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Posts posted by VintageGeo

  1. Good afternoon and thanks to Rich for the Daily and keeping track of the fleet. Thanks Roy, for the lists and sharing your travels with us. Don't know if bald is free, but it is progressively less expensive 🧑>👴>👨‍🦲

    Thanks to all for sharing the beautiful flowers. One of the things that impressed us on our first trip to Alaska were the flowers seemingly everywhere you looked. Here are a couple from our visit to Chena village.






    One from Noordam




    And one from Nieuw Amsterdam




    Thanks once again to everyone who helps make this thread so interesting, uplifting, and positive every day. Please, stay safe and healthy.


    Lori & George



    • Like 11
  2. Good morning, and thanks once again for the Daily and the consideration lists. We should be all in on the PA day, we get good care from ours. But some caution might be in order for Come and Take It. I tried that once with the IRS....they came and took it. 😲🤬

    Another beautiful flower, Jacqui. Thank you for all of the wonderful colors you have shared.

    It is starting to look like fall around these parts, but hasn't settled in to feel like it yet. This morning we did our senior shopping for the next couple of weeks, so it's time to settle in and watch it get warm outside.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Stay safe and healthy.


    Lori & George



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  3. 2 hours ago, DeeniEncinitas said:

    🌺🌺PLEASE ROY !!! place my friend on your prayer list. The outcome is not good but I so want her comfortable at home with hospice! 

    Please add our prayers for comfort. For your friend as well as all whose life she has touched.


    Lori & George


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    • Thanks 1
  4. Thanks to everyone for the good wishes. We took Lori's Bday 'do for an alfresco lunch, and then visited a new park that just opened here. It sits along the Arkansas river (which, as I quickly learned after moving here is most definitely pronounced 'R-Kansas'). It is a lovely spot, especially on such a beautiful October day. 






    We hope all are having one as nice.


    Lori & George



    • Like 14
  5. Good morning, and thanks for the Daily! I must admit to my eternal shame that I've only been inclined to name my cars when they were broken down....sorry, Mom 🤬

    Congrats to Fred on the new home! It looks so nice. Many happy years ahead there, we hope.

    Today is Lori's birthday, so a trip to the salon is in order. Then a picnic lunch lakeside in a local park to celebrate. That's about as wild and crazy as it gets, these days.

    Hope everyone stays safe and have a wonderful day!


    Lori & George



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  6. 49 minutes ago, Copper10-8 said:

    Joke4Fun Memes: I ate mud

    This one hits too close to home. I'm told that when I was small and would get mad at my mother I would go out to the garden and eat dirt clods. My grandfather commented once that he understood that every man has to eat a peck of dirt before he dies, but wondered why I felt the need to eat mine all at once.

    Thanks for the memories.




    • Like 6
    • Haha 1
  7. Good morning, and thank you for the Daily, Rich. Roy, as always, thank you for the consideration of your lists and isn't it always a good thing when the list of celebrations is longer than the list of needs? And thanks as well to all who contribute to this virtual neighborhood and make it an enjoyable place to spend time each day.

    Fall popped in yesterday here in Kansas. The temperature dropped nearly 30 degrees, and by evening the wind was swirling leaves that hadn't yet fallen in the morning. Fingers crossed for the small chance of rain that was forecast. We could use it.

    Hope everyone has a safe and gratifying day, and may we all find some small way to be a good neighbor.


    Lori & George



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  8. Good afternoon. We have been enjoying our "Daily" dose, and would like to thank everyone for their contributions of information, beautiful pictures, and good will. 

    A couple of memories from our Canada/New England cruise on Vision OTS:


    Sunset as we sailed out from Corner Brook



    And the final sunrise as we pulled into Cape Liberty in Newark




    Thanks again to all who share their knowledge and memories. May we all be making new cruise memories very soon. Have a safe, enjoyable evening.


    Lori & George



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  9. 2 hours ago, southernshug said:

    What all is in Sitka? Details needed please 🙂

    We found Sitka to be a lovely, charming town. But for us the attraction was in the setting. Sitka's surroundings are beautiful. We did the Whales and Wildlife excursion and spent a fair amount of time with several humpbacks, got quite close to a group of otters, and saw several bald eagles along with other wildlife. We honestly would have been happy just cruising among all of the small islands viewing the scenery even if we had seen no animals at all.



    Either is a good choice and we're sure you will enjoy whichever you pick.


    Lori & George


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