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Posts posted by 1tuckersmom

  1. So this lets everyone know my laptop is up and running, I`m back in the green....;)


    Yesterday was a horrible day, but thankfully today was much improved.


    I was also able to get my phone back up and running, so now I`m ready for Hawaii..:)


    Lynne safe travels to you two, enjoy Disney, and well see you soon....See you all soon....Hard, very hard to believe after all we`ve been through and all the many months of planning we are 7 days and a night away from fly away.......:)

  2. WOO HOOO Getting closer now! :)


    And I'm ready, but like Charie, I have a zillion things to do before Thursday the 17th.


    I've been busy today.


    Tomorrow I have to take Tucker to the groomers in the morning, Vet in the afternoon (thank goodness Izzy went last week), have to go to the base to get meds refilled (thanks Lynne for that reminder) and hopefully get my computer from the computer repair person.


    When I get the repair bill I could probably have bought a new one for what it cost me. :(


    Oh and another on my to do list for tomorrow, have to picky up dry cleaning from the laundry so I can totally finish packing on Wednesday.


    Today I added passports and cash to my list of "to take" things so they do not get left behind.:eek:


    I heard back from Island Marketing and my excursion has been changed. We (Chelle, Marie,

    Nick, Ed, and I) are together so I'm good there.


    My most dreaded thing this week is a dentist appointment on Thursday....:(


    When that is over maybe it will be smooth sailing most of the rest of the way....Could be a bump or two in the road, as in I have to take DD for a colonoscopy on Monday and drop furkids at the kennel on Wednesday.:(


    Ok enough rambling from me. Off to do some other things and think of how close we are now to going to Hawaii.:)

  3. I'm ready but still 11 days before we fly out.... Have fun Lynne, L.A. area is a lively place for sure.


    My favorite of course is Disney....I love it there which only says I'm still a child at heart.:rolleyes:


    Hoping everyone is having a lazy kind of Sunday afternoon. We are. Went to church this morning, then lunch, now relaxing and listening to it rain....


    Makes me really sleepy, but I must stay awake or I will get no sleep tonight...:p

  4. After 18 months of waiting and many, many, ups and downs I have a hard time believing that we are finally just two weeks away from sail a way.


    I'm packed, weighed, and all is well.:)


    If only I could get over the sadness of having to leave Tucker and Izzy for 3 weeks, and worrying a bit about my dad being well while we are away, I would be a happy camper.:)


    Once I'm on my way and meet up with all of you I will be fine. Let the good times roll.;)



    I have a question for Marie or Chelle whichever sees this first. After we had the last itinerary change and we had to flip excursions AGAIN, we had an e-mail from someone and was told to print it as proof of confirmation. Well I couldn't print it as laptop is in for repairs.:(


    I'm sure I saved it in my Miracle folder, but what I need to know is who is it from?:confused: Which excursion?


    Have a great week end y'all, I'm gone.



    Sent from my GT-P5113 using Forums mobile app

  5. I was here earlier today before I started to finish our packing.


    Well long story short, after I had typed the post, I goofed and deleted it....:( How dumb on my part....:rolleyes:


    Anyway I really didn't have anything of importance to say at that time but I do now....


    Yes, I am packed....:):) And two weeks early at that....Yea me!!!


    Now if only we can get tropical storm Karen, that may become hurricane Karen and may hit the Mississippi Gulf coast, over and done without masses of damage or more important without people hurt or lives lost I will be a happy camper.


    No, we don't live on the coast, but close enough that we are most always effected by a hurricane when it hits our coast.:(


    Ok that's it for me today.


    Hope I can post this without deleting it....:D

  6. Good afternoon ladies!


    The morning went someplace I'm not sure where, but we did have to go get flu shots and then to lunch afterwards.


    I had my flu shot last week but Ed, my dad , and mentally challenged cousin, did not. Ed is very capabile of going on his own and doing the paperwork involved, my dad and cousin not so much so I had to go too.


    Bottom line it's over and done, now I'm off to take Izzy for her yearly check up and injections at the vet.


    When that is over and done it will be Ladies Bible Study time....... This day will be almost over and there will be not a lot left for me to show what I have done today....:D:(


    Anyway it is what it is and I should be boarding a plane to California two weeks from tomorrow......;)

  7. Ok, prays for Bobbie now, we have to get you and Ed in good shape for this trip.

    I hope the Dr. can help



    Thanks Chelle, we need all the prayers we can get.


    I did get meds (well I will have meds, have to go to the base today to get them filled) both pills and a cream to apply directly to my lips.


    She says( my doctor) this is the meds she herself uses and they should work fast....Hoping so.


    She also continued to scold me about stress and still insist that is the culprit behind this, but as I told her, I'm not able to turn it off like a light switch.:rolleyes::rolleyes:


    I also ask her in a kind way why she has to use those meds if she can handle her stress. That caught her by surprise and she wasn't sure what answer to give me.:D


    Enough about me, is everyone finished packing? It's starting to get down to crunch time now.


