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Posts posted by 1tuckersmom

  1. Good Morning H&H'ers

    Prayers for everyone, we are getting so close now and it seems this cruise has had it's issue's.

    It's my dream cruise of a lifetime, yet I feel sometimes if it's ever going to happen.

    Still have a little sewing to do on Marie's costume, then I am done.


    Chelle I must admit that some of us on this cruise have been through some extra bumpy places in the road over the last 19 months.:(


    But we all know who is in control here and I just know he is going to let us and you have a great time on your dream cruise.


    I have to get the rest of my costume together, some more packing done and then I`ll feel better.


    Thank Heavens and the good Lord Ed has been feeling much better for several days now.


    He`ll have another test on Tuesday, and then the cancer removed from his face on Thursday. We are getting there....taking baby steps though.


    As everyone knows I passed my test with flying colors so burden has been lifted there.:)

    And here we are only


    More little weeks to go

    After all we have been through

    I know we can make it!

    Praise God for getting us this far.


    Amen and giving the man upstairs all the credit for bringing us this far!!!


    Thank you all again for the prayers on our behalf.


    Now moving ahead to thinking happy thoughts of cruising to HAWAII!!!!


    Waving to Chelle, Marie, Lynne (hope you are continuing to feel better and that cough is getting better too) and Dobie, hope you are still enjoying your conference today.


    Got to run to the grocery now... Check back later.


    Have a good week-end y`all.

  2. Good Morning all...

    Not long now and we will be on our Cruise/

    Praying for Coughs to go away

    Praying for Pain to go away

    Praying for Fears to go away

    Praying a hedge of protection for all of this group, both the roll calls and all who are waiting to get on this ship in 37 days


    Time to say, don't forget to pack your ID/Passports/boarding passes in your CARRY ON!

    Who all has their boarding passes/luggage tags printed out?


    Good morning...uh oh that would be good afternoon now.


    The day is slipping passed.


    Ed and I had to take Izzy for an unexpected trip to the vet this morning, so "my free day" turned into a "to do day" and so it goes.


    I ask Ed to go with me on this trip because Izzy loves him best and it just works better if he is along.


    Anyway it is just another case of severe skin issues due to sever allergies so new meds and more prednisone for the more little girl.


    We hate giving them to her as they make her blow up and gain a ton of weight, BUT we have to do something. The itching is driving her and us crazy.:(


    She`s resting now and for that I am thankful... Ed is resting too...:)


    Me, me, me, Marie. Have everything printed and in the folder waiting to go... Now if everything goes as I have planned for the last 19 months we will be ready to go on the 17th. of October.:)


    I do have to get our passports out of the safe and into the folder. Folder goes into carryon but I wait until the last minute to get it there. I`ll not forget it though I promise...


    But just to be on the safe side remind me on the 16th to have passport in folder and folder in carryon....:D:D


    Ok prayers warriors, I need all the prayers, cyber hugs, and best wishes that I can get. Tomorrow is the day. In about 24 hours and 20 minutes I will be having the test. Not sure what I will know when it`s done but when I know so will all of you here.


    Guess I will finish laundry now and continue to dream of Hawaii.. Bye y`all.

  3. And I can't wait!!

    How is everyone doing today?? I still have my cough..:eek:


    Gosh Lynne I am sorry your cough likes you so well that it keeps wanting to hang with you..:(


    Sure was hoping you would be over that by now... Hang in and maybe soon.

    Yes, for Bobbie, the wallet has been found.

    The money is gone but the rest of it was intact, Thank you for the dog walker who called Bobbie to report he found it.

    Ok, now for prayers for Friday and Bobbie's health report.

    More prayers for Ed and a good report for him as well. We know he needs surgery but hopefully after the cruise and he feels good while on the cruise.


    Thank you so much Chelle for the prayers and the good wishes.


    Yes my wallet was found and that I am so thankful for and that alone has lifted my spirits.


    Now if I can sail through Friday with flying colors and Ed can do well after all his test next week I will be able to exhale again....


    Sorry I missed yesterday... Just a crazy day that flew passed before I realized it had ended.


    Have a super rest of the day all.

