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Posts posted by CallistaSkye

  1. 9 hours ago, TxTeach79 said:


    I WISH. I had the track pants once. Those would fit on one leg these days. Maybe. 


    And man, I can't even play Thriller cause Vincent Price says "Hounds of Hell" in the open. It's a tough playlist. I assumed I could do "Carnival Sailaway Playlist" and be safe, but ten seconds into the Wobble I realized we'd need to sit down and really vet this sucka....

     get an airhorn and censor words that way. Obviously that wouldn't go over well. But it would be hilarious.

    They don't have the radio edit version of songs? Just mute it real quick when it gets to the curse words? That would be a lot of work though.


    Sounds like you did a great job! I bet they had a blast.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  2. 11 minutes ago, CruisinMama2003 said:

    Thank goodness for awesome husbands 🙌 glad the Dayquil is helping even just a little bit, that awful cough is exhausting on its own! 


    Enjoy Halloween with your little one 🎃

    Yes! I honestly do not know what I would do w/o him. Thank you! She is very excited to try Trick or Treating this year, and show off her Mickey Mouse costume.


    15 minutes ago, maluhia87 said:

    Pre-departure drinks poinsettia (cranberry and sparkling wine)

    Breakfast spinach feta quiche and ham breakfast sandwich

    Real glasses on the flight

    Safe travels!! That all looks like really good food. and nice that they had real glasses too.

    • Like 8
  3. 12 hours ago, CruisinMama2003 said:

    I just got over the same thing! Whatever i got (not covid, tested when we got home) was from the 8 night cruise on the Dream bc it hit me on the very last night. The cough is ridiculous! Nothing helped it at all. I coughed all day everyday for a week. Finally, yesterday, woke up and no cough at all.


    Hope you feel better soon! I feel for you having this AND having a kiddo to take care of as well 💜

    Ugh I'm sorry you had this. It's awful. Today I feel like I am on the upward slope. Still sick but it feels like it's better instead of worse at least. My extremely kind husband took the day off as a sick day so he can take our toddler to the Halloween Storytime today where the kids all get to wear their Halloween Costumes and do a costume parade through the library. (Neither of them seem to have gotten it thankfully) This cough is terrible but the Dayquil seems to have taken the edge off of it at least. I also took two Covid tests,one was yesterday, both were negative. So this is just some awful cold. On the plus side at least this happened before Halloween and not on it!

    • Like 10
  4. This cold is the worst I have had in a very long time. I've taken nyquil and slept over 8 hours the past 3 nights and it just keeps getting worse. The cough is so bad now. I'm so sick of coughing.

    Today I had to resort to watching ET The Extra Terrestrial [I checked with the toddler to make sure ET did not scare her. She said he was cute, so at least it didn't traumatize her. I legit thought ET was a scary movie when I was a kid because the only movies I knew about with Aliens were scary ones, and I was only 1 when it came out so I never watched it until Spanish class in HS]  and 2 episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse because even though we try not to have our toddler get much screentime, I just could not do much today at all. Then we spent an hour talking on the phone with Grandma (My Mom) while she played with her cardboard slide [which if you know anyone with kids, the Pop Up brand folding cardboard slide is the best thing ever. It folds up flat when you are done using it so you don't have to have a giant plastic slide sitting in your living room all the time if you are short on space.]  and told my mom what she was doing and tried to show her things over the phone. Thankfully my husband came home early. But this is brutal. Apparently candy corn works as a cough drop if anyone else is desperate. I tried ricolas, spoonfuls of honey, hot tea.

    • Like 15
  5. 4 hours ago, Funsince1983 said:

    I will literally cry if I ever have to start pumping my own gas. 

    See I'm too much of a control freak to enjoy not pumping my own gas. At least if I short the tank from full, it's my own fault. I go to Costco though, and if you need someone to pump your gas, you just honk and the attendant will come pump it for you. So I mean, at least they do both for those who want/need it!


    I like Buc-ees but I also don't live in Texas. So it's a novelty to me. My family in Texas took me when I visited and my Uncle who has since passed was super excited to show me it, and bought the Beaver Nuggets to try and all that. He was one of the kindest people I have ever known and the place reminds me of him, so that's part of why I like stopping in there when I am in Texas. Also it has clean restrooms.

    The rest stops in our state are sketchy as heck and I avoid going to them at all costs. So it blows my mind when other states have really nice ones, or big clean gas stations that don't look like someone got in a fist fight in the bathrooms. I have a list of restaurants and stores I stop at to go to the bathroom when I travel.  With the toddler I am even more careful about where we go. The parks here, all the bathrooms are broken or have homeless people sleeping in them. They go in and lock the door so you can't even use the bathroom if you need it. But I know where the public ones are that have people watching them, like at our outlet mall. Even the Target in one town over isn't good anymore. The store won't hire security or have anyone manning the door and there are literal meth heads in the bathrooms that don't wash their hands and just leave. So I don't shop at that one anymore because while I am sympathetic to people with addiction issues, but I don't want to deal with that when I am just trying to shop with my toddler.


