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Everything posted by scubacruiserx2

  1. We stopped at lunch B location and enjoyed the beach and view . It was nice , quite and uncrowded - just what we wanted We chatted with some visitors from Illinois who were going snorkeling .
  2. We made our way to the Taxi stand and let the first one go by as we made our request to the expediter . We wanted to stop at a certain point and he said that it was no problem . As it was NY day some places were closed . The Taxi was about a 12 passenger van which was more like a Jitney than a Taxi . We set in the 2nd row thinking that we would be let off first and made our request for a stop to the driver . The price was $5.00 pp which is 100 X's what the original jitneys cost at nickel a head and gave them the name Jitney which was slang for a nickel . We passed by our stop and dropped off all of the people at the downtown area of Cockburn and picked up a new batch of people headed further North to a beach where they could ride horses on the beach . All except 2 got out . We reminded the driver of where we wanted to get out and he stopped on the way back to the port . Thus we got a mini tour of the island . We were still early and neither of the places that we wanted to eat at were open . We stopped at our usual dive shop and they were closed . The weather was still pleasant and mostly shady along the way We stopped at the house that the lighthouse keeper lived in and was built by him back in the 1850's .
  3. The amazing race HAL style Cruise Center log jam End run right around the building and breathing free air . Maps of the cruise center and the island . We were headed for the Big black , T on the map
  4. The Magic looked close enough to touch from our deck A side order of hot tubs A look at the Water Works A tail of the Whale Part Forward to the port Almost ready to go ashore
  5. A little more of Grand Turk when we first visited there on New Years Day 2022 , our first cruise after Covid on HAL . Our usual dive shop was closed for the Holiday so we didn't bring or rent gear . This future trip in November we will bring our own gear . We got a look at the island of Grand Turk as we pulled in next to the Carnival Magic We saw a fish near the surface and behind the Magic . We think that it was a Mahi Mahi .
  6. After a quick pit stop and bag drop we hustled up to the Retreat . It was about 3:30 and with no lunch stop we were ready to eat the paint chips off the wall . But we settled for a Back flip chicken and a Dive in Dog . Back in the cabin and time for a quick nap before sailing and Dinner .
  7. And the long walk back . Walking back with a couple of photo stops
  8. Darwin's peppered moth on the menu for parrots A stairway to a heavenly view ( but felt like HE double hockey sticks to our old knees ) . Photo stop for Neptune Statue We did stop at the cathedral but it was closed . Back at the port with Henry ( He looks like Tiger woods to us )
  9. The next stop was Fort San Felipe is a historic Spanish fortress located in the north of Dominican Republic in the province of Puerto Plata. Is also known as El Morro de San Felipe and was used to protect the City of Puerto Plata from pirates and corsairs. The Fort was the scene of one of the few land battles in the Quasi War, against the United States in May, 1800. The Battle of Puerto Plata Harbor saw American forces overwhelm both the French and Spanish forces. Wikipedia We were greeted immediately by a jewelry salesman as soon as we exited the van . Fortunately No gracis worked . The most exciting view was of the new Taino Bay cruise port that leaves you within walking distance from the Park Central instead of a 20 minute ride from Amber Cove . You can see the fort at the entrance to the Taino Bay at this map and how much closer it is to the Downtown . But true to form Carnival wants to keep their ports distant to keep people and their money on their property . Like Puerta Maya in Cozumel . https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Amber+Cove+Cruise+Port,+Maimón,+57000,+Dominican+Republic/Taíno+Bay+Cruise+Port,+Shore+Excursions,+Av.+Antigua+Via+Férrea+Muelle+Turístico+entre+Av.+Penetración+Portuaria+y,+Calle+Duarte,+Puerto+Plata+57000,+Dominican+Republic/@19.8172764,-70.7516183,14.23z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x8eb1ee132d97414f:0xbca5aa1607ca81a2!2m2!1d-70.7736685!2d19.8328421!1m5!1m1!1s0x8eb1ee13703e8675:0x914cfc3440ac95eb!2m2!1d-70.7014144!2d19.79762?entry=ttu
  10. We did have nice weather as it's less rainy on that visit . The original name of the mountain was Monte de Plata ( Silver Mountain ) given by Columbus in 1493 . It was called that because there were clouds on the mountain reflecting the Sun making them shine like silver . It was nice that it wasn't cloudy when we visited that time .
  11. It's about 2600' to the top of mountain where there is a garden with many plants that grow here in South Florida . Stag horn fern Shrimp plant Hibiscus White Bird of Paradise This one we don't know . Anyone ? It must have been the thin air The Australian Pine It's an invasive species that Florida is trying to eradicate but you saw them in Grand Turk and HMC . http://fnpsblog.blogspot.com/2011/02/australian-pine-one-of-floridas-least.html
  12. The wind turbines near Amber Cove Puerto Plata and the new cruise port Taino Bay This small version of the Christ the Redeemer statute was a gift from Rio de Janeiro .
  13. The next stop was at Loma Isabel de Torres . The mountain stands 799 M ( 2600 ' ) and is usually traveled by a cable car , but because of Covid , the car was not running .
