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Everything posted by ImADaneFan

  1. The pilot just came back on and said they were now doing MSC 1st then the Escape. I wonder if they will have them go to the turning basin and dock starboard side as normal, or dock port side just to speed everything up?
  2. I just heard on the PortMiami Webcam site that they are sending pilots out to all 3 cruise ships. The Escape is 1st then the MSC Seascape and finally the Carnival Celebration.
  3. Do you happen to remember if they had the Starbuck’s Refreshers? Linda
  4. I hope you have a wonderful cruise. We will be on the Jewel in August for our southbound Alaska cruise. It’s been a lot of years since I’ve been on the Jewel, can you tell me if they have added a Starbucks during her last drydock? Linda
  5. That sounds like you have some great excursions to chose from. I hope you have a great time! Linda
  6. That sounds great! Do you get to take the Alaska Railroad from Fairbanks to Denali? The last time we went inland, the train was one of the best parts. I am disappointed that the road in Denali is still restricted this year due to repairs because of a rock slide at mile 43. I was really hoping to go all the way to Kantishia again. We won’t be able to get to the visitors center either.😔. The views of Mt. McKinley were breathtaking from there. I’ve not been to Homer, but I’ve heard the halibut fishing there is amazing. If you have any time, the Alaska Sealife Center, in Seward is worth visiting. Linda
  7. Which cruise are you looking at adding this land portion to? The reason I’m asking is we are going inland before our August 14, 2023 cruise. We are planning all of the inland portion on our own, because we wanted to spend more time in Fairbanks, Denali & Seward than the NCL land portion allows. I have heard too many horror stories to allow NCL to book my flights. NCL doesn’t give you the option to select your flights. We were able to get a great price for 1st class flights on Alaska airlines from Indy to Anchorage, Vancouver to Indy for $1200pp. It’s a long flight to Anchorage and would recommend 1st class for the extra room if you can justify the expense. If you don’t mind doing the planning I would recommend doing it yourself. Linda
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