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Posts posted by vandrefalk

  1. Hum,

    I saw last week on Facebook that James is moving to Oslo and he posted a new profile pic. Have you heard if he's coming back to SeaDream. Sure hope he is!!


    Cole, I went back and checked -- it must have been a TBT post as it is dated 2012! James left Oslo only a few months ago, so is happily ensconced in Italy.


    HH -- despite Mr. Avery, it's a big, plastic glass -- don't they have one to show you?



  2. BB, can't help you with Rome hotels -- have stayed at Waldorf Astoria and airport Hilton. But for tour guides -- do contact Stefano at Rome Cabs (http://www.romecabs.com). They are the best!


    Venice -- again we did the Hilton -- quite nice. Keep in mind that Venice will be jammed in the summer -- and hot. But certainly worth seeing the high spots so at least you can say you've been there!


    Am sure others will weigh in on hotels, etc. Think Florence might be a bit ambitious?



  3. Thanks for the update on crew, HH! Have only sailed with Capt Lund once, so look forward to seeing him again. And how lucky can we be to have Christophe, Suddesh, and Frud!! Can't wait!


    Oops -- sorry -- Rutzie is on I.


    Yes, any idea what James is up to?


  4. It's not through SD -- it's through a travel agency. Looks like they have a block of cabins for a Med cruise sandwiched between UK and Africa. Don't want to think about the total price -- the cruise portion would probably be the only reasonable part, but doubt you could break out only that piece.


  5. Oops, CTBJR! Thought I had mentioned the new laundry perk on my review, but apparently not! It was much appreciated! Applies to both ships as we were on SD I. There are other goodies in store, but we will all have to go a LONG way to get HH's free cruises! That's all I can say!


  6. I do know that Capt Terje has left SD, but don't know why -- glad Kris has joined the company.


    I wonder if that is why Capt Remi did the crossing? He was supposed to go on vacation from Malaga and Capt Bjarne was supposed to take SD I across? If Capt Terje left suddenly, might explain why Remi was on board -- and sounds like a lot of stuff didn't get done if they were offering a discount. Of course, they were doing a lot of work on our voyage -- painting, varnishing, replacing teak, etc. so anything they were doing on the crossing must have really been disruptive. Also sounds like they had a major issue in drydock if they couldn't get everything done.


    Be interesting to see where Terje pops up!


  7. We are home and I'm still getting over the crud I brought back with me. The last few days were absolutely delightful. We did the winery in Mykonos, which was interesting -- wines weren't bad but not great either! DH had done Delos several years ago and loved it -- I get worn out looking at old stones after a while! Rhodes was delightful! Quaint, winding streets -- and, of course, the usual tourist shops. Santorini was the real treat the last week -- we were the only ship there!! Capt Remi said he'd never been able to go ashore in 15 years because the ships have to run the engines the whole time and the captain and first officer are not allowed to leave the ship. This time we not only had anchorage, but Capt Remi went ashore -- AND they did swimming in the afternoon!! That was a first!


    Disembarked in Athens and wandered the Agoura in the afternoon. Hard to believe Greece is in financial crisis, given the hordes of people crowding the cafes and shops! Flight home was fine -- made easier by being able to use lounges at our various stops.


    So we lost our minds on board -- we are doing a French river cruise next October, which happens to end three days before SD II's crossing. Yup, we booked it! Had planned to think about it and likely book in January, but it was already filling up and there were no non-commodore cabins left on Deck 2. Apparently, the crossings are getting more popular -- there were already 60-70 signed up for next October! We'll see how all the logistics work.


    So -- how was SD? In great shape! There were guys painting, sanding, polishing everywhere -- trying to keep ahead of everything so there's not so much to do in drydock. I heard no reports of non-working toilets, soot in the vents (though I did see one speck in our cabin); water issues, air conditioning issues -- nada. The service was outstanding; food and wine top notch. It felt as though SD had kicked everything up a notch -- maybe because Christophe runs a tight ship!