  4. Me too :) and this is it so far


    • Thurs. Oct 17th
    • Fly to Long Beach CA, Arrive at hotel (Long Beach), CA and just RELAX
    • Fri. Oct 18th Enjoy hotel (Long Beach), CA
    • Dinner at Bubba Gumps 6:00 Combo CC Group and us
    • Sat. Oct 19th Long Beach, CA ~ Leaving at 4:30pm
    • Get to the ship and relax ….Sail Away with my friends
    • Sun. Oct 20th Fun Day at Sea
    • Kruisin' Kahunas Happy Hour with the CC / FB Roll Calls 4:00
    • Mon. Oct 21st Fun Day at Sea
    • SLOT PULL 10:00 Maguire’s Sports Bar… Cabin Crawl 1:00pm Meeting Serenity Bar
    • Tues. Oct 22nd Fun Day at Sea
    • Wed. Oct 23rd Fun Day at Sea
    • High Tea on the High Seas with the FB friends dressed to fit the occasion
    • Thurs. Oct 24th Maui (Kahului), HI ~ 9:00am - 11:00pm
    • Bus around the Island and end up at the Old Lahaina Luau, Shuttle back to the ship
    • Fri. Oct 25th Hilo, HI ~ 8:00am - 5:00pm
    • Ricky’s tour with my friends
    • Sat. Oct 26th Honolulu, HI ~ 8:00am - 11:00pm
    • Military Resort The Hale Koa Luau with Bobbie, Ed, Chelle, Mom & Dad Shopping and the Zoo tour
    • Sun. Oct 27th Kauai (Nawiliwili), HI ~ 8:00am - 6:00pm
    • Chopper ride
    • Mon. Oct 28th Kona, HI ~ 7:00am - 3:00pm

    • Tues. Oct 29th Fun Day at Sea
    • Kruisin' Kahunas Group Photo 4:00 Atrium stairway
    • Wed. Oct 30th Fun Day at Sea
    • Thurs. Oct 31st Fun Day at Sea
    • Celebrate Chelle’s Birthday and Halloween
    • Fri. Nov 1st Fun Day at Sea
    • Sat. Nov. 2nd Ensenada, Mexico ~ 3:00pm - 8:00pm
    • Walk the pier area stores and see if we can find a Pharmacy
    • Sun. Nov. 3rd (Long Beach), CA ~ 9:00am
    • Arrival and we are forced to leave the ship

    Thank you Chelle, Marie, or whichever one of you took the time to do this for us...


    Maybe it was a combined effort, but whatever I for one am so happy that you did.;)


    I`m sure this was done esp. for me.:eek: These girls have cruised with me and know me well enough to know that I need a guide to lead my way....:o:D


    Ok just a short drop in for me...Off with-in a few to have a mammy...at 10:00.


    Then home to get Ed (can`t drive on base without an I.D.) to go get a new I.D. to replace stolen one, then back into town for Dr.`s appt. at 2:30...for yearly allergy check...


    Busy crazy day!!!!! See you back here when I can.. Have a great day all.

  5. Oh my goodness Bobbie!! I did not know.. Hope everything works out very soon for you..

    Meds are working good.. Thanks for asking.

    How is Ed doing??


    Hello all.. Love the dancing number..:D

    Enjoy the rest of your day..


    Lynne thank you. The missing wallet has been dramatic I must say.


    I`ll feel SOME better when all the cards have been replaced and back with me. The new debit card should be here next week and hopefully I`ll get a new I.D. from the Military on Monday. Insurance and driver`s license will take longer. Maybe up to 30 days for an insurance card.


    I hope it`s here before we leave for Hawaii. I should get a letter from them within 10 days that I can use for a Dr. or hospital should I need one with all the information in it that would work to get me by.


    Also the DMV e-mailed me a letter that I printed to have with me when I drive saying I have renewed stolen license. So that is some comfort.:)


    Still I just keep having the pictures that I can`t replace on my mind...I`ll get over it, but it`ll take time..:(


    Thank you too for asking about Ed. He ate some or rather used a spice that he shouldn`t have at noon and had a BIG tummy issue, but drank a small glass of milk (which his Dr. said he really shouldn`t do) and the pain went away.