    We are headed to Hawaii soon!!!:):)

  8. I want to fly too (I think, you know I really do hate it:() or it's going to be a looooooooog drive for us...:eek


    Another busy day for me...:( The good part about it is it the time goes faster....Bad part is my laptop is a mess and has to go in for repair.:(


    I have to go to the Dr. (my turn now) for meds and a cause for the cold sores that I keep having.


    I've taken zinc(thanks Chelle for suggesting it) used Carmex healing formula and abreva, plus chap stick....nothing works.:mad:


    I can make my lips better but they will not heal completely...They have now started to scar in the corners of my mouth.:eek:


    A man at Church suggested a script that his Dr. prescribed for him and he was well in 4 days....Off I go to the Dr.


    Hawaii is next!!!!






    Sent from my GT-P5113 using Forums mobile app

  9. We are going to Hawaii.

    I told Nick if we have to Chelle will drive here and we will drive to LA

    But we are going!

    By the time we get back those in DC will have done what they are going to do...

    He can fly home (he has to be back to work) and Chelle and I will drive back.

    So what is everyone else's Plan B? :D


    If we leave here next week we could be there in time to catch the ship....:D

    But having said that, there is no plan B....


    Collect the travel insurance I guess and cry.:(


    In case anyone is wondering my laptop has gone to pot (again) so that is why I'm

    not green.


    I can change my tablet to green, but everything is so small and I am so blind it is easier to just be blue...:D


    Laptop goes to the repair person tomorrow....Hope he will hurry, I need to print boarding passes soon.;)

  10. Chelle let Marie stress.....at least I have company...:):D


    I`m joking, it will all work out (I hope) and before we know it we will be sailing away to Hawaii!!!


    Again I hope...Seems now we have to worry about Govt. shut down, sequester, flights cancelled, ect, ect...:eek:


    I must say this cruise has had more bumps in the road than all the other cruises put together that I have sailed on.:(


    Dobie thank you for all the helpful tips on keeping Ed in line....It`s hard to have to keep reminding him to take this med, don`t eat this, drink or eat that before your meal, but so far so good... I`m on top of it...:D


    Today has been another busy one for me, but as long as I`m busy time is getting closer..


    Still worried about leaving Tucker and Izzy behind but praying they will both adjust once we are gone for a few days.


    Izzy is just a problem child. She doesn`t like or trust anyone outside our family and the housekeeper, has separation anxiety, will not eat when we leave her and over all worries me silly to even leave her...Maybe all will be well, but I will be calling the kennel as soon as we arrive in the first port.....wherever that might be...


    Right now Carnival has me so confused I`m wondering if we are even headed to Hawaii...:confused:


    I`m off now to check out my clothes to wear to Church tomorrow.. Good night from me....God Bless.

  11. Oh my goodness I have not posted for the last two days, I think it has been that long anyway...What is happening with me, oh yea I`ve been busy.:)


    Dobie thank you for asking about it Ed.. He will be having surgery on November 11th. and I guess you could say he will be getting three for the price of one. The surgeon will repair both hernias and his escophgus all the same time.:eek: Not sure Ed realizes what he might be in for...And I am are NOT telling...:D


    He does seem to feel ok so long as he takes the meds as directed... Thank Heavens.


    My toe is better and I think I might be able to walk and wear shoes by the time the cruise gets here.


    Three weeks from today we head to California.;) I am ready, ready, ready.


    Tomorrow I do plan to finish our packing for the most part and then I will feel like we are finally going.:)


    Yesterday I stayed off the computer and was very productive in doing some house stuff (cleaning the fridge inside and out which I don`t do real often) added comforter for warmth to our bed, pressed clothes that I have to pack and ect. I`m getting some loose ends tied up.:p


    Waving to Marie, Chelle, Dobie . and Lynne....I`m gone now until tomorrow.

  12. Oh my goodness time IS flying now...


    It`s going so fast that I keep forgetting to come here to post. EEK!!!


    I`m here now with nothing more to say than here it is Monday again and I`m trying to play catch up.


    I did made all my pre-cruise appts. for Pedi, nails, spa, haircut, color, and ect. today... Now on that day I will be stressed trying to make those appts, tie up loose ends, drop fur kids to the kennel and get to my Ladies Bible class on time.


    BUT will only be a few hours away from seeing and meeting all of you AND starting a Hawaii cruise....GOOD TIMES!!!!!!

  13. :eek: Oh my goodness only 4 weeks, Marie you might be correct....maybe I should start to panic too..


    I think I`m in OK shape.. Ed for the most part is packed and mine for the most part have been pressed and laying around everyplace ready to be packed.


