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Posts posted by twins_to_alaska

  1. 4 hours ago, WrittenOnYourHeart said:

    Why not Goo-Goo Clusters? Those are more "Nashville" than Jack Daniels.

    I had to look these up... They're small portable individually wrapped... and Nashville. I'd be happy to take some!

    Some of my family went to China to visit my sister-in-law's family. They took local candy and it was graciously accepted.

    But it could have been thrown out later. 🙂


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  2. I did a 3 night on Reflection in concierge for the large angled off the hump balcony location. I'm doing concierge again on another 3 night in November, similar cabin.

    You might want to compare the price difference with booking your own specialty restaurant reservations compared to eating in Blu.

    I would be surprised if they ran out of adult hideaway passes. I've done the Beach Club once when it was an almost reasonable about $79. I'm not wiling to pay the current prices or anything for the adult hideaway area.

  3. 42 minutes ago, chemmo said:

    If you are Elite or over you get a free change. This can be to any other cruise at any time or date.

    I had never heard of this benefit for Elite or above. Is it documented somewhere?

  4. On 6/10/2024 at 4:29 PM, ScottC4746 said:

    ... it is just lay out on the beautiful white sandy beach under the hot Bahamian sun to toast like a marshmallow.

    We will be staying on the quiet ship rather than being nickel and dimed.

    You don't have to spend any money to have shade. Chill Island Beach was quiet with plenty of umbrellas over the loungers and close access to snorkeling (brought own equipment). The included lunch buffet is tasty and Snack Shacks have more free items. The sandy beaches are very nice and I'm more a fan of ocean water than pool. Great for a laid back beach day.

  5. My sister and I each had our own cabin on our last cruise together.


    I still don't think some people are understanding. @michedI don't object to paying the full price for double occupancy as a solo. I object to paying a lot more than the full price for double occupancy.

    If the total cabin is $2000 and average is $1000 (double occupancy) I'm fine with the $2000... but I object to paying $2500.

    I certainly don't feel like I'm cheating to book a no-show and pay the $2000 instead of $2500.

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  6. 8 hours ago, miched said:

    I think a person traveling solo gets double the CC points.    Therefore If I am paying for the cabin even though there  are 2 people in it why shouldn’t I get double the points?   I think that is not fair because I am paying the same price for the cabin and have to share it with someone else.   A solo person gets the  cabin to themselves.    




    You aren't paying the same price per person if you have a roommate. If there are two people in the room your share is 1/2 the total price. Not everyone who travels shares a room with someone they share expenses with.

  7. 13 hours ago, drakes2 said:

    I was told if there was a no show the price would revert back to the prevailing rate for a single occupancy minus taxes and port fees. 

    That hasn't happened yet. Plenty of folk have had the same experience as me.

    Will it in the future? I guess before that happened they'd state as a policy that it would take effect.

    The folk who do this on purpose are probably very very small compared to folk who actually have an unexpected life event. I had never booked a ghost person before they made the pricing so unfair. I don't mind paying the same price for my cabin as a couple but I don't think I should pay sa lot more than they pay together.

    • Like 3
  8. 9 hours ago, dreamer321 said:

    I'm a solo traveler also.  I have a cruise booked in Nov. 2025 with the second passenger TBD (to be determined).  Since your "non-cruising husband" wasn't able to make the cruise were you awarded double or single Captain's Club points for the cruise?


    I just checked as I hadn't looked at my points since the cruise. I made elite before this one so it will be a while before the points matter.

    I was awarded double, the same as when I book solo. This was my first time with a planned 'no show'. I was in concierge for a short 3 night cruise and I did the GoGreen program.

    So 5 pts a night * 3 nights =15 points + 5 points for GoGreen + 15 points for being solo with husband as 'no show' = 35 points


    Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 7.40.17 AM.png

    • Thanks 1
  9. My sister and I were each solo in next door non-connecting rooms and we each got a key to the other's room... made it easier to just walk in if the other was busy showering or something.

  10. As a solo I look often at the prices and compare. I have a Nov cruise that I booked with a ghost person in the room but then there was a drop and the new solo price was less than $30 more than the total double price minus one person's taxes/fees so I changed to solo.


    I didn't feel badly creating an account for my non-cruising husband for my Apr cruise and sadly 🙂 having him 'miss the boat' to get the much cheaper final cabin price with double occupancy instead of solo. They were very prompt returning his taxes/fees.

    • Like 6
  11. I think it's a great location. Accessible means you won't have a tub just a roll in shower but a large balcony and huge room. cruisedeckplans has photos for 8125 on the other side of the elevators from 2023 and 2024.

  12. I wish there was a medical use microwave for folk and baby formula! I do a daily eye mask and microwave it at home. I can soak in hot water although not as efficient. On board I've been able to get a kettle in sky suite and this time in concierge I contacted special needs ahead of time and they put me down for a kettle... said if one wasn't available they were marking down I could get multiple deliveries of hot water daily at no charge... when I've done that in the past no matter what I say I also end up getting 2 mugs and all the tea fixings :-).

  13. I contacted the executive email before my April cruise in Reflection concierge cabin re footstools removal. They did call me back but basically said you're out of luck, but we appreciate hearing you are unhappy. Eventually they offered me a bottle of wine, but I don't drink much, so I asked for chocolate covered strawberries and they gifted me those. I was solo so I used the other chair for my footstool.


    A 2019 youtube of my 9296 cabin had two nice loungers. I had 2 chairs no footstools but at least Reflection hasn't been revolutionized so the balcony table is still a good size.

  14. Reflection was just in Key West Apr 27. We were supposed to leave at 4 with all aboard at 3:30 but with the winds they broadcast that morning leaving early so all aboard was at 2:30 (the daily left in our cabin the night before still had 3:30 all aboard on the front page). Bimini Apr 28 we were supposed to arrive 8 am but docked late and weren't cleared until about 8:38.  So be aware port arrival/departure can change day of.

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