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Everything posted by Ozwoody

  1. OK Cee & Possum I can see they would be comfortable, but with a dinner suit? Nah, I've got to find a replacement for my dress boots, they use to be called beatle boots, after the band made them popular, I always felt dressy in them. It was really sad day when they said they could not be repaired anymore.😭
  2. Oh god Sketchers are runners! That's what I was wearing with my suit.
  3. Alas, I'm never going to be in the "with It Crowd", Hil has tried to get me to wear some with it gear, I just feel like I'm mutton dressed up as porter house steak.🤣 I do try to look smart, but in my staid boring style.🙄
  4. You wouldn't think that it would be a significant savings on those minor things, but I suppose if you add them all up, possibly they do???
  5. I spent the remainder of the cruise on formal night resplendent in suit with runners for shoes. But with fashions these days, I probably looked quite with it........ Nah😂
  6. I had a similar experience, I had a pair of black shoes I kept specifically for formal nights, on a recent cruise on the way into the dining room, the toe end of the sole parted company with the upper, the first indication it had happened was the slap splack of the sole coming up to meet the shoe going down, then the pair coming in contact with the floor a millisecond apart. It was quite embarrassing the slap splack slap splack all the way across the dinning room to our table, and then again on the way out.😧 I had been using them since about 2010, but spent most of their life in the bottom of the wardrobe.🤷‍♂️
  7. As elite as said above you are permitted to board early. We have always arrived at the terminal about 10-10:30 after check out. Usually we are on the ship around the 11am-11:30 Some times they can be having an extra clean, which may delay boarding a bit.
  8. That's really very disappointing with Princess not giving them out now.😞 Their really cutting corners at the moment, getting down to the penny pinching. It's probably going to take a few years for them to recover from the covid years.😧 How ever on the good side of your bag disintegration, he hadn't loaded it with expensive bottles of wine or such.😁
  9. They also gave us a cooler rucksack to use on a picnic. Its been handy on quick romantic day out too.
  10. Sadly some of ours have succumbed to old age as well, but they have had hard working life and left exposed to the sun in the back of our SUV. Looking forward to getting new ones on our next cruise. That is hopefully they are still giving them out. On our last WC they gave us a large chiller bag we use each week to get our cold shopping home, and its a bloody ripper, one of the most useful things that Princess has given out, IMHO.
  11. Hi Jean, I'm with you I would not like a bath over the shower either, be difficult getting up there at my age. 😂
  12. Its beautiful country, and a great look out at the top, even the drive up the Hutt Valley was nice, well was when I lived over there back in the 90s. The first time I went over the Remutaka hill, I past the wind warning sign, shrugged I passed wind areas before, but when the wind felt like it was about to take my car for a ride, I got a whole new respect for the hill.😨😁 What attracts you to Martinborough?
  13. Have you driven over the Remutaka hill previously? If not be aware that when going over the top the wind can be very high, and can give you a fright if your not expecting it, other wise its a great drive up the Hutt Valley and over into the South Wairarapa area. Regards
  14. Especially if your worried about the size of its bill on your back pocket😱.😊
  15. I like the idea of giving the crew something to show appreciation, but why would they get excited over a rubber ducky? But if it makes their day brighter, I'm all for it.😁
  16. Like are you supposed to hide them or leave in open? Is there a link to somewhere that explains the concept.🤷‍♂️
  17. Never seen a duck on any cruise I've taken, is this a new thing, where are they left?
  18. At the time what came to mind was the Achille Lauro attack. I truly did get concerned.😬 Bit ridiculous actually we in Australian waters, but sometimes your mind does get overly imaginative.
  19. On our 2012 Round Aust cruise, woke up about 5:30 turn on the TV, an the cruise screen showed us heading back towards Perth, I thought that's strange, flicked over to live cam, just in time to see a military helicopter past the bow, Hil & I dressed and caught the lift up from deck 9 to 14, stepped out from the lift only to be herded back in, but not before we seen a large navel ship quite near along side, now we were both thinking what that! Back down to level 7, nobody there! head forward take lift to 14 again, every body awake it there. What's going on?? Guy near me tells us an emergency evac is taking place. God what a relief, I thought we had been attacked by terrorists. Yep they had evacuated decks 12, 11, and 10, as a precaution of the helicopter crashing on the deck. This whole thing had been going on for about an hour, an we had been left to sleep peacefully the whole time. Took a several hours for my heart to settle down from the terror images I was having.🤣
  20. Hi Hermitogo Assuming you applied for ETA in Australia Did you receive this or similar? If you did your sweet to go.
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