    It`s something about bacteria and milk in the stomach that does not mix well together and could cause more trouble, but so far the milk has stopped the pain, so he drinks it...


    Are we ready to leave for Hawaii yet? It sure seems there are a lot of bumps in the highway that is trying to keep me away from the Islands.......:eek:

  6. The numbers look great and they can`t be here soon enough for me...


    A new day is here and for those of you who do not know, I had my wallet stolen yesterday...:mad::(


    So I`ve been dealing with having to get new driver`s license, insurance cards, Military I.D. card and ect. I am totally heartsick because I lost pictures that can not be replaced.:(


    The money (about $47.00) is of non importance. The cards and pictures are...:(


    I`ll just leave it there and wish everyone a good day. Waving to Marie, Chelle, Ms Gloria, Dobie, and Lynne.


    Lynne I do hope your meds are working and that you feel better today.


    It`s back to filling out replacement forms for me...:eek:

  7. Yep!!

    Went to the docs today and I am on meds for my bad coughing and he heard wheezing in one lung.. I hope the meds work so I don't have to have an x-ray..

    One day closer!!


    Oh no Lynne... Feel better fast...


    Wondering if we are going to have to turn the Miracle into a hospital ship just to accommodate you and Ed...:eek:

    Naw!!!!! I`m only joking... You are both going to be better by cruise time...:)

    I didn't get it, but if you have it and Chelle has it, that should be fine anyway

    Off to bed for me too

    I am working tomorrow (I wasn't scheduled, but she needs some help)

    I also work Sat. plus I am volunteering all week end if needed at the Oregon BBQ and Beer festival

    So not sure when you all will be Graced by a post from me...

    Good Night all, see ya when I see ya


    PS Lynne, we will be praying for you too now


    Yes, Chelle has it printed and I have it printed so all is good.


    Really I just wanted you to see that I FINALLY got the date correct...:D


    Marie you sound like me.


    If our Church or either of the

    clubs that I belong to need a volunteer for ANYTHING they know who to call....Call Bobbie she`ll do it!!! They know I cannot say NO....!:D


    I just hope you have the time to post RED numbers so I can do my happy dance tomorrow.


    Dobie, sniff, sniff....But it`s STILL not to late....:)


    Hey Chelle!


    Wishing everyone a great week-end...I`m gone.

  8. Oh my goodness. So many sweet and caring friends.:)


    You all just do not know how much the thoughts, prayers, and friendship helps and mean so much to both of us.


    I`m feeling better today and some what cheerier...:D


    Ed had a pain free night and day so far, so that helps us both to breath a little better.


    On to planning for Hawaii.. I even packed a few more items today.


    Kids coming from Louisiana for the week-end so I had to clear out one bedroom where I had put "stuff". Now it`s all piled into another bedroom and there is only a small path to walk through it...:eek::D


    Well it`s getting late in the day in Mississippi so I`d better move out of here and on to something else.


    Marie if you did not see it already(Chelle has) I sent you an updated, corrected (right date:D) confirmation for our heli flight tour.. Check your in box.

  9. Bobbie, what did Ed's doctor say? My GF's ( the one I was going to cruise with with you) dad also went to the doc yesterday. His 2nd of 4 or 5 surgeries :eek: is scheduled for Sept. 18th.


    Hi Dobie and thank you for dropping by to check on us.


    We are a little down but not out yet. Surgeon feels that Ed has other problems in addition to the hernias and may need more extensive surgery than we first thought.:(


    Esophagus wrap using mesh to repair may be another requirement. Test on the 17th. will determine that.




    We`ll need to wait for all test results to be in and will meet back with the surgeon on the 24th. to decide on plan B.


    He did tell us yesterday that he would NOT recommend that he do surgery and then give him the ok to travel hundreds of miles away because of complication that might arise from surgery...:(


    We had a call this morning informing us that the biopsy done last week tested positive for basal cell skin cancer, so surgery on that will be the 19th. of Sept.


    I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and Ed is actually dealing with the whole situation better than I.


    Me? I get stressed over things easy and worry most of the time over well maybes and what ifs...:eek:


    So having said all that, Ed says our plans still are to cruise to Hawaii. That had to be his decision as he is the one that will have to contend with the on again, off again pain.:(


    We do have travel insurance so a cancelled trip would be covered but he insists he can hurt there as the same a home.