    Still feel like garbage. The nyquil let me sleep but I woke up feeling exactly the same as when I went to sleep. This sore throat is the part that sucks. It feels like I imagine what would feel like if someone sanded my throat with sandpaper. I'm crossing fingers the toddler doesn't get this but she already has a snuffly nose, so we will see. and my poor husband is the kindest person ever.





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  6. Buc-ees! I love that place.


    Well whatever cold is going around got me. I have a sore throat, headache and feel like crap. Woke up feeling exactly the same as when I went to sleep last night which is not great.

    I took a C-test just to make sure and it was negative, so at least it's not that! Every time we go to the gymnastics open play, we end up getting sick with something.

    • Like 5
  7. 1 hour ago, sid_9169 said:

    Sucks that this entire experience turned out the way it did...

    You gave it a go which is more than many people can say they ever did. Yes things did not work out, but you tried. That's worth something. Learn from it and move forward and that's all anyone can do. At least you gave it a shot!


    • Like 17
  8. 3 minutes ago, ceilidh1 said:

    When I was 16, a bunch of friends and I snuck out and went to the Monsters of Rock festival in Donnington (I grew up in the UK remember). Guns n Roses were a new up and coming band and when they took the stage the entire crowd went insane, surged forward, everyone went down, there was trampling and a couple kids lost their lives. Scariest moment of my life. But I have loved GnR ever since (until Monday).

    Oh no! That's so sad. =(  That must have been amazing to see them play like that, before they were big. and that sounds really scary about the crowds.

  9. I looked up when that video came out and I was 11. If it's November Rain. But my mom had me when she was 19, so I grew up watching a weird mix of kids shows, Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy, and then MTV from the time I was like 4 on.  Most of my friends were not allowed to watch MTV, let alone headbangers ball and spring break like I was lol.

    • Like 5
  10. 36 minutes ago, ceilidh1 said:

    In other news, I went to see Guns n Roses in concert on Monday and I gotta tell ya, Axl can no longer sing. Probably THE WORST gig I have ever gone to (and there have been many).

    I don't even know what year it was, but it was on MTV so it was probably at least 20 at this point. But they had their Reunion and played the first show at the Music Awards or something and the VJ was flipping out because he loved them so much. and the show was absolutely awful. His voice sounded terrible back then. So I cannot imagine that it's gotten any better. That sucks so bad. It's awful when you go into a concert with high hopes and then they sound terrible. My mom and I had that happen with motley Crue several years back. We call it the Alice Cooper Concert instead even though him and Pat Benetar were technically the openers. We left 3 songs into the Motley set list because it was so bad.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, dmet0225 said:

    I quit jumping on a trampoline in 1976 after I broke both wrist bones completely and my arm was in the shape of a “Z.”  Doctors had to pull my arm from both directions to get the bones lined up back into place.



    That's awful!!

    They actually are telling people now to keep kids off of them, especially with other people or adults jumping too, until 6. Orthopedic surgeons released warnings and said that their bones can't handle the stress and it causes fractures and broken femurs in kids. I had no clue they were dangerous until I was wondering why the age recommendation was so high. We do let ours use the trampoline at Gymnastics but it's only 1 person at a time, and no adults ever jump on it with them.

    We certainly did not go by those rules when I was a kid either. I remember almost getting whiplash from falling and my friends did not have the spring guard so sometimes you would get stuck in them or it would rip out pieces of hair.

    • Like 7
  12. 4 hours ago, MeganGC1983 said:

    Yeah finally. I was in shock for a minute or two and some Walmart associates saw it and ran over. The grandma was there and she grabbed the baby and kept telling everyone to “go away. She is fine. She’ll just have a bump.”  The mom was crying. I told them they needed to take the baby to the ER, but they just kept shopping. I feel like I should have called the police or something. Poor thing. 

    Hopefully the store reported it because it happened on their property and the people could theoretically get a lawyer to sue the store about the cart or some weird thing. You can still call and report it. The store would have footage on the security cameras. I would still call them and just tell them what you saw. It's common to freeze in situations like that so I wouldn't feel badly about it. Also since other people witnessed, hopefully someone else reported it. But I would still call.



    If you feel like the cruise line is not taking the soap thing seriously, you could always escalate it by complaining to the Govt.

    • If you have a complaint while you are on a cruise, contact the ship’s guest services office.
    • To complain before or after a cruise, contact the cruise line’s customer service department.

    If the problem is not resolved, contact the Federal Maritime Commission by email at complaints@fmc.gov or download, fill out, and mail or fax their cruise dispute services request form.


    Not to look like I report everything since that's the theme of the post lol. But I've called 911 on drunk drivers/erratic drivers a ton of times locally. They have the signs on the freeway telling us to but I always feel like a weirdo for doing it. [and no I don't call for every thing. These are people swerving so bad they almost sideswiped 5 cars in a row, or almost ran off the road. Or people erratically passing in the shoulder of the rightmost lane and then cutting over to pass in the shoulder on the left. So like really really bad drivers.]

    • Like 7
    • Thanks 1
  13. 19 minutes ago, Izzy3168 said:

    Heading to Amazon now!  I sail in a couple of weeks.

