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Saint Greg

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Everything posted by Saint Greg

  1. One plate again. It’s their new thing. I did appreciate that they put my grits in a bowl instead of dumping them on top. this is eggs Benedict which comes with brunch potatoes and I ordered a side of bacon and hash browns. I didn’t ask for crispy bacon for two reasons. Yesterday I got turkey bacon that way. And other days it’s been so crispy that at least half of it has been inedible. Today I just asked for regular bacon and it came crispy and edible.
  2. I need to figure out when the right time to buy is. A year ago I was waiting on it to go under 12 and it shot up over 20. If I’m willing to wait until after my next cruise with them, I have 9 months to figure it out before the next one after that. I know I’m going to get it all back in OBC so at some point it makes sense.
  3. And on top of that I’ve heard a lot of people complaining about drinks on us this cruise. So I know all of those people are casino. They say it’s too hard to get a drink in the casino. Which I believe since there is no casino bar.
  4. I’m talking people I’ve talked to extensively. It’s only about 5 or 6 people/couples. All casino.
  5. Of course. And everyone i have met on this cruise has been on a casino comp.
  6. yeah. Prefer the pdfs. But they aren’t posting them on this ship.
  7. I forgot to mention that may 1st the imax movies changed from Civil War and Challengers to Fall Guy and Challengers.
  8. So far four cruises in the front room and nothing like that. More if we’re including the interiors right behind them. On this particular cruise I’d say that boom I’ve heard 4 times.
  9. No nothing like that. For my 25th cruise I get to apply 25% OBC to any future cruise. The one I’m talking about is the one I’m going to use that OBC on. And it was on my mind during room selection that I’ll get 25% back so it’s not my typical room.
  10. Good. This is the one that has that $602 authorization. It posted for the right amount. $102 was my total.
  11. It just seemed that way because I started my day finishing my Curacao posts. I like to keep everything in order here because one day I’m going to use this thread as a guide for my blog and it’s a lot easier if everything is in chronological order.
  12. This is a big day. Knew it had to be coming soon. He was a college guy so he’s about to be 25 already. 3-0 in AAA this year 36Ks and 6BBs in 25IP. But….7 home runs.
  13. See chatter that we hit some rough waves this morning. I’ll say this. I haven’t had a lot of ship movement this cruise. But up front herein my room I have a had a few times where there’s a loud boom that shakes the entire room. This morning was one of those times about 2am.
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