    One thing that could be an issue in the future is the number of groups on board. There seem to be more and more of them. We had cancelled the cruise from Rome-Lisbon because there was a group of 96 on board the first week -- the ship should have been chartered, seems to me. Our first week, we had about 80 in two different groups. It wasn't terrible, but did impact the rest of us a bit. Even so, we had some 30 repeaters at the Club party. The second week, we had a few groups -- one was the Australian "Tupperware Ladies" with spouses -- they had won the trip. They were pretty loud and somewhat annoying at times. The second week, there were only 12 repeaters and we held the Club party in the owner's suite! Quite cozy! So I think if there are three or four smaller groups, it doesn't have as much of an impact. I can remember when our gang of 12 has been on board and, of course, we are very nice and unassuming :D and don't bother anyone! But when you get larger groups, it does have a negative effect.


    The cruise staff is also much better. Hayden and Michelle were doing a top-notch job the first week -- and training Travis, who is brand new. We had Gareth the second week, who lived up to his reputation -- including telling us that Dragona (the casino manager) had promised the tonight, and tonight only, she would be giving away THOUSANDS of dollars -- hmmmn, seems to me I heard that every night and the one evening I did play, it took her exactly three minutes to take my stash.


    Anyway, I had a very good feeling about SD -- seems to be in good shape -- staff is wonderful, as always and can't really report anything negative! Will be back on SD II for the first time in a few years in January, so hope to have the same experience then!



  8. Been a busy couple of days! By the time we got back to SD on Saturday, many of the new folks had boarded. Apparently, there are only 12 repeaters this week and we are 80 total. Some 20 Aussies in a group and some others on their own.


    Saturday was our anniversary -- we had planned to eat on deck, but it was cool and windy so we were in the dining room at a table for two. Tomacz and I had worked out a special menu -- a combination of degustation and the embarkation dinner -- caviar surprise, lobster/crab salad, white tomato cappocino, sorbet, filet of beef and Bailey's souffle. They presented the menus to us (rolled into scrolls) and at the end presented us with a highly sweet and yummy cake (in addition to the dessert!). We also had a card signed by the Captain, Gareth, and Christophe! Upon return to our cabin, we had the usual balloons, rose petals and towel swans. Made for a very festive evening!


    We were supposed to sleep under the stars last week but it was so windy that we opted not. When I tried to book for this week, the front bed was already taken for the entire trip! That's ok, we'll do it in January.


    Kepez was quite cool, rainy and very windy. We did Gallipoli and, again, it was very special seeing what it meant to the Australians. As one of them told me, it is still a huge part of their history and they all seem to know quite a bit about it. We had dinner with the Captain as well as SixtiesTraveler (who is quite delightful, as is her DH) and a young lady writing an article for a British mag who also does a blog. We regaled her with many (mostly) positive stories and the Captain had to assure her that he had not paid us! Will be interesting to see what she has to say!


    Then back to Kusadasi. Many did the Ephesus tour, but we did "in the footsteps of Alexander." Three cities I can't pronounce -- all of which were fascinating. It was a treat to see some of the villages and countryside but it was a long day. Our belly dancer returned last night and cocktails and dinner were outside -- first time in the last two weeks!


    Today is Patmos -- lovely island and much greener than most Greek islands. We went to the cave where St John supposedly wrote the Book of Revelations and to the monastery at the very top of the island. I have done so much walking the last two weeks that my legs are in full revolt -- and the elevator on board isn't working! The weather is absolutely beautiful today -- glassy seas (so they did water sports) and clear skies. Cocktails and dinner will be outside again tonight.


    Tomorrow is Mykonos -- then Rhodes and Santorini. On Saturday, they will kick us off and I'm not ready! If I don't do another report before we disembark, I'll do some final thoughts when we get home.