    He has learned, I will say how to deal with it for the most part and what to do to help with the pain when it happens. Eating yogurt or drinking milk seems to rid his body of the gas. Gas is what causes the pain.


    Once that goes away the pain is over until the next time.


    Please wish your friend`s DD the best for us and I pray that he will have a complete and speedy recovery.


    Ed`s surgery will probably be the around the 11th. of November. I know a long time to go, huh??:eek:

  10. I`m here but can only say good afternoon and not good morning...


    Yes it`s starting to get late in the day but I`ve been trying to get prepared for tomorrow and our all day long doctors appts.


    Wish us luck and more important say a prayer that we can get in to the hospital fast, quick, soon, in a hurry, what ever term you want to use...:D to get the surgery over.


    Mine appointment starts early and Ed`s ends late. Well late "er" anyway and we have to travel 3 hours round trip to get to and from the surgeon`s office.:(


    Well it is what it is so off we will go...


    Excited that we can finally after 18 or 19 months and with all the things that has happened in that time (some good :) and some bad:() can say, "We cruise to Hawaii next month". Doesn`t seem real to me yet...:eek:


    Happy Labor Day to All!!!!

  11. A Good Sunday Morning to all!


    I had a busy day yesterday and never made it here to say that I love the smaller RED numbers but you all know that I do.:)


    We are getting closer to Hawaii and closer to seeing the surgeon....The day after tomorrow is the day.:eek:


    I have Dr. appointment that day myself...9:00 appt. for thyroid and allergy check.. Tuesday is a day at the Doctors for the Taylors, but in the end hopefully Hawaii awaits!!!!!


    Off to shower and to dress for Church...Have a nice day all.

  12. Bobbie, you and Ed are on my prayer list. Try to enjoy the long weekend. Tuesday will be here fast enough. :)


    Dobie thank you sooo much. That means a lot to us..:)


    Enjoy your long week-end. Not wishing the holiday away for any one who goes to work every morning (been there done that up until I retired) but I`m anxious for Tuesday to be here.


    We should have an idea of where we are going next with all our issues...:confused:


    Anyway on a happy note, waving to all my friends and wishing all a happy, safe, great weather, Labor Day!!!


    Chat with you all later... Today is SPA day, housekeeper day, and then to dinner with the DD and DSIL, DGDs, And DGSIL..:D


    Hoping you know we are having dinner with daughter, son in law, both grands and oldest grand`s hubby...;)


    Hawaii will be coming up soon!!!!!!


    Dobie I am still sad that you are not on board with us...:(

  13. Marie, Sssssshh don`t even THINK that way.:(


    Hopefully we are going to be fine. I`m wanting Tuesday to be here so that we can see the surgeon face to face, discuss our options, and listen to his input on everything.:)


    We will be ok IF we can get the surgery within the next two weeks...and the biopsy is negative.. If other wise (praying not) the Dr. will act fast on that. I know how he does things. This is not the first time Ed has had this problem..:eek:


    To many years in the Air Force working on the flight line with aircraft and after that retirement extra years on the baseball field in the sun without sunscreen..:(


    You know we didn`t know then what we know now about UV rays.

  14. Well after Ed`s visit to the dermatoligst this afternoon, we have one more issue to deal with.


    He has two "places" on his right ear area. One in front of his ear and one behind.


    The one behind (the one I was really worried about) is ok. Only needed to be frozen off. Thank Heavens.


    Different story for the one on front of his ear however.:eek: It had to be biopsied....Will know within a week if surgery is required on it.....:(


    Y`all please pray. Right now I feel as if it is going to take a "Miracle" to get Ed well enough to get him on the Miracle.:rolleyes:


    I will not even share my story dealing with getting my blood work done.. Someone dropped the ball and didn`t send paper work to Lab....:mad:


    Another story for another day.....BUT I got the blood work done in the end...:D

  15. Good morning to all my sweet lady friends.


    I`m off to yet another Dr.`s appointment again today...


