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Posts posted by CWcruisers


    I'm guessing that a lot of couples are going to be sharing though and Carnival will lose money and that will be the end of that.


    Couples can't share unless they are in separate cabins. That is why they require everyone in the same cabin, over 21, to purchase the program. It's all or none.


    I'm still a little mystified on the ships they have chosen to introduce this on. The Victory is port intensive, The Splendor has a hard time filling cabins because people think Mexico is evil, The Breeze is in Europe and the Spirit is going to Australia, starting with a leg to Hawaii beginning Sept 18.


    There, how's that for being on topic.:p Seriously, does it make sense to anyone else?

  2. Some of you might consider looking into one of the party boats that include food/drink and take you snorkeling and usually provide refreshments. There are all kinds of offerings from low priced to first class. Pez Gato is one that a lot of cruisers use and it is very close to the tender pier. You can google is for info.


    Here is a link to others:




    That way you don't have to worry about bringing your own gear and logistics.

  3. Very well written review. Very honest and helpful to others considering this cruise. Most do not realize those sea days are chilly.


    I am a big CCL fan, have 36 completed with them, however, they do not specialize in long cruises. I did a Panama Canal on Princess and a TA on RCCL which offered all kinds of day time activities such as lectures, language lessons, cooking demos, etc. Your observations on the lack of activities is right on and is something people should consider when booking on a cruise line that does not specialize in longer cruises.

  4. I don't know if I would trust myself to prescribe myself the correct drugs (watching HOUSE on tv doens't make me a doctor),,and I m not so sure what I would buy in Mexico is real or not. If I thought it was all real,,I would buy some blue pills.


    I'm sure there is the possibility of counterfeit drugs in Mexico, but with the number of ex-pats from both the USA and Canada living in the resort towns, I would think there are also many reputable pharmacies, espeically in the tourist zones, that would not do something like sell counterfeit drugs. If they did, they would be out of business in no time because these resort towns, like Cabo San Lucas, are small and if you do someone wrong, word gets around fast.


    You want to make sure you know the Spanish name for the drug you want.

  5. I support you a 110% on that, as a small business owner we paid premiums that were beyond stupid, in addition they never paid claims for anything. When the bill collectors started calling we paid them to save our credit rating and gave the finger to US healthcare. We are now self funded, self insured, funny thing - its always interesting to see how much gets dropped of a bill when you have a handfull of "Franklins" and yes we have seen 50k procedures dropped to 18K is you pay cash same day.



    People who have never been self employed do not understand the exorbitant taxes and cost that we pay for the privilege for being in control of our own destinies. When my DH and I were starting out, we had several years without insurance, and you are absolutely right, the cash discount and the interest free loans that Doctors and Hospitals will give you are huge.


    We are now paying preminum that are beyond stupid and considering quitting. If I put the $700/month I am paying for premiums into a health savings fund, I will be able to cover quite a few scenarios. We also paid every dime that we owed to the Doctors and Hospitals in those lean years, no one was cheated.

  6. I choose to self insure. Until Obama Care kicks in it's still my choice not someone else's. If I need care I pay for it.


    If I needed some kind of expensive surgery, Id go to some fancy doctor in another country with dynomite creditials who apprecites cash. The doctors in the U.S. charge too much and you can get care elsewhere.


    Fire you are right on. My mother fell down the stairs at my condo in Cabo, she had 8 stitches in her shin, numerous cuts and bruises dressed and treated, a CAT scan, x-rays and was seen by a Neurologist and Internist, given her complete record plus all test results, tetanus shot, antibiotics and pain pills, final bill.....$758.00 and instead of 4 hours in the ER, we were in and out and home again within 2 hours of the accident. Do you have any idea what that would have cost here? Thousands! And the quality of care was first rate. It's where I'm planning on having my medical work done, and I am so happy I have one foot in another country.

  7. Supposedly, Mexico passed a law that you now need a prescription, but I'm sure the pharamicist will help you with whatever you need to do.


    I've bought antibiotics all over the world including Mexico and use them when I know it's appropriate, like a sinus infections that I don't need a doctor to diagnose for me.


    They sell Z packs in Mexico. Those are the best.

  8. Why didn't I get to meet Toga Dawg? :confused:



    I must have left him in the cabin that week. I'm sure I had him with me because he always came on my business cruises and I was on one the first week of the B2B on the Miracle. I guess I didn't want you guys to think I'm crazy, which you have figured out by now is definitely the case.:p


    Toga Dawg is all dressed and ready to go on the Spirit on Friday for his annual Thanksgiving cruise.


    Oh, and did I mention he sings, HOT HOT HOT!

  9. I found this posting from him on Face Book today, just tragic.


    Michael Smith

    I've had this account for a couple years and this is the first time I've posted anything. My son Andrew was in an accident Halloween night and died. If you are someone who prays, please pray for him-if not just send out a kind thought. I've received so much love and support over the last few days from family and friends. God bless all of them-God bless all of you.

  10. Because of the time change, I wasn’t hungry until about 12:30. I stopped and got my Thirsty Frog and headed up to the Fish and Chips. I was informed that they weren’t open yet. What do you mean, you aren’t open? It’s 12:45! We’re not open yet. But, I don’t understand! The guy finally looked at me and said very slowly, because I obviously had problems with my comprehension – TEN MINUTES!! It was then that it hit me that I had read the Fun Times for TODAY which said to set your watch forward TONIGHT. Doh! I wonder when I would’ve realized that I was an hour ahead of everyone if I hadn’t gone there for lunch! I could see me lining up at the dining room at 7:10 for my 8:15 seating. Whoops!





    Seems to me you've had this problem before, wasn't it in St Thomas?:p


    And no more Roast Beef and Brie sandwiches from room service?:confused: Really, that is like everyone's favorite item. Guess it went the same place the shrimp cocktail did.


    Glad you got some chick dancing in at least.


    And from what I saw, looks like you didn't live up to your promise to not sail on Carnival.:p

  11. I am a 54 year old gym rat that cannot loose weight even if I fast for a month due to a total post menopausal shutdown. I belong to a woman's gym and most of us are in the same boat. At least we are at the gym making the fat as firm as we can, right! I eat a healthy diet of fruits, veges and lean meat, but I have been convinced for a long time that I am not eating them in the correct combinations, especially when you combine the calories burned by the treadmill and the aerobics classes.


    So a friend at the gym told me about this diet. She had lost 8 lbs in the first 10 days and she was still drinking her beloved red wine. That definitely got my attention, so I ordered the book and it came today. Unfortunately, I have a business trip to Tampa next week and my oldest DS getting married on the 22nd, but my DH and I are going to start on the 29th and see how much we can loose before our Spirit cruise on 11/18.


    Glad I found this thread.

  12. And they really do not need any more reason than that. If it's good for Carnival's bottom line, then it's fine with me.



    But if it were true, why did Carnival loan the Port of San Diego the money to improve facilities and then yank the ship? My TA friends tell me the ship sailed full all the time.


    Of course if Carnival would quit believing the overhyped media about safety issues in Mexico, it would help also. They shoot themselves in the foot when they cancel ports due to a non-event.

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