  9. Quick report -- overnight and day in Istanbul. Said goodbye to everyone last night and, as Christophe told us this morning, the ship was ours for the day. We wanted to get out of everyone's hair, so walked to the Dolmabahce Palace -- actually past it and had lunch at the Shangri La Hotel (very nice) and then walked back to the palace. Very nice tour except for the people talking over the guide and trying to take pictures when they had been told REPEATEDLY that no photographs were allowed! Grrrrrr. On our way out, Mikee (who has now left for home) and Brian were talking to a group. Turns out the Azamara Journey, a Windstar and the huge Queen Victoria (right at our stern!) were in. The guys were talking to Robert, Executive Chef, who used to be on SD! Was able to say hello and tell him Azamara is in the running for a British Isles cruise in the next year or two. And, of course, it is Johannes' boat!


    Took a cab back to SD and am sure we were ripped off, but my feet didn't care. We have a new group on board and either 3 or 6 couples are repeaters, so it may be a very small Club party! A group of Australians which will make the trip to Gallipoli very special tomorrow. Substituting Mykonos for Bodrum again, but will have Kepez, Kusadasi, Patmos and Santorini. Next Saturday, we will be the sad ones as we will have to disembark :( Then there is a charter from Athens to Rome -- a 9 day cruise and then the crossing!

    Another season draws to a close.



  10. How on earth do I begin to describe the concert in Ephesus and do it justice? Now is when I wish I had the talent of HH or Ragnar, but will do my best!


    For those of you who have been during the day, you know how impressive it is to look down the long, descending street and see the Library at the end. Now imagine coming in at night at the pier/amphitheatre level (the pier where Antony and Cleopatra once walked). Everything is gently lit from the base with low lights, but enough to see your way on the uneven, centuries old path stones. Suddenly you see the Library -- illuminated from behind -- just a glorious sight. Tables for 6 were set around the plaza with white tablecloths, mirror frames with candles and very nice hors doerves. Wine was served. Even the chairs were covered in fabric. Up the steps of the Library in the center section was an eight piece orchestra -- flute, violins and cello. We were treated to a two part classical concert of Mozart, Bach and others. It was fun to watch Enrico (our pianist who is classically trained) -- he was simply mezermerized! Perhaps I will be able to load a picture when I get home! It was just a magical evening!


    Long sail from Ephesus to Istanbul! The sea day was nice and everyone seemed to be able to find something to do. Last night's entertainment was a bit of a crew show (without Rutzie, who is on vacation). Turns out Hayden has quite a Jimmy Buffet voice -- and I never knew Brenda had such a great voice!! It was a lot of fun.


    Today, there were several tours but we took the Bosporus cruise since we've seen a lot of the other sights. There were six of us on our own private yacht (sound familiar?) sailing past the second bridge. Weather was perfect, if a little chilly, and scenery delightful. Upon our return, we went to the Grand Bazaar and actually did a little shopping. Tonight is the farewell dinner and everyone else disembarks tomorrow -- but not us :D We get another week!


    It's been a great first week and will look forward to meeting Sixties and reporting on the second half!


  11. Everyone remembers you, WhatNot!!

    I miss Manuel, but Danny, Marko, and Francisco are doing a great job!


    Oia and Fira nearly did my legs in and I've been trying to avoid hills, mountains, and steep climbs with little success! Our stop in Rhodes included a trip to the Lindos Acroplolis -- about 2/3 down the island. It was an interesting drive and the beaches are lovely, if a bit rocky. When we got to Lindos, there was a shuttle going downhill to the village, from where you begin your climb to the Acropolis. I took one look and knew I was going to have a problem! Fortunately, they do have donkeys that can take you up, so I opted for that. These donkeys are treated well so it's not like Santorini. Once up, the views were tremendous. You can certainly understand the importance of forts with such commanding views. Not much left of the statues and columns, but still worth it. Coming down wasn't a problem and the village is full of little tacky tourist shops. Next week, we'll take the waling tour of the old town, which should be very interesting!


    Yesterday was Mykonos. None of the tours went (the two big groups on board seem to only be doing certain things) so we just wandered around. There are some lovely jewelry shops (with pretty expensive stuff) but I found a cute necklace that didn't cost an arm and a leg.


