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Everything posted by MeganGC1983

  1. Recap: -Sailings from San Juan are my favorite. Those islands are just magical, beautiful and different in so many ways. I probably could have done without Guadeloupe, but I will probably give it another chance but not without an excursion. -This being my fourth VV, some things are growing a bit old. The pj party could use an update. Scarlet night is still a blast but I can see it becoming redundant soon for me. Duel Reality is amazing but doesn’t have the impact the second or third time you see it. I appreciate they are coming out with new things like comedy and different guest bands. They are changing the menus and things too, so I like that. Adding the chicken at the Dock House, Valentines specialty menu, etc. I still love Loteria. And the ship is holding up well. -I really appreciate The Happenings Cast and the crew! Ali (stewart) was fantastic and we really didn’t have any problems with service anywhere. -With a big group, you really have to be flexible and go with the flow. I’m still mad that the excursion in Antigua was canceled due to boat engine issues, but that sort of thing happens, I guess. What’s next? Next sailing is with the kids in May on Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas. Thank you all again so much for following along. Any questions, ask away. Really appreciate all of your comments, as always. Thanks again.
  2. The large group wasn’t that easy to manage, but I knew that going in. Everyone has different expectations and no matter how you try to manage expectations, things can fall short… might be an off night at a restaurant or waves are rough so a show gets cancelled. All in all, I feel like it went well. Most were pretty laid back and went with the flow. The hardest part was when the ones that didn't care to plan ahead woke up on the trip and realized “hey we are missing out because we didn’t pay attention”. One couple actually said they had muted the chat until a week before we left… that’s great and all until excursions are sold out and you have no clue what is going on when. They actually had an embarkation flight changed from 1pm to 10am. We had all talked about it in November and how to take care of it, but they didn’t even realize until checking in the day before on the app.
  3. The majority of the whole group bought MNVV vouchers with half of those even all ready picking their next sail date and voyage. The new cruisers thought it was a fantastic way to see new places with a fun vibe, and Out of the whole group, only my aunt and her boyfriend (they are “loyal to Royal”) thought negatively of the experience. They sailed Princess in June and hated it. Some people just have differing opinions.
  4. No, not that I’ve ever experienced, but I would highly recommend doing it as soon as possible so other can grab the spots available. I canceled VHS workout 2 hours before the class was scheduled, and I didn’t not incur a penalty.
  5. Good morning, maybe, from Oklahoma. I slept amazingly but had some seriously weird dreams. In one, the ship sank while we were on it. Just really odd stuff. I’m catching up with my kids and working. I’ll post a recap soon. Thank you all for following along.
  6. The escalator broke so that was just a random thing. It’s never usually like that with VV
  7. You can’t use sailors loot before you board. I would get in that terminal and just keep trying to connect as early as possible.
  8. Connecting flight holds 175 and there are only 58 of us on here. 🙌🏻
  9. Inspected and checked bags. Very busy airport this morning.
  10. Ubering to the airport. I’m not ready to be cold at home.
  11. Apparently the escalators are working in the terminal. Big hold up.
  12. Everyone is fighting to get off the ship and I’m hanging out in the cabin. I’m not about to have a Carnival style disembarkation.
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