  14. Next up was Umbrella Street Where there was a chocolate shop with Cacoa pod , some dried beans and a free shot size sample of hot chocolate Of course there was an opportunity to shop When we tried to make a purchase our card was rejected . Thinking that we had enough petty cash in a camera bag we found out that $ 50.00 wasn't petty enough and walked away . At our next stop the card worked and we found some extra cash and returned to almost empty Umbrella Street and completed our chocolate purchase with cash since the card still didn't work at the shop .
  15. We next walked to Pasa de Dona Blanca aka Pepto Bismo alley This passage was a place featured on Amazing Race last week . It use to be one of our favorite shows with the travel format but after this most recent version results , we felt like there was a lot pre determined manipulation of the show giving a clear advantage to the winners . It reminded us of the movie Quiz Show .
  16. The next stop in Puerto Plata was the downtown Independence Square . As it was a Sunday , church was having services . We wanted to go into the Philip the Apostle Cathedral to see and photograph it and Henry asked and they said that we would come back later when the services were over . There was a Nativity Manger scene there in the square Henry wanted us to try the green coconut water and the soft coconut scooped out from inside the coconut . With a couple of swipes of his machete the top flew off revealing our drink and snack and at $ 1.00 - it was the bargain of the day . And with that treat we had no need of a laxative ! Of course we didn't have that problem that sometimes comes with jet lag from long flights since our first couple ones were from our home port of Port Everglades .
  17. You're welcome . We have rediscovered a couple of dearly departed threads and photos from them of Grand Turk and The DR , which we will finish first before returning to our quite place , Grand Turk . If we learned anything from our BC years ( Before Covid ) , it was how to go into the save mode again for future travel cash only and to really enjoy our trips and not take them for granted . Consequently , the first 2 trips we took are a return to the good old days with fewer people onboard the trips and a enhanced bonding process with the crew members that we met on the cruise as we found fewer pre cruise travelers on CC Roll Calls willing to meet and share private excursions .
  18. We met Henry and our driver promptly at 9:30 which felt like 8:30 due to our spring forward clock resetting . We headed out to our first stop about 20 minutes away and Henry told us a little about the DR . It is one of the islands in the Caribbean occupied by more than 1 county . Hispaniola contains the Dominican Republic which occupies 5/8 ths of the island and Haiti the rest . Saint Martin is occupied by the French and Sint Maarten by the Dutch . The main part of the economy is based on tourism and agrobusiness with most of the fruits and vegetables in Grand Turk and the Caribbean coming from there . Our first stop was at the Macorix House of Rum . While waiting for our tour to begin Pat waited in the high chair There was a short video that mentioned that the sugar cane grown there was imported from the Canary Islands The short tour ended with about numerous pours of different rums . It was about 10 AM on a Sunday morning . The tour ended with the opportunity to purchase some Rum across the street which we did for some friends . The bottle was scanned when we re boarded the ship but not collected .
  19. When exiting the ship we had to walk from the aft corner to the mid ship stairway . It's almost a mile walk from there to the front gate at the bottom of the photo where it says local guides . We tried to get the tricycle to take us there but he stopped at the half way point at the Alamo car rental . From there it was about a half a mile walk to get to front gate where we met our guide Henry . We each carry about 20 pounds in gear and water and we stopped part way to look back and take a photo of the ship The Pico de Gallo
  20. We spent New Years Eve of 2022 on the NieuwAmsterdam . It was our first cruise after Covid and we had to wear masks . It was also our second trip to Amber Cove DR . The ship was fairly empty and we were the only ship in port and loved it ! Some sights entering the port
  21. Being of a certain age , I remember seeing the first manned space launches in school on TV live . On Grand Turk , near the pier to the right , there is a tribute to the first 7 Mercury Astronauts . Here are a few photos and the story of how John Glenn was the first American to orbit the earth in Friendship 7 in 1962 . He landed not far from Grand Turk where he first sat foot on land and spent several days and met with most of the other original Astronauts . The red and white canopy is the pattern of the parachute that slowed his capsule on reentry to the earth's atmosphere . On landing he was very hot in the capsule and space suit so he blew open the side hatch using the explosive bolts . https://www.nasa.gov/feature/60-years-ago-john-glenn-the-first-american-to-orbit-the-earth-aboard-friendship-7 Last week we went out front of our house and watched the Space X launch from Cape Canaveral , 150 miles away . The first photo was the second stage separation and the second was the penumbra , AKA the Jellyfish crossing the horizon . So cool !
  22. Thank you very much for your kind words . They are very much appreciated . We agree with booking a cruise , we would love to book a quickie before the summer heat and the Storm season . But the budget says for the same price we can update our hurricane protection with Storm Catcher roll down screens . It's a weak point of the house where the kitchen overlooks the pool with 3 windows and we need a lot of large heavy shutters for the French doors . And with the screen partially , down it works like sunglasses for the house , reducing the glare from the pool . We're still waiting for the permits but we wanted to beat the busy season when the weather people keep every one the edge with their overly excited forecasts . 🙄🌀
  23. Mother's Day photo Mom , Dad , and our son and daughters , half of the family for the next cruise we hope .
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