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Everything posted by Ozwoody

  1. He looks just like a dog, one of my other daughters has. I think that ones called a Groodle. What is it these days with dogs, in my day if a dog was cross bred you called it a mongrel or a bitsa and they weren't worth much. Now they give them fancy names and charge a fortune for them. Must admit they great dogs anyway.
  2. Just for you been down and took a photo a section of a curved bit. Haven't been able to trim the grass, as the fresh laid dirt would be whipped up as well.
  3. The tree by the way started out very innocently, with Hil planting three bromeliads at the bottom, about ten years ago. We turned around one day, and suddenly it was looking down at us. I have to keep going around it every so often to pluck all the dried bits, to stop it looking as ugly as.😬
  4. The two LL is the American spell, as against the English spelling. But the US never has been able to spell, they seem to have gone out of their way to mess up my already inability to spell correctly. All I can say is thank god for the spell checker with a real English dictionary. By the way that's a great tip re the holes thing, will definitely try that.
  5. We are currently looking after a cuddleboodle or some such thing, called happy, a big bouncing clown of a thing, belongs to one of our daughters. He's being taught you don't dig holes.😑 When I growl at him, his big eyes go "Hole? what hole", then goes can we play can we play.πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  6. This is our tree Don't be frighten, its solidly tetheredπŸ˜‰
  7. I use to read his books, but I can't remember references to bromeliads. I'm not much of a gardener either, my Idea of gardening is with a machete.πŸ˜† Hil keeps a strong leash on me when we get out in the garden.
  8. They can be, as long as you keep them trimmed and maintained, and don't let the grow into an approximately 6 metre tall tree, which tends to make them a bit difficult to keep maintained.
  9. Hi Lyn (sorry am assuming Lyn) And yes they are just like triffids, they will take over if allowed, we have them almost all the way across the back garden, the only way they stay there is they have a barrier to stop their spread. I would not mind if they metaphor'd into pineapples.πŸ˜„ I would then enthusiastically encourage them.🀣 But I can assure people they don't need encouragement.😣
  10. I had thought that one of the ladies would be quick to pick up on bromeliad tree, as they are more generally into gardening than us mere males. Up until 10 years ago would not have understood either.πŸ˜†
  11. Yes I feel the same, most of the comment just swiss passed me.
  12. You know I'm surprised that no one has challenged me on my harvesting bromeliads from our bromeliad tree, what no gardeners out there?
  13. Yes I think your right TV has killed a lot of board games and card games. All the younger generations seem to be locked into their phones and TV's. I'm a misfit I'm afraid, I hate how phones are used for everything to the point they rarely get used as phones today. All I get from our kids are phone text messages, and most of those have so many xg's tyz's instead of words, that I don't understand half of it any way. Sorry, I think I'm just getting old and crotchety.πŸ˜† But why don't they just ring.πŸ˜• That's what a blood phone was meant wasn't itπŸ˜‚ Yep old and crotchety🀣
  14. When I was a kid, it was very popular, my mom & dad use to have regular matches with a group of people. it doesn't seem to be popular these days don't know why. Don't play myself, don't know anyone that does, except my SIL, unfortunately she lives down the Gold Coast.
  15. my sister-in-law is a very active player, asked if it was possible for me to make a three sided one so three could play at once.
  16. There are some advantages in living in one of the top two cities in Australis.😜
  17. Oh god, I'm with you on that, and plastering, I'll whack the sheets up, but I'm totally hopeless with the wet stuff.
  18. Wow, I'd like to meet him one day. I felt really sorry for you on the last bit.😒 I assume you belong to a production company, I use to love going to live plays, don't seem to have time these day, which is ridiculous as we're retired.
  19. Surely I'm not the only klutz left in the world, many years ago I worked in a metal works factory, one of my jobs was to cut strips of metal 4 inch's wide. I would mark the sheet off at at 4 inch points, slide into the guillotine press pedal and hay presto 4 inch strip, continue to next mark and press again, sweet A? Then I got the bright idea why mark the sheet at all, all I need to do is slide it into 4 inch mark, cut, slide into 8 inch mark, cut, slide into 12 inch mark, cut. Do you see where this is going?? Into 4 inch rulers actually!!!😬
  20. Thanks The pedestal table I made last year for our wedding anniversary. The coin in the middle is an English half crown. The crib board I made for a sister-in-law.
  21. Ohh I've had a very similar training. I love my wife to death, but sometimes I can test her a little too much. People say you married your wife for her looks, can I say not for some of the looks I get from time to time.🀣
  22. Hi Neil In my former life as a working man, I was an engineer, on my bum at a computer, designing fire and plumbing systems. how ever I always wanted to work with my hands, so when we needed to do some renovations, I did the engineers thing, rule book in left hand and hammer in right and proceeded to figure out how to do as I went, I learnt enough to know when it came to the major reno, of raising the house and extending that it was not that difficult to do, you get a builder into do it.😁 But I do do quite a bit of wood work these days, and love getting into my shed and make things. But don't ask me to free hand draw something or paint, I'm completely inept at them. And in the interest every ones ears, for goodness sake don't ask me to do anything musical.🀣 I leave that to my wife who excels at both. We all have our talents, some are good at one thing others at another. My main talent seems to be in getting into trouble.😱 However with wood I seem to have small gift, see some below.
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