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Everything posted by Bramcruiser

  1. My favourite country is Iceland. Very reserved people but accepting of just about anything. I know that different cruise lines cater to different lifestyles but I don't think one is better than another when it comes to the "community". We encountered a wide variety of staff on different ships and lines but no one dares be openly hostile. The only cruise port I did not enjoy is La Rochelle, France. It was my first experience with the country and those who live in that city fit the stereotypes of snobs with their noses up in the air. Thankfully, my partner asked to go to Paris a few years later - which I didn't want to do. We loved it and now really enjoy France. As for homophobic cruise ports we just try to avoid those with bad reputations. Why take a cruise to Jamaica?
  2. We have been on three Silversea cruises since 2013 and have had little in the way of problems. Although we don't advertise by being "obvious" most people knew we were a couple and had no problems with us. We did a variety of itineraries including an expedition to Greenland and Arctic Canada which turned out to be one of the best cruises we had. Unfortunately, since RCCL took over, the prices have shot up dramatically so we started looking at alternatives. Maybe someday we will return. As for snobs, they exist everywhere and most people laugh at them behind their backs. Thankfully, our cruise experiences have seen little of those.
  3. On our cruise this upcoming September (on the Riviera) there is one tour I thought I would like to take at the only port of call I still had to book. I waited too long as it's not only waitlisted but the excursion has a warning saying the excursion is now closed. The problem is that none of the other excursions jump out at me. Oh well, one stop out of six is not too bad. Now to see how much luck I get when the specialty restaurants are open to reserve for the non-elites. 🙂
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