    Maybe, maybe, while on the ship there will be no Dr.`s to be kept...:D


    Dobie you ask why this week is dragging, just wait until we are on the ship and Hawaii....Time will speed up then....:eek::eek::D


    Well just wanted to drop by for a sec. Have to go now and get my day started....Later!!!


    Oh my goodness. Just added another appointment to my list.:(


    Had a call from radiologist, time for my yearly mammogram.:eek:


    I made the appointment for the 9th. of September with the understanding that I might have to cancel...Depending on surgery date...

  16. Marie don`t let me discourage you from taking the bus to see the sights on Honolulu day.


    The day we went to the war memorial was an extra heavy traffic day and plus we happened upon two traffic accidents getting there.


    Even the bus driver commented about the traffic on that day.


    But we took the bus on other days and it was STILL slow...:D


    I`m good with what ever we do. I`m looking forward to our evening zoo trip to be honest.. That will probably be the high lite of the day for me...:)


    Just wondering, are we eating on or off the ship that evening?


    Off to ponder over clothes again. I did some more clothes shopping today (in my closets) only to find that I only have two pair of shorts that are not to large. One pair of those really are but I can "make do" with them.


    Well I`ll just wear capris while in Hawaii. One thing I`m sure of, there is not way that I can bring all the clothes that I`ve hung out to take..:eek: Time to start subtracting from the pile..:D


    Waving to Marie, Chelle, and Lynne... We are getting closer ladies....

  17. Good Morning everyone

    Nice to see some chat going on.

    Bobbie, about the trolly, I just am wondering if that is more of a tourist trap type thing.


    Sure we can all pay $30 to jump on and off all day, but the local bus is like $2 with a free transfer.


    And now with Ed's issues, I am wondering if we shouldn't try and rent a van or something.

    So there would be less "jumping" on and off for him, Mom and dad too for that matter.

    Just thinking out loud here again


    But if we are going with buses, I say lets wait and see how everyone feels come the day of the port.


    It might be that Ed, Dad and Nick don't want to do the busing around to the Luau, stopping and shopping and such.

    They might want to taxi over at say 3:00 and meet us under that big tree?

    I am good with what that too.



    Uuummmmm, this is all food for thought.;) The van might be a great idea and the taxi too...


    We`ll need to ponder that one a bit. I do like the idea of the van. Could stop and go as we like.


    I`ve done the bus thing and it is ok when you have a lot time.


    Traffic as a rule is VERY heavy and the bus VERY slow.:D


    Not sure of the distance (in miles) between the Hale Koa and the War memorial but bus took us 2 1/2 hours to get there...Stops every block, or so it seems.:(


    Not having been on the trolley though I can`t compare the two...Y`all know me I am good with whatever my personal T.A`s decide...:D


    Ok Chelle did you pass the NO ELECTRICTY bug my way????:confused:


    No storms or wind or rain in sight. Bright sunny, clam day and about midmorning power goes off and just returns about 15 minutes ago..


    The day I have loads to do and never enough time to do it..So off to shower now.....3 hours late....:(


    Bye gang.

  18. Oh my. Speaking of "Ducks in a Row",at one time this morning I thought that it was never going to happen for me...


    Stressful day for us... Marie and Chelle know just how stressful. It`s not a secret from any one (well unless there might be a DH that we are not ready to share the news with....:D


    We got it done though and the day is coming to an end. I for one am glad and happy with the way it has turned out.:)


    Ok enough from me for today. In only a few days we can say we cruise to Hawaii next month.....Happy Dance, then.


    Chelle before I go we may now decide to do the trolley with you guys for awhile.... Depending on how the surgery goes...Did you pre-order tkts?


    I need to be filled in on the trolley thingy...


    Waving to Marie, Chelle, Lynne, Dobie, and anyone else who might drop by.

  19. Well, Louie could not fix my embroidery machine, but he told me to just order another one, so I did.

    I will be back in the sewing room again in 4 days, he even told me to spend the extra for faster shipping.



    Well yay for Louie and he is not even going to Hawaii ...:) Poor Louie.


    Chelle remember to check out SWA fare on Monday for S.J. Our dates open then. I know you remembered.:p


    I wish that we could some how coordinate flights to where we could meet in Tampa and fly from there to S.J. the three of us.


    Today I found out that Chelsea will not be able to go on the cruise with us. .


