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Everything posted by mo&fran

  1. My GI guy scheduled me into out patient surgery to put the PEG tube in. That is a feeding tube to the stomach in case the cancer enlarges during treatment preventing swallowing of food. After the surgery, it was kind of painful, and he came into recovery and said he was going to admit me for the night. He asked if it hurt, I said yes. The pain med of choice in this situation ( I still had an IV) was Morphine. I don't know what is so great about that stuff. It still hurt. Of coarse I have no idea what it feel like if they hadn't given it to me. I had had Morphine once before, when I was in the ambulance on the way to the ER with my broken ribs, I had the same opinion. During recovery from the ribs, I had Percocet , and that really helped. Only problem was, he prescribed the max number that he thought he could get away with. See, we were scheduled on the repo cruise on Explorer from Bayonne to PC, which of course meant we had to go to the ABC for the PVSA, a 2 week cruise. That injury had also resulted in a punctured lung, so I had had a chest tube in the hospital, and there was a stitch involved when it was removed. that had become infected, so the ship Dr, gave us antibiotics to deal with that, so when we went back and told him i had run out of pain meds, he gave us enough for the rest of the cruise. That was enough, I did not need anymore after that. At the end of my hospital stay, I told the Dr's my travel plans, and they not only blessed them, but gave us their personal cell phone numbers with instructions to have the ship call at any time if there was a problem. Never used that number. And that turned out to be an interesting cruise, getting hit by a roque wave early on , that took out one of the promenade doors, and shut down the aft elevators for a time.
  2. I grew up on a dairy farm in Pa. Like a lot of farms, we also raised pigs. We must have never had a problem requiring them, this is the first I have ever heard of them. There were worms that the pigs could get, which is why you always cooked the pork well done to eliminate the problem.
  3. Thanks. So far, so good. And I have lots of support, both from my friends here on CC and our local medical community here in Palm Beach Gardens. And I have to add cruising friends we have met on past cruises who we stay in touch with.
  4. That was a good clue, but I had to ask anyway. I had just returned from chemo (830 am to 1PM) , and left 1/2 hr early for radiation , the afternoon thunderstorms were brewing. Made it without getting wet, and they had passed by the time I was done. I was luck, those storms can move real slow and dump a couple of inches of rain. Not today. You never know.
  5. We had a TA TPA to AMS in 2019. I detail I forgot the AMS was below sea level and we would have to got through a lock to enter the harbor. Only after we had docked did I realized what I had missed. Sometimes you sleep through the best parts.
  6. That excursion is still listed online with a note that it is currently unavailable but they are working on it. If that actually means anything. Same message for both my cruises that goes there. Given my current treatment, that excursion might be a bit too much sun exposure.
  7. I would love to go further north, don't know if that will ever happen. But you never know. Might look for another TA to get us there. Maybe I am not done yet,
  8. One website I occasionally look at , just for fun, is called Flightradar24, that allows me to see airplanes flying around my area of Florida. A feature is a box featuring a list of the most followed flights in the website. Just a note about this subject, all ended well, except the passengers did not end up at their hoped for destination. The flight UA1076. a Boeing 757 LAX - EWR declared an emergency shortly after takeoff. Mr Google on that flight number lead to this site. https://aviationsourcenews.com/emergency/united-757-squawks-7700-off-californian-coast/ This website, based in the UK, gives us what looks like a real time chronicle of what they watched, along with a Youtube picture of the airplane after landing. LAX must have a live feed on Youtube.
  9. My only issue with ATL is that Florida flights and New England flights typically leave form concourses at the opposite ends of the airport.
  10. On Delta I have gotten spoiled, I try to at least book the Comfort seats, and if the fare is somewhat reasonable , first class.
  11. That actually happened to us on a tight connection weather related through ATL and it worked. We have almost always use Delta. They have at least one flight an hour on the ATL-PBI route if you miss one, the next isn't that far away.
  12. I have a typing disorder that sometimes substitutes a T for G, they are right next to each other on the keyboard. When the tube was inserted in the hospital, our nurse instructed my wife (also an RN) in the using the tube, and gave us a bundle of supplies (dressings and tub supplies) . WE have been doing the tube maintenance and we have been contacted and will have a home health nurse come by to do whatever is necessary to supply the actual food supplies. I understand the orders for the food comes from the Oncologist. I really appreciate the help and support of my CC friends like you and @seadog . I am also gmail known as franinpbg.
  13. The cup only has a chip that is actuated when first used. Whenever the cup is in the machine, the machine displays the good till date on its screen. The cup itself cannot have an end date until it is first used,
  14. This first thing that happened while on our last cruise was I started having issues swallowing while eating. then I felt a lump om my neck, just towards the end of the cruise. went to the dr as soon as we got home, that started the process where we are today. The bad thing is that the radiation could cause the mass to swell and i will not be able to swallow my food. The solution to prevent this from happening is to have what is called a PET tube in my belly to allow nutrition to feed into my stomach. That is done. Today, we have a telehealth call from a nutrition person whole is supposed to be able to order a supply of food that can be fed through the PET, should that become necessary. All in preparation for what may happen. Not that it all goes smooth. The person that schedules the nutrition person called yesterday and said the first appointment was the end of September. That is not going to work. If I need this, it has to be in the next week. Second call was scheduled to 200 today. This whole process from early on is that 'next available is a week' for an appointment, but cancelations occur and we got in quicker. Always a sigh of relief, but stressful none the less.
  15. I will add one more post to this discussion. I only drink soda when cruising as a mixer to my acholic drink, and I only do that during happy hour. Back to the cup. After the restart, we were booked B2B on Odyssey. My mixer of choice is caffeine free diet Coke. I asked for it, and the bar waitress said ther only source was the freestyle machine. I had been told this before, but I had never had the only choice to buy it. WE had been getting these free drinks, I will buy the cup. At the beginning of the second cruise, I told the waitress I guessed I needed a new cup. She said the cup will still work. And it did. And so it goes. I put the cup in the machine, this cup is good till dd//mm/year, which means it is good for my whole trip. Unless it is longer, in which case I will buy another. Before the shutdown, I had fairly good success at the CF Coke being available. Not so now. We love cruising, do it as much as we can. It even got better. I now get 6 free drinks a day.
  16. The mooring lines that really intrigue me are when two ships tie up to the same post and do it in away that they don't interfere with the other ship untying. If I watch it seems simple, then go crazy trying to remember what they actually did.
  17. Dental guys have talked about dry mouth, and I have a couple of products they have recommended. Oncologist has talked about the issue with swallowing food, and the GI has installed a PET tube so food and meds can bypass throat. A nutritionist is calling tomorrow to discuss sourcing the food part. Oncologist said after a week or so it could be an issue, but she said they just had a patient receive the same treatment without issue. I think the swallow issue (I hope) for our Oct 7 cruise. May find out otherwise later. Based on what I have related , any comments that I would not have thought to ask is always appreciated. I do use gmail , and i am franinpbg.
  18. First radiation treatment completed. 10 minutes from home to Dr office. treatment takes about 15 minutes. Out side temp at midday 94 with feels like 116. we will be doing that every weekday, about 5 weeks. only issue with the time is it is prime time for afternoon popup thunderstorms, torrential rain. Although not today. Yet.
  19. the reason I get the cup is to get soda that is only available from the freestyle machine.
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