    Today we are in Ephesus. We opted not to do the three cities tour as we will be back next week and, given that we have the concert tonight, it would have made for a very long day. So we wandered around the waterfront a bit and came back to the ship. Lunch was late (to accommodate the groups at Ephesus) and dinner is early so we can get to the concert. When we get back, there will be a belly dancer by the pool! Will let you know how that goes!


    Tomorrow is a sea day (since we are not going to Lesvos) and we'll arrive in Istanbul Friday morning. We'll do a Bosporus cruise that day and then try to get out of everyone's way Saturday morning. We're the only ones staying on for next week!


    Food is outstanding as always; crew is delightful; it's the usual wonderful SD experience!


    More later!


  12. Reporting in from SD I! Flight to Athens was uneventful (the best kind) if long. One night in Athens where our view of the Acropolis was somewhat marred by the huge crane in front of the hotel. Wonderful to get on board and see: Capt Remi, CHRISTOPHE!!, TOMACZ!!, Hayden and Michelle, Mikee, Brian and others we know and love. Francisco is head bartender so Manual is on vacation. New Maitre D and sommelier. Brenda is concierge.


    There is a large group on board -- members of some amateur golf association -- they are from China, US, Canada and elsewhere. Some of them know each other in various little groups. They were booked by Richard (former Cruise Director on SD and now doing sales from Thailand). It's been great to see him again and his lovely wife (former casino manager on SD). We knew the group would be on board and so far they seem to be okay.


    It's the first time in a long while that we haven't sailed with friends -- crew keeps asking where our friends are! So, friends (and you know who you are!), you are missed by us AND the crew!!


    Couple of not surprising itinerary changes -- we are not going to Lesvos or Bodrum but will substitute Mykonos instead. Then we will have a sea day on our way to Istanbul. We are also getting an evening concert at Ephesus! SD used to do this but the Commodore told me that the prices just became exorbitant. Guess they've become more realistic, if still not exactly bargain!


    Today was Santorini. We went to Akroteria (a prehistoric town from 3700 years ago!). Has been closed for several years in order to put it under cover. Fascinating to see the excavations -- and to know that there are two other older cities beneath it! So is this the lost Atlantis? Who knows? Then on to Oia, crowded as always. We'll actually be back next week and will probably just go to Oia. Holland America and Silversea were also in port.


    Ship looks pretty good, but have noticed one particular thing in the Main Salon. After drydock last year when they redid the lounge, they put in marble topped cocktail tables. On our Dover-Lisbon cruise last August, we noticed that cocktail glasses were leaving noticable rings on the marble. I thought at the time it was not a good choice and they were going to have the devil's own time keeping them clean. Guess it didn't work, since they are now using white linen strips over each table at cocktail hour! Guess they didn't seal the marble properly or something. Otherwise, SD looks good!


    That's it for now -- internet is its' usual quirky self so will do the best I can!



  13. Ragnar,

    I am thoroughly enjoying your reports! We were in MSM last Aug/Sep and hiked all the way to the top :eek: Did you have the famous omelet? I had been to St Michael's Mount (off the coast of Cornwall) some years ago and had a lovely watercolor of it at low tide. Fortunately, I was able to find a similar one of MSM -- they now hang side by side in my travel room.


    We also went to Normandy some months before that and toured all the beaches (well, I thought we did but DH assures me we missed a lot and have to go back). So I'm especially looking forward to more stories!!


    Leave tomorrow for Athens and SD I!


  14. Zimmy, we leave on Thursday! And board on Saturday -- I did start a thread somewhere on here (superceded by Idle Jottings, of course) and will try my best to report from SD. Several new islands and some repeats, but one very special event is an evening concert at Ephesus! SD used to do it so very glad they are trying it again!


  15. Wripro, I hope you meant "use", not "sue"?? If you do a cost comparison (as Regent often does in their brochures), you'll find that the differential between those that include shore excursions and those that don't often pretty much disappear. It's just less of a hassle when they really are included, rather than paying for every little thing. If I'm going somewhere (that SD doesn't!), then that can be a very strong criteria for me!


    But no one does the Caribbean like SD!


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