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Everything posted by MeganGC1983

  1. When Mr. Megan realizes CocoCay has an actual beach and he can’t snorkel because he’ll be at thrill water park. Wah wah. Bless your heart. It’s a kid cruise. Welcome to parenthood. PS Notice he is just realizing there’s a beach. SOS
  2. Got Brink dropped backstage. Now we watch softball and wait for showtime. Cherry Limeade
  3. The quickest of Walmarts runs. Let’s try pina colada. Seems appropriate.
  4. What was one more thing today. We went to softball photos and got some shots of Brinkley in her dance costumes and Colton in his soccer uniform as well.
  5. Woke up to check in. Then rolled over for another hour of sleep.
  6. Wait! How old is David Beckham now? Wowie wow. The only plus side of soccer!
  7. Yeah that’s sealed their fate. And was hilarious in the process.
  8. Uno mas. My sister is gonna download the app and we are auditioning for Amazing race. This season was great because I had literally been to every destination. I would LOVE to get a heavy Asia & Australia season because I haven’t been there at all. Orrrr Nordic.
  9. My sister hasn’t watch any of the newest season of Amazing race. She put it on and we have laughed and laughed at the bro/sis combo that got the car stuck in Puerto Vallarta. And another white claw. We decided if we go on, we would have definitely done the luchador detour. The horses were heavy and we both loved pro wrestling. Bring on Rey Mysterio, Chavo and Eddie Guerrero and Mystique.
  10. Dinner was ok. Stopped by my sister’s to see everyone for a minute. White Claw now. Brinkley is gonna get a ride home from rehearsal with one of the carpool moms. After my sister’s, we are going to do luggage inventory one more time to make sure everyone has everything.
  11. Perfect margarita it’s half frozen, half on the rocks. All the tequila.
  12. Is it just me or is it hard for everyone to get things done on Fridays? I had a few work issues that popped up today. I couldn’t get ahold of anyone to save my life. It’s like everyone ignores the phone and emails on Fridays now. Seems like a luxury. Anyhow, it’s 5 o’clock on the east coast… seems like a good time for me to “call it a day”. Beverages incoming.
  13. Got to the school… after throwing huge fits this morning because they didn’t want to go today, both wanted to stay the rest of the day. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Serenity now! I let Briley stay. Colton had to go get a haircut. He’s there now with Mr. Megan. Im gonna work another hour & then start Brinkley’s makeup for dress rehearsal tonight. This use to be the bane of my existence when she was 3-7 years old. It’s not so bad at 13.
  14. Colton needs a haircut terribly, so I’m going to grab them from school early. Briley didn’t even want to go, and all they are doing is watching movies and cleaning. I think 1pm will be perfect. I’m pretty thirsty today. My near death experience has somewhat subsided. I’m gonna need a margarita later while we wait on Brinkley at dress rehearsal. On the plus side, Brinkley is finally packed.
  15. How many external chargers are too many? I just pulled at least 8 from my backpack. I shouldn’t need that many for a 4 day cruise. Charging those and my earbuds now. I definitely feel like I’m forgetting something. 😬
  16. Last day of school in full effect here. I’m tying up loose ends for work, and I gotta finish packing. Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!
  17. Just got home for the evening. Have I mentioned I hate soccer? So glad spring soccer is over! Rotated more laundry. Now to check documents. Have I mentioned I hate sailing with birth certificates? Every sailing I say the next one the kids will have their passports, but I just never get it done. This sailing Mr. Megan is standing in that ridiculous line with the kids while I breeze through customs with my passport.
  18. Thanks for making it. Sorry it isn’t going smoothly.
  19. Soccer was pushed back… that was a problem because soccer was at 5:30, softball at 7. Well then softball got canceled because the field is still wet. So soccer it is this evening, then dance recital on Saturday and we are home free. I’m currently washing clothes fast and furiously. The struggle
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