    Yay! Glad to have helped.


    These are the ones I have, but I realize not everyone wants a cat shaped soap holder lol. But just to help with what to look for: https://www.amazon.com/KISEER-Portable-Disposable-Washing-Scented/dp/B08N457VG3/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?keywords=soap+sheets+for+travel&qid=1697818352&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1


    They work really well and it's a good amount of soap from the little sheet. I guess they make laundry soap ones too, but I haven't tried out that so I can't speak to how well they work.

    • Like 9
    • Thanks 4
  14. 1 hour ago, Saint Greg said:


    Yeah if that's legit I would be making a lot of trips back to my room to wash my hands. Wear cargo shorts with a bottle of soft soap or something.

    It doesn't help for this trip, but they make a little plastic container that has paper thin sheets of soap in it that fits into your pocket. I keep one in my car for when I go the beach or parks around here because the bathrooms almost never have soap. It would be really easy to travel with and perfect for that sort of situation.

    • Like 12
    • Thanks 3
  15. The party photos remind me of bar hopping downtown when I was in college on Halloween/St Patricks Day. People always dressed up like that and there were tons of us there and the vibe was a party vibe for sure. Looks like a fun time! You really do a great job capturing the vibe of the ships and I can see how different this cruise line is from the others just from your photos.

    • Like 10
  16. 7 hours ago, Roscoe13 said:

    Duly noted but due to my DW's celiac she only trusts the food available on the ship so excursions are ones that never exceed meal times.

    It's what works for us and still allows us to cruise.


    I don't blame you! Two family friends have that and my friends dad is allergic to meat.  He has gotten really really sick from places that claimed they cooked his food separately. They didn't. .They cooked it on the same grill as the meat. A friend of a friend went out to eat with us and they told him his meal was Gluten Free. He was skeptical at some of the items. Sure enough poor guy ended up in the bathroom before we were even done eating.

    I would really not want to risk something like that while on vacation! At least you figured out a system that works for you all.

    • Like 8
  17. 6 hours ago, AmyJA said:

    Thanks a bunch for the well wishes everyone. I guess it wasn’t Armageddon!


    I feel like a Mack truck loaded with zombies ran over me today but have successfully kept down half a banana and toast this morning.


    I am supposed to go to Cabo with a friend on Saturday.

    Oh no!! Fingers crossed it passes and you feel better soon!

    • Like 2
  18. 2 hours ago, edspec said:

    Thank-you @CallistaSkye I was not aware that I needed to be that vigilant but what you say makes sense.  I actually found some yesterday at the regular grocery store when I ran in for a couple of things.




    It's pretty wild how the online retailers work now. I only caught on because one time I was looking at some PJs for our toddler. One size was $8 and then the next size was like $30. It was because someone was re-selling it and the $8 size was walmart selling it!

    I'm glad you found the candy corn!

    • Like 3
  19. On 10/16/2023 at 6:18 PM, edspec said:

    @sid_9169love the "not solo" in your thread title.


    Ok, what is up with Halloween candy?  I really like the Brach's Halloween Autumn Mix because I love the pumpkins...it is over $10/bag at Walmart.  Why?  Is there a sudden shortage of fake sugar and food dye?  A couple of months ago I purchased a Le Crueset pumpkin shaped candy dish for the sole purpose of holding Autumn Mix. My sister and I went to the commissary yesterday and I specifically looked for the Autumn Mix or as a second best Candy Corn, they didn't have either. They did have a weird pastel Candy Corn, with pink, purple, and blue candy.  Why?  Doesn't the name pretty much specify shades of yellow????  




    Is it Walmart in person or Walmart online? If it's online make sure it's actually walmart selling it. They allow 3rd party sellers and they will price gouge. Target has good prices on the Candy Corn. https://www.target.com/p/brach-39-s-autumn-halloween-candy-corn-20oz/-/A-79653710#lnk=sametab   

    If you have a CVS/Walgreens/Rite Aid around, they also run specials on that stuff. That's usually where I end up buying mine if I can't find it elsewhere.


    Even with Target and Walmart, make sure in the item search options that you select the Retailer and then pick which store you are actually shopping in. Otherwise it shows all kinds of crazy prices

    • Like 4
  20. 51 minutes ago, MeganGC1983 said:

    I would think, but you never know. My middle’s BFF, we’ve talked about doing a family cruise together. I think maybe I’m just more of a family unit type person. With DH working away 2 weeks at a time, every time, I try to make it more about us. I would hate if we cruised together and issues came up. I kinda feel like more negatives than positives can come from any of that. Cruising with kids is hard enough. Then add in another families values and/or spending habits. I would never want to cause issues or intervene. 
    Now couples, I’m all for it. You have free will. We see you when we see you. Different dynamic. 

    That's very true!! My parents pretty much never did joint vacations with anyone ever. I went to Disneyland with my Aunt, but I just went with their family. and then I went on a roadtrip with my friend. But that's literally the only time I ever went with anyone else. They were also very strict about who I would be allowed to go anywhere with because they didn't trust a lot of parents. Which I can't say I blame them.

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