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Posts posted by 1tuckersmom

  1. Wonder when they will have more. I keep checking and don't see them. They have RC



    I check often too. Sometimes two or three times a day but I always come up empty handed.:(



    I`m not giving up though. One of these days I will get lucky. So I can wait.:)



    Good luck to you.

  2. I have a question that might have been answered before, but I looked and can not find it.


    I have a $500.00 Carnival gift card that was a gift from my family.:) The balance on my Feb. 2016 cruise is less than $300.00.


    If I use it to pay in full does the balance go toward OBC automatically or do I just apply the balance once I`m on board the ship?


    If on board the ship how do they know the balance on the card?



    Sorry if this is not clear, but maybe someone will know the answer that does understand what I`m asking.;)

  3. http://www.gojiffyjeff.com/.


    I`ve flown into Fort Lauderdale and cruised from Miami several times. We`ve cruised from Fort Lauderdale several times as well and used different shuttle services. Most of them have been fine.

    However I can truly say Jiffy Jeff Transportation is the very best

    He has a fleet of new Mercedes-Benz Vans, is very punctual, and accommodating. The price is good as well.

    I highly recommend them.



  4. We've rec'd them too... and always ignored it. BUT... two years ago on the Conquest we got one telling us the boarding would be delayed due to some kind of Coast Guard thing... and we ignored that one too and arrived with our FTTF at 10:30 am. We ended up not being able to board until after 1pm. :(That was a bit of a bummer.


    Another couple we knew on that cruise without FTTF had to wait much longer - they didn't board until 2:30!:eek:


    Soooo... long story short, the majority of the time you can probably ignore the email if you have FTTF or are Platinum/Diamond... but once in a while the delay is real and you'll have to wait along with everyone else.




    The very same thing happened to us in October of `13 at the Long Beach pier.

    We were boarding for a 13 day cruise to Hawaii.


    We met cruise friends the evening before from all over the country to vacation with.


    We all received a text that boarding would be delayed due to some reason that I`ve since forgotten.


    However we all ignored the text, went to the port at our usual earlier time. Imagine our surprise when the text was true and we had masses and masses of people show up to board. We waited a long time before we were ever allowed on the ship.:eek:

  5. I have bought Carnival gifts cards from both Lowe`s and Kroger. Used them both on board the ship without a problem of any kind.

    As other have said...use your rewards card to purchase them and it`s a win win situation.:)....

  6. What others have already said.


    Fort Lauderdale airport is my choice when I cruise from Miami.

    I also prefer to stay in a FLL hotel and shuttle to the port the next morning.:)


    The trip down is very easy and depending on the traffic can go pretty fast.


    This is not for everyone and I understand that. It`s just my two cents and I think you will be fine with your choice.

  7. We are cruising from San Juan on March 16 on the Valor.:)


    One person in our group has ask the question if he can take his backpack inside the Bacardi Rum Factory.


    I googled and have been unable to find any information about it.


    Also did a search on CC no answer here either, that I could find anyway.


    Some helpful tips I learned is that cameras are a no, no for the most part


    and where to find the taxi to take us from the ferry to the factory.


    Can anyone answer this for us?


    Thanking you in advance.

  8. Ditto what Marie said.


    We got home this morning about 12:30 A.M.. Happy, Happy, Happy to be home.:)


    Loved being with my adopted family and meeting all of my new friends.... but there is no place like home.;)


    We ALL must cruise together for a reunion cruise another time.


    I even had a nice surprise and was able to meet Dobiemom, say hello and give her a hug....However short it was I was sooooo happy to get to meet her.


    On now to get our furkids and start the day at the hospital and Dr,`s office...Monday is Ed`s big day!!!!!


    Waving to Lynne, Rick, Brenda, Jim, and the rest of the family....Love and hugs for you all from us....


    Saying good bye and waving to this board as well.

  9. Thank you all for the "fun wishes" to all of us that are to be on this cruise.


    Vicki what a nice surprise to see you drop in and thank you...:)


    This will be my last post here and over the last few months most of the time it has been fun.


    Sometime we would have a couple bumps in the road but all is well that ends well.


    So looking forward to being with Marie, Chelle, and Ms Gloria again, meeting the rest of their family memebers, and meeting all of you that have posted here that will be cruising with us.


    Dobie waving to you and thank you for checking on us and for helping us to keep this RC a float.;)


    Sorry we`ll miss you tomorrow night but I know you understand.


    Wishing everyone one safe travels and pray that I will see you all soon.....:)


    I`m gone!!!!!!;)


    I tried really hard to e-mail, post here, post there, post everywhere when I saw a drop.

    LOL, that was one way I found out people had canceled this cruise :eek:

    Maybe the wait was just to much...

    Oh who cares we are headed to Hawaii in 9 days

    Cant wait to meet you all :)


    Yes you did Marie and I for one thank you for all the help and hard work that you have done for me over the long months of waiting. Please can we just be on the ship already...?


    Chelle I wasn`t able to multi quote your comment about checking us in and meeting us downstairs, but thank you for that too...That would be awesome. I`ll be tired, hungry, and ill, by the time we get to the hotel, not to forget frazzled nerves over the LA traffic.:D

    Thank you!! Tomorrow at this time we will be a hotel waiting for our flight out the next day!!! YEA!!! Can't wait to meet all of you.. :D


    Wishing Rick and Lynne safe travels and a fun time before we get there....Double the fun will start when we do....;)


    Waving to Dobie too.


    Been so busy today that I`ve hardly had time to breath.


    But was able to get a lot accomphished.... Totally finished packing, weight is good (YAY) cooked and froze 35 chicken breast for Tucker and Izzy to have to eat while we are gone...


    Will finish the rest tomorrow... Have to cook Tucker`s rice (Izzy won`t eat it) freeze it in individual servings and I`m finished.....:)

  11. To whoever said they added passports and cash to the packing list, thank you for the idea --- they're now on mine!


    I'm happy to be in the single digits but my son just called and he had an abnormal EKG and stress test so has to see Cardiologist Monday. Prayers for a quick resolution would be greatly appreciated. He's only 32!


    Kay Lynn


    Kay Lynn that would be me, and you are welcome. I have to make a list for everything or something MIGHT get left behind.


    Prayers for your DS. Anything heart related is scary. We`ve been there twice before when DH suffered two heart attacks.:( Two years apart.:eek:


    Wish your son good luck from all of us here. I`m sure I speak for everyone.


    Well dentist appointment is done and I`m glad its over.


    Had a not to great report (have to have some work done) but I`m last in line. Ed, Tucker, and Izzy, are

    first, I`ll wait, thank you.


    My dentist wanted it done of course like yesterday...:D, but I said nope, big trip coming next week.


    Ed`s and Tucker`s surgeries are on our return and Izzy`s too.


    I might squeeze mine in before Christmas, but will more than likly be AFTER New Year, if things are settled down by that time.:(


    Well for those that are not packed (hint to Marie) ;) our time is getting short. Maybe you might want to get started packing soon.....:)


    Marie, Nick, Chelle, Ms Gloria, and Mr. Bob paryerfully I`ll see you all next Thursday night. Or if you might be in the bed already when we get to the hotel....see you Friday morning.


    We should be landing in LA just about this time on Thursday night...Next is to deal with the traffic to LB...EEK!!!!!!!!!!!


    Bye y`all.

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