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Posts posted by CWcruisers

  1. ALL,


    Going to be in Cabo December 23, 2015 and would like to know if this is a GOOD time for a Whale Watching Tour??





    Absolutely. If you like a more intimate, first class experience, check out the Rissalena on trip advisor. $55/person includes a full lunch and a maximum of 24 passengers. If you want something less expensive, there are a lot of options available.

  2. That is a shame, but it's happened to me also, and yes, you should have asked to see the menu. I challenged a waiter in Cabo when I went to the same establishment two nights in a row and got charged a different price for a bucket of beer than the previous night. It was quickly reduced.


    It happened to me in San Diego when I ordered a glass of wine without looking at the menu and when I got the bill, they charged me $12 for one glass, not even a large one, a usual six ounce pour. Needless to say, I will never go to that restaurant again.

  3. You were probably reading about Lolo's which is behind Solomon's Landing restaurant on the marina. The locals go there so it must be good. I am not a massage person myself, but that's what I am told. They are still in business.

  4. There is not a lot of fake drugs at a Mexican pharmacy. It is, after all, where 122 million Mexicans get their prescriptions filled. The names of the drugs may be different, but not fake.



    And don't forget about the number of Americans, Canadians etc that call Mexico home. They are surviving the Mexican prescriptions quite nicely.

  5. We ended up eating at Solomon's Landing. We got OJ a beer, chiliquelis, a breakfast burrito and a chili relleno. The relleno was baked and not battered. Spent about $42+ tips


    Solomon's is always a good choice for food and people watching.

  6. One of my favorite restaurants in Cabo San Luca for breakfast is "El Pollo de Oro". They have great omelettes and other breakfasts at a locals price. They also have good fresh juices.


    If you go for lunch, you can get wonderful chicken and ribs. We order the chicken and ribs at times "para llevar" - to take back where we are staying or for a beach picnic.


    It is on the corner of Moreles and 20 de Noviembre (I think).


    Last I heard, they were closed for vacation. Not sure if they are open again yet. Lots of places take vacation or remodel in August & September when it's slow season.

  7. Mama's Royal Cafe




    It's on restaurant row, close to the town square.


    Also, there is Cabo Blue that has breakfast dishes starting at 35 pesos, they don't open until 10 am, may be later than you want. Mama's opens early, I think around 7 am, they are always open when I walk my dogs in the morning.


    Take a pedicab, then you won't have to walk in the heat.

  8. Rumor has it that Tabasco's now charges to use their loungers and umbrellas even if you are buying food and drink from them.


    If you're wanting a mellow atmosphere, try Billigan's (used to be party but no longer) the Milky Way, next door to Billigan's or the Sand Bar. These have loungers and do not charge for them if you are buying food and drink.

  9. Did everyone purchase their encounter through the ship? If you can walk to the dolphin excursion, can you purchase it directly? Is there a price difference if you did that or is it just as easy to purchase it through the ship?


    You MUST purchase through the ship if you are a cruise ship passenger. If you try to purchase directly or with another vendor, you may be cancelled.

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