for the sake of everyone on this forum...here it goes.


    You are technically correct.  Using the term "Herd immunity" was an extreme oversimplification.  The virus which causes the symptom complex known as Covid-19, Sars-CoV-2, is a coronavirus of which there are many variants.  It is one of the many different types of viruses which cause the common cold, among other things.  Yes, the world has spent many billions of dollars to create vaccines which will TEMPORARILY, slow the spread of the disease and decrease the overall deaths from it.  however, these viruses mutate at a frequency such that it is likely that other variants emerge.  Of course, natural immunity is ultimately the only way to reach herd immunity and you are correct, we are no where near 80% of the population having the disease.  However, even with some mutations, the vaccine is still showing effectiveness at preventing death from the alpha and delta variants.  Be careful not to over interpret studies from places like Israel which show that the majority of hospitalized patients have been vaccinated...the fact is that the overwhelming majority of the population there has been vaccinated, therefore, there are few un-vaccinated people left there to be admitted to the hospital.


    So, given that the Sars-CoV-2 virus is ubiquitous throughout the world, as long as people are being born, there will always be people who are susceptible to the virus.  Will we be able to ever reach herd immunity?  Has there ever been herd immunity with Influenza virus?  The answer to both questions is "no."

    The point I was trying to make was that by that time, there number of cases would be low enough that all of the oppressive rules will be lifted and we would return to life as we used to know it, pre-Covid-19.


    I could go into a lot more detail, but I think I've said enough.

    Good day.

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  17. 17 hours ago, nwcruiselover said:

    Hopefully by next June when OP is scheduled to cruise, testing will no longer be a requirement.  Maybe that’s just wishful thinking, but it’s a possibility.


    As long as there are no more curve balls from new variants, these testing requirements will all be gone by then.  We are almost at herd immunity.

    Good luck!

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