    That is going to be the week of her midterm exams. No way can she miss those. Her whole college semester would be down the drain...:(


    Guessing I will just be flying alone and meeting you guys at the B&B... I`ve done that before too...:D Flying alone..


    Ok I know this is about cruising Hawaii, but I have all the loose ends tied for this one, now all that is left to do is wait....;)


    That and get Ed through surgery.....:eek:

  20. Good morning everyone.


    Dobie happy to see you.. You have been missed. Still wishing you was on board with us.


    I`m going to miss out meeting you and that makes me sad...:(


    We will not be going to B.G.`s. Sorry.


    Since this is Saturday I have a lot to do. Seems to me that my Saturdays have become as busy as my Mondays usually are.:confused:


    We are taking my dad out to dinner tonight. I need to drop in at the Wally World (Heaven forbid) to pick up some cleaning supplies that I was unable to get at the base commissary this week, need to stop by the laundry, and so it goes.


    I know Marie is working today. I think she said they have 2 weddings...:eek: and I know Chelle is working on cruise things, bet Lynne is busy with family, and not sure of the others...Maybe off planning or dreaming for Hawaii!!!!!


    Bye for now.

  21. Well, maybe he will have to recover a bit on board the ship.

    And we will try not to make him do anything that would hurt his recovery.

    Here's hoping his Dr see the need of speed on this and gets going on it quickly.


    Marie, Ed said to the Dr. yesterday morning when he got to the room to talk with us, "Well this surgery has got to take place fast, we are going to Hawaii soon."


    Then his Dr. ask, How, are you flying"? I answered, "Only part way, mostly by cruise ship". He answered that would be an excellent way to recover...nothing else to do but rest.:)


    I already promised Ed he wouldn`t have to do anything that he doesn`t feel up to doing.


    I`m now stressed over my dad. He`s not feeling well and right now he doesn`t even know I am leaving him. I`ve only hinted about it, not just come out to tell him yet.


    I`m taking him to the Dr. next week. Wednesday, in fact. No need to put it off.:(

    Oh my goodness Bobbie.. I hope things work out for Ed.. After chit chatting with you it would be a shame that I don't meet you.. :( But positive thoughts for our cruising together.. :)


    Lynne, thank you so much. After planning and so looking forward to this cruise and booking it over 18 months ago, I would be totally devastated and heartbroken if I didn`t get to go....:(


    Please everyone here if you do so pray for all three of us....Thank you.

  22. Marie yes we are booked under the on line price and you do not owe me anything. They just hold my card and if we do not either cancel or do not show, they will charge my card for all three of us.


    So we are either going to cancel or all 3 of us show up....:D:D


    We`ll each pay the rate once we get to wherever we take the heli from.


    We will be picked up at the pier (I have the info printed where the van will be waiting) at 10:40. Flight time is 11:35.


    Just got home from the Dr. Ed has TWO hernias (one huge one that we already had known from CT scan) plus 3 small ulcers that the gastoenterologist has suggested should all be removed at the time of surgery.


    However he said that would take away any possibly of doing it lapoaroscopy and will require a longer recovery time..:(

    Appointment date with surgeon is Sept 3rd. We should have a surgery date at that time. The sooner the better..


    The way I see it, he will only have about 5 weeks at best to get over the surgery...:-(

  23. :eek:

    I am home, unpacked, laundry is done, dishes done, corn picked and put in the freezer (had to get this done fast, it was ready)

    Now to finish my projects for this cruise, double check my packing list and dream Hawaii.


    Good morning gang and a BIG welcome home to you Chelle.:)


    Seems as if you hit the floor running, and I have to do the same this morning.:eek:


    Only have time to say we are off to the Dr. for Ed... Wish us luck..


    Oh and Chelle I know that Marie let you know that the two of you are now booked with me on the Heli tours. I was able to get us all on my flight so we didn`t even have to change flights times.


    As soon as they send me a new conformation (and they may not) as they just added the two of you to my booking. They already had my CC information on file.


    I told them just to add the deposit to my card.. Nothing is charged until we fly anyway...Hey we can be nervous together, but the scenery will be AWESOME and we`ll forget the nerves....:D

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