    Well today was the day for the bandage to come off Ed`s face so that we could soak with warm water and vinegar, add Vaseline and a new bandage.


    Good grief he has 14 stitches. I understand now why he has been complaining about his face hurting...Poor guy.


    He`s been through the mill this week and it`s not quite ended yet. He has to go to the dentist on Monday afternoon, Surgeon on Tuesday, and stitches out on Thursday. He said getting away to Hawaii is looking better each day.... Thank Heavens he does seem to be feeling much better though..


    All the prayers, concerns, and good wishes, from you all has gotten us over the bumps in the road...Thank you.


    Wishing all a great rest of the week-end. Waving to Marie, Chelle, Lynne, and Dobie!


    YAY and Congrats to Chelle, Mr. Bob, and Ms. Gloria, on the nice price drop....thanks to Marie`s sharp eye...

  14. A long day, yes it was. But we survived it...


    Thanks Marie and Dobie for checking on us.


    The skin cancer is gone and stitches has now taken it`s place.

    Those should come out on the 26th. and be healed way before we leave for Hawaii...


    Waving to all and hoping everyone is having a good day and healthy days are here to stay for all of us.


    Must have been a long hard day

    I haven't seen or heard from Bobbie.

    I sure hope Ed is doing ok

    Keep them in your prayers

  15. Wow Bobbie, I thought today was a little patch of skin cancer being removed

    I was wondering why you had to turn off data for that

    I guess I miss something in the IM's the other day.

    Sometimes chating three ways and having little ones around, makes for missing things

    and that was kind of a big one.

    Sure hope Ed is resting now. And feeling better soon.


    Marie the cancer removal is tomorrow...I know...more Dr. appointments than even I can hardly keep up with...:eek:


    More issues with Ed this morning. No sleep to be had for either of us last night...Me more than him though...:eek:


    He has vomited most all night, had chest pains, heartburn, and reflux... If it is esophagus related he is having it.:( Oh and I forgot to mention a sore throat from the tube going down too.


    When I called the emergency nurse about the vomiting (that wasn`t suppose to happen) she was baffled and thinks it might be a stomach virus...


    Please, please, Lord if so, don`t let my dad and I have it too...:eek:


    Ed said awhile ago we both need a vacation.... I AGREE!!!!! to Hawaii...;)


    Hope everyone here has a good day and that ours will start improving soon.

  16. Goodevening evryone.. Another day almost gone..

    How is everyone doing?? My cough is finally starting to go and I hope it is all gone soon or back I go to the doctors..

    Lynne I am sooo happy that your cough is finally getting better..:)


    Gosh I will say you deserve to have it better. I know you have been going through misery.:(



    Good Morning! Have you all been watching the "parbuckling" of the Concordia? Fascinating!

    Bobbie, I hope Ed's appointment goes well.

    Lynne, I hope your cough goes away and you don't have to go to the doctor.


    Dobie I was watching a report on the Concordia while I was waiting for Ed. I am glad it is finally back upright.


    I wasn`t able to hear the T.V. very well as the volume was way low, did they find any remains of any of the missing that was still inside the vessel?


    For families and friends to have closure, I hope so.


    Thank you for the good wishes for Ed. We are home now and he is resting, but implanting the transmitter in his esophagus wasn`t easy for him.:(


    Now he has to keep a diary for when he eats or lays down. Push a button if there is chest pain, reflux, or gas.


    He`ll do this for 48 hours to see what is going on with the esophagus.

  17. Well I know now you and Ed will get along great...Marie


    He`ll not throw ANYTHING away and we have "junk" EVERYPLACE....:eek:


    I tell him all the time that if we live longer than he, the kids and I will NEVER be able to go through all his collections of stuff from over the years.


    He just says have an auction and sale it...:D


    Oh and tell Nick that I packed today and I packed a lot of things...Really don`t have a lot left to do..


    Some pressing, put some things in the luggage, and some that will be last minute.....I`m happy!!:)


    Oh and Marie as I was exchanging some clothes out, putting some back, adding some, I even found a Hawaiish top....;):D

  18. Good morning gang! I`m late and missed posting yesterday completely.:eek:


    Not that I ever have anything of much importance to say but I do try to stop in here often.


    Busy, busy week for us this week. Test for Ed and skin cancer surgery too. So I`ll only be hit and miss for a few days.


    Today happens to be Ed`s birthday so he`d better enjoy today...tomorrow starts the OTHER stuff...:(:eek:


    We`ll be attending the farewell cocktail party, but FAREWELL makes me sad.:(


    I will be seeing Chelle and Marie a few months later though and that makes me :).


    After that we will have to start planning Nick`s retirement Panama Canal cruise.. Just hope we don`t have to book as far out as we did this one... To long to wait and to many near misses happen.:eek:


    I`m about to go now, eat lunch and work this afternoon on clothes for Ed, and maybe